Previous thread: New Episode: Episode 3: "Hop Luck/Stakeout":
/ag/ - Amphibia general
just started ep 3
It seems death is a fairly normal thing
>Blocked on copyright grounds.
Okay, OP.
When is she going to get FROGGED by Sprig?
Why is that promo image so bright? What's wrong with you, OP?
is she really a frog? Eyes (well, eye) are completely different from every other frog in Wartwood, right?
It's circle of life.
someone in the staff really has a thing for vore
Waiting for mkv format with subtitles.
shes the one who will be doing the frogging by the looks of it
I don't like her voice she sounds 5 years older than shes suppose to be and sound like a smoker.
That's what I thought about Victor & Valentino for the first two eps
What are these?
Canon drawings made by Matt
He even delivered the sideways drawing
Is this... the guy from the first ep? Who gets taken away in the first scene
>get FROGGED by Sprig
lol, no. Sprig will get FROGGED by her
That's only in the wood shop, and I guess its because they need to bring in bug things
Hop Pops house has a door shorter than Anne
How can you even watch this quality? The framerate in your file goes to a slideshow. I don't know shit about animation but the giant chicken is standing still in the intro chase in this file what the fuck is wrong with people.
I really really like how this show looks
How did Anne get wifi from the frog world?
She has a very good plan
>C'mon Anne, back in my day kids didn't think anal vore was weird
I wonder how much it costs
I dont think it was internet. She just had a photo of pizza or some cooking app
The frog faces make me think of Futurama.
Poor Anne was the BUTT of this joke
I think it’s just a saved image. Also, this shows gonna put Anne thru the ringer isn’t it
welp, we know what Anne will be doing when shes bored.
I think its made of frogs
Maby she just have pictures of pizza saved on her phone
Just imagine the things you could extort out of her for a hot shower and somewhere clean to sleep.
>Sprig is watching you sleep
All of a sudden his bride makes way more sense, and holy shit she really sold Sprig out
main frog reminds me of Bart or Fry mixed with Finn from AT and it's really funny to me at lest
We already knew she was a tweaker
>Friends give friends hot showers after they bump privates, Ann. Don't you want to be friends?
Holy fuck that’s gonna be useful
I don't see it
so far Anne is adorable, just the good balance of serious, silly and rebel.
>Frogs don't have breasts and even if they knew what they were wouldn't see them in a sexual light
>Anne just leaves her bra sitting around on Sprigs side of the room without a care
Y-you think Anne sometimes walks around the house topless on really hot days? It's not like she'd be ashamed or embarrassed in front of a species that didn't see any difference between breasts and elbows.
Anne continues to speak fondly of her human friends. I guess they're not completely shitty and they do stick up for each other every now and then.
>vaguely medieval setting
>people have corn and tomatoes
She's had no real "wait a minute, you mean they were just using me!" epiphany yet so she still thinks her friends were friends, it's probably gonna be a pretty big plot point when it does show up.
not really, she talked about her home but never mentioned her friends
>"I want one thing from your backpack, freely chosen"
I can't wait for the potato episode!
I'm liking it so far
character design reminds me a lot of Groening shows, and the kid is too hyperactive, even if he's kind of a loser
More like a 1600s setting
we don't really know how often they got in trouble before. i personally hope the trio is actually self enabling in every way, it's not just Sasha forcing the others to do shit, but the other would also kinda push sasha on the lead for mischief she would maybe not do if she didn't crave the attention to begin with.
If I see that fucking frog ONE MORE TIME
I just want to know, where did the video come from? The version of disney now would come out 1 hour later.
Can anyone tell me ?
What if they really do see her as a friend but they also fall into the habit using/manipulating her and being a bad influence?
still too early for cornfields and tomatoes in a european setting.
if this is the kinda of thing they been feeding her no wonder Anne was in the bathroom for 2 hours, probably making this face
thank you, that is really helpful.
>Anne casually arranges a marriage for Sprig
thats a damn good plan
too much protein mean constipation and atomic genocidal farts
>Fictional world where talking frogs have to fight off 10' tall bugs on a daily basis
>>B-but, corn isn't realistic in this setting
>And has his future wife give him her premonition of his death.
I honestly think Anne is the best animated protagonist I’ve seen in years
That's what we all say when a new cartoon comes out.
Are we watching the same show?
do the new episodes draw attention to Anne's tits?
I don't care about the plot because it's completely uninspired. it's just another "after the war" deal.
A really cool user records them for us. The episodes come out early on certain platforms. Check the mega in the previous thread.
It really isn’t?
>arranges a marriage
That's an awfully nice way of saying she sold him for bread
Are you sure. There are instances of corn gardens in England in mid-1600s, and French already were having tomato fields by the end of 1500s.
>not /frog/
These frogs have... really skinny legs. Haven't the crew working on this eaten them? Frogs got gams, damn it!
Fantasy setting. Your logic is thus disregarded.
you remind me of a platform. however i'm not native. That is sorry.
btw here is one with subtitle.
Same with human legs. It's just a stylistic choice
>Sold his life away for pizza they didn't even make for a contest the family ended up losing again.
Idk why hearing Bill Farmer say this cracked me up.
Haven't being following the show until it premiered so I wasnt expecting it to be so expressive. I dig it.
>tfw I will never be traded into marriage for a commodity with a qt3.14
you don wan to marry voodoo frog user, you dont know whats hidden under her bangs, maybe another eye
>got a little chameleon in you
What did he mean by this?
When people feel sick their skin changes, so to frogs she seems chameleonish in that instance
Reptiles don't seem to be sentient species in this world, so Hop Pop implied Anne is the product of bestiality.
I meant in terms of implying that either frogs in this world can be mixed species or if he was just joking
>americans can't see a fantasy setting without their daily american life
yeah, grow up.
no we don't. Except if you talk about that embarassing staffed circlejerk that is the owl house """""""thread""""
>it's a characters getting high episode
Honestly my favourite trope
Also, could we get a .gif of Anne and Hop Pop dancing around while high? That was cute as hell.
This scene?
Yes, thank you user.
The blonde chick is captured and didn't rat out anyone else despite being in chains. Either she actually didn't know or she just refused to sell out.
The impression I get of Anne is mainly that while her friends may have been a bad influence she wasn't much better herself. She isn't some awkward good kid being taken advantage of, she's flippant and disobedient and has no problem being the bad influence or being aggressive herself now that she has a hyperactive but naive friend to handle.
Yeah, I was assuming she didn't actually know as well. But she didn't seem that shocked or hopeful at all when Anne's shoe was shown to her.
I guess I wouldn't care much either if I was being kept in a dungeon, since I'd just assume the others are probably dead.
can anybody defeat super sayan god Anne Azul?
That was quick.
The Day someone pulls that goddamn stick out of her hair will be the most satisfying day of my life
The moment she gets back home she'll casually pick her hair clean in a second.
I hope Sprig being betrothed is a gag that gets brought up from time to time.
Probably not this season
if you remove the stick, does she die?
Just watched the actual webrips instead of the earlier rips.
The show looks beautiful.
I can live with the messy hair, but that whole "socks and one shoe" thing triggers me. especially since she has a pair of regular scandals
I think that's what she was made for, I doubt it's a one episode right-off, recurring gag confirmed.
the lewd frog
This is what love feels like.
I can’t really get into the show unless I know what size bra she wears.
her thai ancestry means she's not gettig big udders, that's what sasha's glorious russian heritage is for.
Yandere Goth Frog Girl
... neat!
like her already
Better question: Why hasn't her battery gone flat yet ?
Anne being ashamed or not only has a little bit to do with frog anatomy and a lot more to do with habitual behaviour she learned among humans.
So I'm wondering if she went around topless on Earth. It's possible if her parents are nudists.
That would be tackled in the next episode
Shut up you dumb shit.
And we don't have anything like the frogworld tomato plants here on Earth. Not yet anyway ...
Any links to the new episode?
I hope she grows envious of Anne for constantly hanging out with her man.
Enjoying the show so far.
I like how Anne isn't some naive goody two-shoes she's only got one! and is actually mischievous and kinda aggressive, without being a straight up asshole.
I like that.
Her and Sprig also work really damn well together.
I thought their friendship happened a little too quickly, but I enjoy them otherwise.
Yeah already posted in this very thread but yoooou have to fiiiiind it.
She was in the bathroom for two hours?