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I wonder what would happen if Tatsuya and Stonetoss were to meat in real life?
How would he get cancelled? He's still with Keenspot right? Why would...
You know what, who the fuck cares? I think we're all just waiting for Tats to remove his penis and testicles with the edge of a sharpened t-square.
They would zero-sum and the world would be a better place.
You forgot to write a joke son
This nigga ain't written a joke in literally a decade.
>those fucking heteronormative dudebros
>with their effeminate features
>and outlandish haircuts, dyed in neon colors
he's a TERF and SWERF, so he's never going to cut his dick off.
Is he drawing on a photo frame?
It's weird he gave his critics sidecuts, the traditional style of his own faction.
He's drawing super good on his cintiq.
he has now started going after liberals who are ok with transsexuals and sex workers, because I guess whoever broke his brain was a radfem
you ever notice these kinds of threads are posted when
should be wide awake?
How to write a progressive comic strip:
1. Protagonist (the progressive) is the voice of reason
2. Antagonist (political opponent) is SILLYYYYY
3. Win Twatter likes
I thought it was just us late-shift guys. Russians are cool too I guess.
I find it curious somebody would consider them polar opposites.
TI seems simply a brainwashed tool that actually is forcing himself to believe the ideas that he puts in his work in a mixture
The other guy's stuff is obviously self aware. I mean, he probably knows he's got followers that actually believe these ideas verbatim, but himself he's just playing it for attention.
MSNBC please.
He's got a point.
>he's just playing it for attention
What is the closer analogy to an artist's craft?
>a chef who prepares a satisfying meal to sate general hunger in an interesting way
>a pharmacist who prepares a specialized drug for a specific ailment
This is important.
The critics in this comic are radlibs who are pro-tranny. The I PUNCH WOMEN shirt is a reference to I PUNCH TERFS. For the last year or two, a lot of lesbians have been getting the shit kicked out of them by trannies and driven away from lesbian bars because they refuse to suck tranny dick (literally).
Isn’t that just any straw man situation? Or do only progressives have strawman arguments and all conservatives are perfect?
frame 1; beardman is on the right side of the window
frame 2; fatman is to the left of beardman
frame 4: beardman is to the left and fatman is to the right
are they dancing the tango outside his window or is he just really bad at art and basic positioning
considering how he had to label the beardman a woman puncher so you wouldn't mistake him for a exaggerated feminist i'd say he's just shit
you think so, but nah.
late shift guys are too lazy and unmotivated to shill political talking points on what is considered a left leaning board
Grind those rusty gears in your head just a little more, m8.
what the devil?
No, you don't understand, Beardman is a feminist, he's just one that supports Trans People. A Trans Inclusionary RadFem, or TIRF.
This is what happens when you make a new hierarchy instead of just accepting equality.
Hold the fuck up.
So you're saying shitposting on 4chains isn't lazy?
You mean I can be lazier than this?
wait he's against trannies now? is he just appealing to the feminists that hate trannies? the ones that also usually despise all men too, making it practically impossible for him to have a actual unironic following anymore because his target audience hates him for just being a man?
what the fuck is his demographic at this point other than bored shitposters laughing at him
Eat their own etc.
What does that even mean? It's funny to see tats go insane if you aren't as insane as him. Lord knows there's nothing left worth saving in sinfest.
>If I pretend two separate groups are the same group then I can smugly comment on how self-destructive they are.
Right wing ideology is the minority and is not representative of the people.
user, you can always be lazier.
I didnt say anything about left or right wing.
>Tats is a fucking TERF
>the strawmen in his comics aren't dudebros anymore, they're fucking trans advocates
This development is just too delicious for words. I feel like I should add a garnish to this thread and have a mint afterwards.
>If I pretend two separate groups are the same group
Are you implying that there ISN'T a massive civil war within modern feminism concerning trans women? If so that's some weapons grade denial.
You don't need to, people like him are so consumed with politics they can't see anything but it. Just disengage and continue to shitpost about when sinfest was fun
Conservatives aren't perfect but strawman comics are far more ubiquitous among progressive comics.
An incel fascist and a white-knighting TERF radical centrist aren’t exactly polar opposites.
I really wish the mods of this board gave a shit about Yea Forums. Why does only Yea Forums have mods that care about their board?
>Trannies beating up lesbians for not sucking cock
The Patriarchy works in mysterious ways!
>there ISN'T a massive civil war within modern feminism concerning trans women?
Not really massive, Pro-trans are clearly the majority.
I was always meh on sinfest but post collapse I do find it much more charming. Maybe that was his plan the whole time, make it so shit now it becomes retroactively great.
I don't think I'd call tats a radical centrist.
Your post is amazing. In 2019 there are still people who think that right-wing politics is just one big meme trying to troll you.
>t. antifa tranny
>radical centrist
Do you just use words without thinking?
Just provides more evidence that horseshoe theory is real, honestly. "You're a lesbian/vagina fetishist? You just need to take a good dick to set yourself straight!"
(and yes, the pro-tranny left genuinely calls lesbians who don't want to take a dick "vagina fetishists")
>The Sinfest guy is a TERF
I gotta say, I really did not see that coming.
>Pro-trans are clearly the majority
>every other day a trans woman absolutely crushes a womens sports world record
Mods are global and this website was made for anime. Yea Forums is a trashcan so that no will mention the west while the weebs are prostrating themselves before glorious nippon.
As a filthy liberal who is pro-tranny, No, no I don't.
This is the dumbest post in this thread, in a thread full of braindead idiots you've managed to reach the absolute bottom the fastest
Most people are TERFs.
>>every other day a trans woman absolutely crushes a womens sports world record
That's beside the point. Most feminist still support trans.
You can be pro-trans and consider trans should remain int he port category of the gender of their body. what is important is to acknowledge the gender of their brain is female.
I'm peeling back the layers of this onion and it is glorious
Most people lean against trannies actually being the opposite gender if asked to actually think about thier postions beyond knee jerk reactions but there's not much thinking going on lately. Most people aren't radical feminists tho.
>Most people are TERFs
Are you aware that TERF refers in part to "radical feminists" and that most people are not radicalized?
I wish someone would just take his old comic and continue it where it was before it split into the feminist bullshit. I'd love to see more old sinfest.
>radical feminist
>most people
I wish "most people" would fuck off, honestly.
These herds of coastal drones need to stop flocking inland for tolerable taxes. They're taking their stupid beliefs with them, and are even hoping to overthrow the local governments like political locusts to fields of promise.
Just go away. Please.
Nobody likes your self-important, passive-aggressive bullshit or the destructive ideals you brandish as weapons of guilt.
>radical feminist over a liberal or conservative one
There's glimpses like this that make me glad I am not super deep into the Tats political lore because this is bending my brain a bit.
Well, I think this just means he's so far to the left that even liberals are far enough right to be considered enemies.
>what is important is to acknowledge the gender of their brain is female.
Close, but you screwed up at the end.
There's no biological basis for gender dysphoria and that includes brain chemistry. It's one thing to respect the feelings and wishes of others, it's another thing altogether to tack on pseudoscience as justification.
He would say something like faux leftist or something, it's like his ideology is literally whatever as long as women are in charge from ayn rand to genderbent (with an actual vagina, this is super imporant) Mao
>There's no biological basis for gender dysphoria and that includes brain chemistry.
There literrally is. there has been many studies on the brain of trans and many show that they have effectively brain with traits of the opposite gender.
Don't speak out of your ass.
>it's another thing altogether to tack on pseudoscience as justification.
Peer reviewed studies, user.
Yes currently this is the case, but radical feminism (anti-trans) has picked up steam in a major way in a very short amount of time.
Allies don't say this but rejected transbians sometimes do. Straight trans allies aren't really aware of the dating dynamics of lgbt people.
From what I've seen radfems do actually appear to like his comics, so there is an audience out there for this stuff. Tatsuya keeps himself separate from his work in contrast to creators who enmesh their personalities with their output. Its hard to hate someone who doesn't provide enough ammo about themselves.
>2019 there are still people who think that right-wing politics is just one big meme trying to troll you.
Do you actually think someone as inconsistent as Stonetoss is actually exposing a real political stance and not just riding the "trigger the libs, own the libs" wave? Do you really think the cheap, unsophisticated TRANNIES SUICIDE A LOT LMAO jokes are a fucking platform?
Let me guess, you think Tucker Carlson and Mark Collett are exactly the same because they're "right wing" too
Thebrain is part of the Endocrine system, user. and male and female bodies have different ones.
That's twitter, the site is practically made to make an ass of itself.
>Its hard to hate someone who doesn't provide enough ammo about themselves.
You say that as if his comic on its own hasn't provided plenty since years.
You're mistaken.
The ones with "female" brains are the gay guys, not the trans women.
Does anybody have the monday strip? The site is down for me.
But he literally makes strips that boil down into “BOTH SIDES”.
I’m not sure if you had brainrot, which you most likely do, but the guy does accuse both sides of being sexist.
Speaking of witch, you might need to recalibrate your IRONY-meter after reading that one.
Radical Feminism isn't "Feminism + " . Its a pretty different ideology. Aside from trans ideology they tend to dislike sex work, religion, and are more skeptical of capitalism and woke intersectionality. It doesn't fit neatly into the current political landscape, its just weird.
>they tend to dislike sex work
Now, that's an issue on which feminsim is split 50/50.
You know what would be nice? If, after all these years, Tatsuya revealed that all this radical feminist comic stuff was just a ploy by the devil to make men and women hate eachother, and even the woke feminists were just tools to make him stronger. Would that redeem him in your eyes?
This is like a dozen posts from two gigantic websites, dude, what'd you think this was gonna prove?
I've seen people throw TERF labeling at women who feel uncomfortable or hostile towards MtF entering domains that were intended for biological women. My understanding of TERF usage is more a reactionary insult by frightned MtFs as opposed to self-described TERFs.
Fair enough, you're right about that.
I'll admit I'm Radfem sympathetic and they bring up good points. I think its a depressing outlook though and I'd wish their economic stances were more sophisticated or even more radical (how about Georgism?).
Tats is pretty firmly on the side of "my extreme is right and everybody else is an inhuman monster." which is as different from "both sides" as I can imagine.
Your jabs aside. Why would you assume that inconsistency somehow proves that Stonetoss doesn't have a political stance? It shows that he's an idiot that doesn't think about what he's trying to convey. But that's not any different to Ben Garson. Incompetence doesn't mean that someone's not politically motivated. It just means that they're shit and they should get off the stage.
>Pretending it's neo-nazis
>when it's actually antifa, far-left, and SJWs who ruin lifes
Then again, the Left always projects their failings.
So, a radical centrist.
I think he just wants to get laid, at the end of the day. Can't escape his earliest comics.
That would be pretty meta, considering it runs in his reallife activities too. Like deliberately breaking the original Sinfest forums and and making a new piss-yellow one that's radfem only.
Pretending to be shitposting still result in you shitposting.
Because Stonetoss uses the situations he presents to form conventional humor premises, where he mocks the things he dislikes, often tempering the message in severity, he doesn't promote the things he likes, which is key to an actual political platform. He changes the tone of his strips hectically between light jabs and over the top edge, you can't have both if you mean to push any other message than "give me clicks".
>things that have never happened
Most real life trans women, even those who go to ‘outgoing’ spaces like gay bars are pretty decent, insecure and just try not to rock the boat.
t. cis lesbian
>he doesn't promote the things he likes
Are you blind?
Finding out this dude's a fucking TERF is some wild shit
He spends years being "woke" with black/feminist power bullshit to impress girls but trannies are too far for him
>to impress girls
When will this and "virtue signaling" fall off. Why is it so difficult to understand that people disagreeing with you might have their own opinion? Not that I am on the side of tats, but it's clear he hold his opinion for himself, not to impress anyone else.
Find me a Stonetoss strip where he actually shows a thing being promoted instead of ribbing on a character.
If the dude really wanted to impress chicks he shouldn't have become a cartoonist lol
They wold rejoice in their love for hating transsexuals and skip off into the sunset.
>Why is it so difficult to understand that people disagreeing with you might have their own opinion? Not that I am on the side of tats, but it's clear he hold his opinion for himself, not to impress anyone else.
Because anyone with a room temperature IQ can tell he didn't come up with any of the shit he spouts? The fucking Patriarchy in his comic is an abstract Matrix 1984 thing with not one moment throughout the whole thing displaying a case of real issues women face that might reflect why he holds his batshit stance. It's 100% a fantasy he indulges in.
Even some of the most driven people on the planet, with the most rock-solid convictions and beliefs, can find that they are doing what they do for the wrong reasons. And it's often a result of misplaced love or devotion. If you ask a cult member if their mind is their own, they will look you dead in the eyes and say with absolute certainty that yes, they are still of free will.
i don't know what the fuck a terf or a swerf is
i don't know shit anymore, man. i don't know who is right or who is wrong. this shit is just so goddamn wacky and muddled.
i wish the cia would stop giving white people hrt.
>When will this and "virtue signaling" fall off.
Same time it stops being enough to ruin people's careers and lives, so who knows.
What the fuck is a TERF?
Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist
idea of trannies and feminist dykes fighting each other is the funniest fucking shit ever
trans-exclusionary radical feminists, so basically women's right activists who think men dressing as women are not women and should not receive the benefits of feminism
it's all so tiresome
Just do the sensible thing and stop worrying about the distinctions between degenerates, they won't survive the coming of the harsh times they're creating anyhow.
I don't see why it's so hard to believe Tats might believe this. Radfems might be a bit more numerous than before but it's niche enough to be counter cultural at least within the context of feminism and leftism. These types of comics probably lost him some fans and put his career at risk. People tend not to blindly follow things that are so widely hated. I think he is sincere.
Being an asshole to women gets you laid more than being a feminist ally gentleman. So the politics of feminism falls apart completely when the more consistent means of spreading your genes is a set of behaviors that diametrically oppose the fundaments of feminist philosophy.
Beside the point, I was talking about the sincerity of the opinion, "doing it for the girl" or "virtue signalling" means that he person effectively do not actually have that opinion, and just express it to please other without being sincere about it. this is what I was talking about.
>Because anyone with a room temperature IQ can tell he didn't come up with any of the shit he spouts?
You can agree with something someone else said and it's still your opinion.
Furthermore, you can tell, as his comic progress that many of his opinion got formed in response to the negative critic he got out of it. Much more than the compliment, what cement Tats in his opinion are the complains he get out of it.
Welcome to Yea Forumsciology 101
>Same time it stops being enough to ruin people's careers and lives
Man, you'd think that people ho are ready to ruin their live and career for the sake of maintaining their opinion would not do it to be pleasing to others.
>I don't see why it's so hard to believe Tats might believe this.
That's my point, he really believe it. He is not pretending.
Yes, Brain is part of the system that regulate hormone in your body.
>read through this
>she was drunk, obnoxious and the staff and performers told her to leave
>get into a confrontation outside
>come off worse and write an article about it accompanied by some baked looking tweets
This just sounds like drunk drama, not gangs of militarised transes hunting lesbians in the streets.
I hear you. Can people just respect what people can and can't do with their own lives? Does that simple idea really need three dozen separate labels to be valid?
I know people in all aspects of LGBT and they're just regular people. That sadly means some will take the extremes of an argument and do stupid shit that makes the rest look bad.
That's kinda how things are in many things, who sides of extremist flinging shit at eachother while regular people are stuck in the crossfire.
Well, there are also the MMA fighters and other trans Athletes literally beating up women systematically.
I was agreeing with you, sorry for not being clear
Ok I'm a radfem, what part of radical feminism is confusing? It is an unpopular ideology but not too difficult to understand.
As far as Tatsuya I don't think Sinfest is entertaining but the newest comic strips are kind of interesting.
Hypothalamus is just a part of the brain. The brain itself is part of the nervous syatem
show us your tits
>taking part in physical sport is systematically beating up women
>taking estrogen dramatically reduces muscle and what would be the Male advantage anyway
Oy vey
Anyway, the competitive trans athletics thing is a weird area. Should probably just require athletes to be transitioned to the point their hormones are on par with their cis competitors, because having separate Olympics isn’t gonna happen and forcing them to compete with members of their own sex isn’t gonna work, but banning them isn’t either.
there you go
round and soft looking
>Hypothalamus is just a part of the brain.
Therefore the Brain is also part of the Endocrine system. you know one doesn't exclude the other, right?
Alright, then.
Would hold tenderly and carefully
>Ctrl + F
Odd. Usually political comics threads are filled with people blaming /pol/ and get closed. How is it that this is still up?
Russians are terrible shitposters
Arguably the worst shitposters on the website intentionally trying to stir up political drama
>taking estrogen dramatically reduces muscle and what would be the Male advantage anyway
But that's wrong,like, 100%, they outmatch natural women so much it's not even funny. You could pump testosterone in a lady for years and some trans will still beat them.
>Ok I'm a radfem
Are you just a radfem, or a Trans Exclusive radfem?
>Yeah it doesn't matter how much T you have if you only have 60% of the muscular/skeletal density of the guy you're fighting.
Depends what aspects of feminism you're radical about. I'm for equality and fairness between everybody but fems tend to go too far and say "it's women's turn to be on top now!", which only serves to keep the shit flinging alive.
I guess I'd be classified as a TERF. A trans person in and of themselves usually isn't a problem but modern trans ideology is incompatible with feminism. From my perspective 'trans' is an umbrella term for various types of people and some of them are just nutty. When you're talking about transpeople who don't think you need to feel dysphoria to be trans but still want taxpayers paying for something they consider a personal choice (and not a mental illness) for instance, I think its fair to be skeptical. Old school 'truscum' get less flack from me by comparison.
nice trips btw
>what part of radical feminism is confusing?
Aparently burning brasieres and naked protest is a trend in feminism, what's up with that? My opinion of that is the same as gay parades, if it was about the gay community having fun i wouldn't mind that much, but its aparently about pride, the pride of being gay, and the pride of being gay aparently involves making an ass out of themselves infront of a public, its not brave and its not demonstrating anything, they're just a bunch of clowns performing while at the same time asking be taken seriously and i just can't take seriously a bunch of clowns
Calling myself second wave is enough to piss off enough people nowadays, a lot of this stuff is associated with third wave feminism so if you identify as someone who rejects the movement it's enough to tilt true followers. I don't feel radical on that regard but I guess exclusionary is the right terminology.
>Should probably just require athletes to be transitioned to the point their hormones are on par with their cis competitors
Do you think the male skeleton, musculature and nervous system is just going to change into a 100% female one in a MtF transsexual after they start popping hormones? Pic related, it's a "female" Australian volleyball player crushing the opposition.
It's threads like sinfest that makes me glad I'm not neck deep into americanized politics, some of you people need lives
I thing the issue with rd wave was not so much the point they were trying to tackle, but the semantic they used.
Using the word "privilege" is one of the biggest mistake that could be made. The point was to get the less obvious advantage being a man that fit in the mold provide. But the word "privilege" had that inevitable connotation that it was about removing what other had, not giving to those who hadn't it yet.
Argue with the results, not the premise. Women at their physical peak are getting destroyed by some dead eyed freaks in wigs.
>handball not volleyball
Anyway the point stands. Once you've gone through puberty as a male you will have a stronger musculature and skeleton and a faster nervous system than females and this will not change completely even after years of eating female hormones or taking testosterone blockers. They will still have a massive advantage. Here's a MtF transsexual weightlifter winning a competition and shattering a few female world records.
>if it was about the gay community having fun i wouldn't mind that much, but its aparently about pride, the pride of being gay, and the pride of being gay aparently involves making an ass out of themselves infront of a public
How hard is to understand that it is a counter-reaxction to not being allowed to be gay for years. It was pushing the boundaries for those more afraid to do it. The point is to catch attention.
All in all, I honestly don't consider it more obscene than the Brazilian carnival.
That always bugs me.
I'm not as familiar with radical feminism outside the anglosphere but within that purview radfems tend to think the naked protests and bra burning are stupid. The naked protests associated with things like Pussy Riot were coordinated by a male leader anyway (lol). Radfems are also disillusioned with Pride events anyway since they see it as shameless corporate branding and empty woke signalling (radfems tend to be more anti-capitalist though their economic positions tend not to have as much agreement).
You're mostly thinking of libfems. Radfems seem to be mostly dykes and old women from my perspective.
Only when the trannies in this thread get their comeuppance do the mods delete it. Nobody bothers anymore so the trannies continue to live in their delusion on Yea Forums
So bitter failures past their prime then? That seems to be a trend among most groups of radicals
>but modern trans ideology is incompatible with feminism.
That's funny, considering feminism is incompatible with modern ideology. You DO know feminism stopped mattering in the west around 50-70 years ago right?
the big cheeses of radical feminism tend to be older but the growth is generally younger people. IDK where its going next.
I predict radfems will gain some wins in the form of barring trans athletes from sports but fail to make strides in other arenas (like maintaining segregated prisons and changing rooms). Where the discourse goes from there is dependent on whether or not young trans people now grow up to regret their decision and attempt to sue the doctors and/or their parents. There are people that detransition even now but that potential, hypothetical tipping point is a decade away.
>look away for 5 minutes
>the radical left has started eating itself in a constant contest of one-upsmanship over who is more progressive
>splintering off into different factions that hate each other over dumb shit
>"I'm more tolerant than you, and as a result, your existence disgusts me"
>everyone is too busy sniffing their own farts to notice that their contest of tolerance is making them less tolerant than everyone else, as they constantly find new reasons to exclude people
No I was agreeing with you. I fucked up and greentexted it by mistake :/
Only a stagnant, unchanging world is one where feminism is truly, no longer needed. 50-70 years ago we didn't fret about trans athletes in women's sports for instance. Things change and sometimes they change in ways where feminism can be relevant again. Past feminists did a lot for women now, I will concede there are arenas of public life where the presence of feminism is sustained by professional activists in need of jobs.
There are many radfems who are not as focused on changing things in the West because they do not believe there are as many contributions needed. Instead they focus on other parts of the world where they think Feminism can make greater impact, which is why they have their reputation for disliking Islam, for instance.
It's organized by over the hill fags who want eye candy and sluts who want to show off, it's not to represent anything but that and whoever is sponsoring the event for brand recognition these days. The only rights that really mattered was civil unions getting recognized the same way as marriage and the right to arm ourselves which was never really in question.
Regular gay people are embarrassed by 'pride' and now companies are suddenly jumping on the bandwagon and commercializing it to the vapid cheers of the flamers is even more embarrassing.
Pretty sure both of them are already meat in real life? Aren't we all?
I'm actually tofu.
The problem is that leftists still believe that the right loves trump. Because if they don't, they have to come to terms that /pol/ and the donald are separate entites, and that means they can't call muh pole redditors anymore.
A "radical centrist" would be somebody that goes "the truth must be somewhere in the middle" on every issue, and is mostly a strawmen used by people that think nuance is bad.
There's no nuance in tats work. He's more like the kind of person that'd use the strawman, than the kind it's used against.
>Only a stagnant, unchanging world is one where feminism is truly, no longer needed.
You're kidding right? You got your equality and that's not enough for you. Once you achieve your goals you're supposed to stop crusading for them, but you don't even know what your goals are anymore because feminism long since passed them which exactly why you guys are stuck with trannies now.
But really the truth is nothing is enough for you, is it? The truth is you don't actually want equality. The truth is once given an inch you want a mile. The truth is /pol/ is always right.
Just remember when the end comes that you deserved it all.
>The problem is that leftists still believe that the right loves trump.
No, they don't. They think the right hat the left so much that they'd prefer to vote for Trump rather than any democrat, no matter how competent he might be.
>How hard is to understand that it is a counter-reaxction to not being allowed to be gay for years. It was pushing the boundaries for those more afraid to do it. The point is to catch attention.
Understandable, but also disingenuous and pointless in current year, im not going to say homophobia its not a thing that exist anymore but people that are like that are seen as evil cavemen that need to get with the times according to modern society, they're not pushing any boundaries anymore, by now, just like the brazilian carnival, it should just be a party to have fun, but its still really fucking important for some reason
It's convenient how the shameless corporate whoring came right after marriage had been legalized, no longer a risk to support gays i suppose
Kind of agree. There's always kids making a fashion statement or rebellious phase out of movements and doing shitty things in it's name. The trans people I know are the most reasonable people you could meet but tumblr and twitter is full of sperglords with obvious social issues.
I'm not a fan of people writing their behaviour off as gender dysphoria or side effects of hormone treatment because we see plenty of that same shit from other people all the time. Either riled up by mob mentality or depressed because they're treated like shit and often don't even have their own families to talk to.
I dont even know this artist at all but your comment is so stupid that I almost can't believe its real. If hes going after multiple "factions" then he's not in a faction, clearly. You're just assigning one to him when it clearly isnt about that because you want to mark your enemies.
>You got your equality and that's not enough for you.
Once the biggest flaw are fixed, there remain the smaller more difficult flaw to address.
Just because the law say everyone is equal doesn't mean everyone is treated with equal fair chance. The problem is it's about cultural change whose rule's aren't written anywhere.
We only saw how it was with clinton. There wasn't much controversy to be had when even the most sympathizing of the right recognized who was the lesser evil. Whether you believe it was coordinated shilling or not, there were some on /pol/ that actually supported andrew yang, a democratic candidate.
>Understandable, but also disingenuous and pointless in current year,
It's just an opportunity tobe more extrovert. The name changed from Gay Pride parade to simply Pride Parade for a reason.
I see it a bit like a con where you can actually dress up like you anime character without feeling out of place.
Bitch men and women will never be fairly treated because of basic biology. Get the fuck over it and realize that you can't change billions of years of evolution. Just be happy that lawfully you have all the same rights as men, and in some cases are lawfully way better off than men.
If terfs are worried about trans women intruding on women's locker rooms and seeing girls get changed, wouldn't the same concerns apply to lesbians?
Is Monique going to need to stop interacting with her underaged fan, now she's dating a woman?
Aren't they, like, only sixteen inches tall in real life?
What? Footwear?
Why do you post this? I don't want to see a loved one waste away.
If everyone who only voted one side to keep the other out of office instead voted for whoever they thought was the best option even if they aren't one of the big two, the elections would start looking a lot different.
>Just because the law say everyone is equal doesn't mean everyone is treated with equal fair chance.
Why should people be treated equally?
There's a difference between legal recognition of fundamental rights and the fact I know I'm better than you. I will not treat people beneath me as my equals for the same reason I don't walk around on all fours and lick my butthole around my cat.
> there has been many studies on the brain of trans and many show that they have effectively brain with traits of the opposite gender.
From what I remember there was one study and that its has never replicated.
Well the constitution says that all men are created equal, for one. Its American to treat everyone equally.
America's government should start by getting rid of the archaic two party system
The subject of OP wasn't enough to clue you into 'things change'? If there is one thing conservatives understand well is that one's position in the world must be maintained. You could make the same arguments in regards to foreign policy. Equality isn't a guarantee or a given, vigilance is required to protect it. If women collectively decided that feminism had done its job and that they didn't need to bother anymore their successes would find themselves being rolled back.
The constant tensions between feminists and the people that disagree with them are necessary to have a balanced world.
>Bitch men and women will never be fairly treated because of basic biology.
Hence why I was talking about being treated equal on the cultural ans social norm level. I never said women should be accpeted in male sport competitions.
>Why should people be treated equally?
There is a bit about it in the declaration of independence. It's kind of a guideline on the American values.
>and the fact I know I'm better than you
I am not saying to ignore merit, hence why I specifically talked about being given equal fair chance.
That's not a government institution, dumbass.
Or from another perspective, feminists take people telling them to shut up as a confirmation that what they're saying is necessary. Feminism will exist for as long as there's someone who thinks feminism doesn't need to exist.
Good luck letting any party get any traction compared to the big two, they need to be broken up into smaller entities that better fit into their place on the political spectrum
You're first against the wall, then.
How? It's not an institution, it just turned out that way.
As if by magic.
In what way is this relevant at all to what I said.
You are aware that it's the government that has the power to change the constitution and how elections are done, right? If you want the US to switch to a plural system, oit's only though the government (or a revolution).
changing the constitution to switch to a plural system.
>He wants the government to have more control over how people chose their leaders
Go back to the EU
It's not magic, it's natural selection. I thought everyone had seen this video by now, but here you go. I recommend the whole series.
Are you sure youre radical, you sound pretty sensible
The EU's leaders are all made in a general election across the EU though
the 'radical' in 'radical feminism' means 'too the root', not 'extreme'. It can be extreme but thats not the intention behind the name
I've never heard a woman say that who didn't have blue hair and gauges and zero political power
Listen mate I'd commit genocide just for the meme of it.
They're pretty lukewarm on religion, actually, and they freely work with the religious right to suppress sex work and transgenderism.
It doesn't have to.
The leader can still be directly elected. Not a 2 turns system, France has showed its flaws. Either with a 3 turn system, or as many candidate who make more than 15% the one with the lowest score being eliminated each turn until one make more than 50%. then he get to be in charge of forming the coalition out of the plural parliament elected just before the presidential elections.
Thank you for your service in racoon city.
We live in terrorism, idiots. Wake up!
That TERFS are crazy and misogynistic.
At the end of the day it's just a bunch of prudes working together to stop people from expressing themselves
Yes, we are aware. We all are. Also, more people die from sickness not covered by their insurance than from terrorist attacks.
I live in a country where either Monkey, Gorilla or Leopard ends up as the winner in elections. They still need the support of the smaller parties in order to be able to pass any laws, so Turtle, Snake and the rest play a role later too.
USA's two-party system is not an inevitable conclusion. It's just something that happened there, but doesn't necessarily happen everywhere else.
It's not IN the constitution.
Civilized countries have more than two political parties, user.
It hasn't happened anywhere else, for good reason
>It's not IN the constitution.
>Article Two of the United States Constitution originally established the method of presidential elections,
The constitution and it's amendment, if you want to be pedant and you can only amend the constitution to change the election rules, as changing the constitution itself is not possible. But everyone understood that already.
I'm for radical feminism that just means "independent girl who skateboards and wears 90s glam outfits."
America uses a first my the post system where the majority wins all the sets form form the district. This favors a two parties. There are more than two parties however in America and Bernie is a independent. When Abraham Lincoln founded the Republican parity there were like 13 other parties, mainly because the Wiggs fell apart.
If you want more that two parties actual in power a MEP system or getting rid of First by the Post is need. You will see Green party having sets, aswell as Libertarian and maybe California republicans.
What's the joke. Bernie is in very good place to win. You add all the progressive currently in the run and they make more than all the conservative democrat.
The mirror.
Saying what you're saying gets me labeled as truscum when I talk to feminists. I don't know why you abide by fetishists to be inclusive, but you gotta stop.
>first by the post
Yeah, it's backwards as all hell and we should change it
You can't change your gender.
>soldiers don't kill people
And those F-35s pilot themselves, I guess. Imagine trying so hard to be anti trans that you accidentally condemn all human soldiers as useless baggage.
>even working in franchise shit
>not kebab shops and 7/7 markets
>implying F-35 kills people other then it's pilots
if only Stonetoss was just a teeeeeeny bit more self aware
What the fuck is a terf?
Simple word search would answer that.
>Peer reviewed studies, user.
One study done on less than 100 subjects, it's bullshit and has been debunked a million times over.
People who don't believe chopping your dick off makes you a woman.
>goat milk mocha
I kinda want to try that.
>Bernie is in very good place to win.
What the fuck does the method of electing a president have to do with the number of political parties?
>America uses a first past the post system where the majority wins all the seats from the district. This favors a two party system.
Well, what imbecile came up with that in the first place?
He seems like a giant cunt.
But you can change your sex. Hence the phrase 'sex change'.
The question is whether it is better to change your body with dubious results, or accept you are a forged spark in a cold-constructed body.
You literally can't, you crazy tranny.
That's why you all kill yourselves.
wait, so with modern liberalism I can put on a dress and assault any women who says I'm not a women?
I have already posted this a number of time but I actually agree with a lot points that tats and radical feminists/TERFs talk about
I agree that porn is harmful and exploitative in all ways especially towards women,I agree that sex-work is dangerous and shouldn't be romanticized,I don't think a man can be a woman and vice versa a women can't be a man and I do think men should be better for both themselves and women
but stuff like male tears,PIV sex is rape,all men are rapists and overall antagonistic tone radfems have is what turns people from their ideals
just recently their was huge drama on Tumblr between heterosexual radfems and lesbian separatist radfems and political lesbian separatist radfems about how you literally can't be a proper radfem If you are in a relationship with a man and should focus on just women
stuff like this
Men are not women.
Sure, if you want to go to jail. Hell, you don't even need to wear the dress.
It's almost like people are scared of a political movement they don't know anything about. Weird how people are sensible when you let them explain themselves civilly.
>50-70 years ago we didn't fret about trans athletes in women's sports for instance
Uh, East German and Soviet athletes were suspiciously manly, it definitely was a thing at the time
What kind of person thinks people killing themselves out of despair over the situation they are in is funny?
>Idk if it’s lesbophobic for straight women to date the people that they are attracted to. We can’t just choose not to be attracted to men. I guess we could choose to just not date, but that honestly seems unreasonable to me. Everyone deserves to have someone to spend their life with and some men can be solid allies.
>Jesus fucking christ. I’m done with this bullshit.
>@obscenelycolleen you’re straight. It’s not up to you to decide what is or isn’t homophobic. That’s like a white person telling a black person what is or isn’t racist. When lesbians are telling you something you’re doing is lesbophobic, it’s time for you to shut the fuck up and listen to what we’re saying. It’s not that hard.
>“Everyone deserves to have someone to spend their life with and some men can be solid allies.”
>I don’t give a shit. The point is that it’s not feminism. It’s genuinely baffling how fucking defensive straight women are of men, and it’s so clear that, to you, feminism is nothing but a little pink Grrl Power pin you bought off Etsy and stuck to your lapel.
>If you’d get your head outta men’s asses for more than two seconds, you’d understand that lesbians aren’t saying it’s lesbophobic to date men. How incredibly fucking narcissistic can you possibly be to believe that that’s what we’re trying to say? We’re saying that it’s lesbophobic to paint separatism as stupid, petty, useless, etc. just because YOU refuse to understand it. Again. This isn’t hard to grasp. Use your brain. Stop thinking of yourself as the victim here.
>Feminism isn’t about individual choice, it’s about the liberation of the entire female sex from sex-based oppression. It’s not about you. You’re not special. You’re not the most important person on the planet. I don’t give a shit if you want to fuck men. That doesn’t matter to literally anyone. No one gives a shit. What we’re saying is this: in order to accomplish female liberation, we need change. And guess what. It’s been proven, all over the world, that women refusing to cater to men (yes, that means not dating or fucking them) is what gets them to listen.
>It’s so hilarious how pathetic straight women are when it comes to men. You preach ~*feminism*~ and claim to want liberation for women…then refuse to do any of the fucking groundwork because it’s, quote, ~*unreasonable*~ to you, and you don’t feel like giving up your cushy hetero lifestyle and all the privileges that come with cozying up to the oppressor. Do you see how hypocritical that is, or is your cognitive dissonance and victim complex still too goddamn strong?
>Our foremothers are rolling in their fucking graves right now.
I am not a transsexual, dipshit.
But I can appreciate the plight of someone in a nightmarish situation, unlike you, apparently.
I think there's a precedent already.
>PIV sex is rape
This is a huge misrepresentation of discourse meant as a thought exercise. It's like "there is no ethical consumption under capitalism." Commies don't stop buying things, they get together to discuss harm reduction. Straight radfems don't stop having relationships with men, they get together and discuss healthy boundaries.
But that's equally terrifying to some dudes, I think.
>be tranny in the western world
>upper middle class and up
>nobody has ever said "no" to you in your entire life
>0 to no life hardship
>terrible hormonal disbalance encouraged by lgbtbbq cults
>person finally says no to you
>kill yourself "out of despair"
lmoa fucking westerner faggots
So, do they expect to breed solely through artificial insemination via sperm donation, or do they have some kinda other plan for their women dominated utopia?
People aren't equal to others. My best friend and a stranger aren't equal to me. Why would I treat them equally? Same goes for how individuals treat groups of people, same goes for how groups of people treat groups of people.
Treating people equally is a dumb notion. People should have equal rights. On areas not covered by rights, fuck equality.
>But I can appreciate the plight of someone in a nightmarish situation
Yes, mental illness is terrible indeed.
I can't wait until someone comes up with a cure for all this feminism, preferably in a little red pill.
Did you know there was a trend of rich kids having a higher rate of suicide in the US, largely attributed to the fact that they'd never be able to live out the American dream of being wealthier than their own parents.
>My best friend and a stranger aren't equal to me.
...Does your best friend know how you feel about them? Is this a thing you say to them? What traits does this friend have that makes them unequal to you?
I want to cum on cortana's braces
once tranny athletes start doing as well as male athletes, feminists will celebrate this as proof of athletic equality.
Who the fuck are you?
Hilarious. You carry on with your life and make fun of people stuck in a situation they did not create and can do nothing to fix, because what they truly want is impossible.
He meant a stranger is not equal to his best friend.
I think everybody probably thinks this way in practice.
Except maybe hardcore Buddhists.
How do you explain Tumblr and ResetEra then?
How convenient that if their enemies are arguing , they're "eating each other", but if it's you idiots earing each other apart while doing it, then it's "a meaningful conversation"
>You carry on with your life and make fun of people stuck in a situation they did not create and can do nothing to fix, because what they truly want is impossible.
Exactly. It's literally the same thing as furries and otherkin.
I have seen many women on Tumblr who have stooped identifying as radfems specifically because they were tried of being constantly criticized for being in relationship with men
Not really. Unless furries are hardwired to want to be beast people.
Making fun of other people's misery is evil.
Of he does. Why would he think a stranger on the street means as much to me as he? Or that I'd treat the stranger the same, as in listen to their problems, support them when in need, devote my time to them?
>How do you explain Tumblr and ResetEra then?
Explain what? I can only read the words you actually type outside your head.
Also, the only other instance of someone saying "eating each other" in this thread is some other guy saying it in reference to leftists. Posts on Yea Forums are anonymous, not one singular person named Anonymous.
To address what I think might be the point of your post: every group has infighting, but no group is constantly infighting, because if so they're clearly not a group. There are decades of feminist discourse in the form of books, public and private talks, debates, therapy sessions, etc. outside of the kind of protest activism we associate with 'Feminism' as a movement. Presumably other kinds of movements have something similar. Conversations about ideas and concepts look really boring when you're not a part of them, if you even notice them at all.
While you may have a point with those who can't really help it, I can't say the same for those who do it for attention or hide behind their illness when they attack others for the crime of wrongthink. (ie. Something Awful and ResetERA "Transexuals")
I personally find that hilarious.
Women on Tumblr don't stop believing in their own human rights because another woman on the internet doesn't like their boyfriend. 'Identifying' is a meaningless term, and Tumblr is not very good at being a cohesive community.
some other clips from the Tumblr radfem drama
>Being het doesn’t automatically make a feminist liberal-leaning. Men are part of our daily lives obv thus sparking the separatism debate. I understand where the lebfems are coming from bc I too see separatism as a solution for womyn and a wise one at that, but idk where to draw the line about what to ask of my radfem sisters before seeming to become an all out religious cult. Het sex/love not being acceptable— fine. But there would still be sons, brothers, fathers, uncles, grandfathers to consider when talking of female/male relationships which in my eyes makes this whole straight argument moot, unless we also ask each other to cut every man in our life off all at once.
>I don’t know ladies I’m very confused and I don’t like us fighting!!!
>Separatism is actually about separating from males as a class not just avoiding romantic relationships. Hetfems like to forget that lesbian separatists often have male friends and family members and that they need to consider whether they want to continue those relationships too.
>But the topic always devolves because the idea of separatism makes hetfems really hostile for some reason.
>Separatism, as has been said before, is a goal. Collective, but also individual. It’s one thing though to defend your brother or nephew or even friend, and another to defend the hypothetical male you haven’t met that you want to fuck. But that always seems to be hetfems biggest issue. Maybe because then the conversation can become centered on them, instead of common issues and goals.
I want radfems to succeeded I really do but you have many genuine unironic man haters in your group and these people equally show a disdain for women love their sons/husbands then the rad fem ideology
they still identify as feminists,they still are pro-womens liberation,anti-sex work,anti-porn,pro lesbian and gay rights
just with less male hate an they don't alienate other women from feminism
radfems are worse than trannies, here is separatism in action:
--> Het radfems and les sep radfems can have fights on the internet all they want and then they both get up from their computer desks and go outside and protest abortion legislation or whatever.
I've been following radblr infights since Celestia, and I can assure you it does not and will never matter.
so do libfems and non radical feminist
stop pretending that radfems are only one's who try to make a change and that every other activists don't really care about women rights
>Explain what?
God you're as thick as a brick
Tats is a right-wing radfem. They hate mtf people as they're "men trying to replace women" and they hate lgbt because they honestly believe sexual attraction is a choice Like most right-wing groups dealing with sexuality they also deny the entire concept of gender(mental) as opposed to sex(physical).
There's pretty much only one reason any man becomes a radical right-wing "feminist" and that's to get or keep a right-wing "feminist" girlfriend.
>Twatsuya is a right-wing radfem
>everyone I hate is a conservative!
Trannys excel in all sports even mental olympics. This isn't fair at all.
Theamazingatheist did the perfect video regarding the whole trans athletes thing. The jist of it was if you support trans people and say trans women are just as real as cis women, then the should have free reign in sports. No arbitrary hormone or puberty restrictions, because then you're singling them out which is wrong. His comparison was how blacks dominate in sports like basketball because of their slight physical differences to other races like bone density, height, and hand size. Saying trans people need their own league or special qualifications to play with cis playes would be like saying blacks need their own league or special qualifications to play with whites. Oopsie.
Whoever you were talking to before who said that is not in this Yea Forums thread.
How do you even white knight for some group that believes in separation from men?
The real reason is that Tats is a radical Japanese ultranationalist monarchist who wants to remove western degeneracy and inferior races so he will agitate against trannies first in his comic, then it's time for chinese, koreans and waito piggu.
I want to see a full set.
>I can't say the same for those who do it for attention or hide behind their illness when they attack others for the crime of wrongthink.
That goes without saying. Bandwagoning because you want attention is also evil.
>How do you even white knight for some group that believes in separation from men?
Except Tats actually IS a right-wing radfem.
You might want to actually look up TERF/SWERF feminism before flapping your retarded gullet
Galli are exactly what Tats and TERF:s oppose, men appropriating women's clothing and dicklessness. Tats doesn't want to cut his dick off, he wants to gas trannies and who knows what else.
I start following Sinfest for the devil girls , and I keep checking it everyday just waiting for some sexy girl to show up on a corner .
Btw , why there is not fan art on the biker girls?
>Except Tats actually IS a right-wing radfem
Really? What are his economic views?
Oh right, "right-wing" is just a buzzword for "someone I don't like" to dumbfucks like you
You're all still on the Left and still only eating each other
It's funny. Sinfest was great when it lampooned the religions of yore, but now it's shit ever since Ishida got caught up in the new religion of intersectionality.
Which one's Alexa and which one's Siri?
You need fans to have fanart.
>he's not right-wing radfem!
>"right wing" has to be holistic! No true Scottsman!
>brings up economics, a point where even the leftiest of lefties are still fucking neoliberal just like the fundiest of right wing fundamentalists
You're a fucking idiot and you need to spend at least a year educating yourself on what the words you're using actually fucking mean.
t. beltway insider
Oh who am I kidding you don't know what the fucking beltway is
>Native US Citizen
>”That fucking Jap is trying pro-Japanese propaganda!”
>saying this about a radfem
Nigga, this guy would’ve been trashed in 6 seconds in Nippon.
spotted the false flagging /pol/tard
Wtf is going on this thread I thought we were mocking tats?
>Police siding with small black girl
Whos side is he on even.
user he had that one Bitcoin one.
Yea Forums is a silly place
Yea Forums has been uniorinically Yea Forumsmblr for a long time now.
And presto!
Girl with penis!
One would choose Steak, the other would choose the vegan option.