What the fuck? This movie was good! who the hell are the ones who said it was bad?
Godzilla 2
>who the hell are the ones who said it was bad?
The same professional critics who said Toy Story 4 was a flawless masterpiece.
It was an improvement in most regards but they still dropped the ball with having the human characters take up so much time but still be super lame except for a few
Criminal waste of Charles Dance.
Godzilla also exist in comic. It has more or less the same status as Star Wars.
It's not out yet.
I found most human characters, their dialogue and stories to be very meh, the only positive exception being Ken Watanabe as Serizawa. Nothing truly terrible, but the human part of the movie was made entirely out of cliches, tired tropes and a few dumb jokes. The monsters were amazing and delightfully expressive, which was a real treat to watch. It all felt like an updated Showa movie. I liked it a lot, but I'd like it MUCH more if the monsters have had one big fight without humans constantly interrupting (though it added a bit to the sense of scale) and the plot had been written better.
Overall, if you like classic Godzilla movies (without limiting yourself to '54 and Shin, like most idiot critics who still think Godzilla is only about Japanese nuke trauma and those tens of movies inbetween do not count), you'll like this one.
And yet 100% Certified Fresh on RT.
People with working brains
Now fuck off back to your retard farm
Problem I heard with the new movie is that they still love to obscure the monster fights and everything's set at night with rain.
Pot, meet kettle.
I mean, they have seen it, but you can't judge yet if they are wrong or not about Toy Story yet
You don't have to see a movie to review it and know its good retard
The people who have reviewed it have seen it.
Almost like critics get to see it in advance or something you fucking dumbass
You can see from youtube clips that's bullshit, yes it's often dark but that just makes the monsters glow more impressively.
Kinda. Most Kaiju fights take place in blizzards, thunderstorms and/or at night, but they do it mostly for style points and it all works thanks to great cinematography. Every monster scene is wallpaper material and not once during the movie I had any problems with telling what's going on and which monster did what. Also, there's a giant monster on screen somewhere for almost half the movie. Two things which may be frustrating to some is how main characters keep surviving one ludicrous danger after another and how about 1/3 of the time they put monsters fighting into the background of lead actors running away or commenting what's going on. But as I mentioned before, this also helps with the sense of scale, so it's not all bad. The monsters have quite a few full body shots each, so the fact that you can't always see them in their entirety during the fights also does not ruin their clashes.
>Two things which may be frustrating to some is how main characters keep surviving one ludicrous danger after another and how about 1/3 of the time they put monsters fighting into the background of lead actors running away or commenting what's going on
So, like most classic Godzilla movies? Ironically enough This new movie suffer comparatively quite less from that.
people with a brain
>it's supposed to be bad
said the zillacell
>>it's supposed to be bad
Uh? No it's not supposed to be bad. Also, it's beside the point as the movie is actually good. Better than the 1rst one, actually.
I didn't really get how they figured out Gidorah was an invasive species and wasn't supposed to be on earth.
If you don't pay the critics, they won't say good things.
way way worse than the last one and that's a low bar
lot of zillafags these past weeks trying to convince people that the cancerous human characters were ok because its godzilla
Where is Gorosaurus? Everytime you don't see him on screen you should be asking: "Where is Gorosaurus?"
When the Oxygen destroyer which is supposed to work on every titan does nothing for Ghidorah. That and when they realize the orca doesn't do shit on him but make him angry.
You aren’t even trying to make it Yea Forums related
>way way worse than the last one and that's a low bar
That's factually wrong. The first one had a lot of issue the second one fixed.
I think they just found some ancient hieroglyphics or something that said he was an alien and just took it completely at face value. Now in the moment I did not question it in the slightest because I was just happy they even bothered making him an alien but looking back it's one of the flimsier parts of the movie.
Yeah, they interrupted the fights too much. Maybe it's just been a while, but I don't remember the fights in 2014 getting interrupted like that
You don't get to see any fights until San Francisco, and even then its interspersed with the nuke mission.
Yeah, I didn't have a problem with the human plots in 2014, but as far as I remember they didn't interrupt the actual fights when they happened to the same degree KoM did
He also regrew a fucking head after it got cut off.
But you didn’t make it about that and now the fag mods will delete it
>Godzilla walking towards King Gidorah with airplanes and helicopters flying around him
That shit was amazing.
and those who defended Nuladdin.
It wasn't interrupted because it was really short. Now in Godzilla 2, we actually get to see a full fleshed out fight of titans in the final and there was a good build up to it.
it was less crafted than the first one, minus the monster screentime. edwards is obviously a better director
the problem is whenever you did have monster action the camerwork was complete ass. which is unacceptable since it's a cg camera, dougherty is a hack
You don't need to talk about the star Wars comics to talk about Star Wars here.
The good: more monsters. Visible monsters. Fighting monsters. Monsters with personality.
The bad: more humans. Way more humans with dumb technobabble and dumb motivations.
Kong had a pretty long final fight and even when it cut to the humans we could still see the fight in the background. I liked KotM fine, but I just feel like it wasn't as well-thought-out as 2014 or Kong.
Anything with any potential that's not Disney capeshit is gonna get reviewbombed.
I thought Rodan was stronger than Godzilla. Doesn't he usually beat him, in most movies?
I thought the power level was
With maybe Ghidorah above them all as they have to gang up to beat him.
>I thought Rodan was stronger than Godzilla. Doesn't he usually beat him, in most movies?
here comes that debunked non argument again!
most of those films weren't over 95 mins and the pacing was much better for many of them, in fact, when it comes to Godzilla's screentime, his is usually well distributed during its films, only in one Godzilla film he was in like for only 5 minutes and that was Monster Zero, and even then the plot on that one was pretty good and its characters were so charming, plus alien invaders!
You shouldn't talk about Star Wars MOVIES here either. Comics and cartoons are fine. What don't people get about this?
>Kong had a pretty long final fight and even when it cut to the humans we could still see the fight in the background.
that kind of further my point, the 2014 fight had no interruption because it was short.
It might be my personal opinion, but I thought the human bit in 2014 was uninteresting. I felt much more involved with the human plot in the new movie because it related directly to the fight instead of them just flailing around.
regardless, the oxygen destroyer was stipp wasted for its way it was used in the film itself, in consideration to its original porpoise in Godzilla 54
Nigga Rodan is the designated jobber of the Godzilla franchise.
And Mothra fucking dies in pretty much every film she's in.
It had about the same amount of people as any other one, LESS then many of them even!
Yeah that's one of the things that irritated me. Some callbacks and references are fine, but not like that. The oxygen destroyer needs to be given the reverence it deserves.