Am I the only person hyped for Monsters at Work? What do you think it'll be like?
Monsters at Work
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So it’s pretty much confirmed it’ll be CGI,right?
Ain’t nothing wrong with that,btw. CGI on a tv budget can look great.
>All Hail King Julien
>Adventures of Puss in Boots
>Troll Hunters
All Dreamworks Netflix shows that look great. If Disney actually puts the budget and effort, I think Monsters at Worl can look great and be entertaining.
There's not a chance he'll make it in, right?
if that skinny yellow fucker is a main character than the show is ruined before it even began
What's wrong with him?
Are Crystal and Goodman in it or is it those shitty guys from KH3?
it's the real deal, Billy Crystal & John Goodman are returning and it is the 1st fully CG Series from PIXAR
Not the same user but; while Monster's Inc isn't known for having the most orignial or creative designs, this yellow dude guy is omega generic.
If their goal was to create the most mayo white pussiboi monstersona then they achived it.
I thought they did a pretty good job in KH3 actually, especially whoever did Mike.
TrollHunters was the only one of those that looked good for TV CG.
Doesn't that show have a movie-sized budget?
No Brock, no watch
how many episodes?
Just wait 15 years
I bet they're paying John Goodman a shit load after what happened with Rosanne. However I think this is going to be like Poe Dameron and Phasma in Resistance where they only show up in like 4 episodes and we follow OCs around for the other 18
With the focus apparently being on the new monsters, it might be interesting if some overarching thread was them starting to uncover what Mike and Sully actually got up to in the first movie. Sort of a dramatic irony thing where the audience already knows kids aren't toxic but to the news guys its like unraveling a conspiracy.
K-kawaii... Where's that from? Just some browser game?
was Monster's University a flop? I thought it was okay.
Yep, Zootopia Crime Files. But unfortunately the developers shut down and it got removed from the app store. Even if it was just a hidden objects game the mystery of the week portions were pretty comfy.
It's a mobile game. Zootopia Crime Files.
Unknown ATM.
will the reference the time sully yeeted an anime edgelord through 4 different doors
Mid-low tier for Pixar's standard.
Will probably be more excited once it's actually out. The Monster's Inc. stuff in Kingdom Hearts has tided me over for the time being.
After Tangled and Big Hero 6 have had great series continuations, I think this could turn out great as well. If it really is CGI, I hope it looks great. Would be neat if they used that CG for other shows as well if it looks good. Cautiously optimistic overall.
I thought Crystal and Goodman WERE in KH3 tho?
Aw shit it was removed? Aw well. It's up on YouTube
it is before or after the Boo incident?
Not even a furfag but a Zootopia show could be pretty neat. I think it would honestly work better as a series compared to the standalone film.
That depends will pic related return? If not then no
wow, pixar is becoming Dreamworks 2.0
And that's a good thing.
I sure as hell hope so. This franchise would be boring as shit without an Antagonist
Considering Randall has been in literally everything Monster's Inc related including KH3 I'll be more surprised if he didn't show up at some point
I hope we get some cute new waifus in this show!
Because by GODS did Monster's University (for all its faults) deliver so well on the Waifu front
Late response but personally I don't think Zootopia needs a show. The character's personalities would be watered down and made generic and it would likely be an episodic format without a real on going plot which can stagnate them.
I don't mind waiting for the sequel since if the rumors are true we are supposed to be getting one.
Couldn't agree more user!
Claire best girl
>Tfw no Grand-Milf Monster Waifu
My question is...HOW?
Doesn't Pixar spend their entire budget on one short and one movie per year? (I mean there was that time when Inside Out and The Good Dinosaur were released in the same year but still)
How are they gonna have time to do a series?
Didn't Toy Story 4 go to theaters without a short in front of it?
TV show could be better than sequel. Exploring the Zootopolis and its suburbs with slice of life episodes mixed with detective elements could be nice.
>Monsters at Work
I would KILL for SoL zootopia.
apkpure has a copy of the app.
Pixar isn’t producing these. Disney subcontract will.
>if the rumors are true
I've mixed feelings about having a sequel (2, reportedly). The magic of the original will be hard to beat and i'd hate to see it tarnished.
The original voice of Spyro and Rocko IIRC.
I'm still holding off judgement until I see some animation.
I mean, Mike and Sully in that image are literally taken from a poster of the original film. I can't be hyped over renders I've seen for over 15 years.
Pixar’s not animating this, it’s being done by DTV
I mean, the monsters aleady know children aren't toxic by the end of the movie. That's why they're comfortable interacting with them to make them laugh.