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literally every female character that's owned by disney is a princess at this point

Reminder, Lisa went through a whole season this year with ZERO comeuppances.

She might as well be a princess, she's got the plot armor for it.

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That would actually be funny, seeing how Lisa is meant to represent feminism and hates princesses. Meaning Disney and the Simpson writers would literally sabotage whatever wasthe original idea for Lisa

Is Yeardley developing early onset Alzheimer's or something?

Why isn't Lisa ever shown as a hairy outcast that smells bad in the future that everyone just walks away from the moment she starts a conversation??

>would literally sabotage whatever wasthe original idea for Lisa

Actually, no. Before becoming super ultra moral girl the original idea for Lisa was, while extremely smart and precocious for her age, she was still an 8 year old girl, with all the desires and feelings that go with it. So while the rational and intellectual part of her would like to reject the notions things like monarchies, it would be overpowered by the excitable child part of her brain screaming "I GET TO BE A DISNEY PRINCES!"


When the Simpsons comes to an end in 3056 nobody will be able to post anything about it other than "sneed and "feed" and it's going to be entirely fucking justified.

Why are you watching shitty shows? You can watch anything, why season 30 of The Simpsons?

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Because I like watching it with Yea Forums on Sundays and shitting on it.

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She'll be the first Disney princess voiced by a 110 year old woman.

>2 Months Ago

When are we getting the first Disney princess with a princess-tier feminine penis?

What is the point of being a Disney Princess and why is it that everytime Disney buys a studio, everyone wants the female characters to be Disney Princesses?

But what about Bart? why can't he be a princess?

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Simpson writers must have one leg in the grave by now.


Sure, go for it
All praise the lizard queen!

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I mean
Meg is more of a princess given the whole Petoria fiasco

As long as she wears a towel only.

Those threads aren't even fun. Unlike Toonami general.

Toonami General got boring to me after Kill La Kill finished airing and Eureka 7 finished airing. And I just completely stopped going to it after the last season of Samurai jacked aired.

Fucking Eureka 7 was a trip with all the memes surrounding it and the Coach McGurk posting.

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>2 months ago

Toonami general isn't fun.

Those people actually watch the show?! I thought that was all one man's outraged tirade.

Yeardley smith did an ama on reddit not long ago and seemed conpletely unaware that the show had dropped in quality whatsoever.

Why is this always on Reddit? People who work on cartoons never do that for us.

Mods banned the guy who played The Tick when he posted.

I want to see the Simpsons dead and done already but we can't always get what we want.

It wasn't The Tick, it was Miss Lint's henchman

>thinking it would be in the faintest way a good idea for Yeardley to do an AMA on Yea Forums
>thinking we wouldn't just spam the thread with Lisa R34 pics

Based Reddit

They don’t care if the quality falls, only if the paycheck falls

/tg/ is still alright.

JoJo 4 ended last week and HxH last night, so besides The Promised Neverland I don't care about any of the lineup.

>yearly smith

WHO ????

Because we'd ask her if she lesbian ships Lisa with Jessica Lovejoy.

It's almost like Yea Forums is well know to be full of racist assholes that are unpleasant as fuck for people in the real world to deal with

And reddit isn't?

Reddit doesnt inspire terrorist attack ( granted, you can end this sentence by "so far")

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She wants to join an elite club of cartoon women who start misguided moral crusades with reckless abandon, learn nothing, are vindicated in the end, and ultimately face no consequences for their actions?

Yeah she'll fit right in.

I mean doesn't a lot of people want to see those bought into Disney acquisition be apart of disney princess? Like Leia and Anastasia?

How different is that from this?

I mean, we drove Alex Hirsch to the bottle because he couldn't handle the filth and perversion of his show's fanbase. :^)


I miss the Good Lisa

Maxwell Atoms was on here but didn’t know how to use trips, so the thread had 2 fake Atoms and when the thread fell apart, the real Atoms proved his existence by drawing a picture of Billy & Mandy

Lauren Faust was on the Voldemort board in 2013

I assume after 28+ years of doing the same gig, you either get numb or just do the recordings and not watch the show

HxH ends next week.

That was infinitychan


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since 2006 this guy "interviews" every new Disney princess after every studio acquisition

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So is every female character owned by disney (that isn't a disney villain) a disney princess?

You mean that everyone drives away from in their future-killing cars??


What's a future-killing car?

And that went about as well as a fart at a funeral.

>Why is this always on Reddit? People who work on cartoons never do that for us.
you dont have any self-awareness do you

All cars. Paving the soil that life is supposed to grow from

Also humans are evolving into sacks of shit like wall-E because they don't walk everywhere

Yes society is already constructed around driving, and that is a major problem

Plus, the failing agriculture method that entails

The fuck are you on about? Are you a bicyclist?

>the year is 2025
>you manage to survive another recession and probably whatever happened when Trump contested the 2020 election results
>you manage to meet a girl
>you both manage to get an apartment in a city with some infrastructure left
>you're doing well enough that you might even have a child
>news comes on
>Disney has bought your city, including your employer and your apartment building
>your wife has been declared a Disney princess
>all photos of her have been removed from social media with the DMCA
>she reports to Orlando for her "interview" (see )
>never comes back
>they send you a DVD every six months
>you don't get them because you've defected to WB
>you're ready to fight back with dynamite
>but it's a moot point
>conservatives hatch a plot to get the entertainment industry back from the liberals
>in 2028, Congress repeals the copyright acts of 1978 and 1998
>every media company loses the rights to their back catalog from before 1972 overnight
>stocks plummet
>Koch Brothers buy all the studios
>Michael Bay is the new CEO of Disney
>they grant custody of your wife back to you on condition that she adhere to the new dress code
>she's already given birth to 20 of Oswald's kids who are being raised by Southern Baptist aristocrats
>at least Mickey and Minnie are free now
>more free than you will ever be

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>Remember kids, monarchies and other forms of non-Democratic political systems are evil and oppressive. All men are created equal.
>But it isn't it cool and impressive how X character is royalty, all because he/she is the descendant of an oppressive, unelected ruler whose sole justification for governance and political legitimacy is through divine right?

I will never understand how anyone, especially Americans, can reconcile these two above points. You either think monarch are cool, despite their tumultuous rule of their people, or you side with reason and logic, and know with complete certainty that monarchs are antiquated symbols of history that no longer serve a purpose.

We live in the modern age. Stop idolizing the past, you commoners.

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the log horizon writer went to Yea Forums a couple of times
Yea Forums is just dead and kinda shit

America is all about hypocrisy, remember they created a document asserting the common rights of man emphasising how everyone is created equal but still counted Blacks and Indians as sub-human and wouldn't let women vote

Ironically infinitychan has had more AMAs from major players than Yea Forums.
Including multiple artists, THQ Nordic, and one of the lead animators on MEA.
It's mainly been on the vidya side though.

Wouldn't Lisa be against the whole concept for a few reasons?

>Stereotype of weak woman that needs rescuing
>Monarchist outdated form of government that gives power to those by right of birth
>Unfair advantage given to a family based on who they are and not by accomplishment

seems a little less progressive of her

Yea season 1-8 or so Lisa was still a kid and had kid thoughts and feelings while occasionally being the moral one.

Post 2000 Lisa is basically a frustrated adult

Make that 2 mass shootings, and around 5 streamed suicides, and one freak going ghost in his workplace

“All men are created equal” only meant wealthy white landowners at the time. I’m sorry you’re far too stupid to understand historical context user.

She'd openly object to it, but give into the cliches, before becoming corrupt with power, and then giving it up so that things could return to status quo in 22 minutes.

It's pretty clear, "All straight white protestant land owning men are created equal"

How can someone not understand that?

Doesn’t she mean Queen hmmm? Or President hmmmmm?

Just remind yourself that Lisa DOES get her comeuppence.... eventually.

She grows up to become a horribly depressed bisexual roastie who her one true love Nelson won't marry and has to end up go crawling to beta boy Milhouse to basically be her husband because no one else will touch her after she goes homo. And her only child hates Lisa with the passion of a thousand suns and Lisa can only gain sexual satisfaction when Milhouse becomes a zombie, making her a sick fuck necrophile as well.

and he posted on Yea Forums of all places.

Do you have the screencap?

It means more money for the Simpsons writers, and more work and royalties for Lisa's voice actress.

Disney Princesses (which started in the late 90s/early 00s) is a catch all marketing/merch line for all of the female Disney "princesses" that is hyper marketed to young girls with LOTS of merchandise from toys to beauty products to clothing and random shit they can slap a photo of a Disney Princess on.

The line itself is part of a major push by Disney of that period to get a stranglehold over the female demographic. And to make money off their back catalog of animated films, during a period when Disney had a string of big budget animated flops and the animated division needed to turn out profit ASAP.

It also is an all purpose branding deal, which lets them market all of their iconic female characters collectively instead of by film. This lets them promote merch for characters like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty and Snow White alongside more toyetic/successful films like Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast.

Also, Disney has started to incorporate (in theory at least) newly acquired properties like Princess Leia and Rey and Captain Marvel into the Disney Princess brand, though they've yet to receive any new merch so far. Partly because of internal issues, since characters like Leia and Carol Danvers and (in theory) Lisa have had their merch rights sold to other companies under the Marvel, SW, and Simpsons brands and as such, can't TECHNICALLY appear in any merch put out under the Disney Princess brand because of that.

America's obession with royalty comes from the desire to be someone special, to have come out of the right vagina to grow up in the lap of luxury AND have a title that basically cements you as not just being special (like most of the elites) but SUPER FUCKING SPECIAL.

Fuck Yeardley Smith and fuck Al Jean

The most obvious sign if you're watching zombie simpsons is if Lisa is soapboxing about how liberal she is with no pushback.

wtf does this even mean are you high?

why do democracy-worshiping capitalism-worshiping Americans have princess/royalty fantasies?

same reason we have lottery-winning fantasies

capitalism is a fucking alienating grind, and we're all basically spending most of our lives doing either:
* vital work for so little money we can't stop.
* useless work for so much money we dare not stop.

We know that there's an untouchable elite that are the only ones who are allowed to be happy. and being royalty is certainly more plausible than "hard work".

Yea Forums trying to discuss politics is like stepping into the twilight zone where they bitch and moan about americans in a simpsons thread

Calm down, commie. Little girls dreaming about sitting on a throne and being so special birds deliver their slippers has little bearing on the reality we live in.

i remember the thread eventually being flooded with horse ecelebs vying for her attention. it was funny when megasweet posted and people started spamming his lolicon art he had to leave lmao