How the fuck did they get away with this?

how the fuck did they get away with this?

Attached: oyvey.jpg (475x352, 22K)

Get away with what?

m o i s t

Getting fingered by science

(((Who knows)))

Probably the same way Drawn Together did. Must have had Jews on staff.
Jews (especially the ones on the Left) love using their n-word privileges
inb4 some dumb nigger gets upset on why I used the n-word, it makes sense in the context, retard

His mother's a bigger Jew caricature than he is.

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>Jews (especially the ones on the Left) love using their n-word privileges
>inb4 some dumb nigger gets upset on why I used the n-word
so you're a jew too?

it was a different time

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I married one

I still can't believe they aired the episode where the entire playground ran a train on the Ashleys.

My favorite part is that his name is an anagram.

Exactly! There's nothing wrong with the picture.

is she hot?

He is

Randall J. Weems
A Small Jew Nerd

That still blows my mind to this day.

Post tits or GTSO

Not him, but I grew up in Baltimore county, which has tons of Jews. 75% of the Jewish girls who went to my school were so sexy. There were less cute guys, though.

Why the fuck did 4 girls get an entire playground fixture to themselves? Total bullshit.

Their parents probably controlled the PTA. It was established their moms are just like them.

there was a jewish girl in my class in high school (not pic related), and her khazar milker game was dead on

Attached: kasina-karadonna-the-last-of-us-part2.jpg (1859x2308, 579K)

That tiddy was padded as fuck

Did you not read the part about a train? After a few pity gangbangs, everyone just started to let it slide.

God damn, I just turned 30 and why didn't I pick up on this sooner?

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What the fuck. Had to be intentional right?

gib milk