Shut the FUCK UP

Shut the FUCK UP

When does this stop?

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Once the tangible PR and free attention benefits that are to be gained from stapling that onto everything are completely exhausted, and not a moment before.

Also, have sex.

>When does this stop?
when it stops making money. hollywood doesn't give a shit, they make money. If newt week men-only sexuality is trendy again, they'll just pretend nothing there happened and serve your the anti female, pro men version instead. It's money, you think the billionaire jews care about you?

You people really think this is making them more money?

'Get woke go broke' is a truism for a reason. People do this despite the money not made.

You know the saying
If you can't even name 3 examples, stfu

why are you so triggered user?

You know good and goddamn well that there are more.

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To be honest, I thought that Thor scene was kinda funny. And I fucking hate women.

Super hero movies? Never.

>Thor trying to awkwardly hit on Valkyrie by saying he’s totally a feminist
This was funny, and wasn’t character breaking. At no point as Thor ever been shown as smooth with women.

>When does this stop?
When does what stop? Did Ragnarok ape that animation?
What am I supposed to be outraged by here?

Attached: Thor Ragnarok.gif (500x231, 2.6M)

Brainlet meme. Companies go woke out of desperation. By then they were already losing money.

Awareness and interest in your movie brings in more money, obviously. The misconception here is thinking the attention comes directly, while it's actually a bit oblique:

>Woke posturing
>Triggered alt-right incel/internet troll/toxic white male/etc disproportionate reaction
>Criticism against said reaction builds up and reflects positively on the movie, more people talk about it, defend it, watch it, etc.

As long as peoploids like OP exist, it's a well oiled self-perpetuating mechanism

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Oh please. There's absolutely no way to falsify the thing you just said, which is what makes it utter bullshit.

>Not posting the Emoji Movie.

I didn't watch that shit. Why did you?

50 million

Is it tho? Movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel have been increasing profits while the "more woke and broke" Marvel is above DC in terms of selling comics.

Fuck off

>everything is a spite economy

Don't be so naive.
That's part of the MCU.
People want to see that.

They'll succeed in spite of the identity politics.
But it isn't helping them.

found the manhood insecure

>When does this stop?
When you click the x in the corner, I guess? You're subjecting yourself to whatever this is.

>Movies like Black Panther
Having a movie starring black people is "going woke"?

>being this triggered over a joke

You realize that regular men and women don't give a shit about this? It's a very small minority that actually cares about this garbage, they're just insanely vocal on social media.

The examples in OP's picture made $854 million and $1.24 billion. Captain Marvel (which IIRC is what spawned this moronic "truism", or at least populaized it among your type) made over $1.12 billion. In what sense did any of these movies "go broke"?
>inb4 Fembusters
That was a bad movie irrespective of "wokeness", and contrary to popular opinion bad movies don't usually make lots of money.

>which IIRC is what spawned this moronic "truism"
No it didn't.


It makes money despite shit like this not because

Unfortunately "get woke go broke" is not true. I wish it was, but apparently, this is working. Just like pandering to nerds worked from 2005-2015, for the next ten years we're going to be pandering to SJWs.

The stupidest part of Thor's line was when he was all, "It's about time there was a team of women," or some such. When the very team he was referring to was literally from thousands of years ago.

When you stop watching stuff written by limpdicked liberal men from California.

I mean the movie itself was full of dumb 'woke' shit.
>the princess from the most advanced country on the planet, the one that does nothing while the entire continent starves and kills each other, calling Ross a colonizer
>okoye being a smug cunt in general
>playing killmonger off as sympathetic when he was a violent sociopath
>killmonger also whining about muh black oppression in the modern era

>this is working
Prff. Why do you think this?
Everyone's examples so far of it working have been shit. No one is stretching the timeline long enough or looking at past examples of this sort of thing, against a long enough timeline.

>okoye being a smug cunt in general
Perfectly in-character for her.

>playing killmonger off as sympathetic when he was a violent sociopath
Which was the whole point of his character.

>killmonger also whining about muh black oppression in the modern era
Don't let the 'woke-ness' blind you in that regard, he's playing that up to mask the aft-mentioned violent side.

Struck a nerve it seems.

Hopefully never. The media needs more strong women.

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I also like strong women, but strong women don't need self validation at every fucking step they take, nor are they absolutely perfect creatures with no flaws. The virtue signal make s it seem like they are actually weak and people are just pretending they are strong.

Why are you so insecure?

Do americans really talk like this? How do you guys cucked yourselves so hard? Where is your dignity? Fucking hell

Don't blame them user they got too many vaccines as kids and now the autism has rendered them incapable of processing nuance.

welcome to 2019 user, this is only the beginning of the end
men will be compeltely emasculated by 2066

Have sex.

Find love.

I have a beautiful 2 years old daughter and my wife is 8 months pregnant with a baby boy. I'm working hard to get promoted at my job so that I can give them a bright future and pay for their higher education.
How does it feel knowing that some centre-left liberal is contributing more to saving the white race that yourself, some sexless keyboard slacktivist who won't stop whining about muh sjws, muh trannies or whatever boogeyman you read about on your favorite jaded boomer facebook pages?

Have sex.

>bragging about wageslavery on korean basket weaving forum
the worlds gunna end in a couple years anyway retard

>braiging on a basket weaving forum.
> assuming anyone believes his bullshit.
>making bait this blatant
Summer fag please go away.

what is the one on the right from?
the emojii movie?

well I hope your son doesn´t get raised to hate himself or get denied certain education or job possibilities for his gender.
as a teacher I definitely can tell without doubt that white boys in america have it the toughest yet society still treats them like "privilege monsters"
I think that is why boys are far more likely to identify as girls then vice versa these days. they know that they won´t get as much shit and have it easier if they pretend to be girls.

>Get woke go broke is a truism

Marvel/Disney is making a billion dollars a movie.

because they build trust with non woke movies for almost 8 years.
if they continue with their woke shit their future movies are going to end up like star wars end fail.
right now they are only being held up by brand recognition

As much as I don't like it The Last Jedi also made over a billion dollars

>build trust
the DCEU nearly crumbled because of MoS and BvS, no one remembering Suicide Squad beyond memes, and the first one to not be horribly shat on being Wonder Woman.

To be fair, Valkyrie armor looks really cool and 'Chooser of the Slain' is a pretty badass name.Also, Thor was a child when all this happened, so it's kinda not unlikely.

Yeah man, the MCU sure went broke...

You need to stretch the timeline farther than this. You're making the same mistake the SJWs do.

>the DCEU
Makes shitty movie after shitty movie with Wonder Woman as an exception.

Also, Wonder Woman wasn't woke. To absolutely everyone's surprise.

Right? How DARE someone brings in logic or facts.

>I definitely can tell without doubt that white boys in america have it the toughest

And solo lost them millions
First time ever that a Star Wars product didn’t make money

People like this?

There was nothing woke about Solo

You losers obsess over such pointless bullshit

Under twenty-five year olds are a fucking mistake.

Imagine being so assblasted over a couple lines that you have to screencap them from two completely different movies.

Name them then

Brainlet detected.

Are these literally the only examples you have?

Men in Black International pretty much had an entire movie based on that idea
Also all of the NuWars films
And Capt Marvel

Yeah, noticed that with captain marvel.
I've never liked her, I thought the movie wasn't good enough to change that.
But I'm not a poltard, an incel, or any of the other brainlet "culture war" flavors, I just don't like her specifically.
Yet, since a ton of retard CG poltards made it into a gender war culture war thing people who dislike those idiots turned captain marvel into some special woman empowerment bs.
Do to poltards bitching we reached a point where criticizing that movie publicly straight up isn't allowed in several circles.
They literally bitched that movie into a status it otherwise wouldn't have had.

cringe pasta

the new Star Wars movies never make reference women's strength, in fact, Phasma was treated like an absolute joke

>Ugh. Is this literally my ONLY jumping on point for this conversation? I require more of the same thing that I'm secretly already aware of.

>There was nothing woke about Solo
Have you totally forgotten a certain character?

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Did you have a counter argument?

BP is the most milquetoast lip-service to "woke." It gives black supremacist ideology to its villain, and has the big character development for its lead being him opening a youth center. It's a safe, middle-class, feel-good mentality where all you need to change the world is donate to charity. It's the exact opposite of "woke."

t. look at me I used the word peoploid therefore I'm smart

>Movies like Terminator, Alien, and Jackie Brown were made before the year 2000 so they don't count
>Apparently gag related dialogue is sooo progressive, suckers eat it up.

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They don't count because those movies suck. You should have at least brought up The Matrix because of Trinity, you boomer.