Why did it take me so long to realize that Dee Snider provided the voice for the Duke of Detroit?

Why did it take me so long to realize that Dee Snider provided the voice for the Duke of Detroit?

Attached: The_Duke_Turnaround.png (1280x705, 525K)

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I miss this fucking show

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that was a sad couple of years for action cartoons

Because, as most people, you didn't watch this show until it was dead and buried.

Why the fuck is Disney making a billion seasons of shows that aren't FUCKING MOTORCITY THEY HAD GOLD ON THEIR HANDS FUCKING GOLD


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No, I was here watching new episodes of Tron Uprising and Motorcity back-to-back in the middle of the night.

Motercity released too early, had it been during the service era the show would sit comfortably all the way through to the end.


I like the style of motorcity

why so based?

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Foe some reason both Tron Uprising and Motorcity slip under my radar and I only catch them when both were ending.

gorillaz's style

>a future Detroit that isn't filled to the brim with niggers
Man Motorcity fills me with faint hope.

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I have some miscellaneous pictures and artwork from official twitter

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Vehicle design was outstanding

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24 gears

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someone post the Yea Forums pic.

I miss motorcity so much

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I had a moment to just go grab it

Attached: Motorcity S01E17 The Robo-Roundup.mkv_snapshot_20.54_[2019.06.17_13.52.20].jpg (1280x718, 155K)

God fucking damn these cars are something else.

I like the one card that just has TEXAS in capital letters.

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Should have sprung for 25.

The one about living free drive fast?

this show was kino

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You mean too late, all anyone wants now are soft pastel lore shows. Had it come out around the same time as Storm Hawks or something it'd have boomed.

It was yet another victim of pic related. Why waste the time and effort on good animation and character design when you can just pinch out Western moeblobs and have a teenage boy read silly goose indiecore interjections invented by a manchild?

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Attached: Motorcity - homage.webm (1280x718, 1.63M)

Julie had the best car. fight me.

head on back to /pol/, fucko

News flash this isn't reddit.
You have to go back

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Julie is by far the best thing about the show, but Texas had the best car.

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>but Texas had the best car

Attached: come on now.jpg (217x245, 23K)

How did this show not at least get like a Hot Wheels style toyline?

Disney really loved fucking with the show along with TRON uprising.

>Disney will never give the rights of the show back to Titmouse.
>The OST will never be released.

I know you retards like to shit on AT every time you can, but it had frame-by-frame animation when everything fucking else was basically just using tweening. It cost far more to make than most other shows CN had on the air. Motorcity also used frame-by-frame but the framerate took a shit in every action scene to keep costs down, AT never did that.

>it's more expensive, therefor it's better

The animation is fucking making me diamonds

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Unlike AT, at least motorcity had a cohesive storyline

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why live?

Why is Julie so perfect?