How would you fix this character?

How would you fix this character?

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Actually let him win......But for his goal to win he must lose.

Get rid of the bloodbending aspect, make him a normal dude who learned energy bending or something

Make him that face stealer spirit from ATLA

This him telling the truth is far more interesting, also don't have the show just forget all if the legitimate points he brought up.

>legitimate points he brought up.
Like what? That criminals that can bend do bad things?I'm sure moving rocks is the common denominator that lead to their life of crime.

Fix the Red Lotus so its impactful the entire time not just season 3 and make Amon a part of it where he escapes and comes back in season 4, make Kuvira a 'miniboss' solved halfway through s4 and have the red lotus's main villains all come back for a final battle to show Korra's improvements

>earth bender police chief
>lets her earth bending daughter freely commit crimes
Earthbenders are a blight

Fuck off, KohTheoryGuy.

The idea of a movement that wants policy that puts non-benders and benders on equal ground for getting a liveable wage without discrimination is just. The whole "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" kind of thing. Show how nearly all benders are living in middle and upper class and that the extremely poor are nearly all non-benders. So remove the mask and make him a non-bender. Make his main plan to push Korra kill him so he may become a martyr. His plots would consist of more and more extreme direct action.

Throw in some bender politician who starts making soft eugenic policies to breed out non-benders, like giving tax incentives for having children who can bend.
So across the chapter Korra would bounce between suppressing Amon, discovering he has a lot of valid points, but still struggling against his violent activism because avatar duties, but then realizing that peace would be better achieved if Amon's movement was realized, so she tries to find a way to stop as much violence as possible while supporting his aims to take down the establishment.

Also get rid of those electric shock gauntlets and the mechas, they're so stupid. And give Asami a personality and her own agenda or something. Her daddy is a rich guy, so he'd definitely side with the government.

>And give Asami a personality and her own agenda or something
Just remove her

Make him a communist revolutionary.

Give him actual connections to the spirit world to better set up the conflict between spiritualism vs the march of technology/human progress that was supposed to be explored in season two. Make the way he took away bending be actual energy bending rather than blood bending.

Would have been pretty cool if he was actually Koh the face stealer reincarnated into a human to try and punish humanity. Also would have set him up as a nice parallel to the avatar as a spirit in human form without being quite as on the nose as the 'dark avatar'.

>yfw he's a chi blocker
>yfw when he's one of ty lee's nephews

Agreed. Hell, even the more crazy theories from Yea Forums like somehow Amon is an ancient Air Nomad survivor, or had at least Air Nomad ancestry making him a Magneto expy of the Avatar world sounded way more interesting to me than he just some abused OP bloodbender who used his OP ability to somehow cancel a person's ability to bend. He could have had a connection to chi-blocking.

Amon dealing with the Spirits to attain energy bending could have been a great set up to all the things that followed in the setting. Air benders returning, weapons of mass destruction via spirit energy, the relationship between spirits and humans attempting to co-exist, or even having human in spirit form that counters the Avatar. It all sounds cool, and it all looks it can connect, but it doesn't. It's all a disjointed mess.

honestly i don't get why people dogpile on asami. she was at least blandly ok. mako was the real waste of space.

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the thing is 'my father beat the shit out of me because he was obsessed with bending' is already a great anti-bending propaganda backstory. he didn't even need to lie.

The obvious answer. Korra literally went to shit the moment it was revealed he was just another bender and it only got worse from there.

I cant even remember his true face, that is how forgettable that moment was. Nigger literally came out of fucking nowhere

Mako was bad because they constantly put him and korra in stupid love triangles and then tried to write him out of the story. Removing asami and all her related plot points would only improve the show

>Isn't a master bloodbender, that thing is way OP
>His violent mafia dad all happened
>Encountered a spirit when he ran away, gives him his power
>Some spirit with a chip on their shoulder who hates bending for some reason
>Could even be Vaatu, which would make him less dumb

turn him into a girl

Make her the nonvillainous voice of non-benders. A perspective that isn't comically evil.

Just actually show where his views came from. We literally didn't see any kind of oppression towards nonbenders, except perhaps from the gangs, and even then they are already persecuted by the government. They could have said that the council of benders ruling the city was something mandatory, but they didn't even explain that.

Why so many nonbenders believed him when we don't actually see this oppression?

Amon had one of the most boring boss fight scenes in the series. When he had to fight out without using his bloodbending barring his ability to unbend people, it was way more of challenge for him and was far more entertaining because he had limits. When he was fighting Korra and Mako and wasn't held back. They were just sitting ducks. How can anyone fight someone that has complete control over their entire body? It's like watching a Magneto vs Wolverine fight.

Make him a non-bender and the actual end boss.

Remove the water and blood bending power. Amon was fine before that.

remove the dumbass twist that he's secretly a bender. that's literally it.

Easy. Make his scars real, make him not fold over, have many, but not all of his followers abandon him over the discovery that their leader is himself a bender so that he can have a proper ideological showdown, eventually falling on the sword of his extremism rather than Scooby Doo-ing him.

Got his powers from Vaatu.

The more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion that Amon was a proto alt-right bendcel agitator.
>complains about systematic oppression that doesn't exist
>hides behind a facade of re-balancing an alleged injustice that is a smokescreen for a power grab
>is actually part of a privileged elite but has a the public persona of a common man of the people
This would have been pretty compelling narrative if LoK had a competent writing staff. Given that they hadn't, I like the idea of him being an agent of the spirits. It would have dovetailed nicely into the arc of season 02.

Korra was for Bolin anyway

That would have been fine too, but the love triangles made everyone look worse

>I like the idea of him being an agent of the spirits. It would have dovetailed nicely into the arc of season 02.
Sound actually reasonable.
>Amon only came to be because of the imbalance, I am here to fix that imbalance t. Unalaq

you're still not answering why mako is less of a waste of time than asami

Have him and Korra fuck.

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Because he’s the straightman of the korra krew, and serves as a counterpoint to bolin and korras low int shenanigans, while asami is just there, and only serves to introduce retarded shit to the plot like mechas

Aang decides to actually take the fate of the air nation seriously, he has many children and legal protections are enacted to ensure they are safe and healthy and in a good position to repopulate. After he dies Zuko takes things even further in an attempt to make up for his Grandfather's genocide, and it spirals out of control over the next few generations until Airbenders are the chosen few ruling over society, persecuting nonbenders as a way to distract from their own position of power. In the meantime the avatar is kept "safe" in a similar way to how Korra was before the first book started, but more extreme. Amon emerges and uses the name of Sokka to invigorate the people and leads them to a new age. He is eventually revealed to be literally nobody of any importance.

no bending
no powers at all
master of manipulation and brainwashing into making people think they can't bend anymore

>f the air nation seriously, he has many children and legal protections are enacted to ensure they are safe and healthy and in a good position to repopulate.
this isn't really feasible. bending is spiritual and cultural, not just genetic- 100% of air nation were benders, compared to aang's 33% success rate. a probable reason tenzin had far more airbender kids than aang, since he had them with an (earth nation?) air acolyte and lived on fuckoff air island instead of with a waterbender. he could have a hundred kids but without interaction with aang most of them would probably not develop bending potential at all.

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make him actually energybend and give him a better backstory, they had a huge hardon for making water benders bad when the energy bending given by a lion turtle would have been better

lion turtles being fairly amoral is interesting

Wan's story sets them as benefactors who give bending to survive the spirit wilds but takes it back when they return to the city, I always thought it was strange they were okay with people keeping the powers

I wouldn't. The villains were not the problem with Korra.

Yeah it would? Only the airbending kids would get those protections, it's not relevant that it's not 100% genetic because we know it is partially genetic, in The Last Airbender we're never shown a case of say a firebending kid coming from two nonbending Earth Kingdom citizens. That suggests that airbenders aren't just going to start popping out of people with zero genetic background for it, so even if it's not a guarantee that all of Aang's kids will be airbenders, it still places huge value on those that are.

Koh the Face-stealer, receives some prophetic vision that Korra is going to come kick his butt or something.
He abducts Amon, ganks his face, and then teaches him energy bending because Koh was old enough to have witnessed it.

Amon's job is to take away Korra's bending and lure her into the spirit world, at which point Koh will get her and give Amon his face back.
Korra, with only air bending, has to fight Koh while renaming completely calm and meditative.

Attached: Koh's Sermon.png (988x680, 927K)

I think the bigger issue is that the Equalist movement is completely written off once it's revealed that he's a bender. We still saw nonbenders having legit problems, but there was no Zuko or Iroh type character to give the antagonist group a more sympathetic voice in the end.

>villain make too much sense and Korra is kinda useless dumb bitch
>dur let's make villain do complete 180 in last 2 episodes

>Aang spends his life trying to restore his people's culture, and probably died worrying if his unmarried son will be able to continue his genetic legacy
>Bryke: Lol, spirit portals gives random non-benders the ability to airbend now, because reasons

Aang and his son spent decades, and would have spent more time, on an issue that self-corrected itself via Deus Ex Spiritual Portals that somehow realized there was an imbalance of a certain type of benders in the material world.

Ok then Toffee

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I still find weird how, Aang the last of his race, only had three children, two of which never had their own. I get that one was a lesbian and the other a non bender, but the Airbending gene could still be dormant.

Bending is genetic, since you never saw a earth kingdom air bender or a water tribe fire bender.

Simple have him tell more jokes.

True, Amon was fine, the fact that they made him a fraud in the end doesn't change the fact that he had a better objective that the hero.

Fuck off libshit

Pretty much just this.
Him being a bender completely negates his cause, which is why they made him one.

Lying about who he was doesn't make his cause invalid, if anything it's just another example of a bender who mistreated nonbenders.

it's word of bryke that it's spiritual, not genetic.

>you never saw a earth kingdom air bender or a water tribe fire bender.
well duh, a guy who spends all his time in the earth kingdom, surrounded by earthbenders and dirt is gonna manifest earthbending. you always carry your culture with you. but if that guy was brought up by airbenders from birth, might be a different story..

this. In fortuneteller, one kid is an earth bender and his identical twin brother isn't. Every air nomad is a bender because they're all monks.
I don't why they just didn't tweak it so that he found a way into the spirit world when he left his dad and a spirit gave him energybending.

t. Amon

Then why are all the Kyoshi warriors nonbenders? They're more spiritually/culturally attuned then probably anyone else in the entire Earth Kingdom we see. Frequency of bender births is a measure of how in tune the society is with spirituality as a whole, the genetics determines what type of bender any they produce will be. Why did none of the air acolytes spontaneously manifest airbending until the deus ex machina?

>I don't why they just didn't tweak it so that he found a way into the spirit world when he left his dad and a spirit gave him energybending.

You don't even need to do that. Have him be a supremely skilled chi blocker who learned how to energy bend.

This is bender propaganda, just because some people are not able to bend does not mean they're spiritually inferior.

Kyoshi warriors are fighting girl scouts. They're not spiritual

all of these responses that make him not a waterbender- what happens to tarrlock?

kyoshi warriors are more like air acolytes. i'm guessing they're just regular women who decide to enlist.

They basically worship Kyoshi, if they aren't spiritual then no one in the earth kingdom is and they should have zero benders.

It fits better if a spirit taught. S1 is about korra's inability to perform teh spiritual aspects of being an avatar. Amon eschewing his powerful bending and using spiritual techniques presents a better foil.
Instead of platinum mech suits, they should have had more spirit shit.

You're not wrong, but I don't see why a spirit would teach a random fuck how to energy bend. To me it makes him a better foil if he stumbled upon the primordial form of all bending by study and work as a non-bender, versus Korra's inherent identity as a bender and her issues with learning air bending.

this is Kori Morishita, born of the union of a Fire Nation bending man and Earth Kingdom bending woman though born earthbender

If we make amon and the bender vs non bender conflict what all the seasons are about, Tarrlok can just be a crooked politician who uses bloodbending but is otherwise unrelated to amon

this is Kori Morishita, born of the union of a Fire Nation bending man and Earth Kingdom bending woman though born earthbender.

Attached: Kori_Morishita.png (250x305, 91K)

It could be a soul thing. If your past life was spiritual in some way you become a bender in the next life.

Other than in korra though, there's no evidence of people spontaneously gaining bending ability after they're born so being a kyoshi warrior wouldn't change it. Besides if a girl was an earthbender, she probably wouldn't join the kyoshi warriors anyway because their techniques are only useful for non benders.

Wouldn’t kyoshi Warrior techniques work great with an air bender or fire bender? Or did you mean they were useless for earthbenders?

I always thought the refugees at the air temple were implied to be on the path to discovering air bending.

What if he found some way into the spirit world and then wandered around and learned spiritbending shit? If Iroh can others should be able to.

Why bother learning that when you can just master fire or air bending? Master benders have the edge against any non bender opponent.

>It could be a soul thing. If your past life was spiritual in some way you become a bender in the next life.
That's a severe stretch to explain something that is more easily explained by saying "It's partly genetic".

Same reason Kyoshi did. Pretty sure she's shown doing earthbending with the fans too so kinda bullshit to say the techniques aren't conducive to benders on that front too.

As shown with aangs staff and Zuko’s swords bending pairs very well with certain weapons, and while chi blockers aren’t common in avatar, in korra they are, so being able to fight in hand to hand is useful

>on of a Fire Nation bending man and Earth Kingdom bending woman though born earthbender.
>after a few decades some are born airbenders
>entirely new air nation develops, not monks but tinkerers
>all the nations are the newest incarnation of their nation
a neat possibility

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sorry, quoted the wrong post

Remove all the shitty backstory. Don't show his real face even.
It's the mask that important, not who behind it.

That would have been fuckin great and just the sort of thing Korra needed for her character development. Nice idea user

>behind this mask is more than flesh, behind this mask is an idea, Korra, and ideas are fireproof
Am I a slowpoke for realizing Amon is basically V?