Disney pair critics to make people think it was bad
Disney pair critics to make people think it was bad
I hate disney and I do believe that they pay critics (not for all movies because that would be too obvious and retarded), however, that movie sucked and deserved the bad reviews, even the director admited that and thats unusual for a movie that its still on threaters.
Dark PhoeniX is a Disney Film, dipshit.
it was ok.
Your typo made me laugh at the idea of disney hooking people up so they'll say the movies are bad.
Just disney making critics fuck as a form of bribery.
No, it wasn't. Only a retard would think otherwise
Uh huh...
Yeah Disney wants there own film to fail. For sure. Fucking retard. Sneee-They didn’t make it-sneer. NO SHIT. Good god you people don’t live in the real world at all.
What did you think was good about it?
not him but there was talk early on during the merger that Disney wasn't even going to release the movie because they wanted to reboot. It's confirmed they wanted it to fail as it was a fox property. The only thing they want to keep is Deadpool
Yeah, who cares about a character who's only been in one movie going evil? No one is attached to this Jean.
>who cares about a character who's only been in one movie going evil?
All the necessary information is in the movie. You don't need fifteen movies to build it up.
Its not information you need for a story like this to work, its an emotional connection to this character. There's a reason is the movie is just OK
time for you to fuck off back to /pol/
It wasn’t Disney
>Disney pair critics to make people think it was bad
Can confirm. My friend, a local critic, enjoyed it initially. They paired him with some (((big town))) reviewer who claimed to hate it so that's the review that went out.
Eh it was good compared to X3, but it ain't deserving any big praise.
I mean it was better than Apocalypse maybe. Would have to rewatch that for comparison (which I don't wanna do).
It was fucking bad mate. the bet reaction i have seen on people is mild apathy.
Imagine thinking this was actually a good movie.
Imagine thinking that it's Disney's fault that people just didn't fucking see it
People will shill for anything as long as it's not Disney. There was at one point people who tried to pretend Fant4stic was an underrated masterpiece before realizing they couldn't keep that up anymore
I'd pay to see those threads implode
Okay, foxshill. Watch the movie and even try to pretend it is good
Disney have more to gain from poisoning public opinion on this film series than they have to lose by making this individual movie unsuccessful
It wasn't a good movie, but it certainly isn't as bad as some people say it is.
Completely ignored its own canon and comic book canon.
I liked it.
Rotten tomatoes needs to tell you losers to have sex and let's see if you'll listen.
Jean already has the Phoenix in her in the movies. As shown in AoA, X2, and X3.
No shi'ar or hellfire club.
Not that important. In fact complaining about it is kinda cringy. You're under twenty five right?
Name the last time you've read an x-men comic
The first one is kind of important.
No Disney bought it, shelved it, build everyone hope up, then let this out to put the final nail in FOX-men coffin. I just hope they keep using the same actors
It's incessant internet bitching
Those things make it a SAGA. As we saw with this film without that stuff you get an underwhelming film.
Nutcracker killing.
Storm levitating above a speeding train.
The name Vuk on an actress named Chastain.
Jean Grey looking like Cassandra Nova.
These are not opinions.
Literal train wreck.
It's just a movie.
this is the average phonepost
There is a negative chance they carry any actors over from these movies.
Bad movie. If Garfield wasn't Blastoise around here than it would be in wages threads exclusively.
exaggerated outrage over a superhero movie is whyso many of you are incels
>implying talking about big movies being shit isn't the easiest way to make small-talk with normies
It was a terrible movie that the tried to salvage with
>Lol gurl pwr so random
It made it even worse