Last thread, let's go.
Part 1: Part 2:
just looked at the page count, and this is not, in fact, going to be the last thread.
>every freckle
>that fuckin' face
>a guy whose met Pete once knows somethings off yet people he’s fought along side for years never find out
>aunt may and Mary Jane never realized it
Thanks slott
He's back, baby. And so will we be, in the next thread coming soon.
It's just so underwhelming.
It didn’t need to be 30 issues
was hype as shit
I've never seen anyone defend the way that Peter gets his body back.
There's nothing particularly amazing or egregious about it. The last panel is the one to get excited about, and it builds up to that well enough.
Not really, but if you're liked this shit for over five years I guess that I'm not going to be the one to change your mind.
>implying I'm some greasy retard who reads ongoing comics by the issue
I read all of this after the fact, get your shit together.
That explains the shit taste.
You didn't have to wait for two fucking years for this.
Yeah thank god for that fattie, if I did I'd probably forget how to have fun
Thanks for the storytime.
I am genuinely curious though, and figure I'd ask here;
When Ock becomes Superior Octopus, does he gradually start growing into a hero or is it a 'kinda both' situation? I'm a bit of a sucker for anti-hero or redemption garbage.
He becomes a hero that acts like a villain, it's done better in his current ongoing.
What the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums then?
Superior Spider-Man is the best Spider-Man
Ah, I remember Superior Venom, it's when everyone pretty much agreed Slott is fucking done and some of even most retarded defenders turned on this bullshit of sensational story telling.