Should I watch it?

Should I watch it?

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I just watched this and I spent the entire series repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit, this is memes..." under my breath.

I fucking hated it. I was writhing around on the floor in front of my sofa for the last 10 minutes it was so painful.

You could do a lot worse. I haven't watched S2 yet, but the first season is about as middle of the road as you can get for western animation. Not great, not terrible. I like the characters a lot.

Yes it's comfy and cute

Just post a fish hook, it'll have the same effect on the quality of this thread

I am legitimately curious on if this show is good, I have nothing else to watch.

It's alright. The action does suck and the art is terrible (it gets better later on, but still). It's more about the writing and the characters. If you do watch it and end up liking the Horde, watch season 2.

Might as well watch an episode or two to form your own opinion on the show. I mean it's pretty middle of road show but you might like the characters. Worst case scenario you think it's as bad as everyone says it is.

This really.

then fucking watch. Yea Forums is terrible source for telling you about quality, only for introducing you to things you didn't know about until you saw a thread or a post

The first half of season 1 is pretty boring. It's introducing us to the characters, but not a lot happens. It picks up at the halfway point when it gets introductions out of the way and actual shit starts to happen.

the worst case scenario is that he turns into one of those spammers

>Reddit boogieman living in your head
dude just watch the show
do you have actual problems compartmentalizing your thoughts?

>I haven't watched S2 yet
Waiting for the other half to come out?


Season 2 was rad, but I think Season 1 is definitely a slow start and never really quite hit its stride.

Question, do you like action? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, the action sucks.
Do you like animation? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, the animation sucks.
Do you like threatening villains? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, the villains aren't threatening.
Do you like overarching plots? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, the plot gets forgotten all the time and barely advances across entire seasons.
Do you like witty comedy? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, most of these jokes are "Character gets tossed" or "Character says a dumb thing" type.
Do you like characters who grow and advance? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, most characters are still exactly the same as when they were introduced and reset after major events.
Do you like the original She-Ra? Yes?
Then no don't watch it, its different from the original in all the worst ways.
Do you only care about shipping and kids jokes, and don't care about action, animation, story, character development and have no attachment/actively hate the series from the 80's? Then have I got a show for you! Go watch Alvin and the Chipmunks, its probably much more fulfilling.

Is your time worthless enough to watch a forgettable adaptation of an already mediocre and forgotten 80's show for literal children?

If yes, then go ahead, my man

>the villains aren't threatening

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Okay, I'm curious, do you disagree and actually have a reason why someone with a worse track record than season 1 team rocket would be threatening? You can't be one of those people who call Hordak threatening, he straight up got rendered moot as a threat when a bunch of people trashed his house rescuing prisoners and he never even stepped out to look at them. If he's going to just sit there and let them trash his base and never, at any point in the series try to fight them even when absolute victory is assured, what are you supposed to find threatening? Oh no! He posed, and then said something really stupid before everything fell apart! Ludo was scarier than him.

Shadow Weaver jobbed nonstop until they got tired of her and threw her in a cell, Catra's entire character is 'You can easily defeat me and do easily defeat me anytime we fight, but you don't have the guts to actually stop me because this plot would be over and these people suck at this!' Who are you supposed to be afraid of, fucking Scorpia?

Hordak isn't threatening in the traditional sense. He isn't a fucking Leviathan ready to hand someone's ass over, he's a General. He's a tactician who relegates power to those under him. He's threatening because he's smart. He doesn't chase after Adora, he just promotes Catra. Someone who's practically equal to Adora. He punishes Shadow Weaver for lying to him. He doesn't punish failure, he sees opportunities and takes advantage of them (that scene where Entrapta is fucking around with the Black Garnet). He's also willing to understand his own shortcomings and listens to others.

Does he just sit in his throne room all day? Yes.
Does that mean he does nothing? No. Just because he isn't at the front lines doesn't mean he's doing fuck all.

>Do you like overarching plots? Yes?
What is the plot, exactly? Like what's the end goal? I've actually watched it and I still can't tell you. I legit don't know what She-Ra is trying to accomplish. Does she want to fight Hordak? Why? He doesn't actually do any conquering, he just kind of tells a crazy cat lady or crazy cat-lady to go do something and then fucks off to jack off in his room. Would killing him actually accomplish anything? Wouldn't the horde just keep working like it always has, but just as badly as they normally do? Do they want to get the Black Garnet back? Do they want to take down the horde? They never like, attack them or anything. It shouldn't be hard to beat them if they do, the foot soldiers got beaten by really large leaves. Do they want to get out of the pocket dimension? Do they just want to unite the princesses and then attack or just unite them because the magic lady said so and that will somehow fix everything? What are their future plans? Are they trying to sway the guys in the horde? Apparently not because they turned down Kyle, so... what's the goal here?

Do you like yuri? If yes, you probably watched it already, but do it if you haven't. The Yea Forums plebs just don't get it.

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>Hordak isn't threatening in the traditional sense.

As in, any way at all considering your followup?

>He doesn't chase after Adora, he just promotes Catra.

The former of whom immediately uses the internal knowledge of his tactics and abilities to prevent the takeover of a kingdom and then later used the intimate knowledge of his base to allow several combatants to sneak in and safely exit. Whoopsie dasie! Guess you should have dealt with that minefield of a traitorous force captain before she revealed your methodology to your enemies like an actually smart person would do!

>Someone who's practically equal to Adora.

And then she proceeds to mess up pretty much everything he tells her to do, and in fact was being brought before him because she had fucked up and Shadow Weaver wanted her to be punished for the ludicrous fuckup of her allowing a traitor with intel to slip away. But instead he promotes her rather than do general stuff because he's not very smart.

>He doesn't punish failure, he sees opportunities and takes advantage of them (that scene where Entrapta is fucking around with the Black Garnet

That wasn't a failure, though? They were in the middle of something that might or might not work and he took Catra's side, again, because Shadow Weaver wanted to keep using her magic stone thing and I guess he just wanted to watch the world explode at this point.

>Just because he isn't at the front lines

Front lines? It was in his base! They were there and the show made it clear he could have kept Glimmer and forced her mother to surrender, even if he didn't know Adora was She-Ra until she transformed that should have been the moment for him to do something tactical to stop them, something smart to make their escape a challenge or just plain use some firepower to show he could actually do something, as it stands he hid in his room and hoped those mean children wouldn't come over to him and mess with his personal stuff.

He does fuck all.

subhuman retards

>What's the goal
To beat the evil horde and get etheria back to where it was
It's very straight forward
I don't know why that's so hard to understand

>that should have been the moment for him to do something tactical to stop them, something smart to make their escape a challenge or just plain use some firepower to show he could actually do something,

If the show was written by anyone just a bit more competently that would have been the time for an absolutely amazing scene where he starts walking after them like a terminator and been a terrifying moment that makes them fear ever going within a mile of the place again for future episodes, so we know the stakes in case they ever go back.

If it was written by someone decently competent it would have been a mixture of raw power and knowledge of his base that made their escape nearly impossible.

If it was written by someone actually good it would have foregone ever showing him use any power at all and just had them barely make it out by the skin of their teeth after Hordak takes direct command of the villain squad and with careful and thoughtful planning outmanuvers and outthinks the pair and turns those effortlessly dispatched losers from earlier in the episode into an efficient and capable force that used their strengths and weaknesses to their advantage. Showing not only how terrifying he is as a tactician but actually making it seem like it might be a challenge just to face these mooks in the future. Instead of an absolute joke anytime they're onscreen, they could be a real threat.

Or you know he can just twiddle his thumbs and not even try to instantly win the war, whatever.

I gave up when this flowery chick who spoke in hyper-fast word salads showed up around episode 5 or something. It's a fun show but it wasn't for me. Give it a season if you like.

Basketcase. Ship this one to the farm.

>To beat the evil horde

Okay but like, how. We got how Aang was supposed to stop the firenation, gather an army and personally go whoop some ass using the superstate we know he has since episode 1. The Firelord specifically is heading all the invasions and shit, if he took him down and proclaimed himself the Avatar then the fire nation-who themselves will one day have an avatar-would be unwilling to fight the mediator of the world. His responsibilities, importance to the fire nation and his ability was established in like four episodes. Done and done. This isn't the issue with She-Ra, Hordak doesn't do anything besides put people in charge, to defeat the evil horde they literally have to defeat the horde, and they haven't even begun an idea of how to do that? We're like two seasons in and all I can say is that she's gathering the princesses and.. that's it? I mean maybe they're planning to attack but they don't really talk about that or have been making any plans towards that. They dedicated an entire episode to taking back a fortress, but then didn't say what it did or why it was important? Like, going back to ATLA again, there's an episode in season 1 where they have to take back the earth kingdom prisoners on a metal boat. We know the stakes, why its hard and what they get out of it, but this show just has 'a fortress' to get back, that's it. That's pretty much the whole show, they just have to beat 'the horde', but they don't say how they're working towards that or what it even means? Do they mean they think beating Hordak will do it, or what?

>this thread
I'm done replying to inane bait. I'm just enjoying the show now.
Dreamworks and Netflix didn't give this show the biggest animation budget but everything else shines: character moments, interactions, personalities, it's absolutely enjoyable.
if you want an action cartoon, this isn't it. then again, action cartoons don't exist anymore because they no longer sell toys.

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>I'm just enjoying the show now.

Enjoy your 1/3rd of a season every 8 months or so until its over, Yea Forumsmrade, good luck and I hope you get a full 32 episodes before its over.

There's 52 episodes confirmed in total, not including extra content like Swift Wind Adventures or whatever.

Did you need somebody to literally say let's kill Hordak or something? They clearly established their primary goal is to reform the princess alliance and repel the Horde from their borders. Once they achieve that they would be in the position to consider next steps, like how to defeat the Horde for good. This is really obvious stuff that's covered in the first few episodes.

Oh God I recognize this spacing.

>Guess you should have dealt with that minefield of a traitorous force captain before she revealed your methodology to your enemies like an actually smart person would do

That's the rub isn't it? That wasn't Hordak's orders, that was Shadow Weaver's. She's the one that's obsessing over Adora and undermining Hordak's orders. She was wasting resources on one person who wouldn't be much of a threat if she just left her alone.

> But instead he promotes her rather than do general stuff
I guess it was presumptuous of me to say that Hordak is a General, he's more of a commander in chief. But if we're sticking to General stuff, why wouldn't he promote Catra? In This scenario, she'd be a Sargeant. They need someone to fill that slot so why not give it to the person who had the same training as a Force Captain? Also, she kicked ass. She kidnapped Glimmer in the prom, she put pressure on Mermista's kingdom, and led a massive siege on Bright Moon. She's clearly capable.

>That wasn't a failure, though?
It kind of was. She was supposed to keep a prisoner and she let her slip. She let a POW tinker with Horde property, but he got results so he's happy.

>He does fuck all

The soldiers he sent after the princesses was fuck all? The traps, the security? That was fuck all. Also, if he is a General, I'm pretty sure he has heard of delegation. Why would the General of your massive fuck off army face off against the underlings and risk getting killed? Even if he didn't knew Adora was She-Ra, why would he try to face off against people who can summon plants and water to fight? It's be smarter to just stay put, maybe set up some security.

Also, it's been inferred in season 2 that Hordak is heavily injured. He's clearly in no condition to fight.

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You need to spend less time on the internet, kid

Nice fanfiction where Hordak is Darth Vader, bro.

Given that we don't even know why Hordak is conquering Etheria in the first place, and that he's shown to be more interested in creating a working portal than commanding an army, I don't think he's necessarily a super strong final boss type. We know he's a clone of Horde Prime, and he looks pretty fucked up from some kind of disease or damage. He's intimidating on a personal level in how he deals with his subordinates, but that doesn't equate to being someone who has any business stepping into the gray himself.

>That wasn't Hordak's orders, that was Shadow Weaver's.

No, it was Hordaks. He said "Stop looking for Adora and just put this cat who failed in charge".

> She's the one that's obsessing over Adora

Is it obsessing when, you know, she has vital information that not only could, but did in fact crash several of his schemes including preventing taking over an entire kingdom?

> She was wasting resources on one person who wouldn't be much of a threat if she just left her alone.

So he left her along, and then she was a threat, and whoops guess ya' done fucked that one up cause now she's stopping your plans. Guess Shadow Weaver wasn't crazy when she said not to leave the traitor who has all your info.

>why wouldn't he promote Catra?
Because that was the worst time to do it? She had just failed and lost what should be an easy victory.

>She kidnapped Glimmer in the prom,

When your enemy has to let you in and just say 'be nice' in order for you to get a victory, that's not much.

>she put pressure on Mermista's kingdom,


>and led a massive siege on Bright Moon

Really? She lead a massive siege with all the tech and fighters the Hoard had to offer and accomplished nothing, not a single thing. Despite just needing to toss a big rock when the lady collapsed.

>The soldiers he sent after the princesses was fuck all?

He didn't send them after it, he promoted someone and kicked back.

>The traps, the security?

That were ineffective because of the girl he left alone.

> and risk getting killed?

>Risk getting killed on your home turf by exhausted child soldiers
I mean you're kind of proving he's not a threat, period, and does fuckall.

>maybe set up some security.

Set up some security for when they're attacking? There's a phrase about barn doors here.

> He's clearly in no condition to fight.

Or plan, or do anything directly, he can't command his army, can't plan attacks, can't even work his own machines.

This guy is less threatening than Snoke.

So, not threatening, at all? Which was what was discussed at the start of this, someone got offended when it was rightfully pointed out the villains aren't threatening, and he's not. Even you admit he's not a final boss type and he's fucked up, the only intimidation is if he's talking to subordinates but the heroes don't even see the guy because he won't come out of his jerkoff room. There's just nothing intimidating or competent or threatening about any of these guys.

Just ok. Decent. Not bad.

>Nice fanfiction where Hordak is Darth Vader, bro.

Yeah because we wouldn't want Hordak to be as impressive or as memorable as Darth Vader, that would just be the worst?

I don't think you know how insults work.

Honestly I'd take 2002 Hordak, that guy was fucking boss. You remember that in the Greyskull special? Dude was like M.Bison had sex with a cyberdracula.

2002 Hordak in She-Ra would make my dick absolute diamonds. I'm not even joking this series would flip from a 3/10 to a 10/10 instantly, I don't care how stupid it is.

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It's mediocre. Not good, not bad - just bland. You only see people liking it over the "girls".
IMO, they also look kinda trash

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Yeah I couldn’t see Ben-Ra fighting this without her looking absolutely goofy next to it. It would be like that Energizer Bunny Vs Darth Vader commercial. Plus, if these artists tried to draw something that good, you’re just setting up another Monkey Jesus disaster, they don’t have 1/10th the talent needed.


that's hot!

>All this spacing
Fuck! I knew it!

Yes. She didn't care for Adora's knowledge, she only cared for what she was, She-Ra. Not for military purposes, but to feed her power.

The reason Adora kept fucking over Shadow Weaver was because Shadow Weaver kept walking up to her. If she just ignored She-Ra and attacked points of interest (whispering woods), then the Horde would have been fine.

Are you serious? Yes. That is all shit that make her worthy. Just because she kidnapped her in a "peaceful" environment, doesn't make the kidnapping any less impressive. She kidnapped a high value Target and her accomplice and gave the Horde a massive fucking bargaining chip. You yourself said as much. I don't get what you mean by Mermista's castle.

They got closer to Bright Moon than anyone else. What the fuck are you on about? They smashed up the castle. They only had to retreat because of the princesses joining forces. They clearly left a mark that they're not fucking around anymore.

>Prove your point
Oh God I am dealing with you again

My point was that Hordak is threatening because he's a tactician. He overlooks failure if he can see success, he brings in traitors if they prove to be valuable, he's fairer to his soldiers than the princesses, and listens to said soldiers. He's not a powerhouse, he's a man who sees the big picture.

The only person who fucked with security was Entrapta and look where she is now.

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That made me laugh.

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By that logic, every villain should just be Darth Vader. No reason for a story to do anything different.

compared to the 2018 reboot of She-Ra and the sheer amount of investment here and in other platforms, I ask why did the 2002 He-Man reboot flopped?

my broad strokes answer is that it took He-Man seriously and that it was a cynical toy advertisement.

Absolutely not

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I may add a note for the openings.
She-ra forgettable disco beat
He-man metal as fuck that screams '80s more than the original


Of course it's not good, it's fucking She-Ra. It's an 80s toy commercial that people tried to reboot for modern audiences. It has some /u/ bating so that people can be mad and make clickbait for it, and make people happy so they can make some clickbait out of it.

>if you want an action cartoon, this isn't it. then again, action cartoons don't exist anymore because they no longer sell toys.

There are still plenty, but Yea Forums is too damn lazy to seek them out.

Do you like catgirls and lesbians? if yes then yes.

He-chad had every ep end with a talk about the moral of the ep, like some fing 90s cartoon and they had outdated plotlines about the cold war

there are SOME episodes that are interesting and or fun
BUT the overall story is just simply bad

Bow parents are hystorians but they dont know who the princess is !!!!!!!
Adora joins the rebellion becouse she had some tasty food at a party
Abbandoning his sister his mom , his frends , his home

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By the end of Season 3, This Shitty show will be dissapear with the Season 4 treatment. Season 4 is the final.

>hitler isn't evil because he didn't PERSONALY killed anyone

Depends. Do you hate straight white men? That is your answer.