Lilo is HOT.
Lilo is HOT
Needs lips though
Funny bunny
Wtf is that angel knockoff, it makes you older? That could actually conquer the world if all your enemies were decrepit
Adult lilo make me feel something. Not lust. Something else...its weird.
It's more of a time travel thing that skips you ahead ten years at a time, but physically ages you when you arrive.
>thicc adult Lilo
Damn right.
I just realized Lilo is an anagram for Loli.
God I love ambiguous brown girls. I mean she isn’t ambiguous because she is Hawaiian but still
Anyone would be hot if you give them tits the size of your head and exaggerated hips portions. Like the old fertility dolls.
Sometimes, I wish people wouldn't be making porn of the shows and movies I grew up with. But here we are.
Not fat enough.
Lilo and Leela should hand out.
That would be a fun crossover.
It's incredible how big of a difference this makes.
non canon
Sez who?
Post fat mertle
why do the native hawaiians and pacific islanders tend to get fat like this, its like more common than white people fat but not as common as black woman fat
Evolutionarily, natives have adapted to low sugar diets. When westerners, whose diets greatly differ from that of a native, introduced our foods and delicacies to the populace, there was no gradual adaptation. Meaning that where a native might've eaten a berry and the body holds on to it for fear life, as it might be the only sugar they get, the body will now hold on to the copious ammount we've introduced in the same manner. Meaning they will become fatter and contract diabetes easier.
Also Spam really caught on because of WWII
Cultures that don't have large-scale grain cultivation also tend to have differing ideas about portion size and calorie content. This is also seen in Abbos and Native Americans who just don't have cultural ideas about not eating "too much" food.
Not gonna lie, I've considered order some of the Hawaii-Only spam flavors.
Remember that the original artist draws porn.
The American TV series is also not canon. The only thing that's canon is the original movie.
that was the missing thing what always disturbed me
Why is she hot?
Now we're talking.
>remembers the fact that there's an actual anime based off lilo and stich
oh god
I wanna fuck this version of Lilo and Myrtle so damn bad. EXTRA THICC!!!!