Why do male fans despise shipping so much?
>it's self-indulgent and delusional
so is having a waifu
>romance is not relevant to the show
neither is porn but we get a lot of that based on the characters
>these characters are not gay/in love
Personal interpretations can vary. That or canon doesn't matter in fanworks because they're just fanworks
>it's annoying
fair enough but so is waifufaggotry
Why do male fans despise shipping so much?
What if I also despise waifufaggotry?
What's wrong with me then?
You actually have taste and enjoy the shows themselves. There's no place for you on the internet.
You just hate character chemistry then and would rather just watch plot driven shows instead of character driven ones.
This makes no sense, a lot of yurifags are male.
I despise 500x500 images. Those are generally not the largest size you can save. And google is becoming more and more unreliable with image search.
male husbandofag reporting in
excellent thread by the way
i love that one
men don't like admitting to homoerotic subtext in their favorite series
>neither is porn but we get a lot of that based on the characters
Here's the thing, no one should believe their porn is the secret real canon
Shipping becomes the only thing discussed about a character until nobody wants to discuss the show's actual plot points, just who is fingerblasting who at Glastonbury
And the writers, in turn, seeing that aforementioned fingerblasting is the only thing being discussed feel the nerd to cater to it
tl;dr version I like to see the Hulk pounding She-Hulk but I'm not deluding myself that it was happening behind the scenes on agents of smash
You probably read the stories in hentai.
>it's self-indulgent and delusional
Well there's my answer, especially when people construct entire AUs off of one interaction where two guys shared a stare for more than one second. Also, ships rarely ever make sense, you can't just throw out a character's personality because you want them to have sex with someone who they would never hook up with in universe, that's just porn.
But worst of all shipping leads to pandering, especially if the show creators latch onto it in the hopes of keeping up viewership, and pandering leads to the changing of established characters to fit into people's awful headcanons, and suprise suprise you'll get just as many people who hate what you've done to an established character than the people who like that one moment.
people ITT need to learn how to just enjoy things
literally how did you get that out of that
just because someone isn't a delusional waifufag doesn't mean they automatically just don't like characters, how did you come to that conclusion how does your brain work
>no one should believe their porn is the secret real canon
Ideally neither should shippers. I've never understood the mentality of shipping where people insist that their favorite romantic matchup between fictional characters is absolutely totally in the show and you're watching it wrong if you don't see it. And I say this as a shipfag. Personally it always seemed to me like shipfaggotry was easier and more fun to enjoy if the shippers just accepted that it was all just 'their thing'.
That kind of approach has kind of gone the way of the buffalo, though.
Boys just need to understand that slash and shipfaggotry are the girl version of porn and lewds. Sometimes even overlap with porn and lewds.
I just hate fujoshits
Considering how much of shipping is just a flat out excuse for porn content, this is a pretty valid point.
I hate shippers.
The insanity surrounding it is what gets me.
I don't believe it's "just like porn, but for girls."
People who participate have crazy levels of dedication to their ship, it's never ,"Haha, this would be cute." it's more, "The writers made this, not me - I only saw the truth."
I admit to the obsession. I can't explain it, myself. It may just be the way that having a new pairing leads you on a downward spiral of fanworks, theories, headcanons and speculation about the relationship. It is still cancerous and should definitely be contained to certain environments, though.
Yurifags and fujoshits deserve the rope.
You guys do realize that shipping isn't exclusively yuri and yaoi fags, right? Het ships are a pretty major factor in shipping communities and shippers get just as autistic about het ships. see: Star vs.
I don't despise shippin, I despise everybody who thinks it's remotely ok to do it, as well waifufags, regardless the board/page/social media shithole
Yes but when male/female relationships get developed in media they often become a canon pairing anyway. Like star vs.
There is still autistic screeching and ship wars but in general het pairings don't have to reach as much as slash, and are generally tolerated more because most characters are either established or assumed to be straight already.
This. Nothing pleases me more when a popular fan ship that's completely OOC gets torpedoed. Ship fans are the absolute worst.
Example of fan ship that got gloriously sunk?
lol male fans talk about their ships constantly.
>Why do male fans despise shipping so much?
So, you’ve never been in an Avatar thread?
Watching MoonToffee sink like the Titanic was the last thing I enjoyed about Star Vs. The schadenfreude was top tier.
I didn't watch ATLA until many years after it finished/aired and it was wild actually watching the show having only seen metric tons of Zutara fanart years beforehand without actually knowing the context. The fact that people actually thought that shit was happening is hilarious. There's so little interaction between them in the actual show.
>Why do male fans despise shipping so much?
Never ask why before asking if. Male fans are just as bad with shipping as female fans. Source: I'm male and I ship like a madman
straight shipping is ok.
gay shipping is cancer
not that hard to understand
Zutara begs to differ.
I had such little comprehension of the show before watching it that for a long time I thought “the Zutarans” were the bad guys in the show.
>gay shipping is cancer
actually its the best form of shipping, retard
In a way, they were.
>Ideally neither should shippers. I've never understood the mentality of shipping where people insist that their favorite romantic matchup between fictional characters is absolutely totally in the show and you're watching it wrong if you don't see it. And I say this as a shipfag.
I'll up you on that one. I'm an incestfag, and seeing how there are people delusional enough to think that shows aimed at children would ever actually feature an incestuous relationship at all (or in anything but a negative light) makes me cringe to no end.
Once upon a time we understood and adknowledged we were just being fetishistic horn dogs, now there is enough hardcore incestshippers to make me rethink if the laughs of shitposting about incest back in the day were worth it.
yeah, if youre a fag
this is the shit i live for
what has my life come to
its 2019
everyones a fag man
get used to it
It's just men being hypocritical and mad that they're not being pandered to.
>Once upon a time we understood and acknowledged we were just being fetishistic horn dogs
Mein brother from another mother
I've been a shipper for a fuck long time now and it's endlessly irritating how people take shipping so goddamn seriously nowadays. It's supposed to be for fun, I dunno why people have to make it a ~statement~ or some lame ass shit. Nothing is cringier than a shipper who thinks they're saving the world.
yeah i don't get why people can't just enjoy cute images of cute characters being cute together
it doesn't have to be canon for it to be enjoyable
Emergance is pure kino.
Ehhh depends. A lot of men are just in it for the action. No action yuri to most of them has little appeal. And a lot of people that like lesbian porn do not like yuri. And opposite is true. But then again so is the same with women when it comes to yaoi but to lesser extent.
The only male ships I do is Creek and Clyde and Cartman
You love two characters who love each other. The love, though fictional, is addicting. Make sure you're not breaking your own heart.
Gay shipping is the best because you will get all kinds of cute canon moments. It's easy for the show to do same-sex friendship moments specifically because it doesn't imply a romance plot like a het couple. That's our job
Don't mind me, just posting a pairing that's actually canon.
>The fact that people actually thought that shit was happening is hilarious.
See this is the whole point of contention. In itself shipping is as meaningless and inoffensive as wanking one out. The problem comes when people take an idea (ship) seriously, find like minded individuals, unite behind said idea and become belligerent about it.
In other words: Shipping is bad when it gives birth to the equivalent of Political Parties.
>I thought “the Zutarans” were the bad guys in the show.
>In a way, they were.
And that is not even a joke. The effect the shipwars had in Avatar was so massive and radical that it affected Korra in the same vein that the rebellious popculture trends of the past century led to the exploitation of the image of Che Guevara via T Shirts and made his face one of the most printed images ever.
>canon ships are ok
>OOC ships are cancer
They're like proto-Destihellers.
>Make sure you’re not breaking your own heart
Genndy did it for me
protip: no
its actually much worse than that
i ship kyle with a self-insert
Why on earth would you willingly admit that on Yea Forums
i needed to admit it somewhere
I mean that's what Trey did and it worked out ok
Bubbline though
Oh, you cheeky fuck.
The best ships involve cocky guys and angry goth girls.
Because it's fucking boring as hell.
Because men hate fags. Shipping is like ninety percent gay.
I don't mind shipping, but I just wish shows had the balls to actually develop a real romance that isn't garbage. I'm tired of reading fanfics for scraps.
Yandex is your friend.
Oh, esl-chan
There are always exceptions.
It's hard for cartoons because most are still for kids, who don't give a shit about romance
i'm a man and i don't hate fags
but perhaps thats because i am one