What was the first Disney movie you saw in theatres?
What was the first Disney movie you saw in theatres?
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Peter Pan 2
I no memories from childhood but I can recall unless I dreamed it or just remember it differently, I very vaguely remember seeing the intro of Aladdin in the theaters, but I also recall the same for Lion King.
The Only Disney movie I can with all honesty say I remember seeing in the theater was A bugs life. The 90's are a blur for me, All I can remember are small tidbits, like Bill Clinton talking on nickelodeon before or after they aired SP 129.
Robin Hood.
and now I remember that cat was female and that picture suddenly got extremely hot.
I don't remember. I know I saw Beauty and the Beast, I would have been 7, but I might have been brought to earlier ones.
hercules, maybe
I've never watched any Disney movie at theaters, I live in the middle of fuck you.
but once I visited a friend in the city and we watched puss in boots because everything else was full
Why did Tarzan choose Jane over the leopard?
He's got a foot-fetish.
Leopards can't be trusted.
The Jungle Book 2.
I remember running up with my siblings to touch the screen during the credits.
is she gonna rape Tarzan
UP. I remember I was astounded by the cinema I went to. The smell, the size, everything. We decided to movie hop and check out Toy Story 3 and then left. Good times.
Beauty and the Beast, I think. I'm like 95% sure I was invited to go see that along with my cousin, but it's fuzzy. I was 6.
Maybe Treasure Planet.
I thought it was a boy?
Same and I don't remember it, I know I was with grandma
Furfags fuck off.
Our local cinema had a showing of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, I was 3 or 4 at the time I think?
Hunchback of NotreDame, and last one was Tarzan, until Toy Story 3, and then nada.
MMmm tiger titties
my aunt told me she took me to see it when I was 4 or 5, all I remember was the fight with the hydra
Beauty and the Beast, and damn I glad I was forced cause at the time I though it was to girly movie, but that fucking level of musical influence.
Lion King
Probably Mulan.
The earliest animated movie I remember seeing is Land Before Time. My god, was I upset.
Maybe I remember Oliver and Company. I definitely remember The Little Mermaid. I also remember Honey I Shrunk the Kids, if that counts.
Little Mermaid if I remember correctly.
Atlantis. That scene in the Heart of Atlantis was amazing on the big screen.
1975, aged 6 1/2, Dad took me to see Snow White & The Seven Dwarves at the Odeon Theatre in Victoria, BC.
>a literal oldfag
I bow to you.
>It just helps
Goddamn, I salute you
Pinnocchio during its early 80s rerelease. Whale made me cry.
The 50th Anniversary re-release of Snow White.
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I'm pretty sure I first saw Tangled in a theater. Before that it was mostly Pixar movies, with an occasional live-action and one Aardman.
Do you really? I mean, they say that. But they have no way of knowing. You can post here at any age. What are they going to do? Find your indeed profile and retroactively link you to the posts you made years ago?
Cars, which was also the 1st Film I saw at a Cinema in general. If we're talking main Studio only, Meet the Robinsons.
Titty kitties
Are we talking the first one you can remember going to or the Disney movie you went to on your birth year because your parents are huge Disney fans?
The Lion King
My grandma took me
I honestly don't remember. It might have been Oliver and Company.
Reminder: Do not trust homeless people.
The only non-Pixar Disney film I've ever watched in theatres was Winnie the Pooh(2011), for shits and giggles
Lion King, also my first movie in a theater period
Oliver & Company. "Why should I worry?" gives me that little kid feeling. Saw it when I was 4.
Up. We rarely went to the theater as a kid and juat waited for movies to be released on vhs. I went to see it on my own as an adult.
The book mentions several times that this leopard, Sabor, is female.
Also, Kerchak was male originally.
that's Pixar before the acquisition
i remember seeing this travesty in cinemas, but was it my first? not sure
The Lion King was not only the first Disney film I saw in theatres, it was the first film I saw in a theatre period. I don't remember much of the actual experience though.
I saw it with my mom and grandmother and it's a fond memory they share even though I don't remember it that well. My grandma is the last grandparent I have alive and she's been slowing down the last two years or so. I make sure to call her once a week because hearing my voice genuinely brightens her day. I started a job out of state and told her the next time I visit we will see the new Lion King together. Overjoyed doesn't adequately describe her reaction over the phone.
Trying to jog my memory for this question made me realize just how quickly Pixar took a turn for the worse around roughly 2010.
But I want to say the Incredibles.
I want to say Little Mermaid but Im not 100 percent
First one I ever saw in theaters was Lady & The Tramp when it first came out.
Disney-Pixar? A Bug's Life.
Just Disney? Either Dinosaur or Emperor's New Groove.
I’m pretty sure it was Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Lasseter stopped caring about his mother company around that time.
oof. Watched this recently hoping it was underrated kino. It's not that good... Treasure Planet on the other hand..
I think toy story 3? Went to see lots of movies growing up, just never disney. My aunt worked at a drive in theater and took me along for some reason
Fuck you
Song of the South in 1986.
I always avoided that one because I hate seeing black people in movies. No offense to any primates lurking in the thread.
This was technically my first Disney film in theatres too, if one doesn't count Who Framed Roger Rabbit as a proper Disney film.
Shame that it's been kept out of circulation. The Briar Rabbit bits are actually really entertaining.
Only Disney doesn't count Who Framed Roger Rabbit as a proper Disney film due to bad blood between them and Spielberg. The idea that the Disney Renaissance began with The Little Mermaid is revised history.
Atlantis was way better than Treasure Planet.
I feel like Great Mouse Detective was the start of Disney movies getting good again. That one was so good, but for some reason I don't remember it getting much in the way of publicity.
The first one I vividly remember was Lion King. But I'm told I might have watched the Jungle Book before that.
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The Renaissance period doesn't actually refer to the movies getting good again, it more refers to the renewed public interest in animation and character among adults. This is why you started seeing cartoons imported from Japan marketed at adults. And why they started making cartoons for adults on television (Simpsons, Beavis & Butthead). People started buying merchandise of classic characters like crazy like the Looney Tunes and Betty Boop (which led to the creation of the WB Studio Store), and when cable channels began popping up that played nothing but animation (like the Cartoon Network, which for its first couple of years was aimed at adults as well as kids). And of course, the "Disney" part of that renaissance refers to Disney producing tons of new animation projects leading to thousands of new jobs all over the industry. During this period, Disney had to open up several new animation studios just to keep up with animation production.
The Black Cauldron. I was a little kid and when the skeleton warriors showed up I was scared and my dad got pissed at me.
Robin Hood was my first one , back in 1975 . ;0
Finding Nemo
Toy story 1.
The first one I can remember is the original Fantasia, but there might have been others before.
Said no one.
Great Mouse Detective. Still the best 80's Disney movie.
Extremely underrated post
My niggas.
it was a school trip
please continue amnesia-user
You have a problem with Leopards user?
Kerchak's always been male. What alt versions of Tarzan have him as a chick? (wait, lemme guess: some other country's stupid dub?)
Probably Aladdin. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was the first movie I saw in theaters at all.
Finding Nemo maybe? I’ve got two similarly aged siblings so we didn’t go out to the theaters a lot. I remember DVDs more
The Black Cauldron
What year? It came back to theaters like 2 more times. I saw it with my mom when it first came out, then again in like 1990 or 91 solo.
MY MAN!! :thumbs up:
she's looking a little chubby here
I'm not entirely sure but I think it may have been Atlantis. I don't remember much from the movie besides the journey down and the swimming scene but I remember the theatre overbooked so me and my sister had to sit in the aisle for the whole movie.
jesus christ you fucking boomer why not just give us your social security number while you're at it?
Aladdin. I remember being amused y the details rather than the story irselfl like being scared shitless of the tiger cave. Also the castle relocating scene and Aladdin almost being crushed by the tower left me in absolute awe. Great first cinema experience overall.
Avengers Endgame
Toy Story 4
where can i read all of this?
asking for a friend
Lilo & Stitch.
Mobilism.net. Search Man-Kzin Wars. Newsflash: that's just a cover, no sexy cyborg kzinret ever appear. MASSIVE dick-tease.
Are there really places with 0 black people? I know a guy from Chicago who acted like that gigantic city had no black people
The majority of people are black in Miami
It is like being born around red and blue cars, and then moving somewhere with only red cars and they talk about how fucking disgusting blue cars are
Fucking what?
I hate cars in general
Chicago is pretty damn big, especially if we're being dishonest and including the outlying metro areas. I'd believe someone could live the normie life of home, work, store, home without encountering many blacks.
my first Disney movie is lion king
Dinosaur. I went with my grandma, we had a lot of fun, she kept clinging to me because realistic dinosaurs scared her.
You just posted it, OP, though I was a baby
I'm 24, I watched most of the Renaissance films on vhs. I definitely remember seeing Atlantis in theaters and I was 6 at the time. My memory is pretty fuzzy before that. Not sure if I saw Toy Story 2 in theaters or on vhs.
Tarzan as well, after which Atlantis. Might have watched Lilo & Stitch in theaters but it could also have been VHS or DVD.
>toy story 3 came out 9 years ago
im 22 user i'd of been like 13 when it came out.
Born in 87. I know for fact I saw Aladdin in theaters, but I don't remember the experience at all. I did see the Lion King, and it's the earliest Disney theater experience I can recall.
The Nightmare Before Christmas. I'm so glad that I never identified with the film as a favorite and got sucked into all the Hot Topic merchandising later in life.
One that I begged my parents to take me to and love to this day is still Mighty Ducks 2.
My problem is that the big cat in Tarzan is supposed to be a jaguar. Note the blotchy-like spots it has and not the typical flower print spots that the Leopard has.
im here for too long
Jaguars are only in America you dumbass, Tarzan is set in Africa, where do you think Gorillas are from?
Probably Lion King.
First one I remember seeing is Hercules.
+1 for Oliver & Co.
Wikipedia tells me it hit the cinema December 89 in my country so I was 8.
That is a bad thing because........?
Lion King
Earliest memories point to Toy Story 2
Hercules, born '92
Man that image is old as fuck
And yet still as true as the day it was made. Dogfuckers get the rope.
updated version
Pretty sure it was The Lion King.
Well, personally I don't like it.
Me playing MHW interrupting a turf war.
1. You have your generation nomenclatures incorrect (which is quite rampant on 4ch)
2. We don't have social security numbers.
What was the 1st Disney movie you ever saw?
Ice age
Dead Man's Chest.
I guess Ant's Life, at least that's one of my earliest memories. I strongly remember Lilo and Stitch though because I really liked that movie.
20,000 leagues under the sea, at a drive-in.
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End.
I went to see Dead Man's Chest in the theater.
The night ended with me fucking the girl I took.
She was poor and lived in a trailer and her hair smelled like smoke.
The Lion King; in my little town's two room theater.
I got to see Peter Pan when it first came out. I also got to meet Walt Disney because my father was a tour guide where the old animation studio use to be_ I remember it being werd because the place was like a small town and the street signs gave you directions to where certain places were located. Not sure if it still exists today.
I'm told it was Beauty and the Beast, but Aladdin's the first one I can remember.
I think it was Oliver and Company. My memory is fuzzy.
Bambi during a re-release in the 80s. There was a malfunction shortly after Bambi's mom dies and after sitting in the theater for awhile, my babysitter got refunded the admission.
My first full Disney movie in theaters was The Little Mermaid.
Recent Beauty and the Beast movie. I'm not American originally.
Your dad took you to see Snow White? I guess dads back then weren't paranoid about their kids becoming gay.
Fantasia when I was a kid. Blew my mind.