ITT we post an obscure...

ITT we post an obscure, hated or otherwise forgotten character and say something nice about them (or about any other char posted).

I like Deathcry's original comic arc and hate how they misunderstood her for her Annihilation death.

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Deathcry had a pretty fucked up death yeah
Everyone just assumed she was some edgy 90's character just because of her name and look, and Chaos War didn't help in that front either

Chaos War just was based on the Giffen mini version of her.

Firestar was awesome in Busiek's Avengers

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I liked how so much of Silver Swan's life was misery porn.

Even the current version. They made it Vanessa again the fucking monsters

She's in the comics again!

Can you give me a rundown on Deathcry and how they misunderstood her for her death?

i think the hate she gets is unjustified. pre-gabby rivera the character was fine. nothing spectacular. then that book comes out and she just got memed to death.

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Poor Nessie. Why they bully her so much?

Deathcry was a Shi'Ar who took part in Deathbird's rebellion against Lilandra, and was exiled to Earth, sent to aid the Avengers against a Kree terrorist group. She appeared to be an edgy 1990s bad girl character until the Avengers learned the truth, she was a teenager playing the role of a tough soldier to hide how scared and alone she was.

The misunderstanding came from people looking at her edgy 1990s character appearance, or only reading her earliest issues, and taking them at face value.

She was also Deathbird's illegitimate daughter and shared some of her genetic throwback traits.

Funny how she started out as the author's fetish waifu character and got turned into a STRONK INDEPENDENT WOMYN.

>character got fucked over because writers couldn't be arsed to do proper research

The fact that she looks like a Liefeld creation ("claws, tail, give her Wolverine's hair, same as the other clawed animalistic characters I draw") doesn't help.


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> Remus...
Sexy ancient redheaded ninja with Wolverine healing & wrist claw. Used by Leob to retcon and apologize for the "Wolverine was genetically linked to dogs" bullshit from the Evolution arc.
Simone Bianchi's art for those arcs was wonderful.

Wish she would get used again (ideally alongside Domino on a sexy kill crew book or Ares with them having flings together throughout history)

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The whole point of the character seemed to be to create a false impression that was proved wrong. Superhero comics changed so much after the early 1990s that her appearance was meant to echo what was popular at the time, but would be despised just a few years later, so despised that nobody would bother to actually read the books, and literally judged them by their covers.

It was part of the original story that she was from an important and high-ranking family in Shi'Ar nobility, her joining Deathbird's rebellion caused such a scandal that she was never allowed to return home. Her being Deathbird's daughter was from Chaos War, it's more likely to be more judging her by her appearance than the original plan.

Oh shit I forgot the Romulus arc totally

It wasn't true because Remus said it wasn't true isn't a much use as retcons go. It doesn't explain away the fossil remains of Romulus' wolf-people that were dug up in Wakanda.

why is she purple tho

You can't just ask someone why they're purple, user.

For all his faults I can sympathise with Superboy-Prime. Sure he might be insane but he didn't start out that way.
Am I the only guy that likes him?

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It should be forgotten.

Senyaka, had a cool design and action figure

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He's fun to read.

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I'll never get the point hating characters over one author

Arcadius former member of the genetic council that was an Inhumans villain in the 90s. I like his powers how he slowy turned on everyone. He has the power to control statues but they don't simply move, the statue can do whatever it was depicted or implied to be capable of.

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Like statue being able to fly and throw lightning

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Yea Forums generally likes Superboy Prime

I honestly think Deathcry would work well in 5he MCU as Deathbird daughter who helps her in fucking the Shi’Ar Empire of Lilamdra.

Ok, this too dumb even for as a critic of the edgy 90s.

Byrne hates her guts and basically replaced her permanently with Cassie and her mom. And for ages, WW was edited by a BFF of Byrne who was dead set on preserving the bastard's run and forced Jimenez to make Vanessa evil when he tried to bring her back.

Rucka brought her back in his run just to cure her and write her out, because fans hated Jimenez making her Silver Swan.

Shocked Geoff didn't use her in Teen Titans instead of Ravage. Would have made for a more interesting love triangle if Vanessa got revenge on Cassie by keeping her from hooking up with Robin.

The edgy shit was what she was supposed to be. Kavanaugh retconned her asshole personality as a front when he took over as writer, in part because Mike Deodata liked her visual and wouldn't let Kavanaugh ditch her like fans wanted.

Did Deodato had so much influence in his 90s Avengers run? My impression of what Marvel bought a bunch of Brazilians who apes the Jim Lee and Joe Mad art style was to not suffer another walkout like Image guys did.

After Identity Crisis and HiC, I honestly think that Superboy-Prime is right that the universe is too grim and gritty.

She was cool before her ongoing and had a lot of potential, but they dropped the ball hard by giving her to some talentless no name.

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Marvel stole Deodato from DC and made a bunch of promises, because after the Stephen Platt debacle (they had a huge artist but basically told him they didn't want to know his story ideas and he walked on them), they wanted Deodato not to walk.

Deodato's main thing that he demanded, besides keeping Deathcry around, was that he wanted Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye back on the main book to draw and the reason for Insect Wasp.

It's why Marvel planned (and had a huge article in Wizard) about how they were moving Force Works to New York and rebranding it as an Avengers book/merging the two teams. But then Heroes Reborn happened and fucked up those plans.

Ultimate Black Knight who was based.

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>reason for Insect Wasp.
Wow, lost all reespect I had for Deodato. I liked his 90s costume designs for Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, the Thor one was bad but in the spirit of the 90 at least.

Bug Wasp was adorable.

that one latin cat chick from 90s Avengers

Yeah, Silverclaw gets a lot of unwarranted hate. She's way better than fucking Triathlon anyway.

That can't be right, the story that revealed the truth about Deathcry was in #378-379. Deodato's first issue was #380, Kavanagh first gets credit for a plot assist on #381, then joined as co-writer from #384.

>Wow, lost all reespect I had for Deodato. I liked his 90s costume designs for Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye
Most of those designs were all by Madureira, not Deodato.

>It's why Marvel planned (and had a huge article in Wizard) about how they were moving Force Works to New York and rebranding it as an Avengers book/merging the two teams. But then Heroes Reborn happened and fucked up those plans.
Is that article scanned online anywhere?

Not sure why people hate Silverclaw.

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Silver Claw and Night Trasher are good attempts at diversity by Marvel.

More like she wen from one author's fetish waifu to another author's fetish waifu

Osira was just cool. She's pretty much a proto go'auld in all but name. She might not have been forgotten if people didn't despise Wonder rouges for literally no reason.

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i actually liked that gimmick too

Hah, that outfit would not fly today

I don't know here people get off liking that book but not Gabby's. That's where she was made a bitchy gay sexual harasser.

I'm pretty disappointed that the bandages aren't a part of her design ngl

Can you provide an image for those of us not familiar please?

This story is so bad btw

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I liked his personality and powers. Plus it's nice to use some of the new universe concepts in the 616 since they are probably never coming back.

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Me neither, but casuals gonna casual.
And I agree, she's pretty good when she's handled by a good writer (Ewing did wonders with her in Ultimates), and is pretty decent when she isn't made to be the center of attention like Rivera did.
Plus I recently started playing Future Fight, and holy shit she's awesome, I made her my main right away after these sick abilities. Easy to clear a whole room full of mobs with her star-shaped portals and punching combos.

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