Who’s the most tolerable?

Snyder, King or Bendis?
For me it’s Snyder, he can do cool shit at least

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old bendis>new bendis>snyder>king

Snyder > Bendis >>>>>>>>>>>> King

Put me down for team Bendis



Snyder > power gap > Absolute Shit > power gap > King > power gap > power gap > power gap > power gap > power gap > Bendis

you can no more blame bendis for bendis comics than you can blame God for nazis

I mean you definitely can blame him, but he doesn't give two shits

Snyder definitely

Snyder > King > Bendis

This is like the race to the problem. Snyder hasn't done nearly as much objectionable shit than King (Heroes in Crisis) or Bendis (Action/Superman/YJ/LoSH).

Snyder has cool ideas but comes off like he's in his own world. King is too up his own ass & Bendis can't do anything right.

Current year DC Bendis is by far the best of King, Snyder and Johns. It's not even close. He is the only competent architect and the only one with any kind of inspiration or fire under his feet. Yeah his last year's at Marvel sucked, yeah it's a giant meme here, but he's writing solidly decent comics and these days that's not so bad.

Snyder > King > poop on a stick > monkeys with AIDS > Bendis

Action Comics is honestly favorite big 2 book at the moment and young justice is good also, so I’ll say bendis. Snyder has cool ideas at least even if his execution is bad. King is just shit

Me boy?

so cringy

t. Bendis

Fuck off Brian.

Bendis > Snyder > King > Johns

Bendis used to be great. Snyder just wants to have fun with capeshit. Hes good outside of capeshit. King is great outside of his Batman and event comics.

I'm actually really enjoying Bendis' Action Comics. I feel like he's writing to his strengths there. "Superman," meanwhile, is a pile of shit and he's writing to all of his weaknesses there. Go figure.

Snyder doesn't do irreparable damage to everything he touches like Bendis.

King will be forgotten in time.

I guess I'd just say either is better than bendis.

Literally the only thing wrong with Snyder's comics is that oftentimes he flubbs the ending, and he wanked the Joker a bit too much during his Batman run.

I haven't been enjoying Superman or Action, but YJ is good. Bendis is undoing years of damage that happened when Lobdell and Johns wrote those characters.

Snyder > Shit King > Cancer Bendis

I hope this is the same person.

Shut up retard

Snyder >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I'm not having fun anymore>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>King/Bendis

You're saying that it is the same person then.


And i actually think King is the absolute worst right now.

This is feels like ranking the least rancid dog shit btw.

Every thread the same post.
You are a sad dipshit.

And yet every time you deign to type "Bendis is cancer," it is a revelation.

Damn, lot of people picking Snyder


Snyder, Court of Owls & Endgame were great.

my nigga court of owls>death of the family>endgame

Between the three of them is the reason DC is creatively stunted. Snyder always falls back on Batman and universe ending events. King it’s always “muh mental illness”. Bendis is incoherent all the goddamn time but at least he tries to bring something new.

In short so long as those three have the creative keys to the DC kingdom, DC will be boring as fuck

You know I don't even think Snyder is that bad. He just needs to be reined in on his stupider ideas.

Snyder > Bendis > King

>muh negativity!

Take the clue fucking faggot, there is a reason people think Bendis sucks, and there no amount of shilling that will change that cock sucker.

Snyder's stuff is off the rails crazy but I agree he doesn't do lasting damage.Everybody King writes has some sort of crippling depression or mental issues and Bendis just eats paint chips and vomits words onto a page.

Aww, you should try to see if you can squeeze more blatantly homosexual rage into a single sentence. I believe in you bud, grrr haha

Bendis just wrecked fan favorite Jon by aging him up and shipping him off with the Legion of Tumblr-haircuts and now he's writing a boring-ass event people give zero fucks about and inserting his black donut steels into everything.
King is a depressed fucktard who ruins characters for his botched therapy lessons.

It's an extremely low bar to jump.

I actually like Snyder, he’s kinda like a discount Morrison or Johns, it’s gonna be stupid, but also pretty cool. Red Death and Devastator were awesome

Metal was too idiotic for words and my problem with Snyder is he also has that bad quality that Johns has of wanting to take ideas that are other people's but shitting all over and pissing on the edges like a dog that walks over to your neighbor house just to piss of THAT dog and claim your next door yard as his own territory for not actual, practical/useful or worthwhile reason.

If Metal hadn't shit on so much other DC stuff to accomplish what it did that others liked (which, personally I didn't agree was worthwhile), I would find him less objectionable.

But I do agree that King has done more serious damage and that Bendis is just sadly annoying. Young Justice, for example, is just taking too long to GO anywhere or actually SAY/DO anything. If it was a movie, or a tv show, people would be bored to be on the fifth one and still not really have any clues.

Snyder has been pretty capable in the past , even if Metal dropped the ball some times it's concept still worked and also his JL has been enjoyable and with plenty of potential.
Bendis just makes me feel longing for a time when things were better, seethe at the current paths he's leading, and despair for whatever I expected from the future.
King makes me plead for death two times a month with no exception.


Snyder >>>> King(pre WoJaR) > Bendis = King (WoJaR to present day)

I don't know why the flagship titles aren't being written by the best writers on their payroll like Busiek, Morrison, Russell, Rucka, and Ellis instead of these supposedly "hot" writers that only piss off hardcore fans

King. Who only writes 12 issues.

if Snyder didn't make Batman an action hero and more of detective I would be into him more. Also if he knew how to write endings

Snyder, fucking easily.
Bendis' old stuff is better than Snyder but his recent shit is pure dreck.

Snyder is alright.
King's Batman run started ok, then turned into crap.
Ultimate Spider-Man is the only good thing Bendis has ever written. Rest of his works are shit.

Ultimate Spider-Man is no different than his other work.

People just excuse it due to nostalgia.

Snyder writes rollercoaster stories with Morrison overtones that still manage to respect their roots, and Metal puts him at the top by default. King wrote Mister Miracle, Omega Men, and a solid first 12 issues of Batman. Plus he's bringing Fourth World to the big screen so you have to give him props. Bendis can write solid stories until they go to shit or he injects his typical Bendis-ness into the story. He automatically gets kicked to the bottom because he keeps writing in the SAME fucking OC over and over. That said, Young Justice is good. Johns is just barely a hair's length above Snyder because he's written so much quality shit. They're the same kind of writer in my opinion.

>discount Morrison
So he's Jason Aaron?


Young Justice is good so far.

it would be fine without the ocs

Old Bendis > Snyder > King = New Bendis

Snyder comics are dumb as hell and fanfiction tier, but they are mostly harmless. So him.


King can at least put out a good if not great comic every now and then and Bendis has had good ideas, but never really does them the right way.

I there isn't much good I can say about Snyder.

This is the only correct ranking