Steven Universe: The Movie


Attached: 5ced3df0133d4.png (384x299, 222K)

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i see that it's clear that you haven't watched this show at all

Can someone explain the 'oh nonono hahaha' meme to me? Is it a black twitter thing?

this nigga

Attached: 1466796526120.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

Daily reminder that anyone who watches this show is a colossal faggot.

Steven isn't a faggo-

I can't find the original, but it appears to be a compilation of one guy's contagious laughter. I think the original guy was on Vine.

Because you say so, little turd?

Is the joke that we're supposed to take Steven seriously when he's wearing a tutu?

Attached: Chainsaw.jpg (438x600, 35K)

It's a jester's outfit because his mom was the one who entertained the Diamonds.


Attached: you_never_know.jpg (300x392, 27K)

Watch out, we got a badass

to be clear, that's a poster for the end of season 5, not the movie (even though there was a 44 minute episode for the S5 finale). We have no reason to expect steven will ever wear that outfit again, especially since they crew said explicitly that the 'identity issues' conflict is done for good

TFW your friend who suggests and loves SU comes out as gay and starts dressing like a fag

>loves SU
I don’t get how this can still be possible. I’m gay and have tranny friends that hate SU. The only person I know who likes it is a straight white insecure girl

Holy shit what the fuck is he wearing lmao imagine thinking that’s appropriate let alone a good design

Low quality troll threads are cancer and against >>>/global/rules/3 and >>>/global/rules/6
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

user this is sad. stop trying to keep your shitty thread alive

When even the borderline Trotskists that are the post-Savino TLH staff are calling you out on your fag shit, you know its time to stop.

Attached: TLH btfo SU.png (667x440, 299K)


Why would you call them Trotskists are they gonna flee to Mexico and get pick-axed?