Owl house worries

>sample line ”No one liked me back home, no one likes me here. I’m never getting out of bed again.”

>Geeking out over flame swords that look like comic book items only to shrug it off for already owning one

>Level 6 black mage

>Sample joke being a puppy spitting acid at her, only for her to say she can’t stay mad because it’s cute

>Us weirdos have to stick together

This show is trying to hard to nerd pander

Attached: C72E824D-9FAB-432C-9F0D-53CFDEF841AB.jpg (201x251, 14K)

These legit?

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It doesn't matter how shitty the script is, Yea Forums is still going give it attention because of waifus.

These are real script excerpts, but I cannot use my citations as it would betray the source.

I'll bite. In which Episodes can we expect these lines.

Attached: 1520786968960.jpg (1552x873, 167K)

I’m not sure as to their airing order, but some of them are from the pilot, along with the line
>Human? Me? No way! Haha, what do those things even look like, right guys?”

But then the others come from an episode where Eda is having trouble breaking up with a monster

do it pussy

Truly, I cannot

Those are legit. Did you only read the scripts or did you watch the episodes?

Haven’t seen the full episodes, but I’ve seen good portions. I have the scripts though

How much of a monster-cock hungry whore is Eda

Nice. I saw several episodes but I don't dare leak. What did you think about what you've seen?

>Eda is having trouble breaking up with a monster
She into kinky shit?

It's not that simple. Is just jacking off to the r34 still giving attention to the show?

Less than you think, but enough to fuel the R34 community for several years.

I have worries that it might be playing way too heavy on the pandering side, but I also think that it has a decent chance of finding a broad audience. It has a lot of humor that you don’t usually see in Disney shows aimed at kids, and kinda pushes the line to adult swim tier at times.
In many ways it’s both safe by shameless pandering to nerd culture and risky for how it does it.
It’s biggest western comparison is probably OK KO(much less Star and Steven than I anticipated) and it does things better

>“I can’t believe it! This looks just like Azura’s Sword of Fire from the short story based on the TV adaptation of the comic series adapted from the first draft of the third book in the original unassuming princess trilogy! Eh, I already have one.”

Shit like this is where I think the jokes will fall flat. Way too “look at me fellow nerds” like the typical anime cliche of the sexy otaku that acts nothing like a real otaku. But it will probably have the same effect and be popular because otaku get hard at the thought of a cute girl being as into geek shit as they are

>"Less than you think, but enough to fuel the R34 community for several years."
>"It has a lot of humor that you don’t usually see in Disney shows aimed at kids, and kinda pushes the line to adult swim tier at times"
You're just making me more excited for the show than I already was

I’m not saying it’s a bad show, I’m just expressing my worries from it without actually leaking the stuff I have.
The last thing I need is the mouse coming after me

The macabre humor is what I liked the most about it. The setting is a lot of fun too. I didn't think the pandering was that bad other than that one episode. How many scripts have you read?
The only things I didn't like were Luz's boring friends and how too many episodes have the same plot structure.

Amity and Luz’s dynamic is pretty great, she’ll easily win over the Pacifica fags and then some.

I’ve read almost the entire season I think.

How lore heavy does it get, is there an averarching plot?

Is Eda more like a mother figure to Luz or more like an older sister?

There’s a plot for sure, but it’s slower. Not gravity falls slow thankfully.

I don’t know if I would say she’s either

Then you're ahead of me, I watched maybe a little more than half a season.
I didn't like how that dynamic developed. Too fast for my tastes. And I'm sure Pacifica fags would love her, this show's gonna have some serious waifuism.

Nerd pandering is the least of the worries about this show

You’ve watched more than I have. I have yet to see an entire episode, so I could have my opinions changed because a lot is altered in the transition from script to show.
I like what I’ve read of Amity though, plus, who doesn’t love a witch girl?

A lot of gags get added during storyboarding, and with visuals and voice acting it all comes together to be far less cringy than the script might have been.
I don't know where the main plot is going though other than by hearsay. Did you find it satisfying?
And I hope they'll announce Eda and King's voice actors soon, they do such a good job.

Let's just cut to the chase. Is there any hints of lesbians or social justice that will throw Yea Forums into a tizzy?

None that I can see. Unless the mere concept of capable female characters makes you scream SJW. No one is a typical Mary Sue

Honestly, I felt the pay off so far is kinda weak. Maybe there’s episodes I haven’t been allowed to read, I only got my hands on them due to being extremely close to someone working on it, but so far it feels like the “we know they will order a season 2, so there’s no reason to finish this story right now. Which I personally dislike. I prefer it when the second season has a new plot for the characters to participate in

Nope. Nothing nearly as bad as Star vs.

These shows progress into these topics
Star Vs this and this show will certainly do so, especially its last season

Trailer legit looked like something out of Star Vs, so my expectations are low.

I prefer that too, but after Star vs. making random characters into season finale villains I don't mind this kind of approach. As long as it doesn't get too convoluted.

To the Star Vs comparisons, while both pander heavily, this does it better than Star. Star straight wanted to be a magical girl anime and made shipping s huge part of the story solely to fit the mold. While this series has a lot of anime influence(and a premise that totally wasn’t stolen from Rosario Vampire) it definitely isn’t trying to be an anime. It understands what it is and does that well.
But that could change in later seasons for sure

>trust me I work at/for/have connections with people in the industry/CN

Owl House feels much more polished and well put together than Star, maybe because it's script based. But the first season of Star was more polished than the rest too....

>It understands what it is and does that well.
Sure hope so.
>But the first season of Star was more polished than the rest too....
Maybe slightly, but it had a lot of the problems which plagued the series throughout its run: crappy humor, Star being a huge asshole, shipping, lazy worldbuilding etc.

This is real stuff. I know how bullshit it sounds, but you can go ahead and screencap it, then watch this all unfold if you truly doubt it

>Please satisfy my ego!

Fuck off. The only thing you deserve is having been forgotten once it aired, regardless of whether it was true or not.

Leakers and shitposters pretending to be leakers are so goddamn THIRSTY for recognition dammit.

You're right. I'm curious if Disney showrunners are actively trying to avoid the mistakes that were made on Star. It sure feels this way with Owl House and Amphibia.

>tfw I was the one who did the Amphibia MEGA when it premiered, and still haven't actually watched it
Gonna fix that mistake now

I have no desire to be recognized. I just feel that because so much of this show is under wraps, that giving away some stuff is worthwhile.

I watched it on Hulu when it came out. I like the route they’re going with anne and how she was the abused insecure girl who is transforming into an abuser towards Sprig. She’s definitely going to cause him to fall into some serious trouble eventually and reflect, the end bit with Sasha was eh, she’ll obvious betray them for her own safety then turn out to not be evil and be forgiven only after it’s too late

Does Owl House have any ships? Is the rumor about Luz being hungry for some witch pussy is in any way true?

>I have no desire to be recognized.
people won don't care dont' repost to say that.

It's a completely fake rumor that started right here.


Well, she IS leaning on the witch in the trailer, while watching a sunset

Except for
>Level 6 black mage
I have no problem with any of that.

Still only started as a rumor here in /pol/tard land.

She's more like an aunt to Luz.

>Rosario Vampire
I'm sold

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It just looks so generic, can't see how you can say it looks good

Attached: A2AF0A3F-8569-4AEA-BC89-131E157C50FE.jpg (1125x1224, 544K)

Is this from the original pitch bible?

aw shit

Attached: 1560421706705.gif (150x150, 78K)


Sounds like the kind of stuff I'd watch when I was 14.

Well, that’s kind of the point

>tfw an actual leak appears in what appeared to be a bullshit thread

Do we have any verification on this?

Get in line.

How is Luz voice?

Either this is the most elaborate fake leak ever, or there are several anons leaking true info right here in this thread. Dana must have really pissed off somebody for this to happen.

>Dana must have really pissed off somebody for this to happen.

How many grand worth of Cintiq's are going to get her fist of fury today?

Wow, I like this design way more than the final one.

They’ll be lucky if there’s a single one left in the building

Attached: tumblr_pt6dzapU2y1x6j9p7o1_1280.png (1080x1080, 317K)

I’m skeptical because this whole show has been a massive mystery, how does a leak like this just randomly happen... unless it was someone involved with Amphibia doing it. The timing seems so odd

>This show is trying to hard to nerd pander

The irony of you posting this thread declaring "gasp! A girl is nerd pandering" while also pandering to nerd rage.

Irony, yes, but it’s a neat thread so far

Attached: 64394012_431906190982502_8825657657373011383_n.jpg (1080x1080, 72K)

Fake leaks are once again just a marketing tactic to drum up interest and make people talk about the product. As always, the goal is to make people aware that said product exists in the first place. That is the most important thing.

weird time for a fake leak, and these seem believable

Bringing up Amity is the weird part.
We know nothing publicly aside from this pic, and the thread claims she’s a witch with a Pacifica-like personality(the picture could argue that.

Attached: 958DCB75-0B45-4F28-90C5-0D2871A0F066.jpg (1125x833, 283K)

>Eda's granddaughter confirmed

She’s the popular girl who secretly uses her magic to do the things she claims she does with her own skill, Luz discovers her

Attached: 61712983_2186397198081226_2100799300587513362_n.jpg (1080x1080, 86K)

This barely looks like Dana's art though?

Attached: 1552757350782.png (1212x1160, 1018K)

>We know nothing publicly aside from this pic
No, she acts stuck-up and know-it-all because that is what Dana said on the drawing stream when she was talking about her.

>Young girl who is obsessed with weird things has an older caretaker and befriends a cute little creature as they go on adventures on a tiny isolated island

Eh, I the original version before.

Attached: 253453543.jpg (477x268, 19K)

>Fake leaks

Attached: tin.jpg (800x333, 51K)

I never had any faith in the writing of this show. Dana is an artist, not a writer. And like all talented artists who try to write after YEARS of not doing it, it's going to be total shit. Some of her writers include people who run comics called TheStrongFemaleProtagonist. How much fucking hope can you have?

Attached: 543564645.png (938x970, 80K)

>Some of her writers include people who run comics called TheStrongFemaleProtagonist.

How long until we get a Drumph villain?

Attached: 0bf7690d23a48443ce1ce5742a161580f11b2c04[1].png (2816x2412, 642K)

First episode, he is the main antagonist

It's hard to believe shit in these fake leak threads, and even with picture evidence, I still take it with a grain of salt. But it's a pretty big grain. Not a lot of fake leakers who are talented artists would put in the effort to draw something out in a believable, good-looking drawing and write out a bio just for a fake pitch bible leak.

I would've never gotten the impression she likes weird, dark things. None of the production crew's art indicated it and even the trailer she was doing baby shit like wearing pillow armor to hunt something in a dark hallway.

The idea is to make that seem unexpected. They want the audience to feel the same confusion characters in-show are supposed to feel.
She’s written cutesy as well

But when does it air though?

>Dana shits all over cutesy things and "the Wapanese of America"
>Talks about how artists stagnate when being around together
>Says she wants to get a job in the industry to change things
>Proceeds to get a job in the industry, stagnates hard, and creates a cutesy anime-inspired show

Ell oh ell my fucking sides.

Attached: 453645363474.png (1402x1088, 659K)

Genderbent Flapjack

So Melissa then.

Attached: 1549216811028.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

>I show up with my ambition and I'm scoffed at. I want to bring the world of animation back to its feet.
And she did.

All she did was create a little brown girl whose tummy a bunch of sickos fap to.

>They want her personality to be unexpected
>They want the human who likes weird things to be unexpected in a world full of magic and demons

That's dumb if true.

Is she an orphan? Does she just fuck off and who gives a shit about her parents and family or whoever is taking care of her?

Kind of cute actually. As long as she is not a full blown straight white male hating cunt.

>How long until we get a Drumph villain?
>imagine voting Trump unironically

There’s truly no blatant SJW stuff in this show. The only way you can see that is if you automatically consider a Mexican girl protagonist to be sjw, and if you do then you need help

>There’s truly no blatant SJW stuff in this show
The producer of the show is a militant lesbian feminist who UNIRONICALLY idolizes S.C.U.M
i'm fine with a cute Mexican girl. (Although I thought she was Brazilian)

Who's the producer?

I hope she actually does something different and interesting with her show, it would be tragic if she was genuinely passionate only to create a passable and generic product in the end.

Attached: 1485553694418.jpg (123x125, 2K)

female witch dante and brown nero are cute

Ain’t about supporting trump u idiot no one wants to see orange man involved in there favorite shows


She tested practically the entire animation industry, there’s a less amount of people who don’t have this sitting on their hard drives.

those two give me rick and morty vibes for some reason

>Source: Dude trust me

Prepare to be disappointed.

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How come High Guardian Spice of all things is more leak-proof than an actual Disney production? There's been an user who supposedly worked on it, but he didn't share any details.

Attached: 1535581774278.png (1280x720, 805K)

No one gives a shit about HGS. Everyone is excited for Owl House to be the next Gravity Falls, so everyone wants to boast they work on, got tests for, or know info from a friend about it. It's the same reason why info for Amphibia never leaked out.

I work for Disney and they have a gestapo like "secret" squad who unironically monitors sites like reddit Yea Forums and Tumblr for legitimate leaks and has them taken down almost instantly by threatening lawsuits.

>L-L-Luz! W-We gotta go!
Aw geez Eda! I was getting some sleep!
>T-Theres no time for that Luz! My ex-boyfriend broke out of the basement! I-I need your help to stop him!
W-What can I possibly do? I-I'm 14.
>Theres a reason why he's known as Humbert Humbert Luz.

And yet, it took them months to find the guy who posted a BCG still on Reddit and fire him.

So I doubt that.

Yea but everything disney made in the last 20-25 years has been 100% nerd pandering.

They made fucking Hercules into a teen loser that everyone hated.

They mostly look for people who post their badges from work or actually design materials. They are genuinely efficient but even they can't moniter everywhere 24/7

You already betrayed it duh

The main antagonist is a bad orange man

>Threatening with lawsuits

And yet, this is still on someone's portfolio site and has been for months.

Attached: 2534636536.png (904x1268, 403K)


>old people getting accompanied by 14 year old's on wacky adventures which my or may not change the 14 year old's world view in a negative way and/or might traumatize them
and there's one Hispanic

Attached: D85gqgJU8AEa3yi.png (1486x836, 470K)

To be fair Dana’s work is a bit different from her round bean smile contemporaries. She also can actually draw really well unlike a lot of these mediocre artists. Her work was always anime inspired, don’t see that as a bad thing.

That's more in the art-style than anything. Disney Cartoon's simply can't be scary because of how cartoonish they are, even so that sea monster is freaky looking.

I'm hoping Amity is more like Amanda from LWA than Pacifica, less of a bitch to Luz but she'd still act superior.

This is what i'd expect from that.

I don't know, I feel like I can put a ton of those Owl House characters alongside Steven Universe cast and wouldn't notice a difference. It's just ironic she shits on anime so much and then draws cutesy anime characters.

You can tell the ones that aren't based on simple geometric shapes and don't have grotesque noses are from Owl House.

You idiots always get proven wrong when legitimate leaks are shared on Yea Forums first.

>John K
Can't say I'm surprised, everyone was following his blog back in the day. Still the best source online for art lessons.

T. Roastie with cheese

>Still the best source online for art lessons.
I don't think she'd feel that way anymore, though.

Attached: 343r65434.png (524x225, 29K)

If this is legit, then Alex no doubt helped Dana craft every inch of this bible to be exactly what Disney was looking for in accepting a pitch. She really DID get where she is today because of her boyfriend.

Attached: Sara_Goldberg_Stan_promo_art.jpg (1029x1290, 247K)

ok real question
Is the show constantly dropping juicy bits of lore which will be ignored/contradicted in the final seasons

>It understands what it is and does that well.
We thought the same thing about Star until Disney stopped handholding the writers. We almost thought the same thing about AT until it changed showrunners.
Give me something to believe in.

>crappy humor,
Humor was fine excepting Pony Head
>Star being a huge asshole,
She was an idiot in the first seasons. Hell, she was Marco's wingman.
Good luck writing a show about high schoolers with none. Spoiler: it was called Fillmore and it will never return
>lazy worldbuilding
No argument from me here

For every legitimate leak there are a hundred fake leaks
>Disney had to shut down production because people kept trying to ship Eda and Luz

>I like the route they’re going with anne and how she was the abused insecure girl who is transforming into an abuser towards Sprig. She’s definitely going to cause him to fall into some serious trouble eventually and reflect
This sounds too intelligent to actually happen.

>flavor text
Editor's Translation: one third of this will make its way to the actual product and the rest will never manifest/be contradicted later on

Assuming it's similar to
The main difference in that one is that Grunkle Stan didn't happen upon GF he went there to find his brother. That said nothing about that seems like something worth cutting given the type of story we know we are getting.
Although I assume socially awkward in the human world Luz will be great at making friends in the demon world. If they make her bad at making friends in the demon world as well I'd consider myself happy.

But this is one of the few leaks where an user actually provided believable pitch bible art. I don't know how elaborate of a leak they would be doing to draw that out.

The art came well after the actual leak so it's not that surprising.

>18 year old has no idea how industry works
>learns how industry works
what the fuck is your problem
>lOoK aT mY rEcEiPtS
fuck off

>Bitches that everyone draws the same
>Proceeds to draw the same as everyone

Yeah, the industry sucked the life out of her ambition. She's now just a walking Disney artist clone.

She got leg.

She got gams


Saved the third for when she gets kicked out

>imagine voting for hillary unironically

Attached: intersectional_feminist.jpg (905x556, 83K)

Fake 'n' gay

The second episode of Amphibia starts with her telling sprig “you get friends what they want” to convince him to sneak out of the house. Then it has a whole “you get friends why they want, because otherwise they may leave” speech from her, where she’s slightly breaking down, but also trying to force Sprig into swimming with a no swimming sign, which nearly gets them killed.
Anne is unusually complex and I really like what I’ve seen from her. You can tell Sprig is the first genuine friend she’s had, but she has no idea what genuine friendship is, so she’s actually abusing him


>Cotugno House

Attached: iStock_000002723742Large1.jpg (3008x1996, 678K)

That shit literally happened in the second epsiode user

>Director (not head director)
>Little influence on the progression of the story
>Isn't even a writer

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Hey Leaker-kun. If you are legit, what can you tell me about this cuddle monster.

Attached: Screenshot_20190611-120046.jpg (2340x1080, 727K)

That leaker left ages ago

>mfw I now have to wait 6+ months to learn about best boy

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>nononono she's not director supreme president! she has no influence, it's pure coincidence!
haha o wow. the asslickers are real.

But she doesn't. She doesn't have final word on the direction of the show. I'm only saying that because if the show ends up sucking, it was a collective effort of the entire crew, not a singular person.

Not having final word does not meaning having no word, you know.

Attached: 1556514978539.png (599x657, 178K)

You think you're safe now. So did we. Just wait till Cotugno digs up some dirt on Dana Terrace and uses it as leverage. You'll learn the hard way.

Attached: IMG_20190616_204150.jpg (1255x577, 112K)

I miss it when Dana and Sabrina threads were about lewds instead of gay rumors.

I'm not saying she doesn't have any say, I'm saying she has less say than the main crew members who were assigned to construct the story.

Basically the ponyhead of this show.

Never? We knew from the beginning this should would be about the irrational hatred of "cumskin breeders"

>She doesn't have final word
no amount of rank can change the power of being the loudest asshole in the team. Get a fucking job, parasite.

Please tell me you're lying

Attached: 1390195391303.png (353x777, 532K)

>they didn't do shit and John K escaped his little pedo groomer incident unscathed

I mean, he was pretty much ostracized from the industry anyway so there was no much they can do, but it does activate the almonds when you compare how much more they crucified Savino on basically no evidence comparably, totally not because his show was in direct competition to their own ratings.

I think you replied the wrong person because I'm very confused

I work for Disney but on another show. I have a good friend on the production staff of owl house and those were her exact words. "The ponyhead of owlhouse". Hard to prove it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up.

Wrong thread actually.

Attached: 1555552739396.gif (640x329, 1.83M)

cunny house

Acting like a real otaku is the MOST unappealing trait a character can have. Real otaku are not likable people.

Fake sexy otaku cliche is definitely the way to go.

Damn, this sounds like the most generic OC of all time.

>baby shit
Sounds like someone is eager to get mauled by a hallway monster because they didn't bring their pillow armor.

Fair point, I definitely like sexy otaku girls, real otaku girls are the worst people on the planet

Taxidermy is fairly unique for a protagonist. I kinda dig the cute macabre thing

If you fucking cunts bring your femenist garbage in these threads. You're going to make show discussions abid to contracting rabies.

It took ages for Amphibia to get any footage but Owl House got a trailer one year before it's release. How fucking fast is this show being made?

Is this reference to that annoying Unicorn head from StarVs?

Never forget they could be playing the easiest trick in the book

Attached: 95.jpg (727x421, 182K)

>Proper Discussion
>The Owl House threads
Pick one

But for a GF fake leak, it drove people nuts over speculating false details for a mystery.

Revealing a fake leak that doesn't make people go nuts doesn't seem like a very good prank.

Owl House and Amphibia were announced at the same time, now Amphibia has two episodes out while Owl House only got a trailer a few weeks ago.

They were announced at the same time, but Matt said Amphibia was in production way earlier before the announcement. I think Dana said around the time of the announcement they didn't even have animation footage yet, suggesting different start times.

OP of the leak stuff here

This is not a hoax. No one important has noticed the thread yet, and I shared nothing incredibly damning. The gravity falls hoax was a false answer to the show’s big mystery intended to drive publicity for the show.
The purpose of my leak is to feed people some of the info that has been asked about but not given answers to

complete ripoff of a design.

Attached: 4DE9711A-8607-42F7-A24B-0E7FD5768CAF.png (475x475, 153K)

In this case it's not a prank or to fuel rumors
It's publicity in the sense of trying to convince Yea Forums it's good when Yea Forums is mostly against what has been shown of this show so far

I remember in /gfg/ when this happened most people just thought the screencap was edited or fake. It was not long after the "Amon = Aang" bullshot that used a similar method of "take photo of a screen with weird numbers and letters on it".

Bros, its going to be on the same level as that high guardian spice show and reboot She-ra.

Don't get your hopes up.

Yea Forums seems less apprehensive about the show than about the people behind the show.

If we knew nothing about who was making the show Yea Forums would have non-stop threads about every little picture or sentence that pops up about this.

This is gonna have so much porn.

Attached: Luz 1.png (946x1106, 231K)

It depresses me how many similarities The Owl House has to both those shows. She-Ra is hated mostly because of the show runner and High Guardian Spice is hated because of one of the writers (it's also startling that both High Guardian Spice and The Owl House haven't even come out yet)

aww, she's a chuunibyou. She's my daughter now.

She-ra originally got hated because of the art and thinking they were ruining a "vintage" property
It came out and Yea Forums thought it was just mediocre. Its hatedom really came from the mass-spammed threads calling everyone incels if they didn't want to watch a little girl's series

Really? I remember the threads just saying it was meh. There were people who complained, but it wasn't as massive as it was eventually going to be. The threads right now are just shitposting, but back then, they were a fucking mess.

She-ra reboot is pretty fucking horrible.

Compared to the original it's not difficult to be better than toy-bait.

Oh god no. The threads were filled with tumblr trannies pushing that garbage. MODs, and Jannies being the faggots they are just allowed the threads to populate like AIDS.

Why Is she so special? Because she married the gravity falls guy?

The original was better because it had heart, and actually aged very well with the low key adult humor. Zoomies today wouldn't understand subtlety if it hit them in the back of the head. The only reboot that was actually worth its salt in the last 10 years was the Thundercats Reboot, and that did not even have a toy line to support it before being canceled.

I wonder what's the age span is for fans of the reboot. From the threads, it's kind of assumed that they haven't watched the show. I didn't even know what She-Ra was until I saw the threads on Yea Forums

She's literally female Alex Hirsch.

Attached: 6574723612.png (639x765, 814K)

Essentially that's why everyone hates her, the idea is that what she touches turns to shit, and while that may be true given the other shows not filled with GF alumni they'd probably be shit from the get-go.

The only heart the original had from the guy selling you toys.

Most unbiased opinions (as in not having a say politically) thought it was nothing to hate or love or even think about. And that really does remain the opinion of the show itself
However the mass spamming by autists supporting it really got the show hated

>The only heart the original had from the guy selling you toys.
Not an argument.

Godfucking damnit everytime I see a thread of this show there's some new drama ongoing. What the hell is going on inside the production team?

Attached: concerned hilda.gif (360x360, 25K)

People seem to forget anons hated Dana Terrace as far back as the Webby hating dolls thing on Ducktales back before it premiered.

Dana Terrace seems to have a problem with femininity. No wonder she is a dyke.

But... She's been in a relationship with Alex for like, three years?

>Us weirdos have to stick together
>This show is trying to hard to nerd pander
I thought that about Doom Patrol show from all the taglines and promo videos, but I'm glad I gave it a chance anyway.

Her beard then.

It's a shame. I do like the show, but I know it's not for everyone. I hope The Owl House doesn't suffer the same fate as She-Ra.

yeah and my dad works at Nintendo

>All the original princess looked the same
so they only had to have 1 toy mold to keep prices down
>The princesses are teens
because it's a kids show.
>It had heart
Is the most nothing statement you can say about something.

>>All the original princess looked the same
Incorrect as it was mainly due to low budget animation.
>>The princesses are teens
>because it's a kids show.
No shit, what is your point?
>Is the most nothing statement you can say about something.
If you haven't watched the original show, nor behind the scenes snippets. You really have no stance to the contrary. Unlike what we got from all the tumblr/tweet posts, and shills in the threads pushing that garbage reboot with the simple motivation to push cringe girl power/lbgt media.

The princesses in the original looked like they could be someone's mother and were in their 30's.

Don't get me wrong i could care less about the new one, but to claim it's worse than the original is just blind nostalgia, the new one is watchable, the old one is just shit.

>The princesses in the original looked like they could be someone's mother and were in their 30's.
So did the Sailor Scouts. Still what point are you trying to make in contrast to character design making? The reboot is ugly and flat out unappealing. Nostalgia has nothing to do with not wanting to consume garbage cash-in media.

I'd fuck any of the girls but the purple blob and the loli ice princess. compared to the old one where they all look like they've given up on life and just decided to subsist on cigarettes and meth.

I bet you would zoomie.

Oh God not again! Can we keep this thread focused on The Owl House please?!

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There isn't anything to discuss besides """"leaked"""" drama.

None of this is even drama, it’s just a pitch bible leak and some leaked script lines

I don't give a single shit about this show, I'm just consistently impressed that Yea Forums of all boards is the one I've seen with the highest number of industry insiders posting here. Especially given how many within the industry seem to view Yea Forums as the bane to all that they hold dear.

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Both comics and cartoons are relatively under regulated industries. They don’t get the same press video games, movies, and music do, and the creators rarely achieve major celebrity status. So there’s less of a reason to avoid interacting with communities like Yea Forums.
On top of that, so much of the entertainment industry is trying to adapt to internet culture, so having so many industry people using Yea Forums regularly is a way to stay fresh when every production takes months to complete

>ywn bè paid by Disney for lurking on Yea Forums(nel)

So do we have confirmation on the alleged /ll/ undertones? Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Sabcunt turns out to be a MAP

Eda only fucks hot monsters with huge cocks

None. There is zero confirmation that /ll/ was ever going to be a thing.

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I remember being on Yea Forums during the airing of LWA and one of Trigger's production crew members would once a week for hype the day before a new episode would do candid Q&As during lunch.

This There’s even an entire episode where she has trouble dumping a monster and Luz needs to encourage her.

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I like the reboot She-Ra and looking forward to HGS. Sadly OH doesn't seem to have /ll/ or any yuri whatsoever, but that's to be expected from Disney.

So each monster is an allegory for a man Dana used to date? I wonder what a Hirsch monster would look like.

>I wonder what a Hirsch monster would look like.

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What the fuck.

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Can you post a screenshot of your favorite joke so far

I think ya mean Sab, she seems to be the one with a lot more baggage to shove into her own show

Hey, what is Luz's family name? R...?

It was mentioned earlier, but the dog one. I haven’t seen what it looks like or heard the voices, but the implied agonizing pain makes me laugh the most

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I thought she's Filipina

Is Jennifer Jiles voiced to Eda?

Not talking about the cast

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Will there be songs in TOH?

None that I’m aware of. If there are, they’ll be more of a rare occurrence with relevance to the plot of the episode

Namedrop ONE voice actor.

Here's the real question

What kind of dick will King have in the porn?

I see nothing bad here. Let's all try to keep in mind the age demographic for this show: 70 year old white male executives that have never seen a cartoon in their lives.

Because High Guardian Spice doesn't have anything to leak. It's in the same boat as Thundercats Roar. There was such an outcry against it that they'll never release it.

It's magic version of Pokemon.

It’s old.

What a cunt

>The only heart the original had from the guy selling you toys.
the guys making the show aren't the guys selling the toys, it was old school corporate contract, the artists were given commands for "X products" but not what should be said in them.

People post their work badges all the time on IG to announce their hiring

Pitch bibles don’t necessarily mean the leaker has seen the final show. A lot of people keep pitch bibles in their online portfolios behind password protection, there are ways to get ahold of them

>omg I have to obey my contracts, fucking GESTAPO NAZI RAPISTS
well at least it's believabhle that you work as a drawslave for the mouse, commie.

You know Reductress is a parody site correct?

Pls user she is bi for attention just like Cuntugno

Are these real?

Dana doesn't have an online portfolio.

Bibles do get passed around a lot, especially when the show is picked up

At the end, they'll destroy the magic for save some shit.

Why would someone else put it on their online portfolio?

But either way, that would only mean the leak is real and user does have friends working on it who shared it with him.

How is this thread still alive??
Why is it so hard to believe? It’s not like I’m just blindly sharing things I don’t have stuff I can share on.
As for how pitches can be circulated, you’d be surprised who has google docs links to stuff that probably should be left more secure. Trust is really big in this industry

Most geniunely passionate people only create passable and generic products because oyu have to be geniunely passionate to get into the industry in the first place. Something different is only produced when bunch of talented, passionate people get the right brain farts at the same time, by random luck. And it is kind of a curse too, those guys spend rest of their lifes trying to make the magic happen again and wondering why they can’t.

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This. Things that are interesting are made in spite of the industry. But Dana got her show picked up on the first pitch only a couple of years at being at Disney, indicating this is not something new or fresh. It's going to be exactly what Disney is looking for. I expect the same level as quality as nuDucktales (meaning forgettable and kind of bland).

People will obsess over it because of its anime-esque art style that lures in fanartists and waifufags but it won't make any mark in animation history after it's over.

Bets on Luz/Amity becoming the popular ship?

Porn gold

It was basically guaranteed the moment Amity was revealed on that charity stream. Whatever fanbase forms around TOH, parts of it are gonna go fucking hog wild on Luz/Amity. I'll bet there'll even be a bunch of whining once that ship doesn't happen and they turn out to be classical rivals.

>classical rivals
That’ll just make it blow up in popularity even more. They know what they’re doing.

So brave

Can't wait

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>fucks monsters
>Rick and Morty vibes intensifies