Post your favourite American Dad jokes

Post your favourite American Dad jokes
>Ethics he wants to talk about. Jewish history is a history of unethical conduct! First the Pharisees killed Jesus Christ, the only true son of God. And isn't it true that the Jews put a secret sauce on their Reubens that is actually just Thousand Island?! And who shot Gianni Versace? Was it a Jew? I don't know, it was in Miami.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>that whole episode
I feel like it was written by /pol/

In the Talmud it says that Jesus is in hell, boiling in excrement. And the dude who speaks with Him in that passage is the dude who translated the Jewish scriptures into Greek for them, which actually began to overtake the Septuagint (the translation Jesus and the Apostles used) in liturgy use. The more you know!

>little BITTY things

That fucking Jagermeister is still seared into my brain

>believing a Jewish spell book created to manipulate non Jews
Nice try rabbi

>This is Michael Patrick King's first draft of the "Sex and the City" movie. It's 700 pages.

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That whole episode was gold.

>ant semitism is okay when we do it

There's like 500 trillion ants in the world. It's impossible NOT to offend some of them.

How come cartoons never make fun of Jewish people? You always see jokes about Christians and Muslims, but never about Jews. And you always see people mocking anti-Jewish talking points, like right here. How come?

South Park? Family Guy? Cleveland Show? Bordertown?

I've seen several cartoons make fun of jews. Though I can't think of anything within the last year I guess. Muslims seem less mocked desu.

Name one example

He was Half-Italian and Half-Filipino


Truly the greatest allies of Christianity!

Mort from family guy still makes regular appearances.

It's a real mystery. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.

How is a song about a guy praising Jews making fun of Jewish people?

Is some intern in the TBS marketing department making these threads?

Yeah, I always crack up when I rewatch that episode
>You hustlin' me, boy?

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Fire up the __thread__, Lando. I'm comin' to visit

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What gets me is that people think the same Jews who hated Jesus and to this day consider Him a false prophet, also wrote the book that says the heretic they condemned to die is actually our Lord and Savior.

A house divided against itself can't stand, even against the goyim. The Jews making up Christianity to sway Gentiles is like ISIS making pro-American propaganda where Trump is a martyr for freedom and prosperity.

Drawn together has tons. Just search drawn together jew and you'll get several vids. Family guy has a few if you want to watch that shit. Simpson has some with krusty. Aqua teen hunger force has at least one episode. But you're right,it's a lot safer to mock the Christian majority.

Ask the Jews - they had the episode pulled from Fox syndication in the states

>rewatching Lost In Space
>the dude Roger cucked who starts the whole anti-love crusade is voiced by Michael McKean
>Better Cuck Chuck

Top kek.

I'm glad we can tell Jew jokes in good taste while getting them to laugh with us

After all, if you can't take the heat you should stay out of the oven.

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Wait... You came BACK from Jewish Camo?

It was Disney, retard. Not the jews. They owned that song and wanted Jew money not because the song hurt their fees fees but because they are greedy.

>What gets me is that people think the same Jews who hated Jesus and to this day consider Him a false prophet, also wrote the book that says the heretic they condemned to die is actually our Lord and Savior.
The Jews who condemned Jesus to die and who formed the basis of rabbinic Judaism after the destruction of the temple (the Pharisees) were not the same Jews as the early Christian Jews who branched off into a seperate movement after aformentioned temple ceased to be the center of worship and Paul removed most Jewish elements from the movement. There were like five or six sects of Judaism during the last century of the Temple who all hated each other. Learn some early Christian history.

>"When You Wish Upon a Weinstein" was written by Ricky Blitt and directed by Dan Povenmire. A holdover from the second season's production run, the episode was intended to air in 2000, but Fox executives were concerned about its content, believing it could be interpreted as anti-Semitic, and did not allow it to air on television.
>Due to popular demand, it was instead first aired on Adult Swim in 2003.
>On October 3, 2007, the Bourne Company publishing house, sole owner of the song "When You Wish upon a Star", filed a lawsuit against several Fox divisions, Cartoon Network, Fuzzy Door Productions, Family Guy producer Seth MacFarlane and composer Walter Murphy, claiming copyright infringement over "I Need a Jew", seeking unspecified damages and to halt the program's distribution. The suit claims harm to the value of the song due to the offensive nature of the lyrics.
>On March 17, 2009, U.S. District Judge Deborah Batts ruled that the creators of Family Guy did not infringe on Bourne's copyright
Retards shouldn't called people retards, retard

Thank you, the "muh kike on a stick" posters are historically illiterate and hard.

>Stan attempts to deny his involvement with the Anti-Gay Palooza and it gets more convoluted with each unfolding of the poster
>My mind's a blank.

>it was instead first aired on Adult Swim in 2003.
I don't think this is true. I'm like 95% sure it aired once on Fox before being pulled from rotation, which is why people knew they censored "Even though they killed my lord" to "I don't think they killed my lord" for the Adult Swim version.

It was on the DVD release before it aired on television.

>and Paul removed most Jewish elements from the movement.
Nigger, they kept pretty much all the Jewish holy books from before that point as the "Old Testament". The Genesis Story? Still intact. The concept of the covenant with god? Claimed to be overwritten by the new covenant, but the concept is still acknowledged as canon. The Concept of the Messiah? Taken from Jewish scripture. Don't talk to me about How the Jewish influences were mostly removed when the whole religion is basically just "Judaism+".

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They even have a cameo.

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Romans were the ones who condemned Jesus. Paul just wanted to recruit Romans, so blaming the Jews was easier.

Honestly it probably has more to do with how each of the religions functions then anything else. Christianity and Muslims are out there in your face. Each side has their extremist doing terrible shit and then the regulars are trying to convert you. Jeudism doesnt try to convert you and when was the last time you ever heard of a Jewish extremist. Honestly of I had to guess that's where alot of the conspiracy stuff comes from as other religions have a hard time coming to terms with that so instead they must be up to something

>Wait a minute how'd I get out here? Maybe I'M cracked in the head!

I think I've solved the mystery user.
They do make fun of Jewish people. That was a pretty quick one

there is a concentrated effort by Israeli interests and evangelical Christians to prevent negative viewpoints of Jews and Israel.

>Nigger, they kept pretty much all the Jewish holy books from before that point as the "Old Testament"
Do you have any idea just how many books are left out of the Old Testament, let alone the staggering amount of gospels left out of the New? Christianity is fabricated in more ways than one.

Right, because you don't get mad when someone self-appointed prophet walks into your temple, wrecks your shit and tells everyone not to listen to you because yours is the church of the devil.
Sure. Fine.

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>Sure. Fine.
Doesn't change the fact that the Romans were the ones who captured Jesus, sentenced him, and killed him.

Another factor here is that the *Roman* Catholic Church was very vocal about deferring blame as far from themselves as possible.

>Do you have any idea just how many books are left out of the Old Testament, let alone the staggering amount of gospels left out of the New?
You're quibbling over minor details not relevant to the central thrust of the argument: That Christianity is inescapably built on a foundation of Jewish mythos, but besides that, pretty much every book in the Tanakh is present in the Christian Old Testament, plus a couple more. You're talking shit.

It first aired on Adult Swim. I still remember the promos and all the hype AS was generating for this episode's first network airing.

Try reading the Talmud, dude it's literally the single most boring book ever. All it is is 70 odd people sitting in a room arguing with each other, and then another 70 something people arguing about what those guys were arguing about. It's not scripture, it's an oral history of their legal system.

Fuck off rabbi. Zionists, Mossad, the ADL & SPLC are all extremists that have ruined lives and entire nations.

>It is me
>Will you go there?
>Do you eat?
>I've got the money

Pilate didn't want to crucify Jesus and gave the crowd a choice. The Pharisees bribed the crowd into chanting for Barabbas' release.
The JIDF is awfully strong in this thread. Shouldn't you guys be busy trolling /pol/ or something?

Is it so hard for you /pol/ faggots to stay on topic? Also TUNJI

Nah, I'm sure the rabbis got plenty mad. But crucifixion was the traditional punishment for insurrectionists, to the Romans, Jesus was just another Jewish insurrectionist (and there were a fucking lot of them). It didn't really matter what the Jews said about it, he was going to get killed.

>Francine, I haven't been entirely truthful with you


You don't deserve to be on that cross, you depraved, wine loving bisexual.

dude there is efforts to stop negative jewish and israel storys or do fucking journalists saying they have been bribed and threatened by Evangelical and Israel groups to not do negative stories about Israel mean nothing here.

>It took us two days to find ya! Man, you must be STARVING! Hey, weren't there 5 of you?
>Hayley starts quietly sobbing

It means nothing, because we're on an anonymous image board, and anyone can make shit up. Why the fuck should I care about what some user says happened?

>Ahahahaa you thought I was making a holocaust joke!

Roger is usually a little better with coming up with his characters. its like he did no research !!!

>D-Day, 1944. You think about the bravery, the heroism that happened here
>It's just..humbling
>Men younger than us. Boys, really
>Just boys. Trying to fight off an American invasion
>I-I was talking about the Americans.
>Uh...The Germans were brave too...less brave maybe.

Pretty much anything showing how monstrous the family is
>Stan and Francine have backup relationships ends with Meg maimed and Jim dead
>Steve and Hayley decide to ruin a couple so they can pick up the pieces and date them after making them hate eachother ending with both of them crippled or dead
>Klaus thinks someone stole his shoes so he and Hayley break in beat the shit out of the guy at gunpoint and tear apart his house and after finding a guy tied up in the closet they just don't give a shit apologize and leave

>one dollar bills
funny how /pol/fags are often poorfags

>That ending

>Klaus thinks someone stole his shoes so he and Hayley break in beat the shit out of the guy at gunpoint and tear apart his house and after finding a guy tied up in the closet they just don't give a shit apologize and leave

>Klaus whips out a blade
>Alright, shoes on everyone! Klaus is in one of his moods!

>That time an anchorman was so afraid of Stan and Francine after they caused a hurricane, he got into a relationship with Greg even though he was straight

the society for professional journalism had to petition the government in court to order israel to stop threatening reporters.

Razor, not Klaus

"Dylan was being bad and now we have the jar."

Stan's Night Out is the single best AD episode. Prove me wrong.
>Nathan, stop it! This is why you keep getting molested!

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Cheesers came back.

If anything they're going over budget. The same trick can work with pennies.

>Steve turn on the news! Someone is going berserk at the courthouse shooting everyone up!

>Stan_Smith_CIA logged in
>Stan_Smith_CIA logged off
>Stan_Smith_terrorist logged in


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An episode of a Seth MacFarlane cartoon where the main male character actually has a conscious and isn't a complete psychopath is fucking beautiful.

Did anyone get a screencap of the Francine's Do's and Dont's card from tonight's episode?

Family Guy
American Dad
Cleveland Show
Drawn Together
South Park


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>Gittin 56
this is a lie.
The story is the tale of 'Kamsa and Bar Kamsa', which is an allegory about loyalty to god, rome, the temple sacrifical livestock requirements, and pride.

you know the talmud is online, right mr. nazi?

not the best quality

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More so than even just that, having Jesus killed would literally have been explicitly the commanded protocol from the Torah itself.
So whether or not they actually did asked for him to be put to death, it would be a bit hard to blame them for following the exact commandments from God of what to do in that situation. If Jesus actually was sent by God, then God’s either incompetent or he completely set the Jews up.

Deuteronomy 13:2-6
>2 If there arise in the midst of thee a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams—and he give thee a sign or a wonder,
>3 and the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spoke unto thee—saying: 'Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them';
>4 thou shalt not hearken unto the words of that prophet, or unto that dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God putteth you to proof, to know whether ye do love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
>5 After the LORD your God shall ye walk, and Him shall ye fear, and His commandments shall ye keep, and unto His voice shall ye hearken, and Him shall ye serve, and unto Him shall ye cleave.
>6 AND THAT PROPHET, OR THAT DREAMER OF DREAMS, SHALL BE PUT TO DEATH; because he hath spoken perversion against the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and redeemed thee out of the house of bondage, to draw thee aside out of the way which the LORD thy God commanded thee to walk in. So shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of thee.

(Bolding mine)

the false prophet would have lead the jews to a non-jewish god, which jesus did not do. it's right there in 3, man.

>The cheese was a portal!

>no vore porn

so a nazi who spreads antisemetic bull doesn't like being called a nazi? Why would they not want to be called what they are? If it acts like a nazi, talks like a nazi, and posts bullshit like a nazi - then they're a nazi.

You know what they called the nazis who joined the party out of fear, despiration, and a genuine love of their country and family? Nazis. Poltards are nazis who are just too chicken shit to accept the word nazi. Mostly because the world hates them, they hate themselves, and they don't like being associated with losers - which the nazis were. They couldn't even keep a country running for more than 6 years. even mussolini didn't fuck his own shit worse than the nazis.

His entire existence

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You actually need an example from South Park? The show with Cartman?

>only nazis dislike jews

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>Everyone's a Nazi
>Except Mussolini
Sure hope this is bait

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What even is a Nazi to you? I mean in pure distilled concept?

>No Jeff Dunham puppets except for the old man one. Actually no, just no Jeff Dunham puppets.

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Couldn't agree more. Soon my brothers soon the world will wake up to the true (((threat)))

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it's all his parents would loan him. be nice.

Remember that whole shit with the engraven images and idol worshiping? Turns out worshiping a man as an embodiment of god is called fucking idolatry. Hell even worshipping god THROUGH a person or a statue was pretty firmly established to still be idolatry.
So even if that wasn’t actually what Jesus was going for, he was leading a movement which was sure as hell leading away from the core tenants of Judaism.

No to mention he famously and explicitly said to reject laws and teachings of the Torah on several occasions.
By the standards of both the Torah and Jewish tradition, the guy was a heretic, who’s followers went on to become way more heretical still after his death.

>No darker shades of pale (actual shades, not the song)

Further down the card

>No Darker Shades of Pale (Yes, the song)

is it weird that this bothers me because the song is 'a whiter shade of pale'.

ps - mods a-watchin.' sorry for the history lesson concerning roman-judean political realities in relation to the writting of proto-historians. it won't happen again. i pinky swear... for realsies. i'm cereal.

>Pharisees killed Jesus Christ
In Gittin 56b and 57a,[81] a story is told in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of a Yeshu who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.[82][83]

Family Guy has a fuck ton of jew jokes
>I know jews is bad but thems are worse!

The Torah had already been corrupted by that point and even then that never stopped the jews from idol worshipping and still to this day declare random jackoffs as their "true" messiah. Jews are in no position to claim they follow God's laws.

>No vore porn

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Jews weren't Roman.

>Is that the comeback and KICK me whistle!?"

>JIDF jannies deleting posts containing the truth about Israel
>even deleting the posts about the shitty things they do online to censor criticism

Hmm, I wonder who the jannies are concerned about the interests of...

Oh my god. The Jews orchestrated the death, but since they had no legal authority to execute a man, had to bring their case to the Romans. Only after pressuring Pilate with threats of insurrection did they manipulate the Roman execution of an innocent Jewish man.

But Yea Forums has always been a pro-Israel board.

Ok rabbi

I don't know why, but I always find it funny the way one of them is eating a sandwich, does the salute, and goes right back to eating the sandwich.

Does this imply that Francine is into vore?

the South Park Episode "The Passion of the Jew", among others.

>Don't you worry kid, I'll win this for ya. We'll get you foreskin cut off alright.

Why was this inoffensive post deleted, holy shit.

>no duets featuring michael mcdonald

i dont know the context, but the bitch is clearly insane

I liked this episode. Francine was funny and Jeff in a dress was cute.
Still, I have to give the MVP award to Stan that was amazing for all of his screentime


>And isn't it true that the Jews put a secret sauce on their Reubens that is actually just Thousand Island?

No, it's Russian dressing.

That's not exactly specific. Yeshu (Joshua) was a pretty common Jewish name.

Reminder that all jokes in shows disparaging Jews are written by Jews.

This whole storyline.

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A post? Well, this is strange.
This is the nighttime, a time we don't normally receive posts.

>Atta girl

My fav is when Steve and Principal Lewis are on their road trip:

>"I'm going to be totally honest Steve, I thought you were awake this whole time. I told you my entire life story, including the part about my abusive stepmom. I thought you were just in a stunned-silence that anyone could do that to a child.

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>Jeff: Woo hooooo!

>oh it could have been anyone named Jesus
Do you think we’re stupid?

>"It's like I need to get even closer to you, Haley. If only there was a way I could get inside of you... Wait! That's it!"
>"Oh no... Roger, whatever you're thinking-"
>"I'm gonna cut off all your skin and wear it on my body!"

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It's always so fucking funny how he can just go back to being a school principal no matter what ridiculous shit he pulls.


>No mention of Dick Butkus

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In that bad boy song
>I'm the one they call a mystery
>Francine: They?
Something about it cracks me up.

>"I can't believe you are an educator, Brian."
>"Eh, my job is mostly administrative."

>What the hell is in that sauce?