

Attached: This right here is the BEST Steven Universe song! Rebecca Sugar is an immensely talented songwriter (1920x1080, 578K)

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but not too familiar


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What song is this referencing?

... oh hey I forgot I enjoyed that song. Steven's voice is really nice in this one. It's a sad, nostalgic song.

i like this show more than most here but i want to shoot myself whenever Steven starts singing excluding Full Disclosure

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It's a Departure by The Long Winters


what if the mcelroys wrote an episode of SU

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What’s wrong with “Both of You”? I thought it was beautiful.


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imagine if a beautiful angel had a duet with a wheezing gremlin

that is all of steven and pearl's songs

Fuck you, "Strong in the Real Way" is god-tier: youtube.com/watch?v=1d6v9GXBGKg

Attached: 'Member when our longest hiatus was just three months?.jpg (900x571, 178K)

Zack's been deepening his voice for certain parts of the show now and Familiar is where it shines the most. Great episode, great song.

why did Pearl so adamantly refuse to have fun?

Because she's not fond of shapeshifting.

Why, you ask? Go check out "A Single Pale Rose" and check back with me.

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>i want to shoot myself whenever Steven starts singing

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>wheezing gremlin
Are we watching the same show, user? Zach's songs are perfect!

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Thanks for proving my point. Steven sounds like an angel, so long as he’s singing and isn’t talking.

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>chubby shota fap fuel
Yes please

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Becky knows what we want

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Reminder: Anyone who wants to get into steven universe, once you reach Nightmare Hospital drop the series ASAP.
The series does not get any better then the Season 1 finale, and drops in quality off a fucking cliff.

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Fuck off, SU has its fair share of duds over the course of the series, but the show as a whole has so many highs and well-executed, memorable moments that make watching every episode well worth it.

Name 1 past nightmare hospital. I'll wait so I can laugh at you.

>m-muh "Sadie's Song RUINED THE SHOW FOR ME!!"
Oh, grow up.

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Not once did I say that, not only that but it's a known fact that after Nightmare Hospital the show took a huge dip in quality, only focusing on townies, having steven bombs that murdered the pacing, inconsistent art styles that were praised, the non plot progression for over 20 episodes, having half of Summer of Steven being townie episodes.
But keep being delusional and pretending like none of these matter and that i'm only complaining about yet another boring episode that focuses on the most boring character of all.

I liked the Thanksgiving episode, but that's mostly because of Dave Willis.

now now user i wouldn't call pearl a gremlin

nightmare hospital wasn't a very good episode. Frybo and Cat Fingers did creepy monsters better.

Some of the best episodes are way after S1. You're watching a pretty standard cartoon if you leave it there.

>only focusing on townies
>having steven bombs that murdered the pacing
The Townie episodes developed Beach City's human residents through more-or-less standalone stories, each with a valuable lesson to gain from the episode.

While many of these episodes did take time away from the Crystal Gems--the show's main attraction--they were still entertaining in their own right, and aided in showing "the beauty of life on Earth," one of the show's ongoing themes (Rebecca likes to call it "reverse escapism").

Also, don't act like Townie episodes took over the entire rest of the series. We got Peridot's redemption, the gradual introduction of the Diamonds and Rose's surprise relation to them, and much more. The pacing of all this stuff was perfectly fine; you shouldn't blame the show for CN's dumb StevenBombs.

>inconsistent art styles
That's what makes the show so fun to watch on a visual standpoint. Yea Forums needs to stop whining about SU not being a strict action show. It's also a fantasy series, a sci-fi epic, a sitcom comedy, and a silly cartoon.

>the non plot progression for over 20 episodes, having half of Summer of Steven being townie episodes
See paragraphs above.

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Steven looked cute in the Pink Diamond outfit. I have a soft spot for characters in cute, poofy dresses.

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>wanting Steven in drag

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It's a pink jester's outfit, how is that drag?

Why didn't she board this specific scene in "Change Your Mind"? I don't know who was responsible, but the way it's drawn in the actual episode looked like shit.

Attached: Rebecca Sugar's 'Change Your Mind' promo.gif (640x640, 2.3M)

based and wholesomepilled

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user is mad about steven universe you guys


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I feel your pain steven....

Yeah, he looked adorable in that outfit

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it's better for the heart to like SU for what it is doing and not what it could have been

besides, we can always steal its squandered ideas and repurpose them for our own use.

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>another edgelord doomer and depressing lyrics in a kids show
>wow! Soooo deep!!!!

>Yo what's up I'm Steve, this is my partner Steve, we're the two Steves

Familiar isn't depressing, it's melancholy and ends on a hopeful note.

wow ur cool

this is the appropiate choice

A boy who can keep in tune can't reasonably be expected to keep up with a classically trained Broadway actress

more people would like his songs if other, far better singers didn't keep getting shafted. like literally any gem in the cast except amethyst and ruby can sing better than him, but with the exception of pearl, have no or few songs.

Joe Johnston did, doesn’t help that that section of the episode was done by Rough Draft


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Where will you be when Alonso Ramirez Ramos singlehandedly saves SU?


Attached: ¡Feliz Cumpleaños!.webm (848x470, 165K)

I'm pretty sure there's pirate gold like a hundred yards behind all those underwater warning signs.

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wait is Steven just genderbent rebeca?


Maybe it was just the coloring in that scene that made it look bad

Yes it is familiar

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What will be your favorite moment in the upcoming musical? Mine will be Steven singing Maybe I'm Amazed as a duet with Sir Paul McCartney. I'm really looking for it.

So just skip the townie episodes lol.

it's cringe incarnate
I literally couldn't even get through it, I still haven't watched the ending to Change Your Mind because I just can't sit through his song

Pfft, your loss. Steven’s songs are great.

I really, REALLY want more Padparadscha porn

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