Was America simply too racist to accept a person of color as Captain America?
Was America simply too racist to accept a person of color as Captain America?
Isn’t it more racist to think that a black character has to adopt a white characters mantle to be popular? I like Sam, and he shouldn’t try to love up to someone else. He’s The Falcon, and that’s okay
Falcons wing stuff doesn’t really pair well with caps shield
Didn't give a shit that Sam became the new Cap, seemed fitting.
Hated that he kept the wings and goggles. Felt more like he stayed falcon and just got a new paint job than taking up Cap's mantle
He needs a sword.
Falcon should’ve just changed his name to Eagle
That would be dope not gonna lie, or a spear
It is just the simple fact that there will only ever be one Captain America.
How does the shield even work for his fighting style?
Which one? Steve? Bucky? William Burnside? Isiah Bradely? US Agent?
>person of color
Tired of this racist crap
He should have dropped the damn bird theme to be the next Cap
i thought making falcon into cap was fucking stupid, for one reason:
he's just a regular guy with a jetpack and wings.
bucky would have made more sense, at least he's got a metal arm that gives him strength on-par with captain america
Don’t forget Hawkeye
Why didn't they just call him Captain Falcon?
His costume isn't busy enough. He needs spinning laser lights, a cone hat, a gun, and an animal sidekick. His costume sucks.
This was actually one of the few recent legacies i liked, falcon had earned it unlike many others
No Rick Remender's 1 arc with SamCap was great.
It's Nick Spencer that fucked it up for everyone by doing the Steve Hydra bullshit, portraying all Businessmen as evil Trump metaphors, all people (besides us agent) against illegal immigration as murderers, portraying cops as terminator like robots that kill at the drop of a hat & turning Diamondback into a prostitute/stripper in order to talk down to fans of sexy 90s superheroines.
ANOTHER race thread!!
Mods- great work, really
>portraying cops as terminator like robots that kill at the drop of a hat
>Implying this is wrong
That was my problem with the Captain Falcon design.
His wings were in the place,
I liked that he kept the wings. Made him even more AMERICA
>His wings were in the place,
I mean the WRONG place.
I don't like the idea of Falcon replacing his own persona with Caps.
Another thing Spencer & Marvel fucked us over with is the giant time jump which passed over pic related tease which was actually pretty cool.
Steve, obviously.
Cap and Sam go way back
I hated this felt like they completely changed Falcon’s personality.
Will this thread survive? I've seen more innocuous ones die
His suit doesn’t work like that though. I didn’t mind captain falcon but I preferred Bucky cap, only because I feel Bucky has an arc as cap where nothing really changes for Sam other than optics.
The power immediately went to his head.
It really need a good story to justify a legacy.
I know few cases, like Dick that thanks to Morrison was a credible Batman and fans, for the most (even if we all prefer Bruce) agree that Dick is almost on a par with his mentor.
however, without a good story, this step often becomes offensive to read. I don't hate Sam, but I think he never had a good story to raise his persona in the eyes of the reader
This was during Axis, right? When he got mind whammied?
This. Should have adopted a bald eagle color scheme or gold wings with a red, white and blue uniform.
Thank you.
He absolutely kills as The Falcon.
Leave him as that.
>why not just take an already established hero and give them another heros name to try and boost sales!
>lets pick a divisity canidate so we can yell racism when people don't want this hero to take over for another hero
and thus "Passing the mantle " was born
I was ready until I saw the costume. Looks like shit. The mask and wings don’t fit. The white contrasts good but too many belts. He needed white wings, and needed them to go more like Hawkman wings.
Also Sam doesn’t respect the Sheild and I blame the writer.
As if the design is really that important.
The aesthetic of a super hero is very important, but ignoring that fighting with a shield and wings is stupid.
>muh ancestors built America so we identify the closest to it
>All the run was about Sam dealing with people that didn't accept him as Captain America.
>Wonder why people irl didn't accept Sam as Captain America.
Spencer was a fucking idiot... Remender wrote like 5 issues with the character and it was way better than "muh racism" Spencer run.
what shit timing to introduce him as your new captain america
Fuck! Thank you! I've thought this about every person of color that adopts a moniker that was previously established. If you combat racism by color washing a character then you're just a shit writer.
Businessmen are all evil
No it isnt. Falcon has always fought with wings, and most fighters should carry a shield.
Did sam get injected with a super soldier serum too?
He never was given a moment to ponder what he was doing by becoming the 'new' Captain America. He took the NAME but not the JOB. Rogers had a very definitive view of his role and what the job carried and most of all he radiated optimism, but never sugar coated it either, most of all he led by example.
Sam could NEVER be a believable Captain America because he never seemed to believe in America itself and only saw it for it's worst. That'd be fine if he was still the Falcon, or a mutant, or a street level crime fighter.
But not for a Captain America
Does Sam show up in anything anymore, or did Spencer fuck him into oblivion?
No it's just lazy writing. Instead of coming up with a proper black character with good background story, lets just rehash existing character and give said character new color
He did stay Falcon.
Then the shield seems way less useful, caps ability to use it like a projectile/smash through shit with his enhanced strength made it stand out, falcon would be better off with a different weapon
Cap is the only one who should be able to use the shield as a significant weapon.
Falcon just using it as a shield makes more sense.
We try not to give comic characters too many weapons because it makes the fights less interesting stakes wise.
>Cap is the only one who should be able to use the shield as a significant weapon.
Cap and Bucky when using his bionic arm.
What is wrong with Falcon?
huh i never did think about it but how does failcap fight using both? throws the shield and just has to leave it since both his arms are in use to keep him flying or does her just hold on to the shield and block whatever shot is coming from above him to his right hand
Frankly I have a hard time seeing a normal human replace Steve, given the vast difference in power.
Captain Falcon was a good idea that was unfortunately buried under the mountain of other garbage books Marvel was putting out at the time, so it got lumped in with the rest.
Fuck you, the Serpent Society becoming evil high power boardroom execs ruled.
Falcon isn't a normal human.
>He took the NAME but not the JOB. Rogers had a very definitive view of his role and what the job carried and most of all he radiated optimism, but never sugar coated it either, most of all he led by example.
I mean, almost all of Sam's run was about him struggling with what he represents and how he should carry it.
>about him struggling with what he represents and how he should carry it.
Exactly. A Captain America who has to struggle with figuring out his job shouldn't be doing it to begin with.
A black Captain America is obviously going to have a different view of America and his place in it.
>Niggers existing
Tired of this low IQ crap
Falcon had a personality before?
>I am a former Pimp & now I am supposed to be the moral center of the Super hero population and and example to the nation...using Wakanda tech.
yes No that's what he's really like.
>now I am supposed to be the moral center of the Super hero population
From what I remember Sam knows that's not who he is and so he doesn't try to be. Just doing what Steve did wasn't going to work for him, which is also what Bucky thought when he picked up the shield.
It's not American
No one wants to read issue upon issue of moral hand wringing. Setting aside the issue that said plot is pretty much the go to "I have run out of ideas" plotline for Steve, at least writers tend to give Steve a clear idea and goal of what he wants with the issue being how to bring it about or reconcile it with how he operates.
People who actually read Captain America had no problem with Steve temporarily retiring and passing the mantle to Sam, but there were several problems with the Captain Falcon years. Firstly, as soon as Sam became Captain America, Axis happened, so readers' first experience of Captain Falcon was as a villain. Secondly, the book didn't exist in isolation, it existed at a time when Marvel were replacing a lot of the classic characters, all at the same time. Too much of this happening all at once led to the audience not even giving the new versions a chance. Finally, Secret Wars cut Remender's Captain Falcon book short, and he was replaced by Spencer, who immediately went Full Lefty.
Ah that is some history.
Still with MCU and BP's success. Would Spencer be vindicated if the MCU adapts his version of Cap Falcon?
It isn't since the Captain America mantle isn't owned by a white person like it is for Iron Man. Therefore anyone can be Captain America as it isn't exclusive to a particular race to represent it.
No, because the MCU wouldn't adapt Spencer's exact usage of Cap Falcon. Spencer's version is a fairly passive and unsure character, which doesn't really work well unless you've got a strong supporting cast and none of Sam's supporting cast exists in the MCU. Plus Mexifalcon would get hard backlash.
That isn't entirely accurate either since Rhodey was once Iron Man. Although this was before Tony's identity as the hero was revealed to the public in-universe.
>white person like it is for Iron Man
Rhodey was Iron Man for a while, people liked him do much that they gave him his own armor.
>itt white people
That's racist, user
No. Just fuck legacy characters.
In what way?
Also what do you mean by "was". That should still be "is".
What is he trying to eliminate Moby Dick?
>This. Should have adopted a bald eagle color scheme
I kind of assumed he did. That's why his cowl is white instead of blue.
>and thus "Passing the mantle " was born
Three other people had the mantle before Sam though.
MCU Falcon as a spec ops soldier was the best version of him. He's great at scouting and getting in and out, he just isn't a inspirational leader type character
Hating on niggers isn't racist, it's the right thing to do. I still have hope that people will realize that and will enslave niggers once again, putting them in their rightful place.
Follow me, you know how about mid to late 2000's, there was a shitload of remakes? Just an absolute fuckton of so many damn remakes? We're talking everything from Nightmare on Elm Street to fucking The Fog. Do you even remember the Fog? The original? If you do, you probably don't remember they remade that shit. And they worked for a little bit, by the early 2010s they were making money, but then people caught on. Like... fast caught on. Remakes became a dirty word and everyone was sick of them, everyone hated that someone was remaking them and they started bombing left and right. Total Recall, Red Dawn, all of them just flushed right the fuck down the toilet. So, what did they do? Change? Try some new stuff? Maybe remake it, but with some strict quality control to ensure it comes out perfect? Maybe remake some lesser known properties?
Ha! Of course not, they slapped on every black and female actress they could find onto whatever white male lead property they could to generate clicks and ragebait. Everyone was talking about it! You have a dedicated subsection with 'news' sites and blogs ready to churn out opinion piece after opinion piece about how great it is and how anyone who argues is a piece of shit. Its the go to defense clear from Black-Annie to Fembusters. The perfect way to demonize anyone who doesn't like your product.
Or it was, it's waning in its usefulness and will probably fizzle out eventually, but for now, go see the new Toy Story! Anyone against it hates that Bo Peep is a strong independent woman.
How doesn’t it?
Who besided Steve has been a good Cap? Jeffrey mace?
And Clint because he trained with it and he's officially one of the few people who could use it effectively.
It may win MCU a proper Oscar though. Bring on the social issues and give Marvel Studios the Oscar it deserves
have sex
Bucky is The Winter Soldier
>Captain America
>white mantle
Rogers was not the first Captain America. He's not even the first Weapon
I don’t get your point here.
>Do you even remember the Fog? The original? If you do, you probably don't remember they remade that shit.
Wait, they remade The Fog?
The funniest part about Spencer's Left Turn is him getting absolutely hammered and vilified by the very audience he wanted to court. He made Steve the Hydra Supreme. While this would have won the libertarian or right-wing fans, he used Sam as a mouthpiece for his own racial politics and alienated them too.
Ages ago I heard someone say that if Hydra Steve had happened in the 90s, it would have been some long-forgotten run. However, it came out during the most racially charged US election season where America elected her first orange president.
For a mainstream popcorn movie, yes. People liked Mackie but no one wants to really see someone replace Chris Evans.
Disney is, nonetheless, making a mistake wasting him in a TV show, unless Disney+ is at near Netflix status worldwide within 2-4 years from launch.
>racist crap
What did Tommy mean by this?
its a character who was friends with another character who got their stuff because of trust, it was never about skin and race, fuck off
I gave the book a try. What I found myself reading was a guy trying his best to be a successor to an A-lister but falling short while an utter C-lister like Misty Knight constantly belittles him. On top of that, the book was filled with the most hamfisted shit like robot cops in nazi uniforms, some unfortunate mexican kid turning into a hideous bird abomination to become the next Falcon and innocent black superheroes getting convicted by an inept white justice system, sparking black kids to throw molotov cocktails at banks.
They could've spread a way better message of diversity if they simply let Sam grow into a worthy Captain America rather than "the Captain America who deals with common bigots". Spencer dragged his unfortunate ass down to B-lister level with his writing.
>sparking black kids to throw molotov cocktails at banks.
That arsonist kid who hero-worshipped Rage got away with burning a bank down, and has become the new Patriot, replacing the one from Young Avengers.
I liked Isiah Bradley way more.
Falcon was such a shitty Captain America his arm and shield shrunk in this pic Liefeld-style.
His costume just looked boring to me and I can't why explain properly.
At some point during the run I realized that I'd have much rather read a book about D-Man being a burly, gay, superpowered wrestler rebuilding his life after a schizophrenic episode, and that's just kinda sad.
That exists?
>portraying all Businessmen as evil Trump metaphors
Really? You can't even fucking do evil businessmen anymore without triggering people who think it's a thinly veiled Trump analogy? How thin skinned can you get?
>all people (besides us agent) against illegal immigration as murderers
When they're racist white supremacists, yes. IRL we even had a militia rat one of their own members to the police because the guy was literally saying "we should line them all up and shoot them."
>portraying cops as terminator like robots that kill at the drop of a hat
They were corporate rent-a-cops used specifically to terrorize and drive away people so that neighborhoods could be gentrified for massive corporate profit. They weren't even normal beat cops, so again, butthurt much? There are bad cops out there abusing their power, this wasn't even a thinly veiled attack on all cops, like you're insinuating.
I hated it because its just a temporary change that doesn't really elevate the character. Everyone knows the real Cap is coming back. Instead of actually elevating the character and building on his own mythos and identity as the Falcon you temporarily steal the mantle of an actually iconic character for a temporary popularity boost. I hate Femthor for this reason as well. They could have built up any of the dozens of asguardian side characters like Valkyrie or Sif instead of wasting it on Jane.
I also dislike legacy characters in general. Plus I love Caps fighting style and the fact that only he can really do the things he does thanks to his supersoldier physicals and years of practice. The shield doesn't really fit with Falcon's powerset and leads to an awkward fighting style.
You mean that retcon into existence black Captain America? Marvel can't even use him anyone for whatever reasons. Thinking he is the first Captain America due to retcon reasons is like thinking Sentry is the first superhero that inspired the others due to retcon reasons.
Wouldn't be surprised if Aaron decided to insert his self-insert OC and have him marry Jane Foster. And as a cherry on top, he would claim that the self-insert OC is the best Jane ever had. Jenkins already did it with Sentry and Rogue & Crystal.
>steal the mantle
How is it stealing when Cap was still around, he was just an old man who couldn't do young man shit anymore?
>Instead of actually elevating the character and building on his own mythos and identity as the Falcon
But it did do that. His time as Cap was very much about Sam's own development as a character, to a point of getting his own sidekick(s) in the process. rather than just being a black Cap doing Cap things, which is what Bucky did during his brief stint as Captain America.
They weren't Trump analogies at all, they were simply cartoonishly evil. It's more about how the thing was handled than analogies.
Show me the number of anti-illegal immigration groups who have killed illegal immigrants. Also if the militia itself reported the guy to the police it's a direct and explicit rejection of his beliefs.
The Americops only worked as storyline because the real police suddenly became powerless and replaceable and a private security force was somehow able to secure armed patrol and arrest powers overnight with no recourse from the citizenry. Like all "private security is evil" storylines from cape books, it's essentially a massive setting status quo shift that happens instantaneously to service the plot rather having any sort of logical lead-in. Ms. Marvel did the evil gentrification story arc better, and, despite using HYDRA and entirely glossing over the setup, it came off as more realistic and logical. Honestly, the Champions version of the arc, which featured a supervillain team openly attacking homeowners and destroying neighborhoods while fighting the police, somehow was less question raising than the Americops.
In-universe, sure, but IRL it was Marvel trying to win points with the progressive crowd. Creating a new black character wouldn't be Daring™, or Bold® or Groundbreaking© because they'd have no brand recognition and thus no weight in popular culture. And progressives are nothing if not slaves to mass-produced pop culture.
I dont think you understand how simple-minded progressive writers really get when it comes to metaphors for current events. Everything represents something in the current social climate. If a white character punches a black character, in the mind of a progressive, it's a metaphor for all hate crimes, all racism.
Not him but I think what he's trying to say is 'person of color' sounds like someone desperate to demonstrate their wokefulness, if you mean black then just say black.
>Hand waving away Trump metaphors while at the same time arbitrarily labeling anti immigration standpoints as racist white supremacists.
Check those double standards.
>It's more about how the thing was handled than analogies.
Motherfucker, Marvel has had Roxxon, a literally cartoon villain tier evil corporation, for decades, and you complain about bunch of businessmen being handled poorly because they're a bit cartoonish due to literally being a boardroom filled by supervillains? Do you not realize how inane that is?
>Show me the number of anti-illegal immigration groups who have killed illegal immigrants. Also if the militia itself reported the guy to the police it's a direct and explicit rejection of his beliefs.
The fact that you have actual real life examples of people like that operating at the border means there's validity to the basic concept depicted in the comic. Certain level of hyperbole is allowed in fiction, especially in superhero comics. And that doesn't even take in account the people who purposefully go around emptying water canisters that are left around for humanitarian reasons so that people don't die out of dehydration in the wilderness.
>so that people don't die out of dehydration in the wilderness.
...While illegally trying to cross borders which is aiding and abetting.
In other news, is water wet?
You can have anti-immigration standpoints, that is your freedom, but when you decide it's your duty to go running around with your gun and harass people crossing the border instead of letting it up to the proper authorities (or like in some cases, illegally impersonating law enforcement), then yeah, I think you have some level of racism motivating your actions.
And in the context of the story, SoS are a literal white supremacist organization in Marvel who want to murder minorities, and all the comic is doing is showing the extreme end of what border militias could lead to. If you have a problem with that, why aren't you complaining about Gerber doing it in the Defenders when they were burning down black housing complexes and trying to incite the entire country into a race war during the early 70s?
It had Wooden Tom Welling in it and yes, it was awful.
>I think you have some level of racism motivating your actions.
I don't. I think there are some Americans pretty pissed off that not enough is being done to stop illegal immigration and so decide to take the law in to their own hands, that isn't racism that's discontent.
>how is it stealing
Because Sam is the Falcon, and should build himself up as his own character instead of living in the shadow of Steve by using his moniker. Thats why the costume and using the shield is silly, everyone knows the status quo will return.
I also don't like the costume and the shield just doesn't work with his flight powers.
>But it did do that. His time as Cap was very much about Sam's own development as a character, to a point of getting his own sidekick(s) in the process. rather than just being a black Cap doing Cap things, which is what Bucky did during his brief stint as Captain America.
Why does he need to change his identity to Captain America to do any of those things?
>not enough is being done to stop illegal immigration
You say that in an era where they created an entirely new federal law enforcement agency to just to focus on that. When less people were crossing over in DECADES, when Obama was deporting more people than any other president before him, and there were actually more migrants willingly leaving the United States than people coming in.
At some point you just have to accept it was never about reasonable discontent that the government wasn't doing "enough" and accept these people are acting certain way because of a mix of right wing media outlets fear mongering, bigotry, irrational fear of people who don't look like you and delusional dreams of being a vigilante hero because you've got a gun.
That isn't theft. Especially when the mantle is given to you by the person who previously wore it.
>Why does he need to change his identity to Captain America to do any of those things?
Because readers don't give characters like Falcon a chance in the direct market unless it's in a book called Captain America.
I don't think there are less people crossing over in decades though.
Do you think "sabotaging efforts to keep people alive" and "trying to cross a border illegally" are equally immoral?
They're not really equatable, subjectivity is meaningless.
The bald eagle (not a falcon) is the official national bird and frequent symbol of the United States of America, despite it being presented with the a of a red-tailed hawk in many examples of audible media.
t. birdwatcher.
>Especially when the mantle is given to you by the person who previously wore it
Just because the writers wrote it that way. The writers could make Cap pass the mantle to anyone they wanted. You even admit they are just using the name to generate interest because the character isn't popular enough on his own to warrant a solo series. Whose fault is that? The writers? The character itself just being a boring concept? In any case, I'm not endeared to characters who are artificially elevated by temporarily wearing the mantle of an actually interesting character.
You realize that version of the SoS was led by a black guy, right?
Illegal immigration is a crime, so leaving out supplies to facilitate illegal immigration is an accessory charge and criminal conspiracy, plus a whole bunch of other charges if it is on private land. Restricting the argument to morality specifically, it's not immoral either.
>Just because the writers wrote it that way.
That is literally every single thing that happens in comics. If Sam had "built himself up as his own character instead of living in the shadow of Steve" it would have been just because the writers wrote it that way. Means nothing.
>You realize that version of the SoS was led by a black guy, right?
Yes, but that's what made it a great twist and added melodrama to the comic. A black guy using a racist group to gain more power and influence. You didn't see it coming.
Illegally crossing the border a is a misdemeanor, akin to jaywalking. Except in this case dumping the water directly endangers lives that could have been saved had the water been untouched.
I'm just saying your acting like it wasn't a completely soulless corporate decision meant to boost up a character that can't actually stand on his own. Falcon isn't some child protege that Cap raises, he's a grown man and colleague. Taking up Caps identity would be admitting that your own has no value. Which is insulting to the character, even if it's true.
>Make the black sidekick guy captain America, that should generate some outrage press from racists
>what was his name? Hawk? Sparrow?
>Taking up Caps identity would be admitting that your own has no value
It's no different from someone taking over the job of a close friend when said friend no longer can do the job.
>Captain America
>Isn't a native american
>The title goes from one invasive group to another
>My friend died, better pretend I'm him
That's pretty weird honestly.
The title of Captain America has been used by multiple people throughout the year.
How do you know he isn't, like, 1/3 Native American?
And I always dislike it. I fucking hate all legacy characters though
The act of crossing the border itself is just a misdemeanor, but beyond that you start stacking up a lot of criminal acts by attempting to stay here; that is further compounded by presence of human traffickers. Furthermore, it's still not immoral unless you can conclusively prove that the water was required for them to live and that there is a duty to provide it.
>it's still not immoral unless you can conclusively prove that the water was required for them to live and that there is a duty to provide it.
One of the first thing border patrols do when they see migrants, who btw usually immediately turn themselves in, is give them blankets and water because for obvious reasons they can't actually carry a lot of things with them, and that includes not having large containers of water, and when you travel for hours in the heat it quickly makes you dehydrated.
>Furthermore, it's still not immoral
It's done with the explicit intent of sabotaging someone's well-being. Of course it's immoral.
And the moral of this story is don't illegally cross borders.
Desperate people fleeing violence do desperate things, especially when you intentionally close legal ports of entry and deny access through them.
>close legal ports of entry and deny access
Which they have an unequivocal right to do.
And it's immoral to purposefully deny entry from people seeking asylum. As well as illegal.
Falcons choke to Patriots.
Go ask native americans what they think about the 1/X mules. Ask them about the holocaust too while you're at it.
Most of them aren't seeking asylum though. They are seeking economic opportunities. If they wanted asylum they could stay in Mexico
I would, but I'm honestly not sure if 100% Native Americans exist anymore.
They're also legally required to apply for asylum at the first safe country they reach, which for Central American migrants isn't the USA.
>If they wanted asylum they could stay in Mexico
Oh yeah, a country with corruption and cartels running amok problems. Just the place you'd want to stay in when fleeing from gang violence, etc.
The whole "replace originals with people of color" bullcrap made Marvel almost unreadable for the past couple of years
Wait, are you saying Mexico is some kind of third world shit hole?
>As well as illegal.
No it isn't.
But the whole point of the Serpent Society is that they’re an evil union. For as much as Spencer was copying Gruenwald’s run, he sure didn’t understand what Gruenwald was going for.
>When less people were crossing over in DECADES
Why are libtards never fail to be politically retarded?
Way to stereotype. Parts of Mexico have bad crime problems, but not all of Mexico. Furthermore, they could head to Panama or Costa Rica.
When will you acknowledge the fact that introducing stricter border control has often led to an overall increase in illegal residents?
So it's a revamp from an union to greedy CEOs.
>they could head to Panama
Just as bad as Venezuela.
>or Puerto Rico
I hate to break this to you, but Puerto Rico is US territory. A hellhole razed by tropical storms and Trump's ineffectual aid, but still US territory.
Thus necessitate the fact that we need more stricter border and wall to shoot down all those illegals clogging up the country. Those highest aprehended rate in 14 years under Trump doesn't bode well.
>Trump's ineffectual aid
What a drone
There's this saying. "While saving your face, you're losing your ass". Sometimes hard choices have to be made, choices that make you look bad. You can't help everyone. You'll spread yourself thin and your people, who put their trust and wellbeing in your hands will suffer from it. Leaders have a responsibility to their own.
North America and Europe have cultures that built societies of relative plenty. South America and the Middle East have cultures that built shitholes people are fleeing from. The problem is that they are bringing their cultures with them, and that the infrastructure isn't ready for a large and sudden increase in able bodied adults who want in on the workforce.
Leaving people to die or even shooting them dead may be immoral. But importing habits/values that built hellholes and flash overpopulation are going to destroy us and our better societies.
Dude, throw me some paper towels xD
If people in the back wanted paper towels why can't he toss them to them? It's not like he was blasting crying people in the face with a paper towel canon. This is literally "LE DRUMPFY GOT 2 SCOOPS" tier shit
>spending more money on the problem is just making it worse, what should we do?
I actually want an arc where Tony has to be Captain America for a while
Illegals cost far more yearly than any proposed border measure.
>South America and the Middle East have cultures that built shitholes people are fleeing from
Way to whitewash decades of US meddling in foreign nation's internal politics and having a hand in creating and worsening the chaos people are now fleeing from.
They should have called him American eagle. Would be a nice progression from Falcon and he wouldn't necessarily have to drop it when Rodgers inevitably comes back. His power-set isn't really great for front-line combat though. He has augmented flight, decent combat skills and a telepathic link with birds that puts NSA spying to shame over a localized area. He'd be far better suited leading a SHIELD unit than anything else. Drop Sam Wilson into some serious spy shenanigans and focus more on his "all-seeing eye" ability and you've got some interesting stories.
Please create.
Appropriation isn’t a good look.
>My friend retired from running this soup kitchen, I’m taking over from him to continue doing good in the world. Like heroes do.
I know most legacy characters suck and it feels like they’ve not earned it but Sam did.
But he was already a superhero and doing super hero shit. Its more like
>me and my friend both run soup kitchens
>my friend retired so I run his now
>oh he's back guess I'll go back to my old soup kitchen now
I haven't read the comics when he is Cap but can he throw the shield well like Steve can? Steve has super strength but Falcon has normal human physicals as far as I know.
I don’t see anything wrong with that, he’s still earned the right to run the bigger show because he’s become more capable and learned things.
I'm not saying he hasn't earned it, just feels weird to me. He's the falcon, not captain america. He can be a team leader and inspire people without trying to dress like him and awkwardly use his weapon. I just hate mantle passing in general, especially obviously temporary ones. I'm fine with other people liking it.