Hahaha EYEphone get it??

hahaha EYEphone get it??

Attached: eyephone.jpg (700x396, 121K)

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No. That doesn't look like a phone.


No? Phones are for your ears not your eyes?

Isn't this the same episode where Bender references Obamacare?

Attached: google glass.png (1600x840, 1.14M)

Fuck off Ding Dong

There was really no reason to pick on Susan Boyle

I guess you could say it's a... VISUAL PUN!

Attached: CARLOS.jpg (850x564, 55K)

no, but dear lord

phones are a tool not a shape
the joke is 'boyle' sounds like 'boil'


Attached: boil.png (732x533, 112K)

The revived seasons weren't good.

no shit

You say that, but people act like they were fine, and the series should get revived a second time.

Yeah, I came totally out of left field and was such a dick move.

I don't know if it was age but Lauren Tom really sounded rough.

*the late philip j fry blocks your path*
*murder on the planet express blocks your path*
*the prisoner of benda blocks your path*

why does this joke make me feel bad

Fry Bender and Leela were the stars of the original show.

After that it seemed like everybody was in every episode and it just got bogged down.

I hate shit like this. It's not in the least bit funny and now there will forever be this little memory in the back of your head that Leela has a singing boil on her ass.

It's like if you learned Fry was born with 6 testicles. Even if they never mentioned it again it'd still be canon forever now.

Attached: 30 dicks.png (714x585, 237K)

Shit outside of the Late Phillip J Fry

Attached: 1551473627580.png (443x594, 143K)

EYE live on an EYEland in EYEowa. Or wEYEoming.

You take canon in Futurama a bit too seriously. Some things are just obviously intended as a one-off.

They explained it away by saying the boil only shows up every now and then before Leela takes care of it.

I don't take the canon that seriously but it's still pretty lame. Like I don't give a fuck about Fat Tony from the Simpsons but it was still stupid to hear the character was basically killed off and replaced with an identical Fat Tony. It's just fucking with the established world for no reason.

But I'm sure the Simpsons has done tons of that kind of crap in all the hundreds of episodes I haven't seen.

Late Phillip J Fry is the most overrated of the three he posted.

Blame that on the fact that all of the recurring cast from the original run got promoted to main cast.

I've always held the opinion that Season 6 was very hit or miss. And Season 7 was a little more consistently okay-decent, with most of the gems being at the end of the season. I definitely agree that its overall weaker than the original run, but disagree with the common opinion that it was on the same level as modern simpsons or whatever.
My biggest complaint is probably the fact that they referenced then current real-world things way too often. Even the good episodes weren't immune to this. It just breaks away from the fact that the show is supposed to be set a thousand years in the future.

Being overrated doesn't stop it from being superior.

Its story is basically just typical feelings bait.

I was really uncertain about the new seasons as they were airing, the first episode I saw being the one that ended with that awful flashback of Hermes not deactivating a defective bender when he was constructed. The next episode I saw started with Zap making a joke where the punchline was "CSI: Miami". How much fucking effort does it take to call it "CSI: Phobos" or "CSI: Flatland", or fucking anything? I dropped it then and there.