


Attached: 928521_relatedguy_hot-gem-singles-in-your-area.gif (1000x715, 140K)

oh hey Beridot

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>all the gems are """"non-binary""""" but look and act like cis women
>they can canonically fuck humans
>they've been emotionally deprived for thousands of years
Steven single-handedly solved the incel problem.

Implying gems have tits.

Lapis is not for vaginal sex. Lapis is for footjobs.

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>they can canonically fuck humans
You can't fuck a rock. Greg was busting a nut on a rock.

Look, act, sound, and refer to each other using feminine pronouns and phrases. But they're totally non-binary.

Yes, the essence of their being is a rock, but everything else is a hard light projection that they can alter if desired.

>you will never have a gauntlet full of gem waifus that you can summon at your own command any time.
this really rustles my resources

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This isn't fucking Vietnam! There are standards here user.

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>Greg was busting a nut on a rock.
man when ya think about it isnt that what we're all doin here tonight? just bustin a fat nut on this big ol rock we call mother earth

>Infinity War but it's a harem manga

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Lapis is a headcase. Don't stick your dick in her.

>You can't fuck a rock
well not with that attitude.

lapis is for the garbage disposal

>hurr durr don't stick your dick in crazy
bitch please. i stick my dick in crazy all the time. you'd be hard pressed to find a chick who isn't crazy.

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I have a headcanon about Greg's murdercock: it actually isn't especially large or monstrous, despite the name. It's average-sized. He's just extremely good at maneuvering it. Because his dick-dexterity is so wild, he intrinsically knows which motions to make in order to please alien rock women.

Wise words user, the wisest I've heard this night.

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>you'd be hard pressed to find a chick who isn't crazy
Unlucky you.

>i stick my dick in crazy all the time
Doubt. Have sex.

No sane woman would fuck him

How hard is it to find chicks with Lapis's hair cut?

>all female looking butch looking
yeah no yeah

I wanna tickle Lapis so bad

I absolutely despise Lapis as a character but she's hot and I like the teasing personality the fandom gives her. Would hatefuck/10.

leave please

Why did I read that in boomhauer's voice?

You had a chance to say dicxterity and you didn't take it.

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Left Click or Right Click, user.....

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thanks for proving my point, ladies. ;)