Why is she so big

why is she so big

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls - S01E12 #SheMightBeGiant.jpg (1072x1072, 202K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Zeus is her daddy

>Black Wonder Woman.

Attached: Nugget.png (843x477, 665K)

To establish dominance

shes an amazon theyre all big as far as i know
i think youre colourblind thats light brown not black
my jeans and cardigan are black

I'm more concerned why she's darker than the Latina and one shade removed from the nog.

Don't be racist.

i cant be racist im white

White people doesn't exist.

okey then im anglo saxon with abit of irish ?

What part about Amazonian princess do you not get?

How can she be Amazonian if she's black?

weren't ancient Greeks white?
I know amazons are actually Scythians and not Greeks but still

Post best girl aka Jess.

BUT SHES NOT FUCKING BLACK shes yellowish or brown and since shes practically from greece her having a brownish skin complexion isnt to far fetched since thymascera(?) is loosley from greek "origin" and culture

Greeks are not black.

Shes not Greek

i know
now im going to reiterate that
shes not fucking black are you genuinly colourblind mate?

Carol is better

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Stop responding to obvious bait

Why are you so small?

she's an ancient greek and they were white
greeks became brown when they mixed with middle eastern people for thousands of years

Then why they made her black?

5 years ago it would have been obvious
its hard to tell whats fucking bait and whats jsut people being actually stupid
unless your comment was bait......?

He does this every DCSHG thread

>this amount of cope

but it's true
or i'm thinking of the Romans

i see, its another retard angry at cartoons for no reason, ironically this "adult" (who MUST BE 18 or over) is angry at CHILDREN cartoons

Don't assume every Greek is black just because a cartoon makes them black.

>weren't ancient Greeks white?
>inb4 murals with bronze
Yes, people actually tan. You'll notice the women are far more often protrayed as pure white due to being inside.
>greeks became brown when they mixed with middle eastern people for thousands of years
Why do you people fall for this shit? We're not Sicilly. We even have a dance named after the women who took their kids and jumped off a cliff so that they wouldn't be raped and taken prisoners. Turks got GREEKED due to grabbing kids from here and all over the Balkans.
Fuck off shitskin.

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What plot you expect for the new episode, Yea Forums?

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no youre sort of right and sort of wrong mate
the greek did fuck others and bulgarians are somewhat tanned and as all cultures did they expanded to other places

her mother is huge

why is jess so angry?

Attached: this i command.png (1117x630, 556K)

because she smells and Hal will never love her

kyle is cuter

he used to be cuter

Fucking potato.

I think you need to get yours eyes checked because she ain't black.


She's a big girl.
From our perspective.

Pic related isn't black, the Wonder Woman on OP's pic is black.

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Stop responding to bait

Actually the entirety of the southern Europe got infected by Ottoman roaches. You'd think someone would have some decency and responsibility and kill them. South Europe already feels massive disgust towards gypsies(gypsies hate other gypsies), but they never feel the raw determination and constructive vengeance to enact revenge on their rapist gggggggggggggggggrandfathers.

and now they've infected all of Europe

That's because she's light grey you did.

Suck on this ATTACK.

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>turning an innocent cartoon wife thread into racebaiting general
this is why nobody likes you /pol/

i always wanted to go to france but now its not even france

Then why they made her black on this show?

Attached: wonder_woman_george_Perez.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

even if they fix the immigration problem it;s already too late, they'll outbreed the natives and become the majority of Europe


Attached: Black.jpg (1920x1080, 415K)

Because they can?

i live in a small town in norf inglund so i still hold hope that not everywhere is a fucking metlingpot

But Wonder Woman isn't black, what the reason behing this change?

Attached: black.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)


because a generic white woman dosnt really give of the vibe that shes the daughter of GREEK gods

This thread is dumb
I wanna see supergirl get sexually bullied by catwoman

Greeks are not black, user.
They obviously changer Wonder Woman's skin tone to fit the "diversity" quota.

Obviously someone incredibly lazy googled Greeks/Amazons and went with that.

Why are you responding yourself?

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So is Lauren Faust a hack?

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but only one of them comments are mine user
why do you lie ?

I get that her accent is supposed to be greek, but all I can hear is spanish for some reason.
She doesn't seem like she's about to be peppering half her sentences with "Chica" or anything, I guess it's something to do with Romance Languages or something.

They just didn't bother to research before pandering.

Guys, I've got a confession to make. I used to think that Kara was best SHG girl, but I was wrong. I've seen the light and hereby official switch allegiance to Diana. Long may best girl Diana reign.

I don't think it's even pandering, it's the same voice and accent that Donna had in the SBFF shorts.

>best girl

Attached: kys yourself.png (582x411, 242K)

Don't be mad Karafag, one day you too shall see the light.

>blue eyes
>straight black hair
>Mediterranean skin
How is she black retards. OP pic looks exactly like a girl from some South Mediterranean island


Diana's not even Greek. Themyscira is an entirely different country. On an island. Not like it matters, since the Amazons have been ethnically diverse for decades, at least since the Perez run.

Also, the Amazons are the reincarnations of women who died tragic deaths, so this argument is even more pointless than it already was. Fuck off, Sugartits, we know it's you. The shtick got old the first time.

Attached: Themyscira.jpg (226x429, 61K)


got it from one of these threads

now most of the male hero appear on the show , and most of the has been dumb down .

let hope that batman be the only serious or more smarter the other male hero on the show .

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Attached: Super_Best_Friends_Forever_Batgirl_Robin_Batman_Supergirl_Superman_Wonder_Girl_Wonder_Woman_Faust_20 (1546x438, 102K)


but superman has been age down , which mean batman also get age down .

the question is how batman adopt robin if batman only 20+ year old ? (batgirl confirm robin exist)

Attached: a a DCSHGSuperman02.jpg (1000x533, 77K)

Are you colorblind, user?

Could be like the DCEU

So it's easier for her to hold down the other girls while she pounds them with her futa dick

Blunder Woman


For you

Why did they make Diana a black girl and tall? Does she play basketball?

The real question is why there's very little porn of this version of Diana

More like mediterranean wonder woman

that wondy tho


Oh look, its same fag

More to worship

>Bruce has a reality TV show
He's just as retarded, user

So she can handle my dick haha

with her pinky finger.

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Post Carol

>Frank Miller Batman

>Tonight's episode: The Deviant Desire

>Tfw no cute emotionally unstable girlfriend

black? she's barely Swiss Mocha.

Trust the 56% to not know anything about foreign countries.

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There's an actual black right next to her in that exact shot

Kyle is trash

You think Diana's tall, wait till you see her mom.

Seriously, Polly is straight up snu-snu levels in this show.

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Amazon genes

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This is trash.
This is good.




somebody in an earlier thread suggested her saying "bountiful" instead of "beautiful" and i changed it.

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it's perfect

ok, wonder woman is a light skinned black woman

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>not basically niggers anyway



>she smells

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This Hippolyta looks like she could lean over and eat Supergirl.

Bumblebee is a light skinned black woman. Wonder woman is just tan.

According to Jess and Carol, Hal smells.

Or here. I thought it'd work better too once i heard it. Thanks for the change. 10/10

Bumblebee is really hot/cute in this version

they think all boys smell

The only good post in this shitpost thread

That was just trash talk

As well she should. Queen of the Amazons and all.

that ship is bad your your bad

Attached: carol.png (1280x719, 590K)

she is filled with kindness, it makes her extra big.


i think the girls with the muscles should be higher but other than that nice list

Is about smell user

never mind that's a 10/10 list


Wonder Woman is black
Kyle is ten times more mexican and female
Supergirl is a dyke
Star Sapphire is jewish

This whole fucking show is virtue signaling bullshit

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>lighter tan skin

Be carefully, Carol.

Attached: hal mobile.jpg (1180x646, 88K)

At last someone who sees the problem with this shit show.


fuck you and that spic lantern

Attached: qt pink.png (354x408, 310K)

>Wonder Woman is black
>Kyle is ten times more mexican and female
>Supergirl is a dyke
>Star Sapphire is jewish

Attached: 32346547.png (484x670, 409K)

>Star Sapphire is jewish

Go back to /mlp/

just an user who is desperate for (you)s
calling the show /mlp/ worked for a while but it lost it's ability to get attention
black WW gets him (you)s now so that's what he is going with

>Implying just one person doesn't like the show.
That's sad even for fans of this mess.

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Get outta here Carol

Have you ever seen a greek user

Yes, I live next to them

I was minding my DAMN business eatin some DAMN food

Does anyone else love that DCSHG Catwoman is just fucking Ertha Kitt

If Lauren ever puts a fucking musical number in this show (as she is wont to do) she'd better get her own fucking musical number

Not a ponyfag

>Does anyone else love that DCSHG Catwoman is just fucking Ertha Kitt
It's a nice callback but I'm indifferent to it. I'm kinda butthurt about Catwoman making Supergirl look like a fool though. What is it with Catwoman and having such powerful plot armor these days?

He's either desperate poltard or a troll

the power of smug

TNG era marina sirtis would have made a good WW

>Catwoman making Supergirl look like a fool though
Also Giganta, also Livewire, also tentacles

user, you're retarded ok?

Shut the fuck up Kara you dumbass

>Power Girl is an uninteresting character
>Supergirl is an uninteresting character
>combining the two makes her way better in just about every respect
... Okay. I'll take it.

Greece is basically a big beachfront, retard. See

>That Diana

Attached: R+a+r+e+f+l+a+g+a+_84fb0f0e20058f67b658a2a899571102.jpg (200x200, 11K)

Surprised you haven't gotten shit yet from the Zee fans

Nice shit taste


She is pure and her fans are mostly pure

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Had the same idea seeing the first pic.

Attached: oh-rats.jpg (1280x720, 327K)

This. Diana is precious and her smile must be protected at all costs.

To hug me better with

Wasn't there a new episode today? or is it on hiatus... again

so her tits will be in your face when she hugs you.

No new episode today?


How come no one complains about Catwoman being ACTUALLY Black, yet Diana being bronze skinned makes them seethe with murderous rage?

Eartha Kitt

Because DCSHG Catwoman is referencing Eartha Kitts Catwoman, and only contrarian faggots hate Eartha Kitts Catwoman

Beefy Thicc Batman

Because he's insanely rich
That's why

she really isnt compared to her to the amazons

Attached: mama mia.jpg (833x970, 264K)

Is this an edit? Or an upcoming episode?
Wouldn't mind her doing all the things she protests against under the influence of the Red Lantern Ring.

Hal called her smelly
it's the next episode called "Smelly Jess"

have you never seen a greek before?

I can't believe she bathes every few days.

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probably better for the environment or some shit

Would you sniff?

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She's not black, and she's not greek. She's brown because she's made out of clay.

>Great Grand Daddy

She's got a hairy booty so yes!

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Eartha Kitt

Witness the best live action Catwoman

She was also Izma

Post more Jess, you piece of...

Attached: jess-1.jpg (900x720, 189K)

i would but my nose couldn't take it

"Wow Jess, you need a shower."

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Okay I'll bite. How is DCSHG a mess? It's both cute and funny, and has far better action than you'd expect from a girl's show meant to sell dolls.

She has this air of experience, while Kara has always been the little side cousin shtick.

Everytime I see this I get sad we didn't get that Donna instead of weird pseudo-teen Diana.

How does Brickwall Wayne do stealth or chase criminals across rooftops? That fat motherfucker looks like he can't hop a trashcan much less a fence.

>R E N T F R E E

>Carol's mad cause her Ass will never be as thicc as Jess'

Attached: carol-2.jpg (1280x720, 277K)

i feel this deserves a caption, but what?

>Hal remove your penis from her vag right now

>Had to turn one of the nicest people in the DCU into a complete dick just so we wouldn't think Supergirl was being too petty.

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yeah, that'll work.

Half of the characters are dick, the other half are just stupid except for a few

Flash is a sweet cinnamon roll

Attached: hal,-jess-and-carol.jpg (1280x720, 340K)

damn Jess is really flat

Leave her alone, user.

When is Guy coming to the show? I'd rather see him and Jess interact than Hal Boredan.

Man, why you gotta make me want things that can never happen now?

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My little pony.

What about it?

Ok one, there is such a thing as "Superdickery", and second I don't see him being a dick at all, he's hotheaded, impulsive, and clearly has a sibling rivalry kind of relationship going on with Kara (weird considering how their actual relationship works with her technically being older then him but he's physically older by process of getting to Earth first). When Kara finally confronts him in the episode, he tries to talk her down, maybe a little condesendingly, because he's entitled to it. Yes he got here first, he has more experience. If she didn't start the fight and provoke him there was a good chance he would've repeated what Diane said about not being a gloryhound.

I like this version of Supes, he's got a year one vibe going for him in the background of the setting, but he's still a guy around 18 to 20 that's still a bit childish. It's modern, refreshing, and I can't wait when Doomsday shows up and Completely Fucking Murders him after a crazy, lengthy fight.

go back to your dying board, ponyfag

Yea Forums had a totally justified meltdown with bronies, thats why /pony/ is a thing (too bad, because the series had excellent songs, jokes and plots worthy of discussion here).
Mommy Faust also created that show, so whenever comparisons between shows emerge Yea Forums goes full PTSD to discourage people from further discussion.

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Go back to /pol/ ya sister-fucking cracker.

So Yea Forums, or at least half of it are being a bunch of faggots cause they don't want to go through the same spamming bullshit that inadvertently cause a pop culture phenomenon?

my big Amazon: /pol/ is raiding

Guaranteed that Babs smells worse than Jess, especially after a shift at Burrito Bucket.

i'd prefer him to stay and you to leave

the amount of pony spam was insane
Bronies get hate because they spammed that shit everywhere, it wasn't just Yea Forums
nigga please make your false flags better

fuck off ass hole

This. Veggie sweats also smell less than meat sweats. Everyone knows this, especially people who mostly eat meat.

Yes, but the problem is you can never accurately guess when those things are going to happen. Mlp was very much a lightning in a bottle situation. It's not enough to just have good writers and passable art, you've got to become a cult hit on an absurd level, and the best way to do that is through either a shitload of advertising or just belonging to a pre-established thing since cult hits rely incredibly on word of mouth. The amount of stars that have to align, it's not going to happen any time soon. Well, maybe it might since Gen 4 of MLP was almost a decade ago, but I have no idea what that would even be. It's certainly not DCSHG.

Jessica is the kind of girl that would skip showering to help the environment
but we can safely assume that Babs takes showers

>He doesn't know who Jessica Cruz is

One day Yea Forums will read comics, but not today

>but we can safely assume that Babs takes showers
Somebody hasn't watched the short where Babra literally rolls around in garbage and keeps moldy food. Jess and Diana tried to get her to clean up. Jess obviously cares about keeping herself clean and wants her friends to too, whereas Babra plays with filthy waste. Babrafag BTFO.

Attached: she lives like this.jpg (1045x578, 256K)

and yet she still smells better than Jess

Can you guys share a mega?

Babrafag seething mad he has to lie about Jess, the objectively better girl. Jess isn't even my waifu.

Carol looks like a little girl

>Jess isn't even my waifu
of course not, because she smells

well Hal does have a "type"

Wish we could see Superman traumatizing birds in modern shows, it's just a matter of keeping the superdickery in check.

>the amount of pony spam was insane
Bullshit, keeping to one thread at a time was a thing. If shitposters hadn't overrun the threads they could still be here, that was the problem.

Probably for the best, I'd get jealous of Hal if we got Auntie Carol.

>keeping to one thread at a time was a thing
they fucking didn't and they shoved pony shit into everything
there is a reason they are some of the most hated groups on the internet

Piss off, Guy

Catforce, no need to explain shit.


Attached: shg yandere carol.jpg (540x405, 57K)

i bet she smells good

Attached: jess-2.jpg (1280x720, 236K)

He's not wrong. Kyle has no value as a character.

DC Super Hero Girls mega, S01 E01-E13, shorts S01 E00-E22

Attached: 1559226874635.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Thank you.

Ok so..

would eat

Attached: #WasabiWar DC Super Hero Girls Super Shorts.mp4_snapshot_00.43_[2019.06.10_06.07.37].png (1920x1080, 1.94M)

>Actually the entirety of the southern Europe got infected by Ottoman roaches