Spiderman 4 Comic Adaptation

Are you hyped for this?

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Everyone say "Thank You" to Based Marvel

I will when it’s confirmed

I loved Raimi Spidey but Why now of all times?

wow you fags are really running with this huh

You mean the Spidey on FF thing that you idiots think is going to be Raimiman 4?


And I wouldn't be hyped because even if it was Raimiman4, it would be bad.
Much like RYV was bad- in fact, truly execrable- but it had people mad at something else giving it praise it didn't deserve for what it wasn't, rather than what it was.

Raimiman 1 and 2 are good movies, but they are missing what it takes to create a serial universe. They can't be Spider-Man, because they are working to end. They can't be Spider-Man because they left out important shit for accessibility and time and relatability because they were going to wrap up.
There's nothing wrong with that; I love that, in fact. It's just not Spidey, any more than the smartest thing he said in the whole franchise was idiotic babble about Bernoulli.

You knew?

No. Raimi trilogy does not hold up to today's capeshit whatsoever

It's happening get over it

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I didn't even know Raimi had ideas for Spider-Man 4.
I thought that Spider-Man 3 was going to be his last project after Sony made him incorporate Venom.


Why? Did you thank DC for the shitty smallville comic?

>it's happening get over it
Surely what the faggots at Marvel were hoping would be the response to this.

Doesn't sound like this will be the million copy seller.

This. Why would I want to revisit something they abandoned 15 years ago and which will never perfectly connect to the other three because "muh version is close enough" and will never be touched upon again?

Will spider-man say the n word?

>hurr durr why should you thank Marvel for giving everyone something they liked? Did you thank BaseDC for giving everyone something they hated?
The absolute state of DCucks

I thought this was that bullshit Marvel Comics #1000?

Twitter Raimifags are a genuine blight upon this planet. Remember the PS4 Raimi skin shitfest?

Didn't this turn out to be Marvel #1000 though

Because it's Marvel's 80th anniversary and they are going all in on it

He will say nogger ice cream

Why would I care if the raimiverse gets a comic adaptation?

the concept I saw was pretty retarded with Felicia becoming the vulture and never even once being called black cat

Nobody wants or "likes" this though.

And what makes you think I'm a DCuck? I know it makes your job of shilling easier but it ignores reality.

>80th anniversary
It's not even close. It's a made up number like Marvel 1000. They just want to be DC.


>He doesn't know about Timely

The absolute state of DCFriends.

If you really think that shit is going to sell 1 million copies you should consider drink bleach

Is this really what he thinks will sell a million? I mean I’ll get it but I dunno

Did AC and DC 1000 sell a million copies? I thought they were just in the hundreds of thousands

Nothing can sell a million without a bundler like Lootcrate.

Not at all, I just want raimifags to shut the fuck up about Spider Man 4 and if this closes the book then I'm all in for it

Is that how that Star Wars comic hit a million?

Oh I do know. But you're a complete and utter faggot if you think that counts as "marvel".

It's like DC celebrating Fawcett and Charleton milestones.


They both did I think half a mil and sell-through was even worse for DC1000 than it was for AC1000. You can't get any of the regular variants still at almost any store even Barnes and noble at this point who probably got them for 1 dollar an issue.

Fuck off you faggot ass shill.

I’ve been thinking about picking them up one of my stores still has both in stock though I think all that’s left for AC 1000 are the blank variants

Though I do hope the Marvel 1000 was t his idea to hit a million in sales, who the fuck would want that book?

>it's Marvel's 80th anniversary and they are going all in on it
You mean they're finally going to make good comics? I find that hard to believe.

It's got a stunning creative list but for a page each or so I agree who gives a fuck? Those stitched together different-art-every-page are almost always wastes of space with zero worthwhile story. They're always visually pretty "recaps".

Also if you're looking to cop AC/DC1000 just look online. It's nice to buy from a shop but there is NO reason to pay cover price for either. They're both twice as expensive as they needed to be and neither has more than one or two good stories.

Will it be miniseries or graphic novel?

>Spider-Man artist tweets this despite only doing comic art recreations
>Mangaverse dude tweets some cryptic shit
>Marvel tweets a 4 in webs, mind you if this was just Fantastic Four they would have tweeted something differently, as Spider-Man wasn't the staple of the original run, it was the fact that it was a weird as fuck pairing of Ghost Rider, The Hulk, Wolverine, and Spider-Man
>Spider-Man 4 was trending yesterday and got over 200k mentions
>Marvel's initial tweet has 2.4k comments, 14k retweets, and 50k likes
>Marvel hasn't done damage control yet if this was a case of misunderstanding their promo art like they've done in the past
Im thinking everything lines up to be a comic adaptation of Raimi's Spider-Man
but it's probably not and everyone is going to be disappointed with this

Attached: Marvel.png (1158x1032, 715K)

Spider Man 4 was announced and Raimi was on board. That was until Pascal and the other execs wanted once again to control everything. Raimi left and Tobey decided to leave as well


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>Knows basic shit about comics
Cool story, DCFriend.

If this really is Spiderman 4 comic and successful, then DC would likely do Tim Burton's Superman comic

Lmao, whelp.


maybe they know how much MCU ironboy sucks

And just like that, friends, all interest in the project faded.

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It's a countdown to new Far From Home trailer is it?

No as it was a shit trilogy



What idiot would think its a sequel to a long dead trilogy

Haha fucking told you, you pathetic cunts


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To be fair, nobody thought it was a movie, but a comic adaptation of Spider-Man 4 since that'd make sense, and it's not above Marvel to make a comic adaptation of the movies, considering they've done that before with the MCU movies

>tfw it's not actually spider-man 4 comic verison

Oh shit they're adapting Amazing Spider-Man 3 as well!

Season 11 was unironically better than the show ever was.

It's not Spider-Man 4


>I told you, you won't see this one coming!
You know what I do see coming? A shit selling comic


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So it's just going to be some new Spider-Man story that they're trying to hype up


>raimifags right now

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>implying this isnt raimi fags right now

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DC wasn't DC at the beginning either

what about the proper version of spider-man 3 first?
without venom etc

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There actually is a Spider-Man 4 poster, it's just a big 4 in the Raimiman font but it's the one legit SM4 poster.

nice twitter meme faggot

the cancellation of Spider-Man 4 actually has nothing to do with the quality/reaction to Spider-Man 3 as the movie was still successful despite being so hated.
Spider-Man 4 was cancelled because Sony started to fuck with it and wanted Raimi to put in carnage and shit like that. After Raimi was seemingly losing control of the fourth movie, that's when he dipped.

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t. clown

the poster he's referring to

Attached: Spider-Man_4_Teaser_Poster.jpg (631x940, 79K)

Incoming ban.

You are a complete idiot if you don't think it counts as Marvel, you absolute fucking moron. Their first comic was Marvel Comics #1. It's all Martin Goodman's company from 1939 to the 60s, with the same ips and characters.
It's not like DC celebrating Fawcett milestones, it's like Nissan counting the Datsun era as part of its history.

Alex Ross (you know, the guy who does a cover for like every fucking book Marvel has right now, and also did production art for said movies) fucking tweeted out "#SpdierMan4" the same day, then deleted said tweet, you absolute fucking jackass mongoloid retards.

Well, fucknozzle, you might want to avoid Yea Forums for a while to keep your delusion intact.

probably because he was wrong, did you miss the part where it was revealed to be countdown

Are you faggots still going to ignore this shit?
This was a real tweet. He actually tweeted it out.

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Because Tobey Maguire will show up in the post-credits of Far From Home.

In what absolute fucking world would an official employee of a company tease an official project based off a fucking misconception over social media.

Are you fucking retarded? I know Marvel is stupid, but are you GENUINELY retarded?

Let it go

I think I know how they will sell a million copies of that book! They will make a Marvel #1000 event (main books, tie-ins, etc.) and then they will add the sales numbers until they reach a million!

So what the fuck was the Alex Ross shit about then? Why did he tweet Spider-Man 4 with Spider-Man 2 production art on the same day as that teaser? That doesnt make any sense

He was shitposting?

Alex Ross is a freelancer you dumbass

"Hey, there's a sudden interest about the movies I worked in, might as well cash-in on the hype"

Why would he do that?

Yeah like fucking 98% of everyone in the comic book industry is freelance you fucking moron. Alex does work for Marvel regularly.

>"oh it's not spider man 4? then i'm not interested lol"

why don't raimifags read comic books?

Alex Ross does not tweet. Some guy who runs his art business tweets on his account, as is obvious by the stupid hashtags he constantly uses.

He uses the same shit (only with different art) for Jack Kirby's twitter account.

>risk relation with company you regularly recieve work from to shill a movie that you worked on 12 years ago's hypothetical sequel
Galaxy brain shit, user.

thisAlex Ross said he has no idea how to use computers, so he's not the guy behind that account, I think it's his wife or something

Watch it just be a comic book series and nerds are going to be mad.

It's retarded. I don't like being lumped in with them whenever I shit on Iron Robin.

>Start a Spider-Man countdown with a giant number 4 after wide publically renewed interest in the Raimi trilogy
They have nobody to blame but themselves.

It's some Arab who runs accounts for a bunch of artists.

Let it go, user.

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in b4 it's a start-to-finish-plus-SM4 comics adaptation of Raimi's Spider-Man.

Now THAT would be unexpected.

>artist who posts new and old art all the time
>sees a sudden interest in Raimi-Man and posts some relevant art, like he does literally everytime anything big goes on

You think she's going to keep that look? Figure the kids these days would lose their mind over cultural appropriation.

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He posted it with the hashtag "Spider-Man 4", retard.

whoa you mean like everyone else who saw CB's tweets and jumped to conclusions?

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haha yeah haha

People literally did lose their minds over that exact kind of shit about a year or two ago when some white girl went to prom in a Qipao, which A) isnt actually traditionally Chinese, it was invented in the 30s, and B) actual chinese people didnt give a shit.

I wish the trend of mighty white left leaners not realizing that they're in fact racist and think themselves superior to the other races and as such must defend them would end, because its always retarded.

>these days
they lost it years ago when Japanese woman put on kimonos

except I instantly thought it was just another FF crossover, it never came across my head that it was about Raimi's movies until I saw raimifags spamming their shit again like they always do

*a few years

Oh, I know what it's gonna be. It's gonna be Reign of the Spider-Men.

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Motherfucker he works for Marvel, thats why it was relevant.

Mister Big Weab saying nobody would see it coming, followed by Alex Ross' fuck up, is what led people to believe that was the case, and all this after the PS4 game costume thing. Marvel is highly incompetent.

>Motherfucker he works for Marvel, thats why it was relevant.
how does this change anything I've said so far you fucking ape?

>buh you jump to conklusion reetahd
>this artist who worked for marvel, on the same day, literally teased a Spider-Man 4 project (if erroneously)

Do you legitimately not see how seeing an artist who worked on the Spider-Man trilogy, who currently works for Marvel, tweeting out "#SpiderMan4" the same day Marvel has a "4" Spider-Man teaser image, could be easily seen as confirmation of some comic book project related to the unmade film? Are you a retard?

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>wojak poster is a retard who jumps to conclusions

>already confirmed that it's not actually Alex Ross behind that twitter account but some arab who's only job is to post shit on various famous twitter accounts

you're in denial

Which was trending at the time

And he works for the fucking company so he should have enough of a line of communication to not fucking do that, retard.

He also posted movie production art.

Oh yeah, Alex fucking Ross will be out of work because of one cheeky tweet for sure, user.

like I said before, Ross saw the tweet, saw the hypetrain, and posted relevant art LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES. there was no confirmation and he, you, and everyone who assumed some Spider-Man 4 was coming (even though the iconic font wasn't even used or the creator of the movie chiming in) was a bit over eager


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>And he works for the fucking company so he should have enough of a line of communication to not fucking do that, retard.
imagine thinking that every artist who works
with marvel knows everything that goes on
>He also posted movie production art
jesus christ

why do you keep ignoring the facts, Alex Ross is not the guy behind that twitter account, he said in Seth Meyers show that he has no idea about computers and modern technology

you're in big denial mode

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They shipped over a million they didn't sell that money.

Thanks to how many that went unsold Books-A-Million who owns 2nd and Charles just dropped completely out of the comic book business again due how much they had of Star Wars and other Marvel books.

So, it's just some PR guy who would know even less about whats going on than he does, cool

Attached: laughing whores.jpg (800x480, 36K)

It's Todd McFarlane


>imagine thinking that every artist who works
>with marvel knows everything that goes on
Maybe they fucking should because then shit like this happens, you dumb fuck.

All he dabbed on was himself because now nobody cares about his comic.

Shit like what, idiots jumping to conclusions? What planet are we on again?


Take a deep breath and step away from your computer, Raimifag.

user it has nothing to do with the movie at this point and everything to do with how little you understand basic marketing and internal employee communication practices.

>your artists
he's freelance sweetie
>damaging the project
the project that's captured massive interest without anything being revealed yet?

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>>he's freelance sweetie
user, 99% of everyone in comics is freelance.

>the project that's captured massive interest without anything being revealed yet?
Off a misconception you moron. The audience isnt going to want what it actually is now, because they thought it was something else.

>The audience isnt going to want what it actually is now, because they thought it was something else.
Wow I didn't know I was speaking to an Oracle >countdown started
>people losing interest

Every week I think "We'll have something new worth discussing." And it never comes.

>seething retard is literally too stupid to understand basic psychology and/or audience/marketing dynamics

You're an idiot.

>seething retard
you literally can't accept that you were wrong and are blaming everyone but yourself

Rent free.


Do we have any new memes yet?

I wonder who this was?

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