So it turns out that Uncanny X-Men is spreading Anti-Vaxxer propaganda

So it turns out that Uncanny X-Men is spreading Anti-Vaxxer propaganda.

Attached: Anti-Vaxxers were right.jpg (621x943, 332K)

Can essential oils prevent people from becoming mutants?

>tfw my friends kid is paralyzed on the left side of his body because of an allergic reaction to vaccinations
My kids fine

Your friend's doctor screwed up, they're supposed to make sure the kid has no allergies like that. It's why some people just can't be vaccinated and need herd immunity.

Not propaganda, you shouldn't trust the government to inject whatever the hell they want into your child.

If all it takes to awaken my latent mutation is a shot, sign me the fuck up!

You're so full of shit.

I wouldn't take the risk, could end up becoming like glob

>the government
If you're gonna fearmonger, fearmonger right, vaccines are administered by private corporations.
Out of curiosity, what do you believe that the Illuminati or the Jews, or whatever's evil goal is with vaccinations?

I can't believe how fucking bad this run has been

You think those private organisations aren't corrupted also? The goal is to make everyone weaker and more docile with vaccinations

If that's my mutation, so be it.

>The goal is to make everyone weaker and more docile with vaccinations
How? By preventing kids from dying of polio?

I wouldn't worry about them too much, you seem to be tanking your functionality enough on your own.

The government is where vaccines come from now?

Got any evidence to back that up? How do vaccines make people "weaker and more docile"? Is it the autism thing again?

It's okay, nobody with kids reads this shit.

Is that really how anti-vaxxers see it? I thought their take was that vaccination caused autism, but that wasn't the goal, just a side effect that wasn't cared about and what people administering vaccination really wanted was money

Their take are vaccines don't have any positive effects and that they have a massive negative impact on the population. Because 1 in 100,000 suffer severe reactions. Then claim that no one gets sick with what vaccines protect from ignoring herd immunity exists.

>Implying they care about the actual data to begin with.

>tfw my friend got bitten by a rabid dog and he refused the vaccination because he thought government was trying to poison him.

Attached: death.png (800x435, 130K)

Its funny how anti-vaxxers consistently fail to mention real vaccine-fuck ups and keep touting the same old "muh autism" bullshit.

There was a real case in Finland not too long ago where government commissioned swine flu vaccine but because the pharmacy company rushed the research to get ahead in the market, the result was hundreds of kids contracted varying levels of permanent narcolepsy, basically crippling them. So that actually harmful vaccination event made most Finns very skeptical of newly introduced vaccines to seasonal influenzas. Everyone (except religious swedes) still take the age old vaccines though.

That’s not how it works. Rabies vaccine is preventative. If he already has it then he’s gonna get the stomach shots and probably still die if symptoms arise.

>friends kid
>my kid

>more docile
That is actually due to the reduction of Lead in the atmosphere, ground and tap water due to some laws being put in place to remove lead pipes, water storage and leaded fuels.

Since you don't know global violent crime took a massive hike in the 50-80s and when leaded products were much more wide spread. With their drop violence, especially in youth had a major drop in rates.

What super power does he have now?

>what people administering vaccination really wanted was money
Which is stupid. Big Pharma would make far more money selling medication to people who get sick from all the diseases that vaccines prevent. In fact, it would be far more plausible that Big Pharma is behind some of the anti-vaxxer conspiracies so that less people will vaccinate and more people will get sick and buy their other more profitable products.

Spreading conspiracies as disinfo isn't even new either. The U.S. government intentionally propagated conspiracy theories about UFOs in order to hide the truth about the top-secret experimental aircraft they were testing.

It can make them better smelling mutants.

>top secret aircraft
And yet we still don't see these aircraft in use 50-60 years after all the rumors started. Weird.

Because most of those aircraft were failed projects. They were top secret simply because the US didn't want the commies to know what they were working on.

>most of those projects were failures
Yea, I'm sure the aircraft that could go in all 3 dimensions and change it's trajectory instantly was a huge failure. Meanwhile we got slapped with the F-35 60 years after those so called "military secret aircraft".

>And yet we still don't see these aircraft in use 50-60 years after all the rumors started.
Yeah, the B2 doesn't look like a flying saucer at all...

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Yes, I'm sure that's why they're lobbying for mandatory vaxinations.

The B2 flies in a straight line, all, and I mean ALL reports that have dealt with the saucer and most UFO cases deal with a craft that has a straight flight trajectory and then turns 90 upwards instantly without a loss of speed, to then drop downwards 180 degrees and do other instant hard maneuvers. Including a hover. No craft in existence besides small drones and and small full collective pitch helicopters. Which are all too small to be seen at in those distances reported. Even more so by Naval pilots way out at sea.

Calling the "mutant cure" a vaccine was stupid anyway. Vaccines are for preventing people from getting a virus by exposing them to a weakened strain of the virus that will thus give them immunity. The X-gene isn't a virus, so a mutant cure would be something that somehow suppresses a genetic condition.

Underrated post.

Using Tampons causes infertility
Having an Abortion has a high risk of causing infertility
Mixed-race babies have a higher incidence of health problems
The Government is putting drugs in the public water system to make people stupid
Corporations are putting hormones in fast-food that feminise young boys, in an effort to make them transgender
If you go to Papa Johns and order the Party Bundle with triple cheese and BBQ sauce, you will be taken into the basement where they keep the immigrant kids ICE is selling them - for $500 you can take a child of your choice home, a green card costs extra
The frogs are not being turned gay, but the crows are being trained to attack white people.
9/11 was not an inside job, but there was a secret government bioweapons lab in the WTC - which is why so many of the First Responders are dying, and why no one is doing anything about it. The NSA would rather they all die quickly so no one discovers what really made them sick.