So practically everyone on this board agrees that Zombie Lisa is a shitty character, but if you were given the chance to improve her, how would you do it?
So practically everyone on this board agrees that Zombie Lisa is a shitty character...
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I mean, most zombie characters are shit.
Have her be outright wrong more and learn that even if she's smart that doesn't mean she has all the answers.
A good first step would be to just take a fucking break.
Lisa is the core focus of pretty much 80% of a season, it's exhausting. It got especially bad last season when there's an episode about Bart that has nothing to do with her and she literally comes in with 10 minutes left in the episode complaining that they're not doing enough for her.
I wouldn’t.
m8 it's the Simpsons, even if by some miracle it ends it'll just get rebooted
Grow her up.
Make her slowly turn into a conservative.
this,when shes does something wrong have everyone treat her a similar way they treat bart when he does something wrong
Mr. Bergstrom comes back and they start up an illicit relationship.
Get rid of the political bullshit, make her act like an actual eight year-old again. The zombie Simpsons episode Halloween of Horror was great just for this reason.
which one?
Barefoot in every episode
This guy gets it.
Pic related is a good use of Lisa:
You can keep her as an annoying character but make the show self-aware of this and make fun of her for it.
Bart before zombie simpsons is the wrost character because he has nothing to add.
in the 80's and 90's he was just a kid who said "Hell and bastard" on tv. after the 3 season, he had nothing else to do.
>A) Have the character be allowed to (slowly) age up. Starting with Secret War of Lisa Simpson where both she and Bart graduate/finish their respective grades and move on. It's the second time the show depicts one or both of them as having passed a numbered grade (Bart gets an F being the first... sort of.)
So much of the fucking problem is Lisa isn't allowed to grow as a character. She gets a ton of episodes where she has a reaffirmation of her talents or things will get better or some shit--or becomes a vegetarian/Buddhist/whatever that is a lip service shake up. Her growing up and actually getting to do shit as she ages (and it doesn't have to be fast--she could take many seasons just to get to her teens) while facing legit setbacks or advances would be something.
>B) try to recapture her initial depiction. She's smart. She's smarter than alot of the adults in the room, but she's still just a child. Classic Lisa would be really smart, but also run through a wall if it meant she'd get to be a princess or meet magical elves and unicorns.
The Malibu Stacy episode was a double edged sword. Decent story and Lisa had legit reason to be upset in it, but making that episode made it harder for her to go back and be into childish things, AT ALL. This, the vegetarian and Buddhist episodes all started making her far too cynical, which helped create the zombie depiction because, again she can't grow up or mellow out. Problems of a static setting.
Impossible. I think theres some rule in Yeardley Smith's contract that Lisa needs to be in every episode, and she gets treated well since shes the only character she voices.
>Season 27
Jesus fucking Christ, it took 20~ seasons to make her a normal kid once?
No but Yeardley is part of the problem because she doesn't have any decent sense of humor (how can you work on a comedy show without a sense of humor?) and also has delusions about Lisa being her avatar or something.
>The Malibu Stacy episode was a double edged sword. Decent story and Lisa had legit reason to be upset in it, but making that episode made it harder for her to go back and be into childish things, AT ALL
That was from Season 5 after most of the original writers were gone.
>implying it wasn't always this way
>Lisa will never chant DRAIN THE SWAMP again
you posted the wrong version
FWIW Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington was a George Meyer episode and he was one of the two writers to stay with the show after Season 4.
Better political episode than the post-Season 4 ones because it's pretty much just generalized. Afterwards they get too much into Democrat vs Republican shit which is cringe as fuck.
I really don’t know what was up with the episode, they just have gotten some different writers or something, but it worked
There have been occasional episodes like The Girl Who Slept Too Little like that.
Couldn't agree more!
I don't recognize that episode.
>Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington
This is S3, she still acted like a naive child. She got mad and heartbroken when watching the lobbyists and congressmen which broke the ilusion of a honest government.
S4 onwards she’s just a warrior of lost causes
Couldn't agree more.
Time to end the "Lisa can't do wrong" thing.
>ctrl + f
0 results
Lisa was a shitty character in general. Sadly thats what the voice of reason eventually becomes.
They sort of remade this one with Mr. Spritz Goes To Washington (the very last episode John Swartzwelder wrote incidentally) and it does have a bit of a callback to early season Lisa when the janitor asks her if she knows how a bill goes through Congress and she innocently runs off the civics class version of it.
Some HD episode anyway.
Nothing wrong with airing your feet.
is there a tits out version?
it's lisa's sneed episode (my favorite)
How would she react if some guy actually listened to her, joined her in her protesting, and did whatever she said?
It's from E My Sports (S30E17).
They have more bare feet shots in the HD episodes apparently because they can alter the character models much easier and cheaper than was possible in the olden days of hand drawn animation.
Have her die
the old school lisa's feet had soul
That's also why they use shading way too much when they don't need to. It just takes a couple of mouse clicks in Paintshop to add now instead of tediously painting in shadows by hand.
Do you have "new" lisa's feet for comparison?
Most people are flying in that pic
>in fact we already got four girls on the team
These have no sole to them.
Makes more sense since her shoes look like they'd kill your feet if you wore them without socks.
Still, she always preferred to wear them on her bare feet.
I think the existing design looks cleaner.
Smart and Smarter had a joke about that.
Maybe she should wear strapped sandals for a while.
Or hasbeens.
The Simpsons should just be banned from Yea Forums. Literally no good thread about them anywhere in this sneedhole
Holy god was the main plot of that episode ever boring. Homer and Milhouse were just about everything funny there.
And why's she climbing the jungle gym in a dress? She should be smarter than that.
I hated that episode. One of her most douchey outings.
Haha what if she dropped that towel, wouldn't that be gross
>red plastic shoes with no socks
>literally being jealous of a baby
>Simpsons thread on Yea Forums: dude sneed lmao
>Simpsons thread on Yea Forums: I wanna FUCK Lisa Simpson's feet
You might have a point.
Hey now that's not fair some of us want to fuck Marge's feet.
>three toes
Some Korean animator had a bad day.
Make her act like a fucking kid again
Have her whole "I'm the only smart and educated person in this town, I am 8 but act and sound like a typical mid 20s grad student activist" persona just be how she sees herself in her head. Everyone else sees a typical 8 year old pretending out in the yard to be saving the whales and protesting tree cuttings.
Get her run over by a truck.
Make her a glutton like her father
there i improved her
>fat Lisa
I like that.
So... the Tracy Ullman shorts?
Haha, isn't it gross that the scene suggests Rod and Todd looked at her naked several times
I how Lisa survives Friday Flip Up Day at school.
Nothing wrong with having the best of both worlds.
what's that?
This past season was pretty heavy on foot content, at least more than usual.
Not entirely sure how I'd fix her completely but a good first step would be to make a future episode where she is the loser and Bart is the successful one.
Ask a boomer. Ancient 50s tradition where boys would try to tackle the girls at recess and lift up their dresses. Not done anymore because girls usually wear shorts and pants instead of dresses and your 7 year old son would get arrested and charged with sexual harassment or something.
It was a tell-tale sign of what would follow when the official Season 30 promo pic had Marge barefoot and Lisa's shoes as the only missing article of clothing.
>future episode where she is the loser and Bart is the successful one.
Fuck, Bart doesn't even need to be a CEO or something, just have a stable respectful career and be happy.
Lisa could the one who went to a big city college, discovered there was nothing really special about her and figures she could be a big fish in the small town of springfield. Only to discover that she's been replaced.
They had a recent episode where they showed that Bart did become a judge, so that's something.
Not that user but yes. I would love to see Simpsons revert to those relationships. Barts just a fuckup who tries his hardest and its never good enough. Lisa is always there to make things worse for him. Homer actually acts like a father.
I can’t see the difference
It seems they get air.
Also, not every foot sweats.
This actually a cool outfit for her.
She's out of that eternal dress and can show her feet.
Zombie Sneed
Lisa's reaction to seeing this thread.
How do any of them survive?
That reminds me I heard through the grapevine that the animators have always been told to avoid unnecessary panty shots which is why Lisa's dress physics seem kind of fucked up.
well the schoolkids dress like they're from the 50s
Now that WOULD be interesting.
the first one was missing her pearls
Recast her
I liked her again in The book job, she was just a pretentious writer desperate for attention and was ready to take a taste of it if it wasn’t for Gaiman.
>Lisa without her necklace
They were rough times.
this, fire Yeardley Smith and have one of the other female VA's on the show take over the role
Does Lisa wear shoes on her bare feet because her mom does?
Have her still be smart, but allow her to act like a kid. Hell, she's an 8 year old girl.
That's also why she wears pearls and a strapless dress.
you'd think as a feminist she would wear the same thing Bart does
What kind of fag nonsense are you on about?
Make her sexually curious so she starts experimenting with her classmates, her brother, and strangers throughout Springfield, until she's a shameless cum bucket.
Brian in Family Guy is basically Lisa done better.
Is this when Homer bought his shoes from that hobo?
Is this Growing Around?
homer get ipad
Why is Yeardly so god damned terrible