I love her

I love her.

Attached: paper star.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

literally who and from literally what

Paper Star

She's from the Carmen Sandiego reboot on Netflix

Literally file name from literally image search.

Attached: Paper Star.webm (1280x720, 1.61M)

Thanks user. I've heard it's good, might give it a watch sometime.

Attached: Paper Star2.webm (1280x720, 1.24M)


Attached: 1467295684896.jpg (4000x2588, 1.87M)

probably the most competent villain in the show

>Street Fighter 5 Juri

Attached: 1555028236785.jpg (435x326, 84K)

so do i

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-18-20h32m24s435.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

it's fun enough for its relative simplicity

devineaux best character


Attached: chase.jpg (1051x933, 217K)

got too lazy to colour this a month ago but oh well.

Attached: 20190618_175438.jpg (673x843, 157K)

i love this feral child

>you'll never hear her sweet sound of her voice while your throat is getting slashed

Objectively superior to SF4 Juri in every possible way.

Attached: 1553308921984.png (299x280, 10K)

Wonder what her hair looks like when not tied up?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-07_220907.jpg (526x378, 114K)

>tfw realizing that entrapta is alot more remembered than paper star

Attached: 20190618_194820.jpg (800x649, 154K)

hurts like a bitch

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-02-18-20h32m21s013.png (1920x1080, 1.37M)

if anyone were to commission, request, or draw art of her, they might have use for this reference pic
Do it. You know it needs to be done

Attached: Paperstar ref.jpg (1660x2160, 1023K)

I'm working on it

Is it me or most girls in the show are low key thicc?

it's not

Attached: 1550931140401.png (2172x610, 1.25M)

just you

Attached: 1550931206556.png (2476x1416, 3.51M)

Then why pick the one with the wide hips? You could've pick a skinny character to prove my point

I have room for both the amoral, psychotic, deranged specialist with awesome hair and Paper Star.

Attached: 1558662191144.png (1281x1074, 514K)

I think he meant it like Baneposting.
>It's not...
>...just you.

Is she just Paper from Read or Die?

Damn I'm stupid not learning of meaning of it

God I wish there's more fanart of her.

he's correct in principle, just not on the baneposting part. I split the sentence between the two posts, sorry for confusing you

Got too sleepy but I tried

Attached: Untitled90.png (768x964, 154K)

>Hair down
this is some kind of heresy, man

More like Hairesy

good job
she's cute

Attached: Player white hat.png (780x1080, 486K)

>there are people who still haven't watched the best animated series of the year

You mean ripoff Jolyne Kujo.

Is this a Jojo's reference?

Attached: 7dDGB5j.jpg (2111x1007, 334K)

Curiosity got the best of me

Also t-thanks
