When will Bendis go away
This is...garbage
Hopefully soon. I honestly look at most of the stuff they decide to greenlight and print and it's as if Didio and Lee just sincerely WANT to sell poorly. Otherwise they're criminally disconnected from what fans want. There's a fiduciary obligation to shareholders to make what will sell.
King taking 40 percent off of Batman sales in less than a year and Bendis on anything is not fulfilling that obligation. They're purposely choosing to sell things that are proven to be less than optimal performers.
Yeah I hated it too. Fingers crossed this shit sells worse and worse and they finally come to their senses.
When he decides that DC ain't worth his time and goes to image.
It was good. You're bored and want to fit in. Nearly every comment/complaint in the storytime was dumb as shit and willfully obtuse. This shit turns you on.
>Hopefully soon.
but WHEN, one year? two years?
> post yfw when you first read "you marvelfags don't know shit, DC actually has editors that will keep him in check"
it is shit.
This. The hive mind on this board is overbearing
>, DC actually has editors that will keep him in check"
The editors suck Bendis cock,
Bendis pls.Bendis browse Yea Forums.
>my complaint about anons post is valid
>complaints about Bendis are not
Fuck off. You're simply trying to be a Yea Forumsntrarian for (You)s.
Who the fuck did you think was defending all of Bendis' awful comics from the last decade or so?
If this was a hivemind you would hate Bendis. What's happening is you're being contrarian.
Choke on a dick, Bendis. Do us all a favor.
I knew it was literal DC shills so I didn't find it funny at all.
Attention starved faggots
Bendis turns Superman into a horrible father, and destroys DC. Now you guys know how i feel about Tom King ruining Batman.
Bendis young justice " sounds like an intestinal parasite that you get from eating undercooked seafood.
Can someone do something about Bendis please? He has gone too far, this is a direct and purposeful ruining of the character.
I don't want to read anything like this ever again. You think it would be worth writing a letter to DC?
the superman editor got MeTooed.
he's going to ruin batman too, once king's run is done
god i can't wait for the reactions to the first joke page bendis does that is just WORDS WORDS WORDS
This is so bad I almost can't even believe it. Even for Bendis this sucks.
DC thinks they stole Marvel's Golden Goose and are doing everything to make him happy even giving him LoSH. Of course they haven't realized he is basically a sales dud and that's why Marvel let him walk rather than throw everything including Fantastic Four at him.
I adamantly REFUSE to buy Superman after what he’s done and this book Young Justice, just took a complete shit all over Green Lantern lore
I care only for the Cancer festering in Bendis' brain every time he scribbles the diatribe he passes as a story
No you people are pathetic. It's casualgate tier cringiness. Look at this guy:
>fiduciary obligations
>optimal performers
lmao what
You're concocting some web of conspiracy to appeal to "the higher ups" as if they're some santa claus eager to make things right for momma's lil boys. Grow the fuck up. It's not that serious and even if you had a real problem, gee maybe wait a year til another writer takes over, as is the case for this medium since time immemorial bb boy.
This too. Praying for Warner's to save you lmao, start a petition you can do it!!
These savvy gentlemen surely know their stuff. See "it's the editors." How this makes any sense, or what specifically the editors are alleged to have done or not done, is immaterial. But it *sounds* good. It's part of the conspiracy, the perpetual victimhood. Oh no even the editors are somehow powerless under Bendis' sway!
Hey fuck you
You guys are seriously a joke. You're so far up your own asses it's hilarious. There are criticisms to be made, there's dialogue to be had; but you're seriously too fucking dumb and obtuse to do so. le Bendis is Cancer! The quickest, easiest way for a newfriend, or well, several, to fit in here ;)
If you want to be heard, do it. You'll feel better. Just keep it clean or they'll just throw your letter in the garbage.
Not in the foreseeable future. He’s got his claws in dc. Despite having shit sales. YJ is a flop and Legion will also fail (Jon Kent is so fked, it’s not even funny). Then he’ll get Batman before too long. Then Justice League. And Didio will just keep indulging him.
Ooh how deviously colorful, you are a devilish boy!
totally! Why hasn't anyone said the exact same complaint before? What's that, you picked it up here and are just parroting it? Huh. Still cool.
Yes won't *somebody* do *something* we all feel so powerless and really don't want to ask our parents!
Bendis is cancer. He basically destroyed a status quo on the Superbooks people had enjoyed and then turned Lois and Clark into deadbeat parents and then started going around acting as editorial's hitman.
Bendis Black daughter,DC has fallen low ever since your dad came long.
The special was good
This is a terrible way to think. Every little bit helps and I encourage all of you to send your very best letters to DC comics. They literally have to listen to you.
They can retcon his shit when they dump his sorry ass after all his books go bust.
The bendis speech was terrible.
Every time I see this hack and Superman news about him my chest gets tight. I can’t believe DC did this.
When someone finally beats him with a crowbar.
>Bendis is cancer
See I'm glad you opened with this because it's an original, nuanced thought and one I had not heard before. Ever. Bendis is cancer. So simple yet says so much. You should coin that man.
Why are your complaints about random ass posts valid but not complaints about comics?
This is Yea Forums. Discuss comics not anons. You haven't even fucking defended the comic just attacked anonymous posters for not liking it and imagine they're "that user" you see in other threads.
You useless faggots have ruined this board.
>The greatest detectives hunt our greatest threat!
Okay, World's Greatest Detective, makes sense. I mean, he doesn't really do much detective work, but I get it.
>The Question
Okay, makes sense. He's probably the better detective, but its good to see Vic back, despite not knowing much about him or how he's back.
>Green Arrow
... what? As a guy who has read every Ollie book under this sun, when did he become a detective?
Is this shit just Bendis's version of The Poison Tomorrow?
You sound pretty far up bendis' ass in all honesty
God I hope so
Guys it will be alright Bendis is obviously dying.Why does DC think Bendis is still popular? All his Marvel books bombed and sold like shit. This isn’t 2008, even Normies have turned against Bendis.
This and what they did to Wally makes my blood boil.
Bendis is legitimately garbage and you’re a contrarian fuck just fishing for (you)s. He can’t write dialogue, he ignores lore/canon, and he keeps pushing OC creations no one asked for at the cost of other characters. He’s a shit writer who hasn’t written anything worth a damn in over a decade, and the industry would benefit from his departure.
Go fuck yourself, and Bendis can eat a dick
>people having the same complaint means it's wrong
So you people who claim Yea Forums is a hivemind and people who hate Bendis are "trying to fit in" are clearly just looking for (You)s right?
Really cause all I ever see is shitposting of Timfags.
You haven't written a decent comic in the last 15 years, Bendis. Your stories are boring, poorly-researched, and climax like a dry fart.
Because Didio is desperate for someone to undo the previous status quo instituted by Johns and his people. Bendis has pretty much said Didio's told him to shake shit up on the superbooks.
Truly, I'm not even really a fan. He's ok/fine these days after a shitty final act at marvel. Just sick of all Bendis all the time here, find a new fetish guys!
I think we’ve established the only one here with a Bendis fetish is you pal
. Bendis wants to be a black man and have anal sex with Tim Drake?
>He's ok/fine these days after a shitty final act at marvel.
Tell the people that use to read the superbooks how okay it was. He destroyed a well loved run on the superbooks that was bringing some stability back after close to 15 years of chaos there. And he replaced it with more organized crime and spydramas that he wrote into everything during his last days at Marvel.
i thought the entire schtick was bendis self inserting as Jessica to get fucked my luke cage.
This is a board for discussing comics. Until Bendis either stops being handed high-profile comics or becomes a better writer, people are going to complain about him.
And everyone's sick of faggots like you policing the fucking board. Nobody gives a fuck what you want discussed here or not. Bendis is garbage and if people want to discuss that don't enter the fucking thread. It's really that fucking simple.
the bendis run sucks ass
Shut up Bendis faggot I'd slap you to death with my fuckin nuts
Dan Didio, Tom King, Brian Michael Bendis, G. Willow Wilson are the 4 Horsemen of DC's end. There's no recovery from this.
I swear the longer Bendis writes this shit, the more evidence I have to confirm my theory that Bendis came to DC just to kill it from the inside and plans on going back to Marvel after his job is done.
>Tell the people that use to read the superbooks how okay it was.
Ok here goes: Tomasi's comfy family fun time was really sweet, it worked well for a year, year and a half. I liked it. But then it started spinning it's wheels. It was clear he couldn't handle big/meaningful stories or make anything feel vital. He fell back on the comfiness, yet another saccharine issue of Supes and Jon bonding. And another. He did well for a time and then it ran thin.
Bendis restored much of what makes the Superman family great. Metropolis, The Planet, Jimmy, Lois, its felt pretty classic Bronze/Triangle era and the event plus Jimmy/Lois solo books and stuff has positioned the Superman family to be back to the center of DC where they belong. It's genuinely an amazing time to be a Superman fan.
This is why I dropped reading Superman.
Why does DC handling over everything to the man who started the destruction of Marvel Comics.
>>Green Arrow
It's Bendis spoiling Roy Harper as the big bad.
>not my problem anymore
I hope bendis gets let go soon. I don't believe he's pulling in the numbers that DC expecting and his creator owned books are not selling well either. His imprint will be a dumpster fire.
He will just look at the numbers and if you can. Write to DC.
We all deserve better than Bendis.
Good post
Were the sales of Superman so bad?
Don't care. He's your fucking problem now.
What is Bendis's weird fixation with Gay Clones and Black teens about?
Yes the rumor is he's close to being shit canned
He thniks making everyony gay or black ir progressive. Either that or he has a black fetish.
am i the only one who thinks that robot looks alot like cayde 6?
This isn't true at all. Because if double shipping they had to inject filler which came around June/July 2017. We got some of the best Jimenez covers ever but Godelewski's hideous terrible art and the 4th of July issues were the only wheel spinning in the entire 45 issues.
Beside this it doesn't change the fact that Bendis did the exact shit Superman fans said they didn't want him to do. There's no excuse for that.
Dan is in denial and would rather tank DC than let Geoff’s vision live. Only hope is AT&T stepping in with new management
>Either that or he has a black fetish.
His wife and her kids are black.
bendis' arrival is why people are backing away from superman.
Other writers even know this. See “The Brown Bomber” and that one interview where a guy legit said Brian would fuck Luke Cage
damn right it isn't
for years we've suffered under bendis and just wanted to vent but dcfags were like "hahaha you guy suck, not our problem, get dunked on, no sympathy from us"
well not the chickens have come home to roost. dc will have bendis for at least TEN YEARS. enjoy the reign of terror
Give me a quick rundown on this garbage.
Long story short it’s a “clean up the canon” arc because Dan and Bendis think there are too many organizations in DC.
>Clean up the canon
At the moment its administered by people throwing a petty fit that people liked Rebirth better than the New 52.
I just can't fucking believe tha of all people to clean up the canon DiDio choose Bendis, the one guy who do not care about canon at all.
The only hope of Bendis going away is if the upcoming Bendis/Deodatto run on Batman fails even worse than King's run, which I don't see happening.
I know this is factual user because I had a personal spat with deodato and Didio, being the obsessive faggot that he is, is literally doing most of what he does because of his animus toward me.
We already know that he's left Marvel because DC offered him an exclusive to work on a flagship book. Given the fact that Bendis and him have a long history of working together, it makes sense for them to be paired up, and it's already all but confirmed that Bendis is going to be taking over Batman.
Still, that's not necessarily a guarantee that Deodatto will be the artist on the book.
Those were good times.
I coiudn't be bad at how ignorant they were.
>Still, that's not necessarily a guarantee that Deodatto will be the artist on the book.
No, the guarantee was when deodato and I had our spat cause Didio hates me and will hire anyone to spite me, even tracers.
Little does he know Shazam who Laughs angered me more than his intentional bullshit.
>inb4 delusional
My life would be easier if so.
Considering King got his editor fired because the editor didn't want an artist to have to work over his vacation, editors clearly have no power when it comes to super-star writers. It doesn't matter how good their editors are if all the writer has to do is complain to Didio to get their way.
>t. Bendis learning that his sales and persona are so bad hiring him might actually be a crime committed against shareholders
It was gone too soon, tomasi didn't even get a chance to rap it up on his terms
It still pisses me off they didn't give them until issue 50.
Fuck Didio and fuck Bendis.
He did Spider Man and Spidey Miles for 18 years; I doubt he will live that long or be kept active (since most publishers seem to want to get rid of very old/older writers) but just let him try to get Nay-O-Me to 5 years and nothing else....
King, Bendis, and Didio are the trifecta of DC's destruction.
Why does Harras always get off scot-free?
This. Johns is the only on thier keeping it alive.
He's DC's problem now.
....I rather liked it. I mean I didn't hate it.
>Le contrarian post before the thread died just in case this slips into the archive
Fuck off shill. This shit was irredeemable garbage.
It was kind of funny, but I still felt sorry for them.