

>Already established character
>Obnoxious, but entertaining
>Could've been redeemed
>Could've been the first MtF transgender character in the MCU, like that one time in the comics
>One of the few sentient robot characters in the series, making him an ethnic minority

>Not even a cameo in Endgame

Captain Marvel

>Literally thrown into the MCU at the very last second
>Bland, Mary Sue
>Was only introduced into the MCU because muh feminism, so she can't lose the tits and become a guy, because men are evil
>Cis white female

>Took up screen time in Endgame that could've been spent on a better character(s) like Ultron

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Other urls found in this thread:


I wasn't aware mcutronfags existed

The point of this thread is what, exactly? Shit on Carol by drawing the most hackneyed comparison I've seen thus far?
Just make a straight up Carol hate thread, it's not like people here need an excuse for that.
>inb4 seething, cope, etc
You're the one who apparently wants an Ultron thread, but since you can't really talk about him without addressing how much of a throwaway of a villain he was, you had to drag Carol into this. So you tell me.

Let's be honest here. The trailers made him really menacing

tfw when we missed out on jantron showing up out of no where and turning thanus into a jantron clone

Yeah, we exist, but ironically

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Ultron was such a fucking disappointment of a villain


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MCUonly here. Ive been thinking about getting into the comics. Can someone pls tell me what op is talking about with this whole transgender bs with ultron?

Ultron 19 took on the human form of a woman

It's some ridiculous shit and fapbait fuel that took place in Bendis' Avengers, where Ultron took the form of Janet van Dyne ( because Hank Pym has issues) and was naked and drawn by Frank Cho. That's it. I'm sure someone else will produce a heavily edited picture where she's performing some facesitting.

Obviously a bait thread, but fuck it, I'll bite. What the hell does Ultron being an "ethnic minority" have to do with anything?

I always interpreted it as an imminent hostile brapping

More specifically he turned Tony into a robot Janet clone and then took over.

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You're missing the part where Ultron used Tony's body and Extremis to do it. That was the main appeal to the fapbait.

I mean, I glossed over the details, but surely you all get the point.

Jesus Christ, Quiptron has been dead for nearly half a decade, OP. Get over it


Now they're elaborating on the idea of multiverses there's gotta be something about travelling to a world where Ultron won and Earth's only sentient life is billions of copies of him quipping to himself, but the planet has also fully recovered ecologically and is a utopia for freely roaming animals and he successfully defeated Thanos by himself proving he was right.

It's a Carol hate thread, but it's also a robosexual Ultron husbando thread. This is unusual enough that it's probably best to wait and see where OP goes with this.

I just felt like making a shitty comparison thread

Brownie points from Tumblrinas and SJWs


It's kind of like Grievousfags where there's a divide between their idea of the character and the movie's portrayal of them. Grievousfags have the Tartakovsky series, and MCUltronfags have menacing trailer Ultron.

Yea Forums, would you surrender to Ultron if it meant becoming a clone of Janet van Dyne?

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>muh trannies
Literally the only good thing about feminists is that they get trannies

If it means getting an ass like pic related, then fuck yeah

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I'd prefer being Carol but sure

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I liked MCUltron even as a fan of comic Ultron. It makes more sense when you think of him as being based on MCU Tony, hence the manic quipping.

Most of them only like him because he was voiced by james spader and because they think he's hot for some reason

Well, he is 8ft tall

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>Grievous fags at least have a whole series of adventures to base his badassery on
>MCUltron fags only have trailers
Being ultronfags is suffering

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>Cho sameface and samebody is a plotpoint
I bet Cho was in such a good mood while drawing this.

>captain america
Isn't Evans 6 foot even? Do they have him wearing lifts as well?

>>for some reason
>super tall
>voiced by James Spader
>a robot

user come on this isn't rocket science

Pretty much everyone is wearing lifts

Ultron a cute

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I don't think you know what cute means, user

>>Literally thrown into the MCU at the very last second
>>Bland, Mary Sue
>>Was only introduced into the MCU because muh feminism, so she can't lose the tits and become a guy, because men are evil
>>Cis white female

This is what happens when an executive Kevin Feige take command and try to create a comic book character
Carol Danvers would appear on Captain America 2 in a small role
He gained his powers in another film

basically it similar to people who liked trailer mandarin. we like ultron because if it wasnt for whedon we couldve had ultron be scary like in the trailer.
Spader obviuosly couldve and wouldve pulled it off if he was allowed

Cuteness is in the eye of the beholder

This is before Disney
With the command of Disney this type of history is forbidden, unless the Ultron takes the form of a transgender


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>Ultron thread
>No one has posted this obscure gem yet:

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I hate that I know where this is from

he had some good moments. I wonder how different he'd be if he had been made by MCU's Hank.

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Bloody hell