The chaddest of the chads
I love this issue
based image. 11/10 as it were.
So who is everyone's favorite non-green? I mean, it's probably Sinestro when I include him, but if not? Arkillo has always been a fav of mine, he's made me like Guy a lot more. Saint Walker is pretty cool too, though I wish he had more material.
Tough call, Arkillo and Walker are up there for sure, got a lot of love for Larfleeze, but I’ve always been into the Indigo Tribe, and of course Dex-Starr is a must. Kryb is also pretty fucked up which is my thing
Atrocitus anyone?
I've always enjoyed seeing this guy, Slushh, in the background. He's been around for a while now. Such a cool design. Was awesome to see the black lantern rings fly inside him and reanimate the skeletons he keeps.
Post weird lanterns
Olapet and Flodo Span are weird.
Space Ape
Lanterns should do this sort of stuff more.
Aliem x is better
Not even worthy of my (you)
Anyone got Alan kino?
I love his standard costume so much, it's so garish and horrid to look at, but it somehow works so well.
dbz eat your heart out
Absolutely based
What is it with Hal always being the guy to absolutely shit all over Amazo? Fucking steals his powers and straight up 1 shots him some other time. Amazo is no weak character either, dude has the powers of the whole JL.
>dude just breathed in as much fucking chlorine gas as possible
>as a defensive technique
Absolute madman
That's the kinda stuff I'd expect from a jojo bullshit asspull victory. Amazing.
what the FUCK is that?
Love it. You don't get issues devoting this much to a single fight these days.
It's two different Lanterns. Olapet is the weird plant woman alien, when she dies, a new version of herself grows in a sac on her body and takes the ring up, basically being immortal. Kinda like some jellfyish. There's been over 20 of her.
The other lantern is Flodo Span, a strange, different dimensional abstract creature that can't be seen and doesn't really have a body or even life. It used the ring to create a life for itself to interact with the universe.
That is absolutely insane and truly alien, I love it.
Someone post the math equation
So what happened to Parallax after Convergence? He was running around in space and then he just kinda disappeared, right? Or am I miss-remembering?
This one is a smallpox virus. He's a good guy and BTFO'd a yellow lantern alien military experiment virus while fighting inside another lanterns body.
which this guy is
who appeared in a justice league action episode amusingly
Larfleeze is my husbando
>sentient smallpox
>brain erasing math equation
Christ, these guy could be horror movie villains even without the Lantern ring. Good thing they're not evil. They'd make some pretty terrifying yellows if they ever went bad.
That show was served an injustice
>black girl hacking central power battery
we already told you no one cares. It's bendis.
Go the fuck back, please.
Go fish elsewhere
From what I remember his timeline of events went like:
>was in convergence-world for a while, fighting with people until all that got resolved
>went back through hypertime with pre crisis Barry, current Superman and Earth One Supergirl to defeat the Anti-Monitor
>somehow ends up along with Superman in the rebirth continuity, supes fuses with New 52 supes and Parallax Hal just kinda bums about off panel for a while in space
>encounters and fights himself
>says that was fun, you're breddy gud, other me. I have to go now, my planet needs me.
...and we haven't seen him since. Unless I've missed something? Maybe he will show up and push Manhattans shit in. I fucking wish.
His existence is very, very strange, because with the way GLs have been affected through the various reboots, current Hal and this Parallax Hal are literally the exact same person, not even retcon different. The only thing that separates them is that parallax hal was pulled out of time. It goes against both what DC has established in terms of retcons/alternate universes AND what fan headcanon has put into place. Current Hal should literally not exist because he never re-entered time to fit into new 52 and then rebirth..but yet he somehow still does. Not to mention that this should ALSO apply to the Parallax entity. The one that Sinestro has/had should not exist even through hypertime.
He's an enigma of a character if there ever was one. I'm gonna headcanon it away as Parallax being beyond/above/outside time and this interacts weirdly with hypertime.
how can one man be so based?
I liked how the bones inside him got kidnapped by black lantern rings.
Did she ever learn about Hal x Arisia? Hal turned her down with the "corps members don't do each other".
Hope Morrison uses him in the upcoming Multiverse Green Lantern stuff
Atrocitus, Arkillo and (when she was a Sapphire) Fatality. Not ashamed to admit the latter is purely for waifu reasons
Shame nothing cool came of the Alpha Lanterns.
They were semi interesting in Blackest Night and that story with Cyborg Superman right before Flashpoint.
And then were killed off in a crappy GLC comic because they couldn't think of a good use for them in Johns's finale story or something.
Why were they fighting?