Hey rebecca, easy on the sugar
Hey rebecca, easy on the sugar
Other urls found in this thread:
Do not lewd the becky
She is for the wholesome
Ill lewd her if i damn well please
It isnt hard when shes lewding herself on a regular basis
Sugar is for hug, not fug
>Eating sugar?
I wish I was.
c'mon, i just fapped
Sugar is for fugs while giving big hugs around her fat waist
>wearing this kind of footwear with that dress
How comfortable!
Do you think she still visits sometimes?
I know she'd never let I be known, ESPECIALLY because of threads like this, but I hope she still sometimes checks back on us in secret. If you're reading this, Rebecca, I really love your work and respect you as a creator
You are an incredibly talented/skilled person, and a rare voice of positivity I this jaded world
stay wholesome
Do you think she has sex with the shoes on?
Wish i knew
I think this is their work as well
It was a drawfag on aco.
So THAT's what Ian sees in her.
That sounds like an ok deal Tbh.
How exactly does one come to this point?
There's leagues of women out there one could be emptying their nuts too and you choose Becky?
Granted she looks like the kind of friend who'd give you a pity fuck, but this is just shameful.
I mean why not? It's not as if there's a finite amount of times you can jizz you must allot.
Ian stop making these threads.
Nerd girls are a fetish of mine, same with goths and girls with braces
Becky, if you're reading this, I am so god damned sorry.
Becky if you're reading this, even you can't turn our eyes away from the reality of (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled subdued sheep. They make up 1.4% of the US population and .0025% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
“A celebration of the jewish people”:
Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why we are in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
The full history of Jewish subversion in the west:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale: Anti-White Advertising
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
>Jewish role in the porn industry:
Reminder that an actual Jew said pic related.
i'm shaking and crying becky would never do this
>an actual Jew
Not an actual follower of the Jewish religion.
Their is literally nothing wrong with porn
Good goy.
fuck off rabbi
He straight up said God is BS. He's not a real follower of Yahweh, not even in the "God is a force, or the greater good of humanity" way. He's a bitter Atheist from a Jewish background.
>not interested in real women
>marathon jerk sessions that last hours, involve dozens of videos, and takes forever for you to nut
>have to use a death grip on your dick
>erectile dysfunction and delayed ejaculation
>develop bizarre fetishes and kinks, vanilla porn is boring for you
>trained into being a cuck by watching other guys plow chicks
A LOT of people do not understand the implications of viewing video pornography.
1. It changes your brain chemistry, in other words, its practically a drug.
2.It actually kills your drive while fucking real women because your brain is wired for more visual stimulation rather than physical stimulation.
3. And it damages your social life. In one survey, 62% of divorce attorneys surveyed said that obsession with porn had been a significant factor in divorces cases they had handled. In another poll conducted by MSNBC, 1 out of every 5 males confessed that porn was taking away hours that used to be spent with their partner or kids.
Ban this degenerate shit.
>a guy speaking on behalf of all Jews, as a Jew
This is the same group of people that one moment talks about how evil and racist white people are "as a white person" then turns around and flaunts their Jewish identity.
>complaining about porn
>in Yea Forums(nel)
>a guy speaking on behalf of all Jews
Literally who appointed an edgy atheist to speak on behalf of all Jews? Also, that's not a no true Scotsman. You said he was a Jew, I said he wasn't a follower of the Jewish religion. He's a "Jew", but only in his ethnic background.
>all of Yea Forums is one person and into the same forms of degeneracy
>He's a "Jew", but only in his ethnic background.
So what?
>no fun allowed
So no one shluld ever jerk off and everyone should be on their knees reading bibles all day huh? Youre just as bad as the prudish feminists, you nutcase
Not him but the fact that user is being preachy doesn't make points like porn addiction, chemical dependency and damage to social life untrue.
She's great nerd girl bait m8. She's not pretty enough to be just some thot in glasses but also not ugly enough to be abhorrent. Just properly homely
>porn is literally the only way to have fun
Imagine being unironically attracted to becky sucrose
Their is no such thing as porn addiction
>changes brain chemistry
Pure fiction
>damage to social life
Oh, are you one of those faggots who uses sex as a weapon when men dont do what you want?
Shut the fuck up, Becky
Sorry looney but praying a rosary isnt fun. Not jerking off gives you prostate cancer anyways.
Also wrong.
Agin, sexuality isnt something to be ashamed off, your prude conspiracies are just that because you cant handle people getting hard ons from pretty women because it makes jesus cry or something
There are mountains of evidence that prove you're ignorant.
It's been well documented and researched.
You only refuse to believe because it's inconvenient. You don't want to give up your addiction so you deny you have one. Classic cope.
Shut the fuck up you wrong faggot
Porn is bad.
Porn does bad things to you.
You bitching about how Jesus is totally lame does not change this.
Can you prove that porn is good? Can you show me studies that prove it isn't addictive?
Becky, don't you have a TV movie to work on?
There isnt an addiction issue, you just want to make everyone follow your rigid and socially backwards mentality which shames sexuality and anything else your prudish ideology frowns on. Literally go fuck yourself you might feel better.
>How exactly does one come to this point?
Shameless people on a shameless forum do depraved things for jokes.
>Porn is bad.
>Porn does bad things to you.
Why, because its objectifying women? Fuck off
Ding-dong diddly cringe and a waste of good quads.
I don't shame sexuality, I shame pornography.
>I don't shame sexuality, I shame pornography.
Same thing, prudefag. What are you a religious nut or one of those feminist big reds that cant stand prettier women getting attention in porn, im genuinely curious.
Because it's addictive and demoralizing
It has no place in relationships (then again, this is Yea Forums so you wouldn't understand) and ruins them
You're literally watching a chick get railed by another dude and that's gay as fuck
>Ding-dong diddly
ya seethe Yea Forumsie?
>Their is no such thing as porn addiction
But there is, the same way technology addiction is a thing. There are proof of both kinds of Compulsive behavior being a thing in our society.
>Pure fiction
Any form of Hypersexuality is also fiction too?
>Oh, are you one of those faggots who uses sex as a weapon when men dont do what you want?
Where did this one come from?
>hurrdurr sexual immorality doesn't exist
>hurrdurr muh dick and muh sex is muh prerogative
Please stay in your containment board.
>>I don't shame sexuality, I shame pedophilia
>Same thing, prudefag. What are you a religious nut or one of those feminist big reds that cant stand prettier young girls getting attention from older men, im genuinely curious.
>It has no place in relationships
>muh rigid and freedom crushing relationship structure
Eat shit, this isnt the 40s anymore gramps
There is nothing wrong with sex, jesus isnt real either, get a life
No. Anywhere the Jew subverts, I will expose him.
Stop pleasing your Jewish masters and stop watching porn. They control you through pornography.
Jesus was a real person though. Academia is in agreement on this, even secular historians and scholars agree Jesus of Nazareth was real.
>durr hurr everyone should blue ball themselves because my backwards mentality says its wrong and sinful
Nice goalpost moving christcuck
>Eat shit, this isnt the 40s anymore gramps
I know a man who's literally never watched porn or masturbated. He doesn't have blueballs. Go outside some time.
Nice strawman faggot, social justice cucks and feminists are just as insane as you
Maybe but he isnt up in the sky thrusting people into hell for something as petty as touching yourself
>I know a man who's literally never watched porn or masturbated. He doesn't have blueballs.
Then hes a liar
Why are you so unwilling to accept that porn might be unhealthy?
Because youre fucking insane and have ruined a once fun thread with your /pol/ insanity.
But why?
HmmmMmMMM 40 pure strikes, you don't wanna mess with them.
Because of your upbringing, most likely.
cuz you used the word "might" and not "is."
>pure fiction
Prove it
How does it feel to be just as pathetic as those nu males and male feminists by willingly cucking yourself out of a fapping?
>Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks.
Seems pretty based to me.
>willingly cucking yourself out of a fapping
Imagine actually thinking this is a thing. I'd rather save that load for my wife.
Is "Watch these Alt-Right YouTube video essays" the new "Look at my unsourced /pol/ infograph!"
*tips fedora*
Alt-right was coined by a Wikipedia troll in 2016, it's not a thing and never was.
>Alt-right was coined by a Wikipedia troll
Richard Spencer is a white supremacist, not a Wikipedia troll.
You're a pariah among your own kind if you don't self-identify as alt-right. Because they do. They use the term without irony to describe themselves.
>by willingly (allowing yourself to have sex with someone else while you yourself watch them fuck you and gain sexual pleasure from it) yourself out of a fapping?
there's that word again.
What a weird walk. Can't she bend her knees?
>this thread
How is there so many lewds of Becky? I'm honestly impressed.
As if universities haven't become the same thing for the left.
He didn't coin it, he's just a media puppet
I'm reading your post with that image as Peridot having masturbated furiously to Rebecca and then feeling sad and guilty about it.
They have those yellow apples, have you seen those?
Lioxdz. He mainly does incest shit for /tlhg/
Since when did a good thread take a detour into /pol/-tier bullshit?
No amount of /pol/ will ever be as cancerous as this post
Seriously, have sex
or something else with your time other than... this
Ding-dong diddly cringe
Have sex
I wasn' trying to start anything, I was just astonished at the shitstorm that this thread's become.
No user, College courses are not the equivalent of your video essays on why "cultural Marxism" is destroying America that you did 2 hours of research on by watching other people's YouTube videos.
This is BS. Richard Spencer inventing the term Alt-Right is well documented.
>unironically behaving like this fucking uggo is some type of anime waifu
This board is fucked.
Then why does that Wiki troll's efforts predate his naming?
This board is Poz'd
>Then why does that Wiki troll's efforts predate his naming?
It doesn't.
Good grief just Nuke this fucking thread already. /pol/ sucks cock.
But it does.
That guy was using "alt-right" before it was cool.
>denying the biggest benefit of jerking off
>how dare our thread where we try to make Sucrose waifubait/fapbait not go as planned
Maybe if Yea Forums had good taste they wouldn't have to learn this way.
Looking through the edit history, it looks like he created the wikipedia page in its original form in 2016. That original form already has numerous citations to other sources talking about the Alt-Right (including ones dating back to 2015), which is just a shortening of "Alternative Right", which dates back to 2010. You are woefully misinformed on the timeline, my friend.
Okay well now I know for sure it's Ian.
The term was coined by a Paleocon Jew in 2008. Not kidding, look it up.
She does visit. Uncle Scraps is a name she assumes while talking here, though she doesn't have a trip so always treat Uncle Scraps posters with skepticism.
Where have u been?
More. I want more.
Think she's got a big pillowy mound of muff hair or is clean shaven?
Friendly reminder to each and every single one of my fellow true Yea Forumsmrades that this invasive, subhuman /pol/tard
is breaking >>>/global/rules/4 >>>/global/rules/9 >>>/global/rules/10 >>>/global/rules/11 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1 and that he must be purged at any cost. The best way to do this is to search desuarchive or fireden for any outstanding keywords of his copypasta, find any threads that it's posted in, and to report each and every single one of his posts. I recommend that you report them as illegal content. You run the risk of getting banned, but it's an absolutely necessary action for Yea Forums's well being.
>muh fedora meme
Kill yourself