Is she the best villain
DC Super Hero Girls
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Why the fuck is she a villain?
I hate Jess.
Whose little sister is that?
Retract, user!
No, Carol is the best love interest for Hal.
She and Ivy
Ivy/Zatanna episode when?!
Tarley is worst girl
Why do her ears disappear in front view? Try and unsee that now.
Based and zappilled
but the real question is: how does she smell?
>she stole your waifu
Whoa calm down, Star.
Hal is not my waifu.
The only ones actually doing something downright villanous so far have been harley, giganta and livewire, the rest of them were kinda just there or dragged by the others, behavior you could handwave away as bitchy, hormonal teens that havnt had a "with great power comes great responsability" moment
On a "who's hotter" ranking it goes like this though:
Livewire (both forms) > human form poison ivy >elf poison ivy >harley with costume > carol both (both forms) > catwoman = giganta > harley without costume
>not having Hal as a waifu
>Tfw I know a girl that just looks like her with the bitchy attitude and all
>Tfw I want her to my gf
>Tfw she has a boyfriend
It’s Hal isn’t it?
How Catwoman's episode wasn't villanous?
Oh man this is so much better than the latter seasons of ponies.
Or earlier ones
Faust is better than ever
if left alone, catwoman will just steal shit, something that can be said about most incarnations of her- which mind you is still wrong but the other three went out of their way to be a cunt's hair away from killing people
She was going to kill Supergirl, what the fuck are you smoking?
notice the
>if left alone
part there
lets see:
-Livewire almost killed an elevator full of people for her blog
-Giganta went apeshit bc a fat man thought and was only stopped thanks to the superhero girls
-harley was gonna blow up a bridge (granted, only a single person happened to be there) and regularly scrapped with the gotham police
If catwoman *actually* wanted supergirl dead she'd just slit her throat right then and there. Instead of dragging her to the very place in the exhibit supergirl would have gotten either help or sunlight come morning
Reminder that Leslie has been the only one to actually BTFO the heroes and prove to be an actual threat
Why are the episodes out of order?
Better than Jess.
rumor has it that she's smelly
I think we can all agree the fact that Lois is best girl, right?
dude shes been a villian for the past like 10 years
Two words.
Coffee breath.
hey user wanna snort some magic dust off of my thighs
>I think we can all agree the fact that Kara is best girl, right?
fixed it for you
I think she is a very nice person
Guys, you can send questions for Lauren via the show's twitter
some one ask her why all the characters are so sexy
Cheetah did a pretty good job too.
I don't know about best girl, but this is my favorite version of the character.
read comics, you faggot
>literally acting like a couple
faust is not even subtle
because timm wanted to make people like his OC
The lighter shades of black in her hair make her look old.
Just wanna cuddle her and make her a teen mom.
Livewire should mess with Kara by dating her cousin.
>Livewire should mess with Kara by raping her cousin.
>Livewire should mess with kara by banging her stepdad..........and mom.
they look like they swing
>hottest villain ranking
>Livewire (without costume): 1st Place
>"Eartha Kitt"ish Catwoman: 2nd to Last Place
Leslie is shit
>why are you just standing there? don't you want to take a ride?
post girls you want to see in this show
I want to see her as a freshman who's a total fangirl for Supergirl and just keeps following her all of the time to get her attention
She should hate Supergirl
what like a rival?
DCAU ended years ago, deal with it
How about both
>Stargirl is a cocky show-off who wants to upstage Supergirl
>Courtney is a fangirl who looks up to Supergirl and wishes her approval
That was her plan from the beginning.
>*bullies ur waifu*
>I put something extra special in
>you'll find it delish (shit eating laugh emoji)
She squirted into his backpack, didn't she?
Catwoman should've kept the fucking kryptonite. I thought that was the point all along, as part of a larger plan.
why would Catwoman of all people want to steal a rare and precious gem
think before you type user
Harley just wanted to avoid math class. Of course, it would be very Harley if that was just a casual excuse to actually kill people.
Leslie is the best in all her incarnations. Wish she became the mass media normie darling instead of Harley. I want to see every girl slut it up as her for Halloween, not some dumb bimbo clown.
why didn't she just sleep with her teacher like she did to become a psychiatrist
If only they didn't make her ugly
>Normie kids are now shipping Hal X Jess because of this show
Face it Yea Forums, we can’t stop it
She and Kara become friends. The other girls suspect her because her name is Terra, but it turns out that no, she's not like those other Terras.
Just want to 'cuddle her' and make her the mother of a team.
A new era.
The tide is turning
this is sick and wrong
give Jess so Gardner or something and keep Hal pure
this is heresy
>implying he was not raped by carol before
he's still pure though because it's with his true love
>true love rapes
Who is Diana eyeing then?
How old is Jess again?
but Jess is smelly
This is worse than Hal being upstaged by fucking John in the DCAU
Everyone loves to use Jess
I like the pattern on the bottom of her skirt
simple, but nice
Isn't that just the GL logo?
Cheetah was better
Etta Candy. Episode writes itself.
>Diana becomes the best of friends with Etta
>other girls get jealous of her having a life outside of them
>shenanigans happen and they get the fuck over themselves
And before you even start, vanilla or chocolate, either is good, as long as she's thicc and sassy.
i imagine that if Babs cant get shot and crippled then Harley cant fuck her way to a degree
>Normie kids are now shipping Hal X Jess because of this show
Even though i think Jess is the worst one of the cast, she deserves better- all the guys in this show are either jerks or incompetent
jerk and competent: clark
jerk and incompetent: hal
nice but incompetent: barry, billy
So when do you think we'll be able to see the rest of the superboys team?
Is that Constantine on the bottom right in the boy groupshot?
livewire has the best overall design she reminds me to much of dominator with combination to her personality.
carol is my favorite even with the costume alteration which the thing i liked the most but her head and eye proportions ruin it for me.
>Star Sapphire
>dressed the most conservatively out of all the villains
Steve Trevor
She is a flying upskirt machine
Hawkman and Arrow are coming up? Cool
Oliver looks like a douche
why diana can't be this thicc in the show?
is steve trevor badass/useful enough to be in the boys team? Wasnt he just a goverment spy or something?
I think he will receive the same treatment like hal and supes
He's a spy, not a superhero. Plus he doesn't even go to the same school
Is Garth the last member of the boys team?
Crush when?
Beast Boy will be on the team
Beast Boy has a cameo but Garth is the sixth ranger.
Catwoman was evil you jew
she's still in her developmental years. She is still figuring out that men like looking at naked women, she currently assumes she just needs to look extremely pretty
>Makes friends with Supergirl
>Wrecks havoc with her
>the Super Her Girls have to hold an intervention
I wonder how they'll develop the relationships between the boys and girls in this show?
>girls rule, boys drool
Everytime. They done this with every character except Barry.
We'll have to wait until we see Poison Ivy, but so far, it's a resounding yes. I love her VA work, her crazy attitude, plus waifu.
>not thinking Cheetah is the best villain
>thinking some yandere waif is better
Which is what gives me hope. Barry is cool. Hal is sympathetic, if a bit of a douche. Superman was a bit too douchey, but I think the joke was that he's still a teenager, despite technically being older.
Cheetah was just Pacifica from Gravity Falls, with magic. Hard pass.
This. Could be helped to have more value in the team, since she and Harley are the only ones without powers and Harley is Babs rival so...
Did babs keep the kryptonite
Depends on how much of a conniving schemer she is. Just HOW much is she like Bruce?
At the very least, she has some sort of tracker on each team member seen in the Cheetah episode
Would be easier to follow comics storyline and have her stealing her uncle's star rod to go be a superhero too and he gets pissed at her for doing it. Then her dad embarrasses her by building a huge mech suit and flying around babysitting her.
how did she get a tracker on Cheetah though
It's pretty standard high school cliches which works because comic books thrives on cliches
>Hal is the dumb jock
>Barry is the nice guy
>Clark is the prideful upperclassman
Bruce is probably going to be the preppy jerk. We just need the greaser, the emo, the tech nerd, and some more to round out the complete high school experience
space bat-ellite
>the greaser, the emo, the tech nerd
Please no Cyborg, Constantine, or Steve Trevor
Someone had the lantern football idea
>Guy as another jock
>John is the captain who wants a scholarship
>Kyle is the kicker
>Simon is the greaser kid on the team
If they make Constantine, he will probably be a Criss Angle knockoff and pick on Zee
Fuck I totally forgot about that. Yeah, if Babs is enough of a Bat to tag her own teammates so she can keep track of them, she's enough of a Bat to keep a chunk of Kryptonite hidden away just in case Kara goes rogue/gets mind-controlled/is visited by her evil twin from another reality.
any megas floating around?
>pick up Zee
>leader of the group according to tara
bitch please
don't see the appeal
Just think it could have been Arisa
>only undefeated villain
You know that tsundere is an archetype that involves romance?
Wait, don't answer that. Shippers are obviously seeing her behavior as obvious thirst for Diana, aren't they.
Guys have to be non threatening. Making them like that helps a lot
>It's an everyone suddenly turns on psychotic jerks episode
Sounds like high school to me
Which episode is this?
I dont know why I think they will make a love triangle with steve, just like they did with hal and his bitches
Yes but the way its arranged looks like an actual dress I'd wear that doesn't immediately scream POP CULTURE REFERENCE.
That is a terrible design
It makes my pee-pee turn into the big pee-pee
Steve is the least likely character for a love triangle, wherever WW is involved
people seem to like red devil girl
>implying faust cares about that
I approve
She literally hasnt been a villain in a decade tho.
>mfw it's not real.
VERY obvious fake
>that flash face
your face is a terrible design
Oliver's always been a douche, it's like the one consistent thing with him
is that better or worse, I don't know
that is a good Bleez
Hey drawfag, this is not the drawfag thread. Fuck off
your art sucks btw
you fuck off, good cintent is good content
at least he's not an edit fag, amirite?
Fuck off with this fake shit already. This s not a fanart thread.
Fuck. And this is how the second wave of ponyshit deviantart-tier crap happens. Now we are going to have drawfags post their poorly made shit in threads when no one asked for it and no one wanted it.
> have drawfags post their poorly made shit in threads when no one asked for it and no one wanted it.
>implying this has never happened before
Definitely not. It happened so fucking much that a containment board had to be made and everyone posting outside of it were banned.
it's beautiful
I don't like you
How fucking sad is this when someone has to samefag over and over again and pretend people like their """art""
>anons like something I don't
>no it must be a samefag because no one can like things I don't
have sex incel
I only see one sad samefag in this thread
>More pony shit art
She had the best episode of the show so far and is by far the most intimidating of the villains.
I like hippie Daria
Alright who let their kid do their trash talking for them?
This looks fucking awful and you should feel bad for drawing it
it's really cute user
don't let the shit poster bother ya
Hey, anyone notice that despite all the hate against the Bleez pic, the poster count hasn't gone up? Pretty suspicious might I say
quads don't lie
>8-year-olds French-clocking
I actually really love Star Sapphire's design in this show. "Cheerleader of doom" is a really good look for her.
Because Bleez poster is samefagging hard
I like her more as evil princess.
Hnnng and I JUST got done wacking it!
>getting mad about free fanart
it't probably the same user that's tried to shit up these threads for a while
Probably the same retard who spams >black wonder woman and thinks its funny.
ms paint ftw
Different user, but I hope you're not thinking that used paint to cover up that he's samefagging. Because Yea Forums is one of the few places to house anons stupid enough to make such dumb accusations
imagine the smell of her breath
Who’s Hal Jornan?
He's the guy who hangs out with Baman
die up your own ass
Shitty fanart deserve its ridicule
>considering that bad fanart
please post good fanart then
Not without a reason.
Now kiss
No I agree it looks pretty bad. The real problem is if you encourage that user too much and then all future threads are filled with fanart and we get no actual pics because of it
Should have ended with a face caress and an almost kiss
Okay so no fan art from now and just shit talk if someone does it? How come this is a problem in this thread but elsewhere isn't? People can search the show for themselves
>one pic of fanart will lead to nothing but fanart
are you autistic or something?
mother fucker we want fan art
also lewds
this is cute and I really don't get why people are upset
it's the same user that uses the black ww and MLP bait
for some reason he has some kind of autistic hatred of this show and continues to stay in these threads
I think it's just false-flagging to bump the thread.
I don;t care if it is false flagging, the fucker is trying to chase away content creators
>Is she the best villain?
Anyone wondering if Barbi and Cheetah are going to play by some Jekyll and Hyde rules? The Cheetah seems like something that comes out without her control, but she enjoys it. What if she eventually can't change back? What if she indulges in the monster so much that it becomes her entire life?
He's shitting up the thread in general, which is a pity. Rather have a thread die and make a new one than bump a thread with shitposting.
Shut the fuck up and let us have fun, retard.
OP of this thread here who has been shilling this series since last year,please do not take the same bait every thread
That sounds interesting, but I figured she was in total control of the Cheetah the whole time and she was just bullshitting Diana
It just doesn't feel like she's in TOTAL control. The episode comes off as them having a Banner/Hulk dynamic, which is after all just a comic book version of a Jekyll/Hyde dynamic. Cheetah seems like a feral expression of Barbi's worst impulses, transmitted through the curse she laid down on Diana. It feels like something she THINKS she controls, but isn't fully within her grasp. Like a kid handling a huge elephant gun.
I'd say she doesn't have full control of herself in her Cheetah form, but she's definitely aware of what she's doing whilst in that form and is actively involved in the decision making, even if the extent of that control is essentially locking eyes with something and letting loose her primal impulses like you say.
I guess we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens when she appears next.
I assumed that she only didn't have control because it was her first transformation
No one wants fanart. We want official art and screen grabs. Drawfags need to stick to their containment thread or go the fuck to /ic/
and quit the damn samefagging,
I'm guessing animal instincts took over, but the ore she uses it, the more she'll be able to control it, like the Hulk. She's got a specific vendetta against Diana, I wonder what future episodes will have her do?
New Latino trailer, the voices are pretty great, the fandom is growing up boys
Also first fucking DC SHG OP here, stop shilling, we love this show
No, stop shilling, enjoy the fucking life and enjoy this beautiful show. God dammit
>no lip sync
I hate non-original dubs
>first fucking DC SHG OP
Archive says otherwise
When did you start posting these threads then nigger
I fucking hate tripfags so much
namefags are awful
I created the first edit bear ass kara and the first booru fucking shgger, well, stop reeeing let's talk about /our/ gals, for me? It's Zee
>No one wants fanart.
Fuck off, you autist
perfect body shape
Why'd you stop making edits?
I had an overdose and I lost my computer, I bought a new one and I recovered my hard drive, I will do edits again this week
why did all 3 boorus die?
the autism for this show was not enough like the horse fandom
The wiki is still alive. It's not for sexual, though.
She's the best.
This would be good fanart
She would say her character is the leader. Diana is the leader as far as I'm concerned.
Fucking normies.
too bad she smells
But the other one is actually in the artstyle of the show
Drawfag, if you are still here, can you do an edit of pic related but with Hal and Carol? Please based drawfag.
When are we getting more episodes?
not for a couple of weeks, they're re-showing the second half of the new episodes
fuck hiatus network
>implying that Hal was not fated to date Jessica sooner or later due to the protagonist bang the only team girl cliche
Being the only team girl cliche? You mean being the only girl associated with the school sports team?
Well there goes my hope that Golden Glider could be on this show. Aside from the cheetah spots, this could be her design.
Allow me to enlighten you.
I’d like her better if she was a big fat fluffy anthro tabby instead of a cheetah
>them thighs
god damn she's purrfect
that drawfag isn't coming back
seconding this
Mattel really dropped the ball on this line.
Bad news for both genuine collectors and sick pervs; Super Girl got Dyke-Ra chest.
why only zee doll is shit?
i'll still hotglue them
>implying these dolls aren't shitty as well
Zee is one whole new level of shit.
No Babs, Zee or Jess?
Again, forgot to mention, Super Girl have a hole in her back for her cheap plastic cape, yay.
Not yet, these three are the only ones reviewed so far.
Sweeters is still alive only in hibernation
also ShadowTheSpirit is a fucking great artist, 10/10
I'll buy them all, for personal reasons, but I need a Zee doll with real pantyhoses
This would be great. Please, Drawfriend.
Oh please god no, don't start flooding every capeshit thread with more Faust style designs that nobody asked for. Don't turn this into another pony fandom.
hippies always smell
Etta is very important to my fanfics and head canon
artists do have little to no actual self esteem, so maybe
>artists do have little to no actual self esteem
what makes you think that
Maybe he thinks that every artist is an insecure 14yo girl from Deviantart because it's the only type he knows personally.
>Superman was a bit too douchey
Kara is also a douche so I didn't really mind it in that episode
I want to date Jess
Well, it's rather simple, really.
I think it's the same guy shitposting
>they drew her like a 12 year old
Hal definitely has a type.
I have to tell you that Hal is not a child molester
Saying that still won't stop Lena Luthor from trying to kill Hal on sight, after the water cooler incident.
Fucking nice.
Could use bigger tits though.
like what?
carol is a cuck lol
Well it certainly takes one...
jess is a smelly girl, just accept it
>they drew her like a 12 year old
what is this, pokemon?
I wanna see the back sides
Based and redpilled
Not the best, but this where I took the pics from
Haha imagine if Leslie banged Lois haha
imagine if Leslie fucked superman, recorded it. Then sent it to Lois
I just realize Kari Wahlgren voice her
no wonder she is best girl she is voiced by Lady from DMC3
We're just getting into that "Leslie as Lois and Superman's gf." headcanon again.
>what is this, pokemon?
What does that mean?
>Katana Zatanna
god I can't wait to rub my dick on them and cover them in my cum
10 years old
best pair coming through
>full-powered Kryptonian
>magic user with no annoying limits to her power
These two are pretty potent, really, they could probably handle a mega-villain like Brainiac by themselves.
Honestly, the whole team's stuffed with power, in theory. In addition to Kara and Zee, Diana's insanely powerful and skilled, and Jess is a fucking Lantern. Their only limitations are the ones in their own minds.
I guess Karen and Barbara are less potent, but oh well.
Lip bites
Cute lip bites are a Faust special, the horse show is stuffed with them.
gonna sound my urethra with your magic wand
New short on Youtube in 2 hours.
Do kids like this show? I only see boomer Faust fans talking about it.
Yes, kids like it; and stop using boomer innacurately, that stupid Yea Forums term doesn't even belong to this nor any other generation besides baby boomers
How about you stop being a fag about chan slang?
>how about you stop being a fag
where do you think we are?
Reaction images are really fun to make with this show
5 minutes for a new short.
Unfortunately we've already seen most of it in that Karen compilation.
>Karen ejects Doris from the theater by repeatedly smacking her on the ass
when is Doris going to go too far bullying Karen
I want those lips in my dick
Who tops though?
When Hawkman has to step in
Next week's short should shed some light on how Hal knows Superman
Poison Ivy is trying to kill a lady in the next short.
New Discord my duds
I want her to be my gf
>No one wants fanart
what do you want faggot? a thread full of screencaps? die
just like my cantonese animated drawings
This is great. Do my wife next
>Eteled Siht
This isnt a Star Wars thread