What is the final verdict on X-Men: Evolution?

What is the final verdict on X-Men: Evolution?

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Good but needed another season

It also gave us this

Don’t shill that trash

Its better than Dark Phoenix

>Its better than Dark Phoenix

Haven't seen that movie yet. How bad is it?

Remember X-men Last stand? Dark Phoenix was worse in every way.

>Remember X-men Last stand? Dark Phoenix was worse in every way.

Got to really go out of their way to fuck it up even worse than that AGAIN

>worse than X3
That sounds almost scientifically impossible

what is worse than Dark Phoenix but is not X-Men 3?

>There hasn't been an X-Men cartoon TV series since Wolverine and the X-Men, 10 years ago.
There's much Marvel could have adapted from the comics, but they would rather spend it trying to ruin Fox by never advertising one of their most successful franchises until Disney bought their competition.

The only X-Men series with real students.

Nothing about Mistiques character in season one adds up. It's really confusing until you realize the writers simply had no idea what they were doing.

the art style was very fappable

It was better than the 90's X-Men cartoon.

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I found it really enjoyable at the time. My only prior experience with X-Men was the 90's TAS, so I didn't mind the switch to the highschool setting much. Did a rewatch a few years back and I feel it holds up okay. The writers obviously didn't know what to do with some characters (Spyke, Storm, Mystique, Sabretooth...). On the other hand, Rogue was at her absolute best here and it had the most sympathetic Cyclops in any adaptation by a mile.

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Best fap of my life.

It was what introduced me to Kitty Pryde, so I guess I like it. Though I kept wondering when Jubilee would show up.

All in All being able to introduce a very popular canon character like X-23 is pretty awesome for any show really

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It was.
It was, however, not better than the 90s spidey.

The Animated Series was better, animation was worse, but art direction was better, writing was worse, but the story was better, had all the best x-men designs too.

Would you really want man of action to work on a x-men cartoon after what they did to earth's mightiest heroes and spider man?

Those were really good shows. It made people like Janet.

Do not rewatch it as an adult. It becomes creepy as fuck. Charles doesn't hide it for a second that he's building a child military merc force.

I think it can be creepier when you watch the later episodes and we have one dedicated to cam-whoring.

>Remember X-men Last stand? Dark Phoenix was worse in every way.
No way. Nothing can be worse then that. Right?

I missed the show back then, I'm watching it now. I thought I will be a Roguefag but Kitty stole my heart. The girls are all good.

It only becomes creepy because I'm attracted to girls half of my age.

>Kitty Pryde
Why the hell was she so hot?

>Kitty wasn't a cunt in here
And now I feel an inmediate urge to set all my X-books on fire.

She was your stereotypical Beverly Hills girl. But she was also nice.

Oni a jew

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Because (((they))) made her hot

I really hope Lance got to dick that jew. Lord knows she made him work for it

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yeah the 90s cartoon was fun and all but i have to agree

>I really hope Lance got to dick that jew.

Wait Kitty is jewish?

So Jewish she uses her Jewish persecution complex to call blacks niggers in the comics.

why do you think bendis likes her so much?

It gave us Laura, so yeah theres that

Comics are only slightly better at it. Charles is just being pragmatic. These kids are going to fight human supremacists, robot supremacists, and mutant supremacists, and the occasional alien/extra-dimensional being along the way. Might as well as teach them how to fight, how to use their powers, and get the best equipment for the job for it.

At least it managed to cobble together a finale. I think all series should be guaranteed some kind of a resolution.

It had a weak opening, missed a few opportunities (No teenage Storm but we get another black kid on a skateboard? Fucking Fail. Spyke falling in with the morlocks was a too little too late moment,) and I felt that Kids WB execs probably had a hand in keeping shit from getting too real (or interesting) a few times.

So while I don't entirely blame the show for its problems, it still had problems. I will state as many times as it takes, Avalanche trying to trick Kitty into stealing test answers out of a fucking safe was an asinine plot. Xavier, upon finding out Mystique and Magneto are running the high school, opines about telling the kids he's in charge of because it would undermine their faith in the school system!?! Jesus fuck that was terrible writing, too.

Though this is a personal grouse, I was also always bothered by the fact that apart from Logan and Cyclops, almost all of the destructive power-type Mutants were on Magneto's side, including Gambit and Colossus (who has NEVER gotten a fucking decent representation in the cartoons that lasted more than two appearances,) which stacked the deck and really made it feel like any win from the heroes (especially if Logan's not around) was more of a writing ass pull.

On the other hand, Kurt/Nightcrawler finally got a decent spot light through most of the series' run, the Captain America cameo was legitimately touching, and there were later good stories through the show's run. Also, Logan not showing any romantic interest in Jean Gray was probably for the best.

The show wasn't bad. It could have been alot better, but we've seen worse.

It’s a paradox you see? A shit paradox, Randy. A shitadox.


Though it could have used another season and more episodes about the normal day to day operations of the school. Both before and after mutants went public.

You don't need to ask.

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Great character concepts. Goth Rogue, girl next door Kitty, and Jean being a smart cheerleader type who dated the dumb jock at first just so she could get off sexually was pretty on the mark.

However, certain aspects fell flat. Several episodes are solved by last minute ass pulls and/or Logan showing up to save the day. (This gets dialed back in season 3 where the kids finally start to become competent. However, the shorter season 4 really makes the overall time the kids are really the x-men short.)

You can tell that the network was really heavy handed in a few areas. Several instances where you could tell the writers wanted to do stronger violence/romance/sexuality were obviously kneecapped. (See Jean obviously sleeping with the football star in season 1 that gets only vague mentions and is dropped quickly)

If you haven't seen the finale its more than likely she got with Colossus in the end. She's mentioned Colossus is a nice guy and in the finale you see her and Colossus on the same team. Avalanche is still in the Brotherhood. I just hope Kitty and Avalanche had a good run before whatever drama caused them to break up

Impressive that the girl who ended up playing X-23 looked similar to the original version

90s X-Men is what introduced me to the characters. It's what I grew up with.

Evolution was better.

Logan even Incorporated why she was Mexican into the plot.

Weapon X tries to do "Boys from Brazil" with X-MEN using Mexican Women to create X-Bastards. X-23 isn't the 23 attempt to create wolverine she's just the 23 bastard.

Somewhat. Fuck Spyke.

What's so bad about X-men the Last stand? I remember enjoying that movie.

People probably didn't like that Jean ate Scott and Logan/Jean endgame.
There was also Juggernaut
No connection to Charles
Was a mutant
Internet "I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"