What's the closest thing to a superhero (or a supervillain) we have in real life?
I just thought about it and I can't really come up with much. Top Republican donors like the Kochs are obviously terrible but they're just not transparent and vilified enough, in a way, they still have a veneer of legitimacy.
that's because real life is not black and white and the "good" status quo is really subjective. Much like in Metal Gear there are just a shitton of people with goals and they keep fucking things up for some people. The only true villains are the ones for you, the ones that challenge your good status quo.
Matthew Ramirez
Ned Kelly
Lucas Wood
>it’s yet another /pol/ bait thread
Jaxon Sanchez
Bin Laden.
Jonathan Cruz
>What's the closest thing to a superhero (or a supervillain) we have in real life? Phoenix Jones. MMA fighter who ran around in a kevlar superhero outfit and beat up muggers. He recently retired after years of doing this. He felt that his little moments of heroism weren't doing anything or inspiring anyone, and some of his friends fucked him over. Wrecked his faith in humanity and he decided to stop.
Anyone burning a fuel that comes from deep underground??
Jason Cook
Christian Torres
>Phoenix Jones. MMA fighter who ran around in a kevlar superhero outfit and beat up muggers He was just a faggot who gave sandwiches to the homeless.
Christian Rodriguez
Elon Musk I'll let you decide which side he's on
Jaxon Howard
Hitler Ceasar Trajan Genghis Khan Whoever ordered the 4th crusade
Bentley Evans
The Catholic Church keeps spending money to protect pedophiles while claiming they are the best hope for the traditional family, I’m sure somewhere deep there’s a two faced demon laughing at us
I don't think Jones is a good litmus test of irl superheroes because the guy was only ever an amateur MMA fighter. He wasn't terribly talented or smart or well-equipped. As far as street level heroes go in the MU or DCU he'd be the guy the C-list street level heroes advise to go back to his day job. If someone is a good superhero/supervillain irl then they're very likely not Phoenix Jones or some serial killer that's gotten caught after a year. The really legit and skilled people will probably never be caught or made public. An irl Punisher analogue probably exists but it's not like you'd see them ever getting caught by police or doing interviews with the media. The issue with irl superheroes is that most people with the skills to be A-list tier are doing other things with their skills like getting rich or working for agencies or are pro athletes. And the villains are just regular crime bosses, terrorists, and serial killers.
Michael Scott
The McDLT comes back.
Hunter Parker
There was an article where a reporter shadowed him for a night that basically outed him as a massive narcissist who was just doing it for attention. >Literally ignored a woman screaming for help in order to take selfies with drunken club-goers who recognized him from YouTube >annoyed some drug dealers for a night >got a talking-to from the police >"retired" because he felt that no one was giving him any kind of tangible reward for his actions, thus making it all pointless (even though he'd stopped attempted rapes and assaults in the past)
I admire anyone who takes a proactive approach in doing good but Phoenix Jones always struck me as a total faggot who was in it for the wrong reasons.
Justin Baker
trump reminds me of a horribly inept luthor
Lincoln Taylor
The sad part is that this is 99% sure to be a retarded accident where they killed their own soldier trough incompetence and decided to make him a hero to get out of hot water. If not, he still died fighting for a dictator on orders of another dictator. The Russian intervention in Syria is much more pro Assad than anti-IS.
Adam Foster
>Phoenix Jones is the real-life 'Kick-Ass'. Expect a movie to be made about him in the next decade.
>Winston Churchill is a classic anti-hero. >Theodore Roosevelt was a classic adventurer >Alexander the Great was either a hero who civilized the known world, or a villain who conquered it, depending on who you ask.
>Hilter is the biggest classic villain in history, the guy checks off every super-villain checkmark >Charasmatic >Tragic origin story >Mad Scientist >Into Occult Magics >World Domination >Loyal fanatical henchmen >Treacherous henchmen who try and overthrow him >Genocide >Brainwashing children >Nazi >Fascist >Wrote his entire plans down in a book >Death was just enough of a mystery that people think he escaped >Brought the good guys to their knees, and had everyone team-up to fight him. >Fighting him turned you from a villain to a good guy according to the press >Has the idiot sidekick (Mussolini) >Was into secret weapons >Was the first multi-publisher villain in comics and cartoon. >Was literally Hitler
A person or group that took credit for the kidnapping of a supermarket president and promised to put out poisoned products on their shelves. Then they abruptly said they wouldn't. Then they targeted a new supermarket chain, someone DID sneak poisoned food in (and made sure a "WARNING: TOXIC" sticker was prominent on these) and almost bankrupted the chain. Then they stopped and were never caught. The statute of limitations for both crimes ended 19 years ago.
Blake Clark
most real life supeheroes don't dress up maybe those bikers who protect children that have to testify in court against their abusers.
Why the fuck did the police superintendent kill himself. I know it states the reason is he failed to solve the case and committed suicide out of shame, but that's just ridiculous. Now he'll just be remembered as a failure or someone who knew too much.
Levi Jackson
Assad is good for keeping those filthy mudslimes in line
Charles Williams
Have, not had.
Carter Parker
>much like in Metal Gear If you're trying to tell me that those narrative clusterfucks are in any way representative of real world geopolitics then I seriously encourage you to read a goddamn book. It doesn't even need to be about politics. I just think you should seek out better stories.
>real life is not black and white and the "good" status quo is really subjective. I'll admit there are a few shades of gray, but there is a definitely an objective good and bad.
Caleb Morales
He could have played adam x the xtreme, Rip
Jeremiah Brooks
>Yea Forums is more like the civilians of the Marvel Universe, constantly pissed at everything that isn't Captain 'Murrica or Spidey.
Oliver Sanders
For a hero this guy en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishnu_Shrestha He defended a woman form a train robbers and rapist. Despite being 1 vs 40 he WON. After that rape victim's family offered him a large cash reward, he refused it with the following comment: "Fighting the enemy in battle is my duty as a soldier. Taking on the thugs on the train was my duty as a human being."
If you've ever seen him on Shark Tank/Dragon's Den, you know Kevin O'Leary is basically real life Lex Luthor. youtube.com/watch?v=AuqemytQ5QA
Hudson Green
Mr Rodgers was a hero and Audie Murphy was a real life Captain America
Andrew Stewart
Satire is dead only when they make fun of your emperor trump Embrace based jeb bush you millenial /pol/tard
Noah Gomez
She was leading them on, it's what women do.
Austin Torres
I saw a series or screenshots about Brasilian (or Argentinian) vigilantes and clown killers. Also, Yea Forums may have deanoned a cute vigilante girl and the drug cartels got her.
Parker Anderson
oh for sure, massive attention seeking faggot. if he ever actually confronted anyone legitimately threatening he'd have just been fucking shot and left for dead
Oliver Foster
I was only talking about the character motivations no one in these games is solely and objectively evil, except psycho mantis and volgin. it's mostly just people "doing their thing", trying to make the world a better place or get through with a personal amoral plot.
we hardly have anyone who's a full blown villain irl. Life is pretty much just impartial entities clashing into eachother. Serial Killers , sociopaths and some terrorists are the closest you get to objectively and undeniably evil villains.
Wyatt Gomez
no one knows.
but with the chief killing himself there's a popular theory that it was regional yakuza who saw their prank spiral out of control and may have had nothing to do with it aside from sending letters.
Christian Hughes
>What's the closest thing to a superhero (or a supervillain) we have in real life? Eric Prince literally has a private army that he hires out to people and perpetuates wars for the sole purpose of profit, he is basically a Bond villain.
Samuel Cooper
I think that there is no such thing as someone who is completely good, but, >there are no people who are nothing but evil I dispute that statement.
Nathan Collins
Elon Musk for a Lex Luthor type. Zodiac Killer for a Joker/Riddler mix
Isn't he also in the Seychelles? I always thought that was one of the funnier moments in MGSV when they're like "Hey Boss, our private army is in the Seychelles this will be a popular spot in the years to come"
What a beta Cuck. He risked his life for some unknown roastie.
Zachary Williams
Did you think your post was funny when you made it? It isn't.
Isaac Davis
>Not knowing that the 4th crusade was intended to take Cairo, and it was Venetian fuckery which redirected it against Hungary and Byzantium Enrico Dandolo, the blind Doge of Venice. The Partitio Romaniae that resulted from this conquest awarded Venice three-eighths of the Byzantine Empire in accordance with an agreement drafted by the Crusaders before the fall of the empire. Dandolo was also awarded the title "lord of three-eighths of the Roman Empire", although these acquisitions only lasted until the collapse of the Latin empire in 1261. He was also buried in June in the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople.
Kevin Davis
hey, nambla used to be a thing, so having a irl guild of calamitous intent isn't as farfetch'd as we expect
I never made that exact statement. There are just not a lot of them. Sociopathy is generally a code for evil. Someone who will put themselves over others no matter what, who doesnt respect other living beings thats the most natural through and through evil you can get, but there arent a lot of those
Nathan Phillips
>redirected it against Hungary
Huh? Never heard of this in history class here
Brayden Campbell
he could have been vergil's actor instead of the one we got, shit
Bentley Brown
Didn't he quit after he realized being a superhero is a thankless job, basically having the real world beat the hero out of him?
Zachary Torres
The Crusaders were low on money and the Venetians were asking them to attack various targets to repay them. One of the first targets was Zadar, a Croatian port, which belonged to the King of Hungary (who also declared himself a part of the Crusade). Basically, Venetians made the crusaders their personal hitmen, and they never actually reached Cairo. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Zara
El Chapo's escape from prison was straight out of a Batman 66 Episode. Heck, he even has a goofy Supervillain name.
Henry Ward
For all of the people claiming that Trump is a villain, can you at least post what he supposedly did wrong? Anything specific, and not some broad statement?
Grayson Butler
To oppose Assad is to help ISIS, 'moderate rebels' are a fantasy. Also you can't accept that a Russian died a hero because you've bought into the Democrat red scare fearmongering and it goes against that narrative.
>1 vs 40 Fucking sensationalist bullshit lies >He was a Gurkha Well shit never mind, that was probably a walk in the park for him
Elijah Anderson
>Yea Forums may have deanoned a cute vigilante girl and the drug cartels got her. what the fuck?
Wyatt Fisher
And totally not because Russians have a long, storied history of making the people they accidentally kill into heroes to avoid being criticized for incompetence.
Jayden King
>didn't use szechuan sauce i know it's the wrong color but you could've sorta put it in the reality slot it feels like an incomplete meme somehow without it
You don't have to be a Democrat, or even an American to understand what the russkies are doing is bullshit and has nothing to do with heroism. ISIS themselves ally/betray other factions, including the US and the Russians when it suits them. They are not some uber-powerful devils that only gentle Assad and mighty Pooteen are fighting, despite the fearmongering of your cuckold narrative, fed by Russia to Useful Idiots like you. "Moderate rebels" are similarly factions backed by Turkish, Saudi and western interests (that is to support the Sunnis in Syria and cocblock Iran from turning it into a Shiite stronghold, something Russkies can't get a clue about, thinking the world is still turning around USSR and its vassal states, while Iran is putting actual boots on the ground. You got Turkmen FSA, supported by the Turkish Army, you got Sunni Arab FSA remnants, which is pretty much left for the Russians to slaughter with West and Saudis agreeing to "be concerned", but do nothing. And then there are the Kurds, protected by the US from Turkey invasion, who got so powerful even Russkies and Assadists are suddenly playing it cool, as if the fuckhuge Kurdistan is not a problem at all, despite it obviously invading on Syrian sovereignity. But hey, if you can't beat them, "join" them! None of these motherfuckers are "heroes" to anybody but themselves. To cry for some russkie, who went to shoot Arabs for cash (why the fuck do you think he left his pregnant wife), got an epic death while his comrades bombed some more hospitals, to compare this soldier of fortune to a superhero is mind-boggling.
Jordan Young
Nazis. There's a good reason shit keeps using them as bad guys, they have this timeless quality to them of being just the right amount of silly supervillain plots with their crazy superweapons, but also still able to be a threat and scary.
Nathaniel Gomez
Don't be mean he's trying his hardest to fit in :(
Alexander Ward
I mean, he was part of the wave that came out after the Kick-Ass movie, anyone inspired by Mark Millar's work can't be too sane.
Logan Barnes
>India is so backwards that they still have Wild West-style train robberies in 2010 This shit boggles the fucking mind.
Ironic considering none of you guys thought Russia was trustworthy until the Dems told you they weren't. People have been wary of Putin since he first came around.
Landon Howard
Poor guy. The world broke him. Superheroes couldn't really exist IRL unless it was literally superman himself.
And he may have been multiple people due to impersonators, so that also makes him a legacy.
Andrew Perez
Meanwhile the LAPD went after little Asian grannies delivering mail.
Adrian Cooper
So basically.../pol/ are the ones who make the only fun threads on this board?
Charles Sullivan
Oh, I see. Thanks.
Michael Perry
Bruh, read what you post, it's "between 15 and 40", he took down 3 of them before getting stabbed and left to bleed on the floor while the robbers continued their business.
Elon Musk is basically a super villain who happens to be a good guy.
Bentley Ramirez
Isn't like 1% of the population sociopathic?
Levi Hughes
>does drugs >sells products like flamethrowers just because >dated an actual manic pixie dream girl He's DAMAGED Joker if he had never fallen in the acid.
Oliver Price
Elon Musk, he Is like a pettier version of Luthor.
David Taylor
For u
Dylan Ross
The lawyer was corrupt too.
Juan Perry
He even loved delivering those supervillain monologues.
I never disliked Putin, I'm not some neocon. And if you want to talk about hypocrisy, the left loved Russia back when they were genocidal commies. It's only when they became Christian and capitalist that they became the devil.
Brody Howard
>Konopka is serving his 20-year sentence at ADX Florence and is scheduled for release on September 8, 2019. I can't wait.
Joshua Gutierrez
>the [American] "left" loved the USSR Good joke.
Adam Edwards
You mean Pedo-man
Mason Russell
Kike billionaires are basically Lex Luthor, but even more evil
Quick rundown: -Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control France with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -Both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
No it's definitely autism and you're a drain on society if you think it's creative.
Ayden Flores
>Coin Operated Glaciers Sounds like the name of a shitty Indie rock band.
Parker Roberts
Nolan Morgan
Samuel King
Yes, very much so. Most people believe the "literally posted on facebook with no evidence" version of the story where he gets violated by the local gubmint. In reality he basically screwed himself over while trying to screw over everyone else around him.
As an example, he never had a water line on his land to begin with, which in fact was originally zoned for a concrete plant that the concrete plant guys, Mountain Park Concrete, had owned beforehand and later would try and fail to buy back. He wanted to get a sewage pump installed on the town's money, long story short they're not obligated to do that for private property. Heemeyer walked out when that happened, the town tried to meet him halfway by including him in the sewer district anyway but he paid no attention to that. He was fined some several years later after getting caught dumping his shit in a nearby irrigation ditch, after which the town laid a fine on him and tried to get him to pay for having a sewer line at last, of course Marvin didn't like this. I know this because one of the guys involved wrote a book about it.
>Anything specific, and not some broad statement? Anons, you didn't answer the question.
Daniel Mitchell
This shit always fucks me up, kind of pissed the movies mess with a lot of some of the best episodes though.
Samuel Sanders
What about those guys who are able to eat things like bicycles, TVs, or actual glass shards?
How about those savants who can like, look at an incredibly detailed map and redraw it from memory, or the guy who basically memorized every important date of every important event, historical figure's birth/death, etc. Rainman-style?
John Adams
>What about those guys who are able to eat things like bicycles, TVs, or actual glass shards?
Aka 'geeks'.
The most famous one being Michel Lotito, aka 'Mr.Mangetout', who once ate an entire light aircraft (not in one sitting, though).
The Kochs would be modern businessmen type super villains (e.g. Lex) but then people would say the same for Soros.
The people who would be real supervillains would be say a company person that knows that tobaccos cause cancer or other medical conditions and hides and/or lies about that research, or similar. Or the corporation that spills chemicals into drinking water, etc.
Austin Sanchez
The wall won't happen
David Fisher
It wouldn't do any good even if it did.
Luke Moore
This son of a bitch is a twisted and corrupted fuck.
Oh boo hoo, the grown ass man who dresses in a knockoff Nightwing cosplay didn't get a ticker-tape parade for breaking up squabbles between drunks outside nightclubs.
Meanwhile thousands of cops, social workers, EMTs, firefighters, and military personnel deal with WAY more troubling shit on the reg and they don't "lose faith in humanity". There are child psychologists who have to hear from their patients about how daddy fucked them in the mouth yet still manage to go to work every day, but oh no Phoenix Jones feels unappreciated. F man. Just le epic F for this supreme bro, broken by a cruel and uncaring world.
You forgot the last part that Hitler and most villains share >He was right all along
Easton Jones
>Meanwhile thousands of cops, social workers, EMTs, firefighters, and military personnel deal with WAY more troubling shit on the reg and they don't "lose faith in humanity" No, they do too.
Nathan Lopez
>Sees a child playing in a sprinkler >"I-I feel a tingling! Like a fire alarm going off at the base of my cock!"
Jackson Garcia
Commie-apologists who turn a blind eye to any genocide that isn't the holocaust isn't exactly a new or strange concept, user
Nathaniel Phillips
Nah those people get chewed up and spit out on a pretty regular basis. It's been a recurring subject of debate for about three decades now.
Ian Fisher
Yeah, but it seems kinda warranted in those cases is my point >I saw a kid get blown up by an IED >I had to tell a married couple that their newborn baby didn't make it >I busted a human trafficking ring and saw dozens of 12 year olds strapped into sex harnesses >I hand out sandwiches in a zentai and annoy bouncers at clubs by pepperspraying anyone who appears threatening and no one wants to praise me for my efforts :(
Jackson Turner
When America uses proxy wars to protect its interests its totally cool through
William Campbell
>Argentinian >Hero I don't think you understand Argentina? The entire country is essentially a Military state, where the military gets most of the budget, in order to stop them going rogue and taking over.