Redpill me on The Boys Trailer looks okish. but is it just Yea Forumssponsered SJWness masquerading as gritty dark humor?
Where do I even start looking up stuff in the comics? What runs are good? Who's the best characters from the comics that look like they will be good in the show? Gimme a good base for the show
You wouldnt like it op, you're to much of a faggot
Kevin Hughes
how much of a faggot am i that I would not like it?
Josiah Taylor
>muh redpilled >muh sjws You're about 12 faggot magnitudes to high to enjoy the comic, you'll be inject all sorts of boogeymen from your indoctrination into the work and jumping at shadows Plus you're to stupid to just start at the beginning and read it til the end and ask what runs to read instead, I can't recommend it if you're already trying to skip parts of it
Caleb Taylor
so by the aggressive stance you're taking and how defensive you are being I'm guessing you're confirming by omission this book is heavily SJW then.
Daniel Ward
user is right, you're way too big a faggot to like The Boys. Please seek entertainment elsewhere.
Evan White
not til you give me a basis for why i shouldn't like it
Adam Collins
1. You are a faggot 2. The Boys is not for faggots QED
Luis Bennett
>gets told he's being a faggot for being a /pol/tard that's obsessed with red pills and what is and and isn't sjw >REEEEEEE THAT MEANS IT REALLY IS FOR SJWS, WHAT DOES CONFIRMATION BIAS MEAN, I HAVE TO BE OUTRAGED OVER SOMETHING AT ALL TIMES Dumb faggot
Caleb Martinez
look dude can you quit using old boomer slang words to insult me and get with the new times grandpa? Either show me something I will like or hate from the books or come over here and turn me into a faggot by sucking my dick.
Carter Sanders
its one comic series so just start from one and go. its better than the trailers to the point that if you read it, you'll probably dislike the show bc they'll end up softening and joking up the more hardcore and serious parts of it. also funny as fuck when it tries to be. you'll like it, its one if my favorites. no other characters like them in comics. closest is hitman and the crew but thats much less fucked up
Thomas Cox
>/pol/tard You can't keep calling me wrong about the SJWness then actively give away your power level by using far left incel slang to silence me
Mason Parker
The only thing you need to know about the Boys is that Garth Ennis is an edgelord and really doesn't like superheroes. If you also don't like capeshit and are an edgelord you will probably enjoy it.
Carson Martin
>call a tard from /pol/ a /pol/tard >this is bad somehow
Hudson Powell
>far left incel slang >/pol/tard doesn't even know people have been called /pol/tarded for like a decade now You found your way to the wrong website, might I suggest you go to r/the_donald, fags like you fit right in there
Camden Foster
Is it anything like Red 10? I liked that series and liked the semi murder mystery aspect of it. It was based on a guy wanting to do a twist on the Justice League but couldn't get the rights so he made up his own characters and stuff. It was kinda like Brightburn in a weird way but not actually like that. It's tough to explain
at least you're staying on your far left Yea Forums containment board so you don't talk to other normal people
>/pol/tard doesn't even know people have been called /pol/tarded for like a decade now lol incels actually believe this
>encourages me to go to le weddit yep far left incels it is.
Carson Allen
You sound like a shithead. Go outside and make friends
Daniel Johnson
>Yea Forums >far left Could you be even more of an obnoxious newfag?
Cameron Ramirez
It's anti-capeshit so all the manchildren whine about it constantly. Just read it yourself. comics are the easiest fucking thing to pirate.
Grayson James
don't encourage me to pirate the comic industry is already dying because people pirate so the industry is trying to find these SJW fans and they are ruining the industry
Ethan Ward
neither of you has actually read the books have you?
Isaac Adams
>Garth Ennis >SJW Find the largest rod you can then shove it up your urethra until you are dead nigger. I am so sick of you fucking moviefaggots.
Bentley Cox
>I am a gigantic casual please rape my face But sure Garth "Bueno Excellete" Ennis is an SJW because someone called you a faggot. I thought you right wingers were supposed to he thick skinned?
Jack Reyes
Just read it. Everything including Herogasm and Highland Laddie.
Sebastian Clark
He'll chimp put and ragequit that Ennis shits on 9/11.
Cameron Flores
No, OP that would be your casual ass. Get bent and stay on you stupid fucking nigger.
Aiden Myers
you don't know anything about what i'd like
Charles Walker
you fuckers keep leaking onto there with you trash liberal threads and brie threads.
All I want to know is what yall think about the Boys not your favorite Brie sipping moment is loser.
Jordan Green
I do though, you literally can't even research a series without sabatoging your own enjoyment in service of the ideology that has subsumed your life. At the first sign of something you feel is wrongthink you'll stretch, warp and leap to decry the series as SJW.
Michael Thompson
No retard, actress threads are inherently. They're your garbage to deal with in the first place.
William Ross
sounds like something a Briefag would say. Or at least a Maisie fag
Adrian Jenkins
Whatever you say mongo. Just remember that you tried to convince us that a writer famous for characters like a fat Mexican who rapes villains to death and a giant muder/rapezombie literally named horsecock, is an SJW.
Kayden Campbell
Isn't it time for you to dilate? Or are you skipping today because tomorrow is OD-Day?
Josiah Johnson
Based on The Tick for alternative capeshit and Good Omens for adaptations, I'm perfectly willing to give Amazon a shot for this one.
Brody Scott
OP is a mess!
Ayden Butler
Good Omens is a *very* unique case. We'll probably never see an adaptation like that again.
Parker Hughes
side-stepping all the banter here.. there's nothing SJW about the comic. not sure where you even got that from. the writer, garth ennis, is pretty politically incorrect, and one of his most famous runs is on the punisher who is more beloved by the right wing if anything. you just coming out of nowhere with the SJW thing is probably what made people get annoyed by you. i have no idea what you saw in the trailer that made you think to bring that up. as to the comic.. read it from the beginning, keep going till you lose interest.
Joshua Ward
>fat gay mexicans >Not SJW
ummm dude have sex
Nicholas Fisher
God OP is such a fag.
Blake Morris
I'm actually not right wing no matter if that's how I came across. But the pissants in the thread made me wanna have a go at them and annoy them a bit. I am anti-SJW though. My fear was more in the show than the comic. I notice shows tend to not understand the subtly of the political stories and just turn them into SJW stories. I was actually wanting to get into the story but I wanted a few nuggets.
To give you a better understanding of how I like to view things whenever I watch a show I prefer finding a show halfway through it's run rather than finding it on episode 1. I like seeing things without context first so when I go back to the beginning I can see changes from where I started. It's almost like a reverse progression. Like when you watch a season 6 episode of a tv show then go back to see season 1 and realize "oh that person's gonna die, yep that person's not on the show anymore. Hey where's this guy?" etc etc. I just like a bit of knowledge beforehand before starting a story. It keeps me engaged in the earlier boring parts.
Aiden Morgan
>to high, to stupid It's "too", champ.
>you'll be inject Also you're forgetting periods after your sentences.
Xavier Morris
you really a Grade A faggot
Brayden Diaz
>is it just Yea Forumssponsered SJWness masquerading as gritty dark humor?
this could easily go to heavyhanded SJWness on the show, makes me more nervous about the show now desu. But maybe the comics aren't as heavyhanded. I think i might give them a go
Christian Brooks
The comics aren't SJW at all. Unfortunately Seth Rogen is producing the show, I don't really trust him and his friends not to fuck it up. But the comic is still worth reading.
Zachary Johnson
Its hard to say how this turns out. There are so many elements that really have to work out. From billy and the boys and the way they act to making the superheroes the right tinge of fucked up. I don't see it turning out well. Butcher in the trailer just doesn't feel as intimidating as he ought to.
Robert Turner
Goddammit not Seth Rogan.
Juan Thomas
you sound like a /pol/tard
>I'm not right wing but lefties make me REEEEEEEE
>I'm not a nazi but I want to kill the jews
>redpill me, everything is SJW...
get your bitchbaby contrarian ass out of here. you knew what you were doing when you started using buzzwords.
Xavier Gonzalez
nah in boys the heroes are mostly cunts in it for fame and money, adulation etc, and how they even came to be is pretty fucked up. as a whole theyre cunts drunk on power, and in boys they get a group of guys who hate them all bc theyve been hurt one way or another and they decide to hunt them and kill them.
the world they build around that plot is entertaining and the side characters are hilarious.
Joshua Davis
>Doesn't realize when the book debuted >Doesn't know who Ennis is Honestly probably bait
Leo Wilson
The female character is literally just called "Tue Female." Also the (vice) president is based on the retarded republican president circa 2006, which will probably be adapted to the retarded republican president circa 2019. It'll probably trigger you, so just stay away.
Benjamin Sanchez
Uh oh, is faggot mad? I think faggot is mad.
Hunter Anderson
See: you rabid, retarded faggot
Isaac Ortiz
Read a few chapters and see if you like it
Jayden Flores
i wonder if they will develop a vaccine or some kind of cure for your angry outrage liberalism akin to the shot for rabies. Maybe there will be a day when we can simply cure your mental illness
Carter Miller
overall that's what is exciting me. That is like Red 10 a bit but Red 10 is more about 1 case of finding out who killed the female Batman character.
Zachary Brown
that's what I'm worried about. The "let's fuck up our story to shit on Trump" aspect. It's Amazon after all and Jeff Bezos hates trump
Isaac Collins
Look you whiny pretentious cunt. I said I was going to give the books a look you "Tessa Thompson is my queen" bitch. My main concern has been book to tv show adaptation
Anthony Allen
Too bad we're probably only getting one season since they seem to be cancelling all their good shit like the Tick now.
Isaiah Cooper
yeah, because the comic was just so kind to Bush
Jonathan Ward
It's written by the Crossed guy. Try and guess how sjw it is
>you knew what you were doing when you started using buzzwords. There's actually a good chance he didn't, being /pol/tarded is a clear sign he lacks basic critical thinking skills
Aaron Perez
Do mods on Yea Forums know what public bans are? Because this deserves a public ban.
Carson Long
if i was a so called "retarded /pol/tard" that was just trolling with buzzwords then that says a lot about your IQs that I have been able to string you guys along like good like outrage mob to keep my thread bumped.
I mean if that was the case at least. Obviously I'd never troll just to string you guys along. I love you guys. Even if you are far left incels ;)
i was actually asking for actual feedback, til these heffers decided to come into the thread to start trouble. Don't worry I took care of them and you can continue to give me feedback on the story
Christian Cox
The Boys is just typical edgy Ennis-wank about how much he hates super hero comics. Bad enough on its own, and the show is just going to tone down the edge making it all the more pointless.
Carter Hernandez
>I was just pretending to be retarded, all of you making fun of me causing me to sperg out and throw a tantrum was all part of my plan, you laughing at me is me trolling you, I'm winning Whatever helps you sleep at night
Easton Peterson
This is just gonna make me miss The Tick.
Gabriel Perry
>i was actually asking for actual feedback No you weren't you absolute retard, you wanted to start shit with the whole SJW bullshit. And if you weren't you're a massive newfag that doesn't even know about The Boys or any of Ennis' other works
Austin Martinez
heifers, city boy
Leo Moore
Yea they want something new done by the new head and their own special picks. Hence they killed their submission program.
Noah Roberts
This thread just proves two old sayings. 1. OP is a faggot, always And 2. FPBP
Hudson Brooks
>actually seething because I was curious about a comicbook. Yall need friendship.
no farm boy I'm not talking about young cows. I'm talking about heffers
Ryan Martin
>playing the victim and attempting to get on a "get a life" high horse Jesus christ OP dig it a little deeper
Mason Green
>I was asking for actual feedback Newfag, if you come in acting like a fag, like for example calling Garth Ennis an SJW, you're going to be treated like a fag. You're not a victim, no one is in the wrong here but you.
Cameron Garcia
i dont need to dig deeper. You appear to wear your heart on your sleeve. It's so easy to see what you're thinking without trying
never called him anything. I asked a question. And from the ACTUAL responses I got from ACTUAL fans who ACTUALLY know waht they are talking about it appears the comics will teeter in politics. Maybe it's not going to be as bad as the show will be. But it appears it will delve into at least SJW subject matter. How they handle the matter will be the determining factor on if it's kino or not. I decide not you.
>kino Why is it, without fail, that every time I see someone using this word that they are some kind of retard?
Bentley White
because only retards use kino
Jackson Garcia
I'm fine with my beliefs being challenged. I'm not ok with promoting the other side's idiocy just because it's a different viewpoint than mine. There's a difference between feminism and SJWness. Learn it
Maybe because I wanted this to be a social experience I experienced with other comic book fans and not just a book read by myself. Maybe you should support me and not tear me down
>deconstruction of the comic-book superhero genre but with quips It's like as Disney made Watchmen More raccoons for Moore
William Lopez
Then maybe you should've been in the dump that happened a couple of weeks ago you retarded newfag, instead you come here and start talking about shit that you know nothing about and act like a bitch when people call you out.
Luis Scott
>other comic book fans you're not fooling anyone
instead of reading it and asking Yea Forums what they think, you instead asked us to think for you.
No I asked you to give me insight into the comics. I asked you to know what you know to help inform my decision. But you don't have an opinion. You just have anger. Typical feminist tactic
Before Marvel overused the formula everything I loved was quippy. From Buffy, to X-men, to Deadpool and all that stuff. But ever since the war between Yea Forums and reddit started everyone wants to claim everyone on weddit is the "lul random guys" when really Yea Forums was the "lulz random guys" who just got old and wanted to stop being "lulz random guys" and lebeddit became the "lulz random guys". Which is probably why Yea Forums humor is so dull and /pol/ish rather than "lulz random guys"