Can we talk about Golden Girl in a non-lewd thread? I've loved the idea ever since I first learned about her...

Can we talk about Golden Girl in a non-lewd thread? I've loved the idea ever since I first learned about her. The idea of fighting crime and dealing with her changing body could be a really good message for teens; along with taking the pure sexuality out of breasts to be an accessory rather than the entire purpose. Like Galko does with ecchi anime. Am I reading too far into Yea Forums fapbait? Probably. But that doesn't change the fact that'd I'd love a genuine comic about her.

Attached: download (2).jpg (193x262, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can we talk about a fetish character in a non-fetish thread?
Good luck with that, it never works.

>an we talk about Golden Girl in a non-lewd thread?
Lewdness is the sole reason of her creation user

also wtf is with that image, are you an ant or something?

>Can we talk about Golden Girl in a non-lewd thread?
>when everything about her and her world is fetishshit

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The /coc/ thread has literally been only about her this week. She doesn't need her own thread.

Yes but I'm asking does it have to be? I wish there was a comic like golden girl out when I was a kid. A busty teen who struggles daily? That was my entire teenage life.
Yeah I screwed up on that one

>Yes but I'm asking does it have to be?
You could try but the truth is that most people only care about her in a lewd way, you could probably get like a couple guys willing to not point out the obvious lewdness of it all but it just would not last.

GG talk usually goes in the /coc/ thread.

>Can we talk about Golden Girl in a non-lewd thread?
But that's her whole premise.

>Yes but I'm asking does it have to be?
For gg specifically? Yes. That is the only reason she was created and the only reason people care about her.

Now the other point you raised works well on its own. In fact, a huge aspect of magical girl shows is that their powers are usually at least partly a metaphor for their changing body. Witch being the prime example. Or did you think it was a coincidence their tits got bigger when they changed form? And no, I’m not witchfag.

>Yes but I'm asking does it have to be?
Despite what most people think, no. She was created for boob-centric comedy, not outright lewds.

>setting with sex, violence, Mad Max wasteland shenanigans
No lewds.

>setting in 1950s puritan America with the comics close literally stopping people from noticing GG has tits

Mountains of fetish porn. Funny how things turn out.

horseshit. even if they told themselves that then they were being willfully ignorant about what would happen

>Slow as shit GG threads on /aco/
>All the good artists stopped coming
>Guys behind the thread stooped to getting bad commissions of her and licensed characters and not just her with her own
>There's not even enough commissions of her to work with that are even good
>Nearly any new artist that hops in isn't that good either
>Everyone in the thread is incredibly unhappy or a delusional faggot

And to top it off Van STILL hasn't finished his comic for it despite how long it's been

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Actually, things have picked up a bit recently here and on /aco/, since two of the scripts got drawn.

Just because they knew it would happen doesn't mean they created her for that specific purpose.

Yeah, but acting like Yea Forums would care for anything but the lewd part is ridiculous.

Those threads just need to fucking die already.

>hyper-preg artist creates character
>never draws her hyper-preg

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shut up witchfag

we can, but everyone believes that she is /aco/ material when we fucking CREATED HER on this very FUCKING BOARD.

If you want real body positive characters, why not do this?
> draw girls and boys with different proportions.
> teach exercise and good diet
> why extremely thin and fat are bad for you on the long run
> at the same time, consider level of fitness you want to be in life - not everyone needs to be a body builder
> learn to deal with failing to meet physical and mental goals, and feel good for having tried
> don't be ashamed of what you can't change, instead change what you can
> How to consider risks and options for changing/modifying your body for medical or aesthetic purposes.

If Golden Girl was an one off about a superheroine considering breast reduction because it gets in the way of her work and taken seriously, maybe, maybe it can be a positive story.

Someone is a newfag.
Thinking Yea Forums makes things that aren't lewd.

It's not about body positivity. It's about big tits.

I think the reason I want it for golden girl so much is because I lived that life. Breasts have this weird dichotomy where they're both the most prevalent part of a woman's body, and bags of sin that must be small. When I was a kid big breasts were always seen as a negative, I had to cover up, I was made fun of. A comic where the lead girl is stacked and isn't looked down on because of it really would have resonated with me.
That's what I'm looking for. Making light of dealing with being so large.
Oh there's a fan comic? How long is it?
But I've been here all summer
That would be wonderful! I'd love to see something marketed to kids like that. Kids cartoons have the failing of only being able to go so far with an idea or risk alienating them.

people hate on big boobed girls bc they cant allow you to have both confidence and an overwhelming sexual advantage. any girl that had big boobs and was chill and matter of fact about it was a dick magnet in school and some dudes would try to clown her too to see if that helped them in their spaghetti. dont let em stay in your head if theyre still there

GG isn't the right platform for this. Make your own thing.

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Oh don't worry, I've moved past that life and I'm much better now. But that doesn't mean I don't want to help other girls like me go through that a bit easier

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The problem is everyone thinks one aspect of GG HAS to be inclusive of the other. And it doesn't.

Why cant we have both?

I have done my share of both lewds and just fun drawings of her. Her story and world are likable. . . she just also happens to have big tatas, and guess what. SURPRISE! people find big tatas arousing.

It's tiresome seeing all the arguments about lewd vs lore. I take the best of both and just enjoy the ride.

The people who get upset either way I feel have a "unhealthy" connection to the fictional character. Just enjoy the ride and follow the rules of the boards. It's really not that complicated.

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You might as well have your cake and eat it too.

I like to think of it more as a muffin that everyone acts like is a cake. . . bad anaology but in short. I have been. I participate in both forums and just ignore the ones fighting. there are others who do the same.

Daily Reminder that Golden Guardian has no content.

No content!

I don't see anything wrong with having it both ways. I'm not saying 'you need to stop lewding her she's a precious angel!' 90% of her content is porn which is fine. That's her original purpose. What I'm saying is I'd like to see a bit more in terms of lore, not straight sexualization. Not turn it into one or the other just a healthy medium.
Man I wish I could be 6'6

She's 6'4".

Because the gag that was literally the entire point of her existence ceases to have meaning when she's Golden Guardian.

>I'd like to see a bit more in terms of lore

Well you're in luck, because /coc/ has autistically added thousands of words of lore and additional characters to the world of GG already.

I'll take that too!
Is there a wiki for it? Otherwise I don't have the patience to go through dozens of threads for pieces

If it's any consolation, I wish all girls were 6'6" or more.

Attached: the dream.jpg (1020x1320, 170K)

There's both a /coc/ wiki page for her and a GG wiki, though I can't verify how much on that is up to date or accurate.

Sorry bro but it's not possible. Any time a character is bigger than a C cup at the aboslute most she's officially just there to create boners and no matter how much you develop her character or setting that's all she'll ever be to some people.
Don't believe me, look at what this very board says about Power Girl. Look at what guys like Goyer say about She Hulk.

I hear ya but I think there is a lot more lore related than 10%. I feel there is a little more credit to be given.
This demonstrates that I feel. However I should admit that when it comes to the Leeds I don’t tend to count the one off obvious commissions from random artists so my number is a little bias. I tend to count to work contributed by artist who they themselves have shown interest

If you ever get your wish, I hope you have better luck than I did. Pinched nerves are a pain.

I'm sure if you commission it he'll do it. I wonder how he feels about his character being used for paid works by other artists though.

I sometimes wonder if that thread only still exists because they internally laugh when they think "coc thread, hehe. It's like a penis"

You just continue the gag to absurdity. Not only does nobody notice her giant breasts, but they don't notice that she's an amazon or even an adult.

>OH NO, WE'VE BEEN CAUGHT! Oh wait, it's just a little girl. Isn't it past your bedtime, young lady?

It stops being a joke then and starts being what OP wanted about body positivity and stuff. That's why she stops wearing a mask; it's a metaphor.

bullshit, he won't even draw lewds if paid

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Golden Girl isn't funny anyway, so you're losing nothing by increasing the variety of the fap mterial-- er, lore material.

He draws hyper preg fetish bullshit all the time though. Why would he be hesitant with GG?

So wait. why are people so convinced the character is only for lewd if the driving drawfag behind her creation doesn't even do lewds.

Because their brains cannot process the concept of big tits being for anything besides lewd, so they assume the same holds true for all brains.

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Because they want it to be?

You've never had to lewd your own daughter before, have you?

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The dude drew the concept in the first place because he's into big tiddy teens. You can see from the early concept art before he toned her down in a vain attempt to try to market her as a non-fetish character.

You got me but the man literally has never drawn an image with a nipple. I think he just draws fetish shit so he can bullshit himself and claim he has the "integrity" to not draw pornography for money.

Wait what is the first iteration of golden girl?

The early concept art *was* the toned down stuff.

just wondering
have you read the co creation thread going on right now?
It looks fairly non fapbait at the moment.

I've actually always wanted to try contributing to a genuine Yea Forums project about this.
It's a fun concept, we've got all these "idea" guys, and it's about time Yea Forums actually made something.
So why not Golden Girl? I've got a few good ideas for supervillains if anyone else wants to contribute. We could start a discord and everything.
If /h/ can make a hentai, then we can do this. C'mon, gang. Let's put on a show.

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No. No discord. You want to contribute to Golden Girl, you get over to the /coc/ thread.

The issue is that lewds tend to overshadow nonlewds. It's the same reason we have worksafe and nsfw boards on this site.
It's not that any part of this site could be considered safe for work. It's that the boards featuring porn tend to be nothing but. Sometimes, you want something else that won't hog all the traffic. Same with stories

What? Why not Discord?
That's what we did for the community /h/ project, and it turned out fine

>I've got a few good ideas
You have nothing. Ideas are nothing. You are nothing.

Because that is not how we do things. It'll just be a small number of idiots who know nothing about the concept coming up with terrible ideas. We discuss /coc/ projects in /coc/. Period.

oooh, spotted Mr. dramatic here
But nah, my villain idea is good. Trust me. He was originally gonna be in something I was working on, and he didn't fit in there, but he'd work great for Golden Girl.

Hmm. Well the insistence on /coc/ threads might be part of the reason we haven't created a comic strip, but I'll play by your rules.

golden girl is retarded because she's supposed to be shy even though poodle skirt girls were the roasties of their day

>Well the insistence on /coc/ threads might be part of the reason we haven't created a comic strip,
Nigga if you went to the /coc/ creation thread right now you'd see a fucking comic that got created
If you can't even realize that, then you've proven his point that a discord would only be filled with know nothings.

I think this might have been it. There were a bunch of variations testing out different tit sizes and hair styles.

I'm not going to pretend that /coc/ is amazingly productive, but it has produced a number of newspaper strip style gg comics, and keeping discussion mostly stuck in a slow weekly thread has prevented any super autists from getting too attached to the project.

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Point taken. I'll shut up and fuck off over there. Wish us all luck!

That;s pretty clearly just the base that turned into the pic in OP.

Go ahead, we're listening

Yes? This was the base for the early design iterations on golden girl. After that they did the same thing with Silver Queen, then they got stuck together in a single picture.
You wanted the first iteration, unless there's a stick figure lost to time then I think this is it.

Actually, strike that. Maybe was right. I'm reading through the thread, and I'm starting to realize that what I've got might be a tad too gallows-humor-ey for Golden Girl.
He's a parody of mad scientists, but I'm starting to realize that GG might be too "a pure" and happy-go-lucky in tone. His character might be out of place.

Plus we already have a mad scientist villain.

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tits or gtfo

I'm sure multiple Mad Scientists in the same universe at once could be okay.

>nearly 6 hours later
How pathetically impotent of you.

You're even more pathetic for feeling pointing out the time as if it actually means something.

If time didn't matter then Moot wouldn't have invented it.

it was to fucking establish the figure, asshole.

the fucking JOKE was based off a single Batman panel. i was fucking in that very first thread, pitching ideas. we ALWAYS meant for her to have huge boobs, BECAUSE THE JOKE WAS TEEN SIDEKICK, BUT HUGE TITS.

it wasn't supposed to be lewd, but funny!
fuck you all!!!

I don't understand what you're angry about.
I'm just trying to dig out the oldest image I could find.
Nothing I've posted contradicts the idea that she was always meant to huge boobs, or anything else you've said.


truth. while it doesnt impact my behavior being around people like that makes me feel like absolute shit about myself. Yes yes do what you can with what you have, but fuck me its like they get to live on an entirely different planet. I dont like the idea that the people that like me only do so because im the best they can manage, not the person they actually want.

Ah yes
The only way a story about breasts can be positive is if we're shaming them and insisting that they need to be small.
The only body positivity acceptable is for tiny breasts. Big breasted women don't exist, or they're fat, or they're fake whores.

Fuck you, you fucking piece of garbage.

Wtf is this 8 KB image?!

I genuinly have no clue why you think a Yea Forums creation would be suited for this. If you want a character with big breasts, you'll probably have to make it yourself, because big breasts arn't gonna be back in until... user you're really bumming me out.

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Yeah and I just wanna see Yoshi poop eggs because it's funny haha

Have some oc

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Hanged some things that were driving me crazy

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And I forget the damn cape. If this thread is still up on about 16 hours I’ll post another edit

Bless the OC

I need to wake up in 3 hours why am I doing this to myself AHHHHH

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Just because there's lewd threads of GG on /aco/ doesn't mean they don't talk about non lewd stuff. Sometimes the atmosphere there is far better than here, funny that.

Yeah unfortunately you got bitter fucks like Lucy tho.

>90% of her content is porn which is fine.
This is false. Just taking a quick glance through my organized GG folder I see that there is an incredible amount of non pornographic art of her, along with a fair bit of pornographic art. I'd say it's near 50/50, comics included.
>I've got a few good ideas for supervillains if anyone else wants to contribute.
She has so many villains that are never used at is is now, but who knows maybe you have a better winner than some of the other ones.
That is very true, but it seems every thread and most characters have someone who's an asshole or hateful or bitter in them.

because the power of büb compels you.

This has never been true when I've stuck my head in.

Looks great tho.

We just did a non lewd comic, so it does happen even if you've missed it and it's not often.

More likely the girls lose confidence because large breasts get in the way of a lot of physical activities like sports. In the most extreme cases even standing for long periods of time can cause intense back-pain.

Those girls need to work out on their back muscles. Having known some very busty girls and a few Busty Fetish girls with very large implants, the thing they all told me was you need to strengthen your back muscles so you don't have any back pain.

My confidence was beaten out of me but I can understand that sentiment too
True but that can only go so far. I don't have much back pain but I can't exactly do strenuous activities for very long. Imagine going for a run with 20lbs taped to your chest

>True but that can only go so far. I don't have much back pain but I can't exactly do strenuous activities for very long. Imagine going for a run with 20lbs taped to your chest
Yeah, you 'd need a really good support bra for that. An interesting side fact is that most women, at least in the usa, are wearing the wrong sized/ill fitting bra. Glad you were able to get over that stigmata, when it should never have been a stigmata.

Stigma, stigmata is a term for the concept of people suddenly suffering wounds like christ had.

GG writer user here. What would you want a GG comic to be about?

Stigmata can be used as the plural of stigma but it would have made more sense to use just stigma probably. Leave it to Christians to muddy the waters.

>GG writer

They're one-shot gag strips, not exactly a high bar.

Well that's the other problem, trying to find a sports bra that fits. I already have to make all my normal bras, I've only ever found one sports bra that fits and even it isn't astounding.
The overall message I'd like is learning to love your body. The set up being an issue with her bust, the villain of the week having something to do with that, and the resolution being newfound pride.

>The overall message I'd like is learning to love your body

I really think you don't understand the point of GG at all. It's a gag strip about big tits. It was never about body positivity and frankly it shouldn't be, that gets away from the entire core of the character.

Mostly, but not always. If OP or anyone else wants to give me ideas, they're welcome to. I'm just genuinely surprised to see a non-/coc/ or /aco/ GG thread.

>The overall message I'd like is learning to love your body. The set up being an issue with her bust, the villain of the week having something to do with that, and the resolution being newfound pride.
Give me a little more to go on. Is there a specific example of a bust issue or something you have in mind? And what do you want her to be proud of exactly? I'm trying to figure out how to work that into the character because has a point, though I'm not convinced it has to be that way.

I was asked what I'd like to see, that's what I'd like to see. Doesn't mean there can't be regular gags and nudity, in fact I'd like there to be both.
Just off the top of my head, let's say the setup is she doesn't want to shower after gym class so she avoids it entirely. The villain of the week escapes into a bathhouse where she has to be naked, she sees a dozen different body types where none of them are self conscious. The resolution is proudly walking in to the showers after gym to join her classmates.

>I already have to make all my normal bras,
That is possible but honestly starting to enter doubt territory. What (UK) bra size are you?

See, this entire premise doesn't work because nobody canonically in-setting notices her tits. That's the entire gimmick. There'd be no reason for her to fear showing after gym.

I appreciate it m8

I was about to say this. The in-universe comics code prevents others from seeing that her boobs are enormous. This is why I'm not really sure how she would feel "proud" of her bust. What exactly does she like about it? This has never really been discussed.

>a bathhouse where she has to be naked, she sees a dozen different body types where none of them are self conscious. The resolution is proudly walking in to the showers after gym to join her classmates.
That sounds like the scene from Big Mouth.

So someone wanna tell me the origins behind this chick? not her backstory, just how she got made


Briana is a better character


BQ is a much bigger, more complete setting with a shitload more characters and themes than GG. It's not hard to be better than GG. That doesn't mean GG is bad, I love her, but she's pretty one-note.

UK? Not sure I'm Canadian. Besides I don't want the whole thread to just be trying to call me out.
You got me there, I'm projecting more than anything. Though isn't she herself embarrassed by her size? And maybe proud isn't the best word, more like content, where she doesn't dislike it.

Somewhat interesting to note that two of the the main, key contributors to the BQ setting were women, almost all the story-writing was done by them, all the archiving was done by one, and she also wrote the first script. For such a titty-based setting that's sort of surprising.

Its not that surprising

Attached: DIps2sXWsAE9EbS.jpg (1200x938, 115K)

I wonder if I can make a good Briana in City of Heroes.

Attached: Bastard Briana.png (187x294, 22K)

Probably, her design isn't that complicated. Just gotta make sure that red bandana is there.

I've seen and know several art girls who were bi and drew big titties or just yuri shit in general

Most girl artists are bi anyway

Someone started a thread with a panel from Stephanie Brown’s tenure as Robin where she was drawn particularly busty. The idea of a kid sidekick dealing with the Most Common Superpower snowballed from there.

>UK? Not sure I'm Canadian.
Bras are made often either to UK or US sizes, which are slightly different from each other. A lot of people online, including myself use UK sizing as a standard for consistency. I was curious where you land because there's been a lot better access to larger sized bras recently (like even up to a UK J, K, and L), so while it is possible you're sized-out, It would be pretty rare if you're truly outside the sizing range of many big boob oriented bra companies.

I've been making my own bras since I was a teen so I'm not exactly caught up with online sizing. Why bother when making them is cheaper, fit me better, and let me make my own designs. Whenever somebody asks I just say 32P and be done with it.

>comic created so that horny idiots have straight up underaged fetish without being called that
I get it. It ain't making me like this but I get it.

i just.... ya know.... feel like your lying SO FUCKING HARD...

because, as we all know the old adage goes, especially on Yea Forums....


I specifically said I didn't want to say because it'll cause a shitshow. You asked me twice and I told you. I don't know what else you want from me. I don't care if you don't believe me, I don't blame you if you don't. I started this thread to talk about Golden Girl.


That would make you 2 sizes smaller than presumably the largest real tits in the world,which is very obviously bullshit.

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>In the world
May I see the study? Can I see the number you're pulling from where out of 7 billion people on the planet, only one girl has a naturally oversized bust?

This is because Brianna is a hideous design, because everyone was falling all over Boobanon during her creation.

So you just got a busty Kelly Thompson character.

tits or gtfo

When a characters defining characteristic is the size of her breasts (Rather than being a character who just happens to have large breasts) it's very hard to not discuss her through a sexual angle.

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You'd probably need a comic where her boobs save the day somehow and she's happy she has them because they saved the day.
You got a time machine or something?

>oppai loli
let it die

There's multiple private CoX servers up.

You're not wrong but I think that the defining characteristic is in the eye of the beholder and there's fuck all you can do about that as a creative.
People are gonna see what they want and be reductionist if they want.

>Brianna is a hideous design
it's the hair.
change her hair you change the game.

It's not just the hair. Her colors are kinda drab and she's got too many details. Golden Girl characters, not just Audrey herself but others, follow that classic, easy to draw model of "Draw figure, add mask and cape" that superhero comic books have used for almost a century.
GG vs BQ is a very clear example of what happens when idea guys outnumber artists in the conversation.

What's wrong with the floofy lion's mane? I like it.

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BQ is not a superhero comic, and Briana is not a super hero. A wacky colorful costume is not something she'd wear. If you seriously think pants, a shirt, a utility belt, and a red bandana (poncho optional) is too "busy" I don't know what to tell you man.

I never said it was a bad thing or that it doesn't fit her setting. It's just a potential reason; the fact of the matter is yeah, she does take a little longer to draw.
The belt and the gloves were the hassle for me to remember, but yeah that's gonna vary.

Start a business, build-a-bra.

You're full of shit, for one think Briana is not a four-tone superhero comic book character and is meant to be more than just a naked body coloured in with anatomical details removed.

How did you size yourself?

While it's possible you're a 32P, without knowing what sizing system you're using it's pretty hard to tell if that's really big or actually enormous. If you're using US, I'm guessing you're about a KK or an L (UK), which is very, very big, but not impossible. It is relatively rare though, even factoring in weight considerations.

I am a bit doubtful because this is Yea Forums, but stranger things have happened.

Not to mention the nudity itself would be a huge no-no under the Code anyway.

With Audrey, that's a much, much longer-term detail. By the time she's Golden Guardian, she's much more comfortable and confident with her body. It's not going to be a one-and-done "My boobs saved the day, I am now totally at ease with myself!" deal.

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>his character

He doesn't view GG as "his" character.

I think the problem is that people are trying to make it deeper than the concept allows. GG and her entire premise is a gag. You're not going to get people interested in a any kind of lore or story, especially one as cliche as fucking capes.

What it should be is Busty Girl Problems (plus superpowers!)
Keep things short and simple. Couple pages at most to do quick gags to illustrate and exaggerate problems busty and even just growing girls would have.
Extend it into more body issues with similar heroes of you want. Skeleton thin, fat and chubby, short or tall, etc.

But it absolutely cannot work as a story and lore centric title. The fact that the idea has existed so long with next to nothing to show for it should be proof enough of that.

I've done some work on the side for others but I'd never want to make it a business
Well my bust is around 50 give or take, and my band is around 32. Just for the sake of simplicity I count each inch past my band and use that for the letter. P is just an easy point of reference I use. You're welcome to not believe me, it doesn't effect me either way I'm just trying to answer your question.

True. Here's one I came up with while on the toilet:
>GG is changing out of her superhero outfit into her normal one, coming back to school after leaving to bust a crime
>she's got her whole outfit put away, but realizes she forgot to stash her mask in her bag
>suddenly a couple of classmates see her from behind and flag her down to say hi. Panicking, she shoves the mask between her cleavage and buttons up before turning around
>they leave after some chit chat, and Audrey fishes her mask out, smiling and thinking that her gazongas do have their uses from time-to-time

Busty girl problems is horrid though, and speaking as a G cup a lot of them are just plain stupid or 100% personal preference based. I don't think we need more content like that.

Ok, so you are around an L-cup (UK). Bras are hard.

Is the shower idea from personal experience? I don't know if it would quite work, but what other busty girl experiences do you think would translate to GG?

That's not terrible.

There are a lot of things Yea Forums has made that are better in theory, but no artist has picked them up. I assume it's because the more serious of an investment it'd be to work on it, the less an artist would want to freely tie themselves down to it. GG rides the line where it's goofy enough and simple enough that way more people have been able to contribute with low investment.

Well yea, that's definitely the main thing. BQ isn't something you can make a 4-panel strip out of, it's a whole narrative with a beginning and end meant to be presented as actual comic book issues. Nobody is gonna do art for a project like that for free, hell no. GG is a quick one-shot thing and you're done, don't have to think about it anymore it's much more conducive to a random artist popping in and doing his thing.

It’s one thing if the bustiness is written to be a mild nuisance for an awkward teen and isn’t sexualized. But GG is obviously just hilariously bad fetish bait

I have found this out now heh. I did a search on cox and am overjoyed. I used to play all the time and lived half the time on the test server to help the devs out. Had a few discussions with BaB and Positron on stuff. Miss the game so this is great!

Yeah I would skip out from gym a lot, partially because of working out with my bust, and partially because the showers were just a roast session against me. As for other experiences I can still remember the first time I sized out of my bra store. I just remember going in and trying things on and desperately hoping for something to fit. I came out delusional pretending one fit when it absolutely didn't, thank God the lady was honest and told me to try a new store.

I would encourage you to get fitted and look into online bra options.

You mentioned body positivity. How do you feel about your boobs now?

Can you draw? You may be better off making your own comics if you want to promote big boob struggles/positivity. Some of GG's setting makes awkward busty situations not the most realistic in terms of people's reactions.

Oh don't worry I'm properly fitted to my body since I'm the one making them. And as for how I feel now, I like them. They get in the way and they're not the easiest to live with but I've grown to love an accept my body. That's why I push that message so hard. And in terms of drawing not so much, my talent is music. Thanks for being so kind though!

Who the FUCK made this thread?
We have rules for this shit people, save it for the weekend!

>somewhat fun GG thread ruined by some cunt's blogging and the orbiter enabling it

Go away.

Attached: 1534397592455.jpg (1280x720, 160K)

You mean the GG centered coc thread or this one?
Cause this one sorta started as more of a blog

Given how Yea Forums turned on psuedo that's probably a smart idea.

Brianachads rise up.

Attached: 1511753157430.png (716x538, 179K)

Yeah, I don't mind the blogging if it's not obnoxious. It's seems kind of relevant.

>And as for how I feel now, I like them.

I never understood this. What about them do you like? People are all about body positivity but they never speak in specifics.

The somewhat fun GG thread was made by that cunt. I'm sorry I'm talking about the topic at hand.
It's more a feeling of acceptance in yourself, not hating an aspect of your body. I like how they make me look, I like how they feel, I'm comfortable in my own skin.

>pretend to be girl
>say you have boobs
>post only about said boobs and answer to every single reply
Observe, best way to kill a thread you don't like. Works like a charm.

You should read the thread, because that isn't what happened. The OP is the girl in question. She's not trying to kill the thread because this is her thread.

If that simple fact totally flew over your head then maybe your judgment is impaired on everything else too.

>thread is no longer talking about GG
>it's talking about her, or arguing about her

Bloggers should fuck off.

How do you know what the thread is about? You were speed-reading so hard that you completely missed who made it.

Then talk about Golden Girl then! That's why I started this thread! People are asking me questions and I'm answering them. What else do you want from me? Do I need to ring a bell every 5 posts or something to keep you on track?
Thank God at least someone understands.

Blog threads are against the rules anyway so even if she did start it that doesn't give her carte blanche to blog about herself to thirsty nerds. This isn't Yea Forums where you can start a thread off with "what are some games" and then talk about whatever you want.

What do you mean "if"? Just own up to the fact that you freaked out over a thread without even knowing what was going on in it.

Your judgment is impaired, and nobody should listen to your opinions on anything because you're STILL in denial.

>I'm just going to ignore the rest of the post because it ruins my argument and instead continue to defend m'lady
Okay man, you do you.

Physician, heal thyself. If the thread bothers you then don't come inside.

Huh, who's the lady on the left? I know of GG but I've never seen the silver chick before.

I'm a surprised a self-professed boobanon likes GG. Do you actually like GG or do you want GG to be something else?

You know nothing of GG, then.

Attached: 1436072592572.png (4092x1807, 1.45M)

>do you want GG to be something else?

They didn't even know the central, main gimmick of GG, it's obvious they have no interest in what she actually is and want her to be something else.

Why wouldn't chicks like GG? No one can like boobs as much as a chick.

You might as well post all the non-porn ones then since by a skim of this thread, OP doesn't appear to have looked at any of them.

I'm 99% sure that isn't OP, so I don't know what you're going on about.

I do actually like her, well more I'm fascinated by her design. She just really clicks with me
No no you're right, I'm projecting my own ideals onto it when it's not there. I just look at it and think 'man wouldn't it be cool if'

Thanks, "seen" would've been a better word than "know" admittedly.

I mean skimming through this thread, based on the posts that I can assume were made OP, gives me cause to consider that said individual is unaware of the type of content frequently found in the comics featuring Golden Girl.

My intent was not that you were replying to the OP, so sorry for the confusion.

It's alright, mate, we're still friends. You can come over to my house any time and read my comics collection (as long as you wash your hands first).

Design your own GG-esque character with the big boob issues but none of the 50's comic baggage. GG has way too much continuity and nonsense to do the things you seem to want.

Attached: 1441685756779.png (4092x1807, 1.5M)

You're right, I haven't read the comics of golden girl. I've only ever seen the myriad of art of her. I'd actually really love to read whatever comics she has, I was just under the assumption that there wasn't any yet.
You're totally right, I don't want to change her and turn her into something she's not. I just think she's such a cinnamon bun and it had my mind running through ideas.

Attached: 1465437954827.png (4092x1807, 1.9M)

Attached: 1555211367156.png (1955x3576, 1.21M)

Attached: gg iris 1.jpg (900x1861, 924K)

Attached: gg iris 2.jpg (900x1523, 723K)

Attached: 1464293754468.png (4092x1752, 1.82M)

Attached: GG Enter SoS 1.png (1253x1763, 1.27M)

Attached: GG Enter SoS 2.png (1253x1763, 829K)

Attached: 1504006892802.png (1666x744, 381K)

Thank you so much! This is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for!

Attached: 1560611110443.png (2493x933, 1.83M)

Attached: GG comic 1200px_preview PT1.jpg (1200x4195, 708K)

Attached: GG_winter_1_by_van.png (941x1331, 419K)

Attached: GG comic 1200px_preview PT2.jpg (1200x2781, 497K)

Attached: GG_winter_2_by_van.png (1351x1910, 1.38M)

Attached: GG comic 1200px_preview PT3.jpg (1200x2329, 388K)

Attached: GG_winter_3_by_van.png (1023x1447, 417K)

Attached: HardLuck01.jpg (900x1274, 554K)

Attached: HardLuck02.jpg (900x1274, 594K)

Attached: HardLuck03.jpg (900x1274, 634K)

I guess this page wouldn't make sense if you don't know who Iron Girl is, but it looks like her intro comic is actually in the works now.

Attached: HardLuck04.jpg (900x1274, 699K)

Attached: HFGG01.jpg (707x1000, 329K)

Attached: HFGG02.jpg (707x1000, 268K)

Attached: HFGG03.jpg (707x1000, 229K)

Really missing the days when Yea Forums had 30 second post cool downs when posting with an image.

Made storytiming so much faster.

Attached: HFGG04.jpg (707x1000, 252K)

Attached: HFGG05.jpg (707x1000, 252K)

Attached: HFGG06.jpg (707x1000, 208K)

i've never heard of this character before

Attached: HFGG07.jpg (707x1000, 208K)

Yea Forums made her up a few years ago.

Attached: HFGG08.jpg (707x1000, 192K)

Attached: HFGG09.jpg (707x1000, 205K)

Attached: HFGG10.jpg (707x1000, 278K)

Attached: HFGG11.jpg (707x1000, 193K)

Attached: HFGG12.jpg (707x1000, 214K)

you need a pass

Crossover with BreastQuest.

Attached: 1482768524178.png (1700x788, 882K)

As you can see, there's a surprising amount of content for a homemade Yea Forums character. Is it the kind of content you had in mind? It's not really realistic boob struggles in my opinion.

Crossover with M'am Aries.

And that about does it for the SFW comics since I'm not posting those or comics from incomplete sets.

So there are some more SFW comics, but they aren't finished or not all the pages got drawn.

Passes don't do shit for post cool downs as far as I know, they just made it so you don't have to deal with captchas.

Attached: 1464169548298.png (1650x1250, 727K)

Oh yeah, there's also this one.

Attached: 1499580873874.jpg (1280x2157, 663K)

This is actually perfect! You're right it's not but it's still a busty girl getting her job done. Ive got no problem admitting I was in the wrong

I don't think you're in the wrong. You just want something slightly different, but maybe you can also appreciate what GG is.

I absolutely do!

Your post timer is halved with the pass™.

Cool. But yeah, I've also always been a little frustrated that GG doesn't really represent real daily huge boob struggles very well.

Make your own thing.

Really what does? Busty girls don't really get a voice, we're not supposed to complain. "oh I'd kill to have a rack like yours" yeah well I'd kill to be able to easily clip my toenails we've all got issues.

I think this was mentioned earlier, but bustygirlcomics was the closest thing too that, which I didn't like very much since it had no narrative or characters to relate to.

I actually dumped that comic on the weekend. It's not the greatest comic, and it's not like everything is relatable. But there's some bangers in there like wiping off a chalkboard with boobs

>Those threads just need to fucking die already.

Yea Forums should be about comics, not stupid fucking OCs.

that's pretty ironic on your part considering that all that Psu draws of his characters is bondage shit nowadays.

>Yea Forums should be about comics, not stupid fucking OCs.
>A dozen comics get posted
>That doesn't count!

There are a few gems in BGC. But it's mostly filler. I don't think it's a good example. I don't know if a good example exists yet.

Thanks for dumping.

>intro comic is actually in the works now
Is this true? Tell it is true

It is true, a rough draft of the first page was posted over in the /aco/ thread.

Attached: 1560889015723.jpg (818x1000, 625K)

There's no guarantee that hagfish will draw the whole thing though.
If someone decides to collaborate with him again like what happened a few days ago with the SoS comic then I think the odds of it actually being done will be much more likely.

I find jingling some keys works to entertain them.

Might as well also post the script pastebin while I'm at it.

Comics sometimes get drawn based off of them, then the scripts get removed from the bin.

That was the newest one that was made in the other thread

New stuff from the /aco/ thread

Attached: GG returns 2.png (1110x1508, 582K)

Well what do you know. Wonder if this one will be finished.

So, how shit is the thread? Just asking because it's like half-way to bump limit, and I don't really feel like scrolling through it if it was shit to begin with. Is it /aco/ levels of bad?

>New stuff
that shitposter doesn't draw for threads, it's all reposts for attention-whoring
but you knew that already, right?

This pic specifically is new tho, the artist posted it a few hours ago

She's still just mostly one-note fetish-bait

Yea Forums has a fetish for pretending fetish things aren't fetish things. I think it has to do with trying to recreate the feeling of finding fetish things in unexpected media where intention is ambiguous.

That's a lot of salt.

I'm seeing a lot of angst that can be summed up as "does liking big boobs make me a bad person?" by presumably downtrodden autists who just accept whatever some salty bitch spouts at them followed by a few people claiming to be femanons that are trying to stoke this angst.

As far as /aco/ threads go in comparison I've scene more autistic infighting regarding fetish preference which isn't as bad.
It's all fun and games until someone comes in saying "please tell your penis to understand, big boobs hurt me :("

It's because normalization leads to proliferation. By saying big titty characters can only ever be in porn or are always fetish bait, you contribute to characters like Cheetara or DQ getting Cal Arts makeovers.

"Normalization" doesn't apply to tits, they aren't some sort of cultural anomaly, but something that has a profound effect on human sexual selection.
So long as they factor into male attraction towards women, they will always be "rejected" in media because there will always be women who will complain about them.

It doesn't matter if you prove to women that they have no control whatsoever over what men perceive as attractive (and vice versa), they will still be obliged to attack media, because they can get away with that (because there are repercussion to just genociding all women who have larger breasts than you).

ah Yea Forumsmblr

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

She really wasn't lewd at all when she was created. It was a silly gag more than anything else. /aco/ got hold of her and never looked back, though.

Quick doodle.

Attached: GG-wip.png (1000x750, 455K)

>"oh I'd kill to have a rack like yours" yeah well I'd kill to be able to easily clip my toenails we've all got issues.
I'd like to ride the subway without bumping my head on doorways and hanging handrails.
Short people have no reason to smile.
etc. etc..

I feel like GG would have pretty puffy nipples.