Crossover thread?

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The only episode I watched of that cartoon is the one that had the characters from RPG World cameo, because it was just such a surprise to hear about after all these years.

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>Teen Heroes exchange
>Not Teen Titans

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This seems kinda gay.

What's Wall-Might doing there?

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This... isn't the most expertly modeled or posed work ever seen.

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Is that supposed to be Captain Marvel?

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Its the Boss from MGS, another operative active during WW2 with their own team of supers, why would you even think Captain Marvel?

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Uncle was such a cunt, the whole "MAGIC MUST DEFEAT MAGIC" thing the show pushed was so retarded.

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Why even bother posting something with such an unsightly watermark?

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What is this image for ants even meant to be

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Operative: Steve Rogers
Codename: The Dream

Supposed to be

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If only Steven was there to convince Star not to kill all those people.

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Christ there's alot of terrible stuff in this thread.

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If they ever actually do a crossover, I'd rather it be a fighting game.

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Why is he T-Posing at them

Is this fucking Boss and Captain America?

Yes it is. Good.

You mean Wall-Might-Or-Might-Not?

>BiBo's jimmies so rustled by Steve he never mentions his surrogate mommyfu's other Perfect Supersoldier Son that she taught CQC to
>never speaks his name, denies all knowledge of his existence, can't even bring himself to recognize the Howling Commandos
>meanwhile Steve gets unfrozen 70 years later and immediately goes to work
>takes out the Tanker Prologue with Perfect Stealth No Kills Melee Only S++ Rank
>pops in and out of time without causing a single T I M E P A R A D O X
>his slutty girl sidekick doesn't have to dress like a cheap edgy camwhore to breathe, or kill herself to save his worthless ass
>his waifu remains loyal and doesn't sell him out to China
>his Russian sidekick has a kickass metal arm and undoes years of brainwashing through the power of platonic male friendship
>meanwhile Ocelot is a thirsty manslut and his gimmick is chuuni-tier cool revolver spinning (like wtf tactical advantage is that going to give you whatsoever LMAO)
Has there ever been a mogging as brutal as this in all the multiverse?

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To assert dominance, of course.

what is he trying to do ?

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>Friends with a billionaire in self made power armor, Norse God, a carney turned superhero, a kid from Queens turned superhero and many more

The heck kind of power is depth.

The kind that swallows arms to the shoulder.

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>starducks crusaders

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>Steven helps evil characters find redemption
>Star influences good or decent characters to go bad through desperation because of her choices
Just brings attention to what a shit protag Star is. Rhombulus got a raw deal.


>The World
>not Made in Heaven

I mean, Steven might be a shit protagonist, but he never committed genocide just because.

Star didn't even care because plot fiat means she didn't even have to give up Marco, the only part she was upset about.

This is why I browse this shit heap

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Someone post that pic of steven forgiving hitler

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Source on who drew this?

>sees my edit

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ooh that takes me back. that pair was very popular from 2007 - 2010

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I don't understand the center fusion, why would he be more serious than the sum of his parts?

Seconding this again

>Implying Cap and Snake wouldn't be friends
Snake is just a more moral Punisher, he and Cap would have an understanding that Snake takes on the missions Cap can't be seen doing. Plus there's no way that Cap wouldn't respect the hell out of a man who stopped a nuclear war by fighting a mecha on foot while only using weapons he procured on site.

You'd know when Shaggy is 15 inches deep in you.

He isn't talking about Snake, he's talking about Big Boss being jealous that she considered Steve more of an equal.

Solid Snake and Naked Snake/Big Boss are two different people.

Right, sorry, I got mixed up.
Even then, I doubt Big Boss would have anything but the utmost respect for Cap considering that the entire point of his arc was that he didn't consider himself the Boss's equal enough to carry on her legacy faithfully. If anything he'd love Cap for being someone who could carry on the dream right.

I don't think the greentext is 100% serious

Ko ok is a mismatch.

Ok ok seems to fit into one punch man than boku no hero.

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KO would stomp Deku’s ass

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Tsuyu and Dendy are an adorable pair.

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i love to post this one, finally a worthy reason to

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Haha! Fuck Batman!

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He finished the comic as one of the episodes.

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