Any cartoons you wanna see rebooted? How would a rescue rangers reboot work?

Any cartoons you wanna see rebooted? How would a rescue rangers reboot work?

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Extra cute

tween animation, Gadget doing everything herself because GRRL POWR, Dale is gay

no i dont want reboots
i want fresh ideas with nice art direction

Is it true she has a honest to god cult in russia?

yes how have you not seen this
its not fucking blowing up banks tier or thinking haileys comet will take your soul away but a group of weird russians are obsessed to a point of infatuation

Wait a couple of years to find out.

I couldn't even imagine how good something like TailSpin would be, if it was done with such an excellence that requires a real level of ambition and wit. Fuck no, I don't trust anyone to actually do it though.

No, I want original creations.

It would be Porco Rosso, basically.

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>Magon and Zaslove also took inspiration from Hayao Miyazaki's 1989 manga Hikōtei Jidai, about a pigheaded man who flies a seaplane and fights air pirates. Two years after TaleSpin premiered, Miyazaki released an anime adaptation called Porco Rosso, which Zaslove felt took cues from TaleSpin.[6]

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>How would a rescue rangers reboot work?
Reasonably well with the right writers. The characters hold up very well, and would just need some fleshing-out rather than a full overhaul. We'd need KND-tier set and prop designers, though.

Chip and Dale costumes were based in Indiana Jones and Magnum P.I.
You'll have to change both, because kids don't know any.

You say that like getting the reference was necessary. I never got the reference as a kid despite being familiar with both of those and I still liked RR.

>You'll have to change both

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You don't need to get the references to understand the intent of the outfits, much like you can get that Gadget is an inventor
Without knowing the Indiana Jones or Magnum PI references you can get Chip is the serious adventurer type and Dale is the goofy jokester and they both are a little dorky. That's all you need

They'd have to make Gadget ugly or else the show would be nothing but porn
I mean she has a literal Russian cult group dedicated to worshipping her.

they just need to introduce more cute girls so gadget isn't the only one to get porn

any anthro cartoon is doomed from the outset

They did. Tammy and Foxglove.

Live action with real humans (neal patrick harris) living in new york but the rescue rangers are cgi animals living in a tree that help him out on some case (he is a detective or something)

ummmm indiana jones didn't have a fur lined coat! it was completely different than the jacket in rescue rangers (hat was the same I guess)

Sounds as bad as the Smurfs.

But that actually works. Characters who live in mouse worlds do live in the same place as humans.

Foxglove would probably become way more major of a character in a tv reboot given how she was used heavily in the comics because people liked her

The joke.
Your head.

Why haven't YOU made a cult dedicated for your waifu user?

If the joke is bad what do you expect?

It wouldn't. They'd fuck it up. They'd fail to recapture any of the important things like the atmosphere, stories and the characters, but they'll fuck up the little things too: for example Gadget wouldn't be an engineer who can build stuff out of trash, she'd just be modern tech savvy and they would fly around on a drone or some shit.

A Rescue Rangers "Reboot" might send the cult over the edge though...

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There isn't any point to rebooting something that was actually good, because it will never be as good as you remember it being. You should aim your reboots at something that had a good idea but never really successfully capitalized on it, or a show that had a shoddy enough production run that the chance to see it in modern day quality is worth the risk.

So rebooting something like Gargoyles will only end in tears, and pretending otherwise is hubris. The expectation there is just too high. But a reboot of Symbionic Titan that doesn't get cancelled and gets to its conclusion? Might be worth it.

why reboot something no one gave a shit about?

As long as we see the Danger Rangers I'm down.

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so maybe people will end up giving a shit this time

And Gadget end up in a relationship with Glitch for diversity.

You don't reboot something that no one gave a shit about.

You reboot something that people gave a shit about, but wasn't actually GOOD.

The Netflix She-ra show is a good example. Is the new show any good? Havne't heard anything great about it, but it doesn't seem terrible. But the original She-Ra was nothing to write home about, mostly known to people as the female counterpart to the not very good but incredibly memeable He-man. So there was a lot of room to improve on She-Ra and not a lot of risk that you were going to piss people off by failing to live up to the original.


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I'll just read the fancomic instead

They'd have to use the same animation

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Somehow I doubt Miyazaki gives a fuck about Talespin

You can't reboot that shit without some russian terrorism

My favorite thing about this is the guy who did most of the covers for the original Rescue Rangers comic almost always gave Chip a whip without ever checking whether the character even had one.

>Rescue Rangers
>actually good
user, it was the weakest Disney Afternoon show. Mouse waifu does not make it a good show.


No, get out. Seriously, you're banned for life.

-screams in pain-

This. I want a reboot of Danny Phantom.

Gadgets a cute. I really hope in the near future they don't ruin her

I honestly think it hasn't been a thing for like ten years.

>And Gadget end up in a relationship with Glitch for diversity

What did they mean by this

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>Not looking back on shows like OG Ducktales and Rescue Rangers with fondness
user, I feel for you

Obviously they gangrape Gadget in the next panel.

I never actually mentioned rescue rangers. I was just talking in general terms.

I do remember liking rescue rangers as a kid, but I was like 7 or whatever so its not like I can trust that memory of quality.

Nobody wants to see the old stuff(unless it's in reruns or DVD/Blu-ray sets/streaming), they want new stuff that's just as good as the old stuff.

Nu-DuckTales and Voltron say hi.

the way they usually insure against that is to do something with the model that makes it too-not-human to really look both "good" and "like the character" when porned.

i think they tried to give Gadget a long torso for this purpose but it didn't quite stick, and is easy enough for fan artists to pretend isn't happening.

also, nerds go crazy for a nerdy girl who is good at engineering and has realistic self-esteem issues. which is why I can't stop thinking about Ensign Tilly.

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Every time. Every time a Rescue Rangers thread starts a bunch of redditors come in with their babble of "lol gadget cult in russia so weird didyouknow".
There was NOTHING spectacular about the "cult" outside of a few public actions with "icons" of Gadget. For the morst part, they were a bunch of furries in denial (there site had a chart that explained how being attracted to Gadget was totally not furry because of her anthropomorphic traits) and has since moved on. For the most part it was a "thing" of early russkie livejournal and the sites created by its frequent users. It was silly fun like "omg cthulhu", whom you also could not evade anywhere in the russian internet those days.

So? It's a fun little tidbit. Do you think someone took it seriously? Like they have a whole fucking made-up religion like christianity or scientology? It was a little club, but it's fun to know a good character is being appreciated socially in the open.

>Dale is gay
I've seen enough genderbend porn of him that doesn't even bother me.

>Gadget x Glitch
>Chip x Dale

>B-but it's cute

This looks terrible