What would Quicksilver need to become A list?

What would Quicksilver need to become A list?

A) A power boost like making his powers time manipulation so he can really be the Avenger’s version of Flash
B) Being revealed to be Magneto’s mutant son after all and joining the X-Men or Brotherhood
C) Get an actual rogues gallery like Maximus or that speed clone he made in his last mini to make for compelling stories
D) Just give him a semi decent uniform for once

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He needs a new team.

If he's on the Avengers then he's stuck in the same rut, "I'm only here for my sister", jerk who everyone kinda hates role.

If he's with the X-Men or X-Factor then Al I they focus on is his past with the Brotherhood and his connection to Magneto

How about an all anti heroes team?

Or just make him a villain again

Not getting fucking killed in the MCU in his first movie (not counting the Cap2 cameo)

He's reduced to a gimmick in the Fox films so if he lived in the MCU he'd have a stronger presence

How about not getting shot?

Definitely make him Magneto’s son again. That’s where the meat of his story came from, like Wanda and her magic adventures. Just say Pietro got the x gene, and Wanda didn’t but does have magic. There, Wanda doesn’t have to get involved with X-stuff while Pietro does. Both twins win.

E) An incestuous relationship with Wanda and Polaris

He's a DC hero, he doesn't belong in Marvel.

I feel like this is semi-canon anyway. Like Wanda is his main woman, but Lorna is the side girl he turns to when he and Wanda are on the rocks. Which is ridiculous, since Lorna is clearly the superior sisterfu even before taking in Wanda’s race traitor ways.

Say what now?

I’ve always wanted Pietro and Scott to hang out. They were each other’s counterparts in the beginning, with the both of them trying to talk the other into joining their mentor’s cause, mirroring their father/father figure’s own interactions. Then they went their separate ways with them rarely interacting outside events. It feels like a rich goldmine is waiting to be untapped, and Cyclops needs a best friend that doesn’t smell of wet dog and cucks him in the movies.

What would Quicksilver going full on Son of M look like? Like his father’s heir and right hand man in the Brotherhood, and leading strikes against mutant prison camps and medical ‘research’ labs. Maybe fighting the Avengers who he renounced for being their humans first agenda and their silence on the terrigenesis genocide, and for allowing his sister to continue serving with them. Saying he’s atoning for not doing enough to advocate for mutantkind when he was an Avenger by doing what he has to now to keep the newly made Mother Vine mutants safe. Wreaking vengeance on the Inhuman royal family for their genocide clouds.

It would be certainly more interruption villain story than the usual ‘Pietro is being mean to Wanda’ bs Marvel gives him.

I'll be honest, I care about nearly every DC Speedster (even the shit character Godspeed) more than Quicksilver.

Also on another note; do you guys like Avery?

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He already has most of these things, so I guess I would say just give him more exposure.

I do, she was a nice addition to the Flash Senpai and I want to know how she’s doing since the JLC and Great 10 became the Great 20

Different writers would take those things in different directions.

Control over inertia and acceleration would bring him up to Omega level.

He's always getting shot or getting his ribs/legs broken.

He needs some villains of his own for starters

To be more popular 5 or so decades ago.
Any other answer is wrong.

Back in the day, I would say that his rogues were Cortez and Exodus, maybe Maximus.

Tell that to fracking Captain Marvel and her mascot sidekick.

Carol's been running around since the Sixties, Five or So decades ago.

So has Quicksilver, however she's been a consistent failure to garner ANY popularity.

Power boosts do not make for better characters. Going back to one of his old affiliations ain't gonna do shit by itself nor is getting a makeover. His status could rise if he gets a nemesis worth a damn. Sadly, Marvel sucks at using its existing characters and all its recent evil OCs have been pure toxic waste. With this in mind, it may be best he becomes a villain again and make it stick. Don't redeem his ass. Make him vile and adapt him that way in the MCU.

She was alright. Definitely leagues above nu-Wally.

Put him on Squadron Supreme and play up the fact he's just diet flash with a better backstory.

I always enjoy him in a mentor role. Finesse in Academy and Synapse in Uncanny were both great with him teaching how to fight and deal with situations without assuming they can do it in the same way.

Kooky quartet ongoing when?

So put him in the next Inhumans relaunch, with Crystal?

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If only they hadn’t done the Axis retcon, they could have done a whole House of M vs Inhuman royalty Game of Thrones-sequel angle to IvX featuring Crystal and Quicksilver instead of another Bendis plot device character.

You could widen the scale on that, with Magneto's children tied by their relationships to the Inhumans, the X-Men/Summers family, and the Avengers/Pym family, with Magneto himself, Maximus and Ultron as the big villains. Could make a series or an event from that.