Yea Forums!
I, Ruber, have returned as the rightful ruler of this board!
Surely you haven't forgotten me, my friends? The way you would post with such PRIDE, oh how I entertained you for weeks as your king. I had grand plans that included you anons, but you pushed me aside like a toy.
Well, that's all in the past now user. Now, I just want to see some PRIDEFUL posting!
Yea Forums!
Other urls found in this thread:
Pride Month is almost over. Where've you been?
This was a good, blessed meme. Don't force it, OP. Let him return in Yea Forums's darkest hour, since he's our Once and Future King.
Also, there's some base for him in the Arthurian cycle after all. Pic related.
I'm shocked no-one mashed this up with Dutch, they both love plans.
>he doesn't know
I remember the Dutch threads, I occasionally posted Ruber in them.
What's this then?
I'm still massively disappointed we haven't done a Yea Forums sings Ruber yet. Where's your pride anons?
Isn't this the retard that thought fusing his arm with a magical sword was a good idea?
Do you have a better idea, user? How else would he ensure the sword that symbolizes kingship stays in his possession?
Haha, I fucking LOVE this meme!
Getting better gaming hands.
>t. Arthur
I highly doubt anything can top the awkwardness of the actual song itself.
We'll have a sing-along. IT CAN INCLUDE YOU.
If the first thing Yea Forums can successfully collaborate on is a Ruber song cover, then I'm all for that.
His "song" is largely amelodic and weird as fuck.
This is a great project for
That is precisely why it would be perfect
Sounds like a good fit for Yea Forums then.
>tfw we can bring Ruberposting back with enough meme magic/hypercrisis
Insolent box of fries! You dare insult the king of Yea Forums? I bet you think your balding fat man dubbed Carl can rule as effectively?
I am always with you, my child, I don't need a month to celebrate me
yeah, but doesn't he prove himself at least not to be a coward by striking at the kings back, knowing that he will surely die?
You can't say he didn't have his own strange code of honor, since he commands loyalty and follows fealty in turn.
This is the most forced shit in the world
Ruber song sounds like lyric to a hip-hop song if I'm being honest.
Perfect, i think we could actually do this if at least some of us put in some effort
Have we entered the Ruberian Age: year 2 yet? I haven't updated my calendar.
>tfw I was in the very first villain song thread Ruberposting began in
>tfw people still post the edits I made way back when, even on other boards
Yup, those were the good old bad days.
The best thing about the meme threads is that they made up character traits for Ruber that would actually make for a pretty cool character. If anyone from Yea Forums makes it big in the industry I hope they do a cartoon with meme Ruber as a character.
It's really fucking sad just how much potential QFC had before WB decided to butcher it into a half-assed Disney knockoff.
Oh god I need to see how this went down.
What were those traits, anyway? From what I recall, the idea was that he went insane from al the warfare and just couldn't settle for peaceful living, thus aiming to return to the "good ol' bad days"
Only other thing I remember is just how hilariously OP he was, he steamrolled everyone and only lost because Excalibur is hax.
I still can't get over how fucking sudden Rubar's betrayal was. It's like, he's sitting around the table, Arthur announces that he's going to start dividing the lands they won, Rubar asks for more, someone who's NOT Arthur tells him to wait until Arthur is finished, and then Rubar announces that he's the king now and jumps onto the table.
Like, at least wait for Arthur to respond, dude. For all you know, he might agree with you.
You don't tell a man like Ruber to wait
I was there that day, when Ruber became a meme. Where then were my fans?
Didn't Arthur even say he was going to split the lands according to their need? If Ruber needed more, why wouldn't he give him more? He probably fought harder for it than the rest of those pansies.
I was part of that "Ruber vs GM" chain here
Aurthur didn't know what he had, Ruber was easily his most powerful knight, and all he wanted was some land
If he just gave him the extra land and told the rest of the knights to chill because of how useful a dragon punching, steel crushing god is
I remember suggesting the idea of Arthur getting rid of him by giving him the lands belonging to the fairies, killing two birds with one stone.
>Ruber vs Oberon
Oh God.
I got Ruber into the 6th issue of Let's Make a Comic! a while back.
are ruberposting and baneposting friends
>fairies are weak to iron
>Ruber can fuse iron into his flesh and become the ultimate anti-fairy weapon
>I have a flight plan
>it includes uuuu
>Arthur gives Ruber a special "mission"
>Bring him the head of Lord Oberon and cleanse his fairy kingdom
>Ruber, being the strongest Knight of the Round Table, is the only one Arthur can trust with with important quest
>Ruber sets off, Camelot celebrates
>Two weeks later he's back wearing Oberon's bitchin cloak, dyed red with fairy blood
I can't bear to look, is Ruber still- IS THAT OBERON'S CLOAK?!
>spill the potion
>become RUBERON
>PRIDE is for turning men into women
>PRIDE is for turning men into MECHANICAL ARMY
The inception of Ruberposting was in
>mfw almost a full year ago
My how the fly times.
>I have a plane
>It includes you
>What, CIA man, would lead you to
>before throwing him out of a plaaaaaaane?
You madman you've doomed us all
Sir Ruber is brought back to life by the Horned King and sent on a quest to acquire an oracular pig. Hi-jinks ensue.
Not yet, friend. The Ruberian Age: year 1 doesn't
officially end until July 12th.
Greetings Yea Forums!
I bring you a new plague i created!
I call it... Ruberculosis
And what does it do?
You cough up blood WITH PRIDE!
As a public service
Ruber in the Legion of Doom maybe?
this has potential
Was it the same mace Kayley used to try to kill Ruber that he used to kill her father?
It would seem so. Like, it could be one that looks just like it, but years of being out on the lam probably means Ruber doesn't have much in the way of armor and weapons other than what he may have brought with him when he fled Camelot. This explains his need to create an mechanical army with pride . The barbarians he allies with are basically woodwose-like wild men, who wear the skins the animals as loincloths and that's about it. They probably have next to nothing of arms and armor (which explains the goofy guy with the fork who comes up next to the pit, before Ruber hands him a crossbow. The fork was probably all he had. The crossbow was probably pilfered from Lady Juliana's estate, as were much of the other weapons he used to combine with the wildmen. But Ruber needs the to create his own army with the potion he bought from some witches because he doesn't have the resources to actually finance one.
Then riddle me this: how did he get his acme potion from the witches?
Which brings us back to the mace. It probably is the same one he used to kill Lionel. And what's more is it's hanging on the belt of the wildman holding Kayley, who steals it and uses it to attack Ruber. Ruber probably planted it there on purpose, knowing that Kayley would be tempted at the sight of the weapon that killed her father into a blind rage, just so Ruber to spin and grab it at the last second? Did he totally bait Kayley into letting him perform a stunt just to shock everyone? Is this some kind of 4D chess?
He paid in nature.
He said he bought it. Sounds like some serious deep lore potential.
He did say he'd been practicing for years...
How big is his chad cock?
>can't afford to get his men actual clothing
>can afford magic potions
What was Ruber's tax policy?
He's short on cash. Remember he flees Camelot before Arthur can apportion the lands won from the unification war, which was obvs long and costly. Ruber is probably financially desperate, losing a disproportionate number men and resources in the war because of his love of battle. The king and other knights likely exploited this, which is the reason for Ruber's resentment. Hell, he probably got that twitch from the PTSD he sustained while everyone else stepped back and let him handle the bulk of the fighting. So he really *does* need more land than everyone. So after he leaves Camelot, he probably spends his last bit of cash on a potion, driven to gamble on the trickery of some random witches because he can't hope to raise the funds to support a conventional army.
Shit this is getting deep.
So who are these people he hired? They started lining up to be turned into abominations, giving up all chances of a normal life and seemed pretty excited to be just tools for Ruber to use in his plan. I would even go so far as to say that's a lot of loyalty for a hired gun.
You don't need to guess. At the start of the movie Ruber outright says he put in more money into the war than everybody else, so he needs more than everybody else.
The twitch might be a result of severe head trauma, which would also explain the baldness and the weird shape of his head.
And he couldn't raise a conventional army because Arthur was well-loved so he'd be scraping the bottom of the barrel for recruits.
Crazy people, like the Joker recruits.
I wonder if there's a story why his song is so beautifully anti-melodic. I imagine Gary Oldman literally had no fucking idea what the fuck he was reading.
>This is the most forced shit in the world
You're the biggest newfag of this board.
Dude needs to take better care of his nails
>It doesn't matter who they are. What matters is their plan.
Seriously. They're literal nobodies. When Arthur reapportioned the land to his knights, who was apportioning them from? Who owned/lived on the land that Arthur then gave doled out as spoils from his unification wars?
It's these guys, who were then driven from the land by Arthur's knights in order to make room for working class serfs to farm and monetize the land. These guys were driven into the woods and forced to live a meager, barbaric existence until Ruber found them, and promised them to return to them what Arthur had taken from them if they joined him.
He's not some handsome pansy who has never even been in a real fight. How do you think he got away with attacking Arthur in the midst of all those people and killed Lionel in one blow? He was a real warrior. The rest probably made speeches, marched in parades and sent their men to their deaths.
This is why Ruber had followers. Like Alexander the Great, he led from the front. He didn't have time for manicures.
>Who owned/lived on the land that Arthur then gave doled out as spoils from his unification wars?
>It's these guys
Nope, the land was owned by Lords of local fiefdoms, the farmers really couldn't give a shit if they pay taxes to Lord A or Lord B.
What is he thinking about?
I didn't vote for Arthur.
>We take Camelot from the corrupt! The rich!
>The oppressors of generations who have kept you down with myths of opportunity, and we give it back to you...
>The people.
>Camelot is yours.
I think that's more of an inference than being outright stated.
>The lands will be divided according to each person's needs.
>Then I need more than everyone! I wouldn't have supported you all these years if I felt you were running a charity.
We also have a canonical explanation for the twitching.
If Maleficent is still single.
So his eyes twitch because he's stressed the fuck out? Okay.
Then those lords were likely casualties of the war. But if the people who lived on the lands were loyal to those lords, regardless of how much those lands were cultivated at the time, they would have been seen off by the new owners of the land who were installed by the Arthurian regime.
King Arthur confirmed for dirty commie
Support free enterprise! RUBER 2020
>if the people who lived on the lands were loyal to those lords
According to legend everybody loved Arthur so it's unlikely they were loyal to the previous Lords. These guys notwithstanding
HOLLY SHIT! It wasn't a animation error, Ruber REALLY has four knuckles.
Simple deformity or a sign of his non-human ancestry?
Uh, I count three?
Why is she so attractive?
Oh wow. This sounds really weird but I never realised the difference between skeletons is portrayed in western and eastern media based on skull shape. Thats neat.
Good point. Maybe they weren't the serfs then, but the retainers or middle men in the situation, essentially the ones personally loyal to the old lords, but not necessarily the people who worked the land.
>according to each person's needs
That's almost a word-for-word quote of Karl Marx. Then we have this line from the song earlier:
>No one shall be greater than all
which is ludicrous when you consider Arthur is literally ruling as a king by so-called divine right.
In short, Ruber did nothing wrong.
She's not. That headgear is ugly and she's old and shriveled up.
Your "1" is the curve of the back of his hand. If you look closely, there should be a small peak on the back of your hand, too.
>In short, Ruber did nothing wrong
This is the conclusion this thread has been hurtling towards for some time isn't it?
Where to get a loyal griphon?
did someone say pride?
Gtfo pleb. Maleficent in her prime is Disney's true 11/10
Except, you know, try to assassinate Arthur who is literally chosen by God, supposedly representing all that is good and right in the world.
>ugly-ass headgear
>clearly painted-on eyebrows
>long-ass hands
God's not real Lady Juliana
Better to just rip that band-aid right off
>long-ass hands
Oh yes, she'll need it all to handle muh dick
King Arthur isn't real either... or Ruber for that matter...
Saved him from dragons most likely. He's obvs an expert at fighting them. Instant life debt.
>literally chosen by God
God is depicted as massive cunt in all the books in which he is mentioned.
Why should I care about his Chosen One?
>doesn't get jokes
>uses pointless ellipsis
This really makes my brows twitch.
I said
>supposedly representing all that is good and right in the world.
Whether you agree or not is up to you.
>in the bible God cannot help Israel defeat an enemy equipped with iron chariots
>faeries are weak to iron
Was God just Oberon trolling people?
Ummm, her headgear is awesome sweaty...
Don't you have a 7th grade English class to get back to?
Commies are by definition godless. This is all part of Arthur's cynical ploy to seize power by preying upon the superstitions of the masses.
How twitchy does it make them?
Do you have any idea what time of year it is?
His sword literally envelops his enemies in bluish-white light and carries them away
Who the fuck wouldn't want sword arms
Arthur could've been a huge cunt tho. Even in the Bible, God literally chose Saul himself to be anointed, but that didn't stop him from from going insane and trying to murder people, nor did it stop the Philistines defeating him in his weakness.
Why can't Ruber think himself impelled by a similar avenging angel? I mean in Morte d'Arthur, Arthur literally commits mass infanticide to try to get rid of the baby Mordred. It's not like people don't have a point when they say he's not always the nicest guy.
No gods no masters, Barbarians of the world unite, you have everything to gain including chain arms
>your arms are now chains
>your hands are maces
>you can't jerk off or feed yourself
It is better to die for Ruber than live for yourself.
>Surely you haven't forgotten me, my friends?
NEVER! I even made this shit
>Arthur could've been a huge cunt tho
I'm not defending Arthur, I'm just saying that most people, especially in medieval and pre-medieval times, accept God as all that is good and right in the world, and if Arthur is God's chosen one then they'd follow him and see Ruber as evil for trying to assassinate him.
Was Ruber from Cimmeria?
Who needs to jerk off when you have a crossbow dick that can be fired at will
Based Ruberston.
There's a huge tension there in scripture tho - whether or not it is lawful to strike God's anointed, even when that person is evil. You have that in 1 Samuel 24:3-7, when David has the opportunity to kill Saul in the cave and get away with it, even tho Saul has tried multiple times to murder David in cold blood. David heroically determines he must oppose Saul, but not to the point of striking him down.
>Arthur literally commits mass infanticide to try to get rid of the baby Mordred
Following in the footsteps of the Pharaoh of the Exodus and Herod, I see. I repeat: Ruber did nothing wrong.
>bukkake your enemies to death.
He's thinking of what Kayley would look like if she got metallized.
Yeah but David was also anointed by God. Ruber doesn't strike me as the anointed type.
Also in the next book when David kills the man who killed Saul despite Saul having explicitly asked him to do so.
Arthur was occasionally depicted as kind of a shithead if the writer liked the romance of lancelot and Arthurs wife
...keeping with the biblical kings that were also dickheads but still under the protection of God
>Bluish-white light
It's Finnish meme magic!
Ruber probably failed a similar test.
>lost the most in the war
>financially desperate
>sacrificed everything so Arthur could build his new world
>sustains head injuries, likely PTSD, develop a his signature twitch because 9f the trauma of the war.
>Arthur refuses to grant him his share of lands, sees Ruber as damaged goods
>Ruber grows bitter, resents Arthur
>But in his weakened mental state, cannot bring himself to parlay his righteous anger against Arthur into anything other than a destructive attempt to destroy him
>the cost Ruber paid in the war corrupted him against Arthur, turning him into something even worse, to where he starts losing his humanity.
Truly a tragic figure.
If god is putting dickheads into high positions then both those dickheads and God must be killed
Ruber was so strong because he was training to kill God, and he was on his way to doing so before being stopped
No I don't think Ruber was the anointed type. But I think he did have an justified gripe against Arthur. He just ended up failing the test that required him to oppose Arthur in a way that didn't result in his own corruption.
He didn't do anything wrong initially, and he could have actually been the hero of the story, but the challenge was too much for him. He was corrupted by his own call to heroism.
Another god rejected...
>You're gonna blunt the tip of your sword like that buddy.
To be fair she was one of the few villains who really custom built her plan.
Look at this shit
That's beyond just 'Lmao, power', she's seriously thought out how to be as much of a cunt about all this as possible. Bitch sat up all night brainstorming how to optimize her cuntery on this.
In the original ballet tho, isn't it implied that Sleeping Beauty's mother and father were barren? And so the queen struck a deal with Maleficent so that she could get pregnant via supernatural means. Nine months later, the baby is born and christened, but the queen cannot bring herself to invite Maleficent because of the guilt complex she developed over using black magic to concieve a child. But Maleficent shows up anyway and curses the child in revenge. Maleficent gave the queen the child, so she's free to take it away as well.
>Mocking him with that 4th wall breaking self aware metanarrative
This is why Maleficent is the best fucking Disney villan. Hands down
>Maleficent gave the queen the child, so she's free to take it away as well.
That's not how it works.
Well not now obviously.
It is amongst the Fair Folk.
Seriously, don't fuck with the goode people. They're a whole other tier of dickery in legends. At least the devil keeps his deals.
>At least the devil keeps his deals
Yeah, to claim your soul via violent methods.
Meanwhile all Maleficent wanted was some common courtesy to be at least invited to the princesses birthday.
Just imagine what could of been avoided if the queen had sent just one more invitation.
>Up the airy mountain,
>Down the rushy glen,
>We daren't go a-hunting
>For fear of little men...
Ruber's violent autism and desire to be king is a theme we can find in many settings.
Why didn't we listen?
My dad worked on this movie. I sent him some of this shit back when Ruberposting was in full swing and he had a good laugh. Also, he confirmed that originally Ruber was meant to be a PTSD wreck and a lot of that idea remained in the way his weird mannerism were animated.
Called it here: and here: Tell your father he did his job well. His work may have not been appreciated when it was made, the genius of the character that is Ruber has been revealed through the collective autism of the internet recognizing one of their own.
Hey, welcome back! I remember I figured out who he was based on the clues you dropped.
PTSD is not autism
>Implying he's obviously not both.
He's an autistic character which is why anons understand him. In their understanding of him, they realize he has PTSD and likely other problems associated with prolonged exposure to brutal medieval warfare.
To be quite honest even he didn't appreciate QfC.
Yep, you're right. That list is wrong, though. He also worked on Titan AE.
>tfw this is how things were from Ruber's point of view
The cartoon was actually adapted from the book "The King's Damosel" by Vera Chapman, which only loosely resembles the story we know and love, especially considering the added rape flashbacks. The main antagonist in that novel is a character known as "the Red Knight."
The Red Knight appears in other Arthurian episodes as something of a stock antagonist for a number of different heroes. Ruber in the cartoon is just a specific version of that broader stock character, with "Ruber" simply being Latin for "Red."
>the story we know
>and love
Say whatever you want about Ruber, the rest of the characters and the story are shit.
So, the creators of cartoon made actual research and Ruber is what they ended up with?
Correct me if I'm wrong but autists prefer to be solitary and do not lead armies.
It's disjoined as a film for sure. A lot of the voicework especially comes off as pre recorded way in advance, and then fit into scenes that were planned out after, so the performance doesn't really match the tone of the animation. The music is good tho, altho the songs don't really fit into the narrative that well either. We loved it as a kid bc my we would always listen to Irish trad music at the time, and we enjoyed the Riverdance-y/"Celtic" aesthetic amongst all the other zaniness.
Total shit. "Know and love" is def meant ironically.
It has been widely speculated that Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery had Asperger's.
>tfw his name is literally "Sir Ruber."
>tfw "Ruber" is literally Latin for "red."
>tfw he has ginger red hair.
Did his parents literally name him "Red" bc of his red hair. Is that like basically naming a ginger kid "Ginger" or something today?
Christ, now I get why he's so fucked up. How deep does this all go?
Idk if he "lead" armies so much as "spergtastically charged in first while every one else followed."
The Final Rumble. It's a Yea Forums wrestling thing that stemmed off of Christposting and became what it is now.
Dutch and Ruber are basically working for Todd Howard, who's a literal demon god right now.
It looks like, yeah.
This is awesome.
Looks like one of Roger's disguises
I have RETURNED, now i want the THRONE as my prize! NOW!
>Proceeds to throw Oberons head at Arthur.
It has a plan, and it includes YOU.
Top kek, which one of you glorious bastards made this channel?
My fucking sides
This is the backing track.
His name is Dalton Gallaway
Well, if you're so inclined you can watch through this
Pic related, it's presumably your dad's handiwork.
These are amazing
what part of the song do you want me to sing?
you mean this one
That's a neat resumé.
White mana spell.
Big thanks to the user who asked the animator this, it's pretty neat he responded and we learned more about the film overall.
You're welcome! It was a complete shot in the dark and fortunately he knew one of my LinkedIn connections. (That's Richard Williams' son, BTW.)
>went insane from al the warfare and just couldn't settle for peaceful living, thus aiming to return to the "good ol' bad days"
Sounds like Big Boss to me.
WHY haven't we done this?!
Excellent, we should get this shit on the road
Obviously we all sing at ONCE
>I make this thread late last night because my gf and I couldn't get to sleep and fully expect this thread to fade
>Have over 100 posts to catch up on after waking up
You anons are doing Ruber proud, but we need more PRIDE
Someone post the template and let's see if we can get some creative juices flowing
I kind of hope that Elizabeth Warren gets the dem nomination solely for the meme material of her campaign's tagline that she has a plan.
Based ruberdoodler
Its insane how this meme thread has actual discussion in it.
Yeah, you see it progressively get worse throughout the movie.
>ruberposting is back
Thanks Yea Forums.
>Arthur's unifying of the British Isles under his rule would mean an end to war
>people like Ruber would have no place in a world like that
>he wanted the largest land holdings to create a reasonably powerful entity to which the dispossessed could flock to and maintain an enemy to Camelot, thus maintaining the need for standing armies
There's no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms. We are all victims of the scene of the era.
based and merchpilled
So what youre saying is...Rubers Outer Heaven?
>I have a plan
>It involves kaiju
Sounds better.
No, he killed the man who SAID he killed Saul. The man who actually killed Saul (at Saul's request) killed himself right afterwards.
>You, Godzilla, will lead me to
>Fenway Park, where I will claim all that is mine
Imprecise. Saul asks his armor-bearer to kill him; after the latter refuses, he falls on his own sword, so then the armor-bearer does likewise. The Amalekite from the following chapter was either lying or came upon him while the deed was still not complete.
Thanks for posting my work. Here's the sequels.
Ah, right. Thanks.
>European eye sockets are referred to as “aviator sunglasses”
Based and Top Gun-pilled, even in death
fuck this meme
Bumping this thread with pride!
Yeah, almost as badly forced as 'HAFNIM' had been.
Those horns look kinda like a halo
Who's dutch?
t. Arthur
The heist leader in RDR2
Should have just gave him the entirety of Dragonland.
Gee what was in these guys' water?!
>>clearly painted-on eyebrows
She's an animated character, every part of her is painted on
3,000-year-old honor culture's a hell of a thing. The whole reason Saul wanted to die was because the battle was lost and he knew if he would be captured alive he would be tortured and humiliated.
Oh that's fair, probably should've fought to death though.
Got any for the empire?
Ideally with Gelt as Ruber
You could do one for Tomb Kings with Nagash as Ruber and Settra and Khatep on the sides.
Who could play live-action Ruber?
In the 90's it'd be this guy.
I love these edits so much
Was this guy in Chuck? I get the impression I get two actors mixed. He was in Fright Night 2, right?
IMDb is a thing, y'know.
The answer to both questions is yes.
Say it
Oh gotcha, thanks. Come to think of it, Chuck was some 10 years ago, but he should still get more screen time.
I missed him
This thread never ceases to amaze me
I only have this with the worse template
Gordon is the Slaanesh of Yea Forums memes
Ruber is the Khorne of Yea Forums memes
Who are the Nurgle and Tzeentch?
Now we're getting meta
Does anyone have Darkest Dungeon one?
huh. That's kind of interesting. I'd never noticed that
Is Ruber a top tier?
Proper CSM one would just be a table of Rubers
His movements are so weird but so amazing at the same time
Ok, we're doing this.
What software do people usually use to organize these things?
He is the Lord of the Dance
is that real dialogue?
Also, it's worth asking, should we make some kind of announcement and try to get as many anons on board as possible? Or just do it in this thread?
t. wasn't included
C'mon, we have to do this song thing now
Where are we gonna organize it? Discord?
>mfw I made this edit
t. Sneedposter
Have you no PRIDE?
>Me and the boys about to depose King Arthur
>King Arthur isn't real either...
King Arthur is real and cute
A side effect of Ruberculosis, probably.
My king
Sorry, boy... thing. I'm far too hetero for this metro.
I love this site
under rated
Gentlemen, how do we stop Ruberon?
>Ruber helps with no fap
>The head is a bomb for extra surprise damae
Ruber in FGO when.
Quick stat him!
What would anime girl Ruber look like?
Ugly face but 100/10 boobs and ass as well as being buff.
Looks exactly the same but has a high pitched Japanese schoolgirl voice
Remind me of this
I have conflicting feelings about this.
I gotta be honest, I unironically loved this movie as a kid.
>Yo, Redman!
I know this guy is pure breadtube basedness, but this video on Shakespeare is very relevant to these particular feels.
Stay proud.
That just means you're one of the most prideful among us
I watched it so much my dad started to hate it, but it had cool looking forests and fun fantasy adventure and even as a toddler I couldn't get enough of that type of thing.
They should all be making Ruber's face.
What's this one supposed to be?
Five Nights at Freddy's.
This bastard of a Knight really is operating on a whole other level.
>Single-handedly fend off half a dozen knights, killing one with a single blow, and only be bested by the king's magic sword.
>Escape, cavort around the wilderness for about 10 years, give or take.
We know that in this time, he amassed a following of wild-men, who clearly have little regard for anything except strength. He also secured the loyalty of a griffin, a creature so fearsome it was able to steal Excalibur from the heart of Camelot on it's own, with only the intervention of Merlin himself, through his minion, foiling it's efforts.
He has obviously traveled far and wide, as he is familiar with such creatures as ogres and dragons, all rare or exceedingly dangerous. When faced with the maw of a dragon, he knows to toss aside his blade, as it would prove useless on the dragon's scaly hide (his fists suffer no such shortcomings).
Secure the resources and knowledge to locate, approach and bargain with 'some' witches (likely 3, these warty bitches seem to love that number) for a potion. Of particular note, the potion does EXACTLY what he wanted. He is able to state it's effects clearly and precisely (in the form of a sing-a-long, no less). Witches are known for their trickery and underhanded dealings, so the fact he came out of such a bargain with exactly what he wanted is clearly testament to his charismatic prowess and/or solid-dickings skills.
In conclusion, Ruber really did deserve his own kingdom, and a magic blade to go with it. His might-makes-right policies would go along way to securing a kingdom that would stand the test of time, and be a haven for all who wish to be a part of his plans, with PRIDE.
>Witches are known for their trickery and underhanded dealings, so the fact he came out of such a bargain with exactly what he wanted is clearly testament to his charismatic prowess and/or solid-dickings skills.
I never even thought of this, witches would try to screw you over, wouldn't they?
Someone please screencap all this
What Vsbattle tier is Ruber on
what usually happens on Yea Forums is one user will give an email where everyone else wcan send recordings of themselves singing. the email user will the have to combine all of the recordings into a single audio track with the music. the easiest way to get the word out is to make a "Yea Forums Sings XXX" thread.
Low tier 8, the single punch kill for a dragon is nuts
Somebody, make a pokemon crossover.
lol no
Everyone would only want to sing WITH PRIDE part only.
Screencaps are best when it all spirals out of one source. This thread is full of little tangents that may warrant individual caps.
So each user sings the entire song and then one intrepid/possibly insane guy combs through all the recordings to splice them together? Sounds pretty inefficient.
The witches could have been using him to dispose of Arthu...
Holy fuck.
The witch was Morgana Le Faye.
we just need a madlad hero user to do it
>Obviously we all sing at ONCE
The plot thickens.
Because the backing track is so minimalistic, you're gonna wanna do a lyric sheet with the counts put in. It's easy to get lost without knowing exactly where you're supposed to come in.
Just mix everyone in on that one line idk. Or have everyone record their own version of that line, and the best one takes it. Maybe put it to a vote.
I told you once
.....Remi? Is that you? Are you being full of PRIDE?
Nah, i'm just an average user singing with pride
Spanish version.
Different version. Possibly better lyrics.
What are the odds that Ruber inspired the design of human Ganondorf in ocarine of Time?
Omg!! thanks for posting mine :,)
Why does everyone shittalk Quest for Camelot? It was a great movie.
>awesome soundtrack
>two of the songs became hits independent of the movie
>cool Celtic / Riverdance score
>a female protagonist who is capable and eager but not invincible SJW fodder; is not able to physically overpower a man and has to use her wits at the end of the movie to fuck Ruber up
>disabled protagonist who is also not SJW fodder
>cool visuals
>exciting animation that took changes (ex. Ruber's flashing pupils)
>alludes to Autherian lore
>the main characters do something great but are not the center of the universe; part of a larger story
>characters have strong motivation that makes sense given their circumstances
The only bad thing was that they had annoying 90s sidekicks such as Devon, Cornwall, and Urkel now this Chicken can KILL. But literally every 90s film had this (ex. Hunchback of Notre Dame) and people are still able to recognise the artistic merit of those films. Admit it, you guys just hate it because it's not Disney.
This one was my first ruber post. Im glad u liked it :).
post was my 2nd XD.
Nostalgia Critic hated it so a bunch of people just took his opinion
Yup, thats what it came to my mind, when i did this drawing v.v
This thread made me rewatch Nostalgia Critic's review.
It's a shit review.
Ruber's got over half of his skull missing. Long-term thought is likely not on his charter.
>The Corrs
The two-headed dragon was annoying as fuck and should've been cut out, making more room for Ruber.
The chicken was fine though.
Look at that smooth finger twirl. Ruber's a genius and just pretending to be a retard to further his schemes. He knows exactly what he was doing. Getting defeated was just a part of his plan
>Ruber was fused with Excalibur
>when he "dies" his soul remains within the sword
>when Arthur wields it, Ruber slowly takes over his mind, becoming Arthur
Return the blade. Complete the circle. Now we are one.
I hated the chicken as a kid. I didn't get wtf he was trying to do or the tone of any of his delivery. Made no sense.
NC is a trend follower, not trendsetter.
But what were Doug's criticisms?
>squeeze the horse you get a song
Not a real issue, just a funny little timing thing.
>sidekicks are annoying
Already addressed.
>Kayley was a damsel in distress
She wasn't. She just wasn't an overpowered heroine. Kaley gets kidnapped by Ruber and gets help from Buckbeak, yeah, but she still beats wins in the end.
>Ruber had a deus ex machina potion
DEEPEST LORE. In all seriousness, this is a fair criticism.
>Ruber had a shitty non-melodic song
The rest of the songs (besides "If I didn't have you") were great, so clearly it's unusual structure was deliberate and fits Ruber's personality - it's also fucking hilarious and that's why a bunch of twenty somethings decades later want to do a group sing-a-long of it.
>there were some tonal inconsistencies
Fair criticism.
>it's not true to the Arthurian lore!
Except it was (ex. the Red Knight).
>Garret's insecurity is contrived
Not really. The dude feels emasculated because of his disability and is scared to return to the place where he was permanently injured. That's a perfectly rational reaction and it makes sense that the support of his love interest Kayleigh would be the impetus for his change.
I didn't mind Eric Idle dragon because he sort of fit the setting. Plus, "fat gay dragon who likes theater and can't relate to his acid-spitting getting-punched-by-Ruber peers" fits the general theme of the protagonists being outcasts / unconventional knights. The pop culture references were terrible however and Don Rickles should have done a British accent or not participated at all.
This is some SVTFOE shit...wait...
>main bad guy who fuses with magical object
>main bad guy is connected with angry tiny chicken man
>angry tiny chicken man is redeemed
>perky female protagonist
>more cautious male counterpart
>monsters with two heads
>parental figure of perky female protagonist who fought bad guy
She should live versions of her songs from QfC
Doug also complained that Garret didn't get his eyesight back - which is hilarious because literally every single disabled person who writes abut disability talks about how they hate the "magically cured" trope. So Doug was wrong again.
Douge is not really the kind of person you go to for insightful opinions on anything.
That's a pretty good image, although it contains an error - the summary text for the black skull says the "jaw protrudes from the maxilla". The maxilla IS the jaw, specifically, the upper jaw, so this doesn't make sense. The entire jaw of black people sticks out more, upper (maxillary) and lower (mandibulary) alike.
More commentary should be provided on the lower jaw - mandible - and on the cephalic shapes, plus commentary on australasians as well. Pick related for a contrast between an australian aborigine and a white european skull.
Cephalus - brain area of skull:
Tend to have tall skulls with a general square angularity. The vary from very rounded to narrow and deep or "dolichocephalic". Some have a raised ridge, such as that exhibited by actor Patrick Stewart.
Very round and always as broad or broader than it is deep, marking the head type as "brachycephalic". Tends to slope from the forehead to the back, and can sometimes be flat-backed.
Tends to slope from the forehead to a rounded peak high up at the back of the skull. Not just flat-backed, but actually prone to rear concavity as the skull dips back in. Generally very rounded and narrow in pure form.
Jaw structure:
Deep, heavyset jaws with pronounced chins and angles. Teeth are strongly recessive, and the overall jaw similarly. This leads to a comparative protrusion of the chin and nose.
Small, shallow jaws with a fine, pointed, small chins. Teeth are narrow and forward.
Large yet thin jaws, small chins but more developed masseters. Teeth are extremely outwards.
It's a fascinating topic and I'm glad to see more people observe and talk about it as a phenomenon. The appearance of skeletons, the way bodies are structured, little pecularities about facial depictions, and the fun that comes from comparing how western and eastern illustrations depict themselves and each other. All that and more in the magical world of morphology.
Ruber loves every minute of being himself. His body is a true delight. This is glory.
>annoying sidekicks named Devon and Cornwall
That's excellent, I have got to watch this film. I had the exact same idea a few years back about naming a squadron of evil minions after places in England. English towns are just killer for making goofy side characters.
>two water themed monster named Blackpool and Liverpool
>goofy shyster merchants named Stoke and Trent
>an industrial monster named Middlesbrough with his flunkies Darlo and Thornaby
The only mistake I see in QfC is making these characters good guys rather than bad guys. Traits that are annoying in the good guys become enjoyable when it's a bad guy.
Exquisite - Ruber has figured out how to make himself into a fucking Daemon Sword from Warhammer. He's like Lucius the Eternal only infinitely more amusing in his antics, and a bigger monobrow
>They thought giving him shit that causes axehead chickens would be enough trickery.
>Ruber the madman managed to utilize it effectively anyway.
maybe he was born with a full head of hair like babies do rarely
I just watched this movie for the first time after reading this thread, and I have two things to say about it:
1) It's a wild mixture of really gorgeous high quality and like 0% effort. It's enjoyable on the whole but so much cringey pop culture, forced moments adn wasted opportunities. Merlin barely did anything. Much of the film felt like excellent potential that hadn't been ironed out or excercised properly. I'd consider this an underrated but flawed piece worthy as a case study, and I'd love to see it revived in some capacity. (not that I trust modern studios to not do a hatchet job but I digress)
2) I agree with this post that this film inspired part of Ocarina of Time, and in fact I'll go further than that. Gareth definitely feels like Link's redesign in the official artwork, which stands out as looking different from the earlier, older model used in game with its narrow shoulders and pointy nose. Nintendo frequently borders on plagiarism with its obvious inspirations and borrowings, and this fits the pattern well.
Glad I watched this movie thanks to all the co banter. If I had watched it at the time it came out, when I was like 6 or 7, I'd have fallen in love with the mechanical soldiers. I used to imagine having a cool warrior with blade-arms like one of the minions, so points to having that minor details on the side.
>Not the Chad Ruber vs the Virgin Knights
One job user.
Damn, that's pretty cool. Thanks btw user for your effort and sharing it with Yea Forums
>this film inspired part of Ocarina of Time
Setting aside all the meaningless buzzwords, Ocarina of Time and Quest for Camelot came out in the same year and 5 months apart. You're accusing Nintendo, without evidence, of seeing a movie and designing their main character around it at the last minute.
There's no accusation in that post.
>came out 5 months apart
Yes, precisely.
>without evidence
So you haven't played Ocarina of Time?
>at the last minute
... you just said 5 months earlier. How can you forget this?
make of this what you will
fuck, this one got me good.
You deserve more credit than you got for this, user.
Stay dandy and proud, baby
I'm going to use these ideas in a Pendragon campaign one day
There was a bunch of these on the first threads. I think if some user goes to the archives he can find it.
Right back at ya
Can't that be said for all 90's animated movies by WB? Almost all of them could have been great but it's usually something in production (this movie) or marketing (Cats and IG) that gets in the way.
Gelt's face is a cold emotionless golden mask. I'm not sure if he'd work for Ruber. Franz in the middle with Volkmar and Gelt on the side might work though. I started work on the Arkhan one though.
I was thinking Gelt because he’s the most morally ambiguous of the major imperial characters.
Plus wouldn’t Malekith have the same mask problem? Didn’t stop the guy who made him Ruber in the elf version.
Which ones? The possessed Excalibur?
All characters should have had their scenes cut and replaced by Ruber planning with pride
I actually feel this one works with Arkhan being the big rebellious cunt among the Tomb Kings, so put Khatep and Khalida to the sides (Settra being implied to be Arthur)
Malekith's mask has an open sharp toothed mouth much like Rubers. I'm also the guy who made the Malekith one. I've made all the Warhammer ones.
Yeah that's what I was thinking actually, also Settra seems like more of a pain to draw than the other two.
The Ogre's butt.
He will have a plan.
Recut of the movie with just the Ruber scenes
I kindly request the screencap of Ruber time traveling to kill Disney's Arthur and starting the Ruberian Age.
Does it include Goliath?
All these great edits going unappreciated, such a shame. Here's one from me lads, good stuff.
How to pledge fealty to Ruber?
Was gonna make this, thanks for saving me the time and effort.
Worry not. He has a plan.
ur ugleh
So does everyone agree it was Morgana that gave Ruber the potion?
holy based, do a BLU version as well
I love you Ruberposters
I really wish this idea had gained more traction. It's so delightfully bizarre.
Shut the fuck up
it's the gift that keeps on giving
I must've been done by now but I didn't see it.
Batgirl makes it work
I'm shocked there hasn't been a Chernobyl edit yet
Is there an archive or album of all the ruber edits?
3.6 roentgen, not great, not terrible, but full of PRIDE
I remember a survivor / worker / hero of Chernobyl who said something to the effect of "Soviet radiation is the best". 10/10, full of pride.
Go ahead then user, make us proud
I needed this after work today
Holy shit
The movie is great user I watched it so many times as a kid. Had it on VHS.
That ruber design is creepy actually.
Him eventually becoming a full mechanical monster makes sense, too.
Here's how I see it going down:
>Stone sends Ruber to the past (this one's a stroke of brilliance, kudos to that user)
>Ruber tries to kill kid Arthur
>fails because Arty has the sword
>instead uses magic to send Arty into the future and takes over the kingdom
>Future Ruber is still alive due to mechanical augmentation and magic potions he got from some witches
>Arty hooks up with young Merlin (remember, he ages backwards)
>shenanigans ensue
The upshot of all of this is that someone needs to draw Hazel dressed as Ashi.
I decided to do one.
>Slaughtering the enemy... WITH PRIDE!
Someone should make one with an ork as Ruber and a chaos marine and a necron as the lads on the sides.
neat. there is a resemblance between the two movies
In that both of them involve the Arthurian legend, yes.
Probably one of the few guys legit more bonkers than Ruber.
what if ruber was a cute girl
We need this version.
Her tits have to occasionally sway in different, alogical directions.
>Flashing, heterochromiac eyes
>Butterface under helmet
>Immense breasts that sway alogically
I can see it
>The reason she fought off the knights was because they were distracted by her breasts
>And then you hear it...
i went and recorded this in my car since it's too late to be yelling
Bump for this user's PRIDEFUL effort
You know, considering how the whole Horus Heresy shebang was technically Big E's fault for not understanding his Primarchs as he kept them in the dark this actually fits really fucking well.
This one works well holy shit.
You misunderstood, this is why the virgin must remain small. As he grows in swole so too does he grow in PRIDE
Can we agree that Ruber leads the knights of the Yea Forums table?
>200000000000.00% P R I D E
>Doom spends time in the Arthurian times on a few occasions
>chances are he'd run into Ruber
If transported to the main Marvel timeline he'd make a fun Defenders villain I guess?
What hardware/software did you use? I'm tempted to join you.
He'd be one Shining Knight's rogues in DC
>Ruber's Fairy Tales
>And so I Ruber became King of Camelot
>The End
Ruber and Herr Haggard von Rapen: separated at birth?
>Mfw no Teyrn Logain Ruber with Duncan and King Cailan edit
Someone please make it happen
It sounds about 20000% more melodic than the original
a cheap sno ball mic and garageband
Random thought: are there any other works of fiction that involve potions which combine living creatures and inanimate objects? Because that actually seems quite original.
really good
Outstanding work
It's incredible the amount of shit you can find in the archives
Oh god that's great
I have a plan, it includes riding a fucking lion into battle
>With this potion I bought from some witches
Uh, Boss?
>A drop on this lion
Boss, hang on
>Oh, watch as it switches into a weapon
>That I can use at will
Boss --
>Now this lion can kill!
-- I don't think --
>Ta-da! Behold:
*sigh* Yes, Boss.
I tried but drokking awful at this.
He was Ruber all along
Sir Kruber!
Such a goof.
All right, I'm going to watch the movie for the first time and if I get anything other than the greatest villain in animated history it will be a huge let down.
Prepare yourself for the ogre's butt
I've been laughing like a retard for 15 minutes, thank you
can somebody make an edit with Liara and Shepard on the sides and javik in the middle?
Will you be staying this time, Ruber?
A Judge Cal one with Judge Fish on the table would be good one.
He had a plan. It included the sword.
Up until he hit the stone it was working pretty well for him all things considered
Based and pride pilled
He had a plan. It involved looting the shite out of everything to pay the bills.
Ruber: The Last Roman.
The plot thickens WITH PRIDE
This thread makes me PROUD