Hmm...I don't know why... but I think we need another Oswald thread?
Oswald The Lucky Rabbit
Other urls found in this thread:
I think we do!
Nahh, but while we're at it. May as well.
We always do, he is a good boy.
Oswald is a good dad!
Is he back at California Adventure?
What happened to the last thread?
It died, and the last one was pretty fun so I made a new one. I keep forgetting to put the name I use for these threads in the name field.
Nope, just an Oswald thread, for no other reason than I like Oswald and want other people to know about him. He's a rabbit, cool design, cool pants, BLUE.
>The biggest twist in movie history ever
>Roger Rabbit: Bugs Bunny is my father
>Oswald: No, I am your father.
>Roger: What?
>Oswald: Yes. Now that I am back with Disney we can make the stupid joke Roger Rabbit II was trying to go for, without relying on Bugs Bunny.
>Bugs Bunny: Well, that is a stinker
I thought we were waiting a week for a new one lol
But I'll always support my favorite boy
finally. I was waiting for this thread.
A thing I've noticed is that the Universal era of Oswald gets brought up a lot in these threads, but moving forward, if/when Oswald gets new content, odds are it would only pull from the original Disney toons.
I don't think there is any legal way for any of the Universal cartoons to be mentioned or really alluded to.
i didn't know there was another one of these.
i has a drawing prompt that I posted in the last one.
Oswald appearing as a celebrity guest on Match Game 74.
put him in a 1970s neckerchief
a quick clip for reference:
first of all:
whyfor the name. the name is pointless. even the people doing gifs and greentexts aren't soaking up credit with names. why with the names.
anyway i was too late to scan the comics for the old thread, so i'll try it now.
be warned the only scanner i have that won't damage the comic further is my cell phone... so this might be poor quality or not work at all. but i'll at least get you a cover.
actually I wonder, should I have been namefriending this whole time? i could be internet-not-really-famous with all the content I've put in these threads. but it won't get me rich or laid so what's the point
here's a quick youtube about life in the 1920s while i figure my phone out
You guys seemed like you where having fun, and it was pretty wholesome so fuck it. Reminded me of those Don Rosa Ducktales threads.
I know you're supposed to stay anonymous unless the name is vital to the thread but I do in fact have a use for it. The name it self always gets one person to complain (which I fully understand is in bad form) which gives me 1 bump along with that, I put a J in there which is another question someone might ask so that's a second. Oswald threads can be a little hard to take off because how obscure he is so I take what I can get. Next time I'll stay anonymous because I think i'm starting to get an audience of like minded Oswald lovers.
You shouldn't put a name in, I only do it because, see here What you should do is post your art on your own site first and then post here so you can prove It's yours. Though I guess it could be linked back to you? Hey guys what's the rule on this, Is there a way for him to take credit?
Anyone think Oswald has a chance at being in Kingdom Hearts?
well there's not a lot of original art in these threads, mostly screenshots. maybe some greentexts, maybe some gifs and webms.
i wonder sometimes whether this anonymous custom really is helpful in any way though. because i think it has just trained us all to accept random unattributed messages, and also to accept that when we make something we shouldn't be able to capitalize on it even socially.
when I posted to Usenet a looooong time ago, I used to get emails about how funny my posts were, and I made friends. that shit's impossible here. and also how can such a site NOT be immediately overrun by russian or chinese spy agencies trying to start shit?
oh well, in for a penny in for a pound.
Any one have that paste bin of the adult Oswald show we tried to come up with or is that lost to time?
there's a pastebin that was posted in the last thread
it doesn't seem to have any additions to last week's thread and there's a link to a Minnie Mouse thread that Oswald hijacked that the mods squished:
Well the idea is that by making it Anonymous, every single person here is treated equally because you don't know who it is your talking to, for all we know someone in this thread could be a celebraty and they would still g wrt called a fag, and to be honest, it is about the only place on the internet that really has this. Of course this does come with it's own caveats, such as not being able to take credit for your work (at least none I can think of that is)
Yea Forums is meant for shooting the shit and posting garbage you wouldn't if you could be held responsible for it, not for building meaningful, lasting relationships and getting credit/reputation. being anonymous its both its charm and its crutch, and if you don't like it, there are plenty of alternatives.
seriously, Yea Forums and Yea Forums isn't the only website on the internet. if you want your ego stroked, go to reddit.
what is your favorite oswald short ?
That's just about all threads on Yea Forums though. We repost content others might have not seen while coming up with new stuff in that thread. We post stuff and hope it leads to discussion and others creating stuff
Yea Forums is more about expressing your interests without it affecting your everyday life. Like if you have no one to talk about Oswald to or don't want to annoy people close to you if you want to discuss a topic constantly this is the place
There's so many users online that have a oswald icon that if you want to seek them out you can easily do so. But it's perfect because you get a ton of people to discuss a topic even if you have no other similar interests. There's a beauty in that
I liked Oh What a Knight.
Ahh Yea Forums, It's a shithole, but It's our shithole. I do wish sometimes I could make friends with some of you, but oh well, even if I don't know it, I still get to discuss Oswald and all the other topics this site has to offer again with you guys, eventually. I just don't know it.
So for how long now have these threads just become dA-style autism around one cartoon character?
maybe I just hope that people aren't tricked into doing everything on Yea Forums when some of the things they're doing are not shit.
fortunately i'm not good at anything, so shitposting it is
but really, so many people are just working for free alla time that it bothers me and i think we're all being tricked somehow
Oh? Is there something from last thread you think I should add to the pastebin?
I feel alot of people know they are doing it for free when they are posting. Like in the drawthreads a lot of the artists say it's for practice and some repost on their social media, which anyone who draws here can do. I know there's people who created Oswald art here and reposted it on their accounts, you can reap the benefits and still engage in these discussions
Ok anons, so I want to get a pretty small Oswald sticker to put on the back of my motorcycle helmet because I think it's a neat idea to have a lucky rabbit on it
You got any suggestions for designs or sites for it? I want something not bike related by the way, almost a standard design
yeah if you want attribution on an image, you put it in the image. that's easy enough.
it's what happens outside Yea Forums that bothers me. unpaid internships, artists working "for exposure", people pumping good money and years into massive fan works on the assumption that the only way they don't get sued is if they don't make a single dime back on it. (Or if they do, the immediate assumption that what they're doing becomes immoral.)
though on the other side of that, there's probably a furry out there making $2000 on a commission of a picture of Princess Bubblegum stomping on a dozen raw eggs on the down-low...
but it's the kind of weird inconsistency you expect when copyright terms are 95 years... it makes no sense, therefore nobody respects copyright at all... and everybody expects it specifically to not work. we just got 1923 back this year. We could have got it back 21 years ago if not for the fucking Sonny Bono act. Hell, we had it for nine months and they took it away. For all I know they'll take it away again.
i'm getting a bit philosophical, and cynical, I don't think anything works anymore.
Why do the animators on the Mickey Mouse shorts hate Oswald so much?
Why do they keep teasing us like this?
Me hoping: They are saving him for a new series to introduce him to new audiences
Probable reality: Being an Oswaldfag is suffering
Hmm, what about Oswald being dragged around by his feet? That could be funny cause you know lucky rabbits foot but It's still connected to him, or you could just have someone walking around with his foot with Oswald hopping angrily after him toon style.
>They tried to reintroduce Oswald with Epic Mickey like 10 years ago
>Only reason anyone ever cared about Epic Mickey was because of the concept art
>Game did alright, but probably didn't meet Disney's outrageously high expectations
>Got a sequel that probably sold even less
>Has hardly been used since
>Barely gets any merchandise outside of pins at the Parks whatsoever
>Worst yet is that at D23 like a year or two ago they teased the fuck out of Oswald and seemed to have only done it just to say, "Yeah, we know we haven't done much with him. And we don't really care."
I know this feel all to well. Spider-Man Unlimited and that one Scarlet Spider-Man comic in Detroit.
This sounds fun and could work
Any images out there similar to that? Follow these threads constantly cause I'm an Oswald nut but don't think I've seen any
What if "life" is all just a lie that everyone believes?
I swear I've seem a gag related to a character losing there leg as if It's detachable but I can't find anything? I did find this though so i'm posting it (probably not what you wanted though.)
Didn't post trying again.
Here's something cool
Oswald is going to be the mascot for the 10k run at Disney World again next year. They are going for a retro theme and it looks like they'll be using the blue and yellow colors he used for Universal Japan merchandise in the early 2000s
Am I piece of shit for not knowing who Oswald was until Epic Mickey?
No, I think that's pretty normal since it's not like Universal ever re-ran any of the toons on TV within the past 30 years.
phone scans look like shit, i'll try tomorrow with the flatbed at work
where can I get a piano score to play the soundtrack to one of the silent ones?