Let me be blunt, is there a labor crisis in America today?
Let me be blunt, is there a labor crisis in America today?
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Appreciate the jazz.
There wouldn't be a labor crisis if millenials weren't lazy and entitled.
I'm trying to stop being a NEET but it's hard when nobody calls me back
D*mn lazy millenial. Back when I was a whippersnapper, you had to go to buildings with signs on the door and beg for a job. These days you just use your ipods. No wonder we're losing the war in Afghanistan.
But Boomer-sama, when I go to the buildings with the signs they tell me to apply online!
is this a joke
Good times.
Your generation lost the war in Vietnam. Though, I think your radical leftists were more terrifying, being that they did actual anarchist shit. Your counter culture was real, too. Now counter culture is the culture, but retards think getting a parted haircut and tucking in their shirt tail makes them a rebel.
You dumb millenials with your smart phones, or as I call them... DUMB PHONES because they make you dumb, and your fancy portable computers. I bet you don't even drink water straight from the hose.
Well that depends on what you mean by "crisis"...
Not it isn't millenial, the failing economy is not a joke.
The United States of America losing in Viet Nam is liberal propaganda. They're all speaking American now.
>jobs don't pay enough to get housing and health care because horrifically inflated housing and exploitative health care
>wondering why people aren't chomping at the bit falling over each other to work for your companies
Dumb millenials not saving to buy a house. When I was younger you could save and buy a house in a year or two.
That 90k house you bought is now 300k and what would have been a 200k 'get a loan and pay off over time' house is now 3 million dollars.
There are single bedroom houses going for 7 figures. The housing market is COMPLETELY out of control. People with actual college degrees that get them decent paying jobs are starting to have a hard time finding housing outside cheap ghettos.
Neck yourself old timer. Back when you were young life was easy, you had it fucking peachy yet still complained. Now all your short term solutions have fucked the new generation and all you have is to talk about how easy it was when you were young. Your an NPC, the lowest possible human being, your entire life was handed to you on a platter while the young generation has to work for inches. Suck a cock old man, thank god you’ll die soon otherwise we’d have to deal with your stupid decisions forever
That's because millenials, being lazy and entitled, only do easy college degrees like pop star study or phone gaming. If they were welders or field medics or pilots they'd be able to buy your oh-so-expensive houses that aren't real.
t. 21yo boomer bootlicker
Back in my time you knew you had to work to achieve things. The reason why it's hard for you to achieve any of your goals is because you don't actually work hard for anything!
trade school, not college. Also hard physical work, not something any parent wants to push their kid into doing.
>field medics
Anything military pays like shit and is traumatizing, also literally all of our current engagements are pointless. There hasn't been a worthwhile war since Korea.
great job but pilot school is not college.
>"wahhhhh i can't afford a house"
>get options for ways to afford a house
>"those don't count!"
When was the last time you millenials rode a bicycle twenty miles in a blizzard so you could deliver a newspaper, hmm? Or the last time you had to defend yourself against the Reds and their super soldiers and nuclear missiles? No wonder you dumb kids can't afford anything. You're so rude as well, back I my day we respected our elders.
When the option to pay for a house is "work four times as hard as your parents had to (and 8 times as hard as their parents had to) you should be able to say "no deal, fuck that" and not put up with the bullshit market.
Only a dumb millenial would think welding is "hard physical work". It's easy, and you thinking it isn't shows how entitled and dumb you are. Your generation refusing to do do work that isn't in an office with a six digit paycheck is why the economy collapsed and I can't buy a candy bar for 20C. How dare you say that all military engagements post-Korea were unworthy. O you know how many brave men sacrificed themselves in Viet Nam so that the Reds didn't drop nukes all over California? And now you West Coast liberal kids think they were wrong and that the Reds should have done it just because you're too dumb and lazy to understand that sometimes people have to work hard and do things they don't like.
t. baby boomer living off the sacrifice of your parents
>Your generation refusing to do do work that isn't in an office with a six digit paycheck
I mean why wouldn't you want the -best- job you can get?
Having parents that care about you and your country isn't a bad thing. Maybe thats where you dumb entitled millenials went wrong. Your parents were the ones that said all of us in Viet Nam were evil and booed us when we came home. Your parents were the ones who voted for dumb leftists instead of more men like Ronald Reagan.
There are only so many office buildings and then no one does any other work. You ever wonder why there are no teachers anymore? Or no construction workers? It's because you entitled idiots only want to work in offices. You don't do anything hard because you're too dumb and lazy and entitled.
Using iPods? He should have been using pails of water!
>no teachers
lemme just spend 4 YEARS and hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a degree where I deal with annoying ass kids for a shitty 35k a year. For the amount of effort you have to put in teacher is the worst job in the nation.
>construction workers
again, hard manual labor nobody but cheap Mexicans want to do. Same with sports programs in high school. We know way more about what taxing physical labor does to the body nowadays, ESPECIALLY later on in life where retirement would be.
Well, that depends what you mean by "cwisis"...
Holy fucking shit you stupid autist stop replying. He's not even hiding it.
>The United States of America losing in Vietnam is liberal propaganda
What is Saigon called right now?
>roleplaying as a veteran on the internet
Wow, is there no depth to which you won't sink?
Back in my day we had teachers who weren't affraid to beat us with a belt if we misbehaved. These days you liberal millenials give kids medals and money for being terrible. No wonder they act bad. What happened to Made in America? Our own houses are made by the Mexicans, who are just commie Cubans but pretending to be different. Back in my day we built houses with our bare hands and we knew how to use a hammer. These days kids wouldn't know what a hammer was if one fell out of their cereal box.
>every time that comes up my parent tells me to just drive down to a store and ask for a job when they don't even have paper applications anymore
God damn it, you've worked at the same place for over 25 years. You don't know shit about finding a job anymore.
I ride my bike 10 miles to work everyday go fuck yourself old nigga
And yet your generation were the ones repeating the mantra of "you can grow up to be whatever you want to be, no career is off limits," and that a college degree guarantees you a cushy, white collar job straight from graduation. Also, I don't remember my fellow millennials handing out the participation trophies in our childhood sports leagues. Wonder who came up with that bright idea, hmmm? Take some responsibility for Pete's sake. You fuckers raised us to be princes of the earth, only to have the audacity to shake your heads and say "well shucks you should have known better than what your parents, mentors, and authority figures advised you to do" when the things you promised would happen didn't.
Have you tried having marketable skills?
Correction, the people who wanted a war got what they wanted out of it. For them, it was a win.
Yea I bet it was really hard getting a job that guarantees you a house in ten years you fucking economy cuck
>So I told them that this rifle made out of plastic would hold up perfectly in the jungle, and they bought hundreds of thousands of them!
You’re right, we should beat the children. Maybe kill a few
>What is Saigon called right now?
Have you been to Vietnam? Everyone ignores all the communist renaming”s, China and North Korea are hatred and viet cong veterans are treated like shit.
bigger corps decided that you americans aren't worth the money they gave you back and found countries who could the same work for cheaper.
My grandfather used to say this and this was a guy that got a job driving fuel trucks for Chevron by being available when their normal driver was sick. He was not licensed at all, by modern standards, to drive one of those trucks. You have to take a personality test to apply to fucking Taco Bell now.
There is no labor crisis. That's just part of the Jewish hoax known as Late Capitalism.
All capitalism is a Jewish hoax to make white people impotent and steal our oil wells.
Let's change the conversation to something actually interesting and not retarded.
Let's talk about Kyle Kashuv (is that really a white name)?
I got trench foot cuz I couldn't afford new boots or transportation, go such a railroad spike, you six piece chicken mcnobody
depends on what european ethinicities are considered white to you.
I saw one of his old tweets claiming he was Jewish. He could be memeing, but if he was honest, then no, I don't consider heebs to be white.
are you enjoying posting from the old folks home where your family abandoned you?
I fucking hate this thread because literally no one is practicing bait awareness
Unironically this. The devaluation of labor is why the dining is chewing us up.
>Everyone should just do these jobs. Everyone. Just pile them in. Inflate these career choices.
I wouldn't say they're a labor crisis. keep in mind that this simpsons bit is referencing the 1960s, when unions were strong, mass-employing jobs were still to be locally had for the non-college educated, and social safety nets were stronger (eg. mental hospitals, higher corporate taxes, higher taxes on the rich, etc.)
The joke's not relevant today. Over the last 50+ years the ruling class embraced "regulatory capture" and have split the working class along pointless lines, have shipped mass-employer jobs to cheap-labor states, and have eroded taxes and safety nets. This is what liberals wanted, it's what conservatives wanted, and it's what progressives fought against.
What we have is socialism for the rich, and rugged individualism for the poor. It's not a labor problem, it's a corrupt bonding of capital and political power.
you know he's mimicing a stereotypical baby boomer, right? shit's just a joke, man.
why are millenials and zoomers so easy to bait lmao
You know, I like you
Well shit, someone not taking any bait and gives a proper answer.