Why do people so hate the fact Geoff Johns are trying to introduce metafictional fact into actual settings?

Why do people so hate the fact Geoff Johns are trying to introduce metafictional fact into actual settings?

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Because why does it have to include the watchmen

I think one of reasons has to do with power level fag,lol.

Because it means other Superheroes are inferior to Superman.

Geoff Johns has emphasized it before DoomsdayClock.

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Just a bunch of Morrisonfags and Moorefags not wanting anyone to touch their saintly writers' characters and ideas.

Because he's shit at it. His metafiction has always been a cringey rip off of Grant Morrison.

Is the idea(Superman being the center of DC universe) Morrison's property?
As far as I know, many writers have referd to it.

Only the Johns haters don't like it.

All you have to do is look at posts like and see what I mean. It doesn't even matter what the concept is. If it's not done by Morrison then his fans start complaining. Every single thread on the subject.

This. Johns knows that Superman is the heart and soul of DC.
>tfw he goes completely from comics and there's no Supes fags left at the top of DC
and people think the Batman output is high now.

I don't give a shit about Moore and Morrison, but it should be plainly obvious that Johns has been trying to copy the two for 15 years now, with middling results at best . High concept metanarratives are simply not his forte, no matter how much he wants them to be.

Powerlevel fag insist Superman can't be center of DC universe! because the center of universe in DC is judeo-christian GOD!
What do you think about this stupidity?

Superman being important because he's important is shitty writing. It's making a character artificially important in-story because of meta reasons due to company politics.

It's literally Carol Danvers being pushed as Captain Marvel and the heart of the MU tier bullshit.

Unlike Carol, Superman being center/origin of the DC universe, is only metafictional fact, isn't it?
I agree it is not interesting though.

Because Superman has been hated because he is The Superhero.

It doesn't stop it from feeling sorta wankery and empty.

Marvel Comics used to do it before with Captain America too, by trying to make him be the center of everything and everyone bowing down to him, and it always felt strange too. Their universe narrative is much better when the characters are able stand on their own thanks to their own appeal, without any artificial importance being peppered unto them to booster status.

I mean, we all get it. Superman is oficially regarded as the first super hero ever as well as DC's first super hero, but do we really need to be reminded about that fact all the fucking time? It's almost as if the publisher was scared people might forget he's supposed to be a big shot deal. It ends up feeling that his importance is less because he's a great character that works well-in universe with everything else and everyone wants to see more of, and more because it's a mandated thing by DC just because. It actually makes Superman come off as a less appealing character to me. I end up questioning if i like the character because i actually find something nifty about him or if i do it because i was pretty much taught to due to the costant wanking.

I agree to some extent.

It's likw he'a trying to imitate both Moore and Morrison while failing miserably at both.

>52 dark multiverses, all created by changes to this universe
C’mon, this is Johns saying fuck you to Didio for nu52, Johns obsviously didn’t liked it even if his Aquaman run was good.

What does Geoff think about stories after Doomsday Clock?

Will DDC reboot DCU again?

It seems to be that JL timeline is after DoomsdayClock rewrite history.

Do you truely think literally everything in DC come from Superman?
Isn't it The Source that everything come from?

Personally I don't hate it, I just feel its a total rehash of Infinite Crisis with added Watchmen for easy money.

And, much like Infinite Crisis, it spent its first half setting up lots of plot threads that then get dropped.

>I don’t give a shit about these two


Because they've clearly never read Horkheimer and Adorno, and are naive to the exhilarating promise of Johns' working within the context of such a cultural framework.