>Defeats a liberal with his old fashioned ways
Defeats a liberal with his old fashioned ways
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That's not what that show is about.
Most the episodes about "defeating liberals" tended to be defeating them with their own ways/they defeated themselves.
With the disability addict episode he simply ducked out making the clause that protected the druggie null.
IN the Bobby as a Protestor episode he just told the kids what happens in a riot.
I mean I can't really think of any episodes where Hank ownz teh libtards epic style.
Why is this belief that every episode of KoTH is Hank BTFOing libtards becoming so mainstream here? Have any of you even watched the show?
>Could not save
The hippy episode he basically makes them self sufficient and capatalist if that counts.
Yeah but how else is OP supposed to start a politics thread?
Some folks only hear what they want to hear. Like thinking that Trump is actually on their side and not his own.
No idea. What Hank doesn't like are people who are lazy or aggravating, completely irrespective of their political leanings.
>Most the episodes about "defeating liberals" tended to be defeating them with their own ways/they defeated themselves.
I mean that tends to be the way most liberals do themselves in. There's a reason at the end of WWII there were dozens of communist hellholes, now there's only 5
Even the hippy episode isn't super accurate, because actual burners are all about "radical self-reliance". One of the fundamental aspects of being a good burner is to make sure that you're taking care of yourself while you camp without having to rely on handouts.
And it ruins the co-op.
Hopefully it's just shitposting since they know it'll get a rise out of people who actually watch the show to reduce it to something like Zombie Simpsons or Family Guy's political episodes. I mean it worked on me.
However Yea Forums COULD be that stupid now.
Oh, I thought he was talking about the one where Hank buys into a Nonprofit Co-op because they make great produce then turns them into a profitable business which near immediately turns all his co-owners into greedy assholes who sell out to the Megalomart and they end up making the same shitty produce as before.
I just watched the episode where Bobby likes that girl Jordan who has loose parents and goes to a boyband concert
Hank is just a retard and unironically things NEW THING BAD OLD THING GOOD
The co-op was destroying the town with a bunch of beggars
>And it ruins the co-op.
It's strange how a bunch of hippie leftists had absolutely zero morals in the end
It's almost as if the left believes in things just for the sake of saying it believes in them
No. Hank loved the new Boy Band, the issue came about when he realized they were PG-13 tier lewd which sent his original goal of filtering Bobby's media intake for only good wholesome media into overdrive, filtering everything old and new. By the end, Hank realized he was being an asshole though and encouraging Bobby to slowly explore adult things.
Captain America talking about guns?
It's almost as if you generalize an entire group of people just because they disagree with you.
>accepts climate change is real in the first episode
>dude Hank owns the libtards!
What did you mean by this?
>tfw Cap was invented by a jew
Comic books were pretty much like Hollywood from the 30s-60s, as in ran by tribe members.
I mean, Superman+Everyone made by Lee and Kirby were made by Jews.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Hank hates special interest groups because they're just corporate lobbyists based out of DC> Hank is very old fashion small town Republican. He'd hate Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan because they're Clark W. Griswald and Michael Scott tier shills.
Stop, i'm still angry about it
I'm going to miss their breakfast stuff. Was really damn good compared to basically every other fast food place.
>every white guilt episode
>Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Good goy
that hurts, that really fucking hurts.
Hank Hill?
More like Red Pilled!
Did something happen?
Bobby is 13
It was based in Texas but was recently sold to a company in Chicago, they plan to expand.
There was one where I used to live in Louisiana, why are people acting like none outside of Texas exist
And Hank is an uptight prude
Would he have voted for Trump or Hillary?
It was a meme about Jewish comedian Jerry Seinfeld.
>liberalism is communism
This is your brain on /pol/
He'd go third party
Probably third Party. Hank nearly didn't vote for a Republican because he had a limp handshake. You think he'd put up with the scum off NYC's boot?
I think he'd stay home, seems to be the conservatives' idea of a protest vote.
Hank isn't like that though. The whole first election episode was about how Hank decided that was wrong
>Election episode
>Hank inundated by idiocy from both sides, resolvesto find a candidate that speaks to him
>Finds a third party candidate with fledgling support,doesn't fully agree but he does on a lot of policies and ultimately guy seems alright.
>Guy is straight with Hank and knows he's gonna lose the election hard. Even gives him the statistics that he's polling at which are less than a percent but still feels that getting out there and letting
>He decides to vote for him knowing that's all he can do
>End of the episode is Hank checking on the election results
>Doesn't show Hillary or Trump's vote percentages
>The guy Hank voted for comes in fifth or sixth on the polls but at a single tenth of a percentile higher than predicted
>becoming so mainstream
It's not.
Defeats a liberal with his old fascist ways
Fixed that for you.
In all seriousness it was a good show. I don't think it was too politically biased one way or another--maybe a bit towards the right. Hank was a good man I think all could agree.
With his fists?
>Nearly didn't vote for a Texan because of a limp handshake
>The idea of being even vaguely associated with New York specifically gives Hank an identity crisis
>"Would he vote for a fat retarded New Yorker who gets scared of a bald eagle and hates all of Hank's friends?"
>I once killed two Tojos in a machine gun nest with nothing more than this fork well eating breakfast and I didn't lose one pancake.