As much as I thought the movie was generic and middling, I thought genie was adapted as good as could be without Robin

As much as I thought the movie was generic and middling, I thought genie was adapted as good as could be without Robin

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He was still Will

mmm no. but he was better than some of the other actors

People were saying Smith was good but only in the new scenes and not anytime he was trying to ape Robin.

What he did was sell the idea that any high energy actor can play the Genie as a variation of themself instead of Robin Williams. In other words, Will saw that Robin played Robin so Will decided to play Will.

I'm genuinely curious, why were people so outraged about them recasting the Genie? Robin is dead, what were they supposed to do? Not put the genie in the movie at all?

not do the movie for one. but also, i think will smith just doesn't fit the role. i think they could've gotten a much more fitting actor for the character.

it just didn't feel right to me. will smith and robin williams are night and day in terms of comedic delivery, so it doesn't add up to cast smith as such a high energy, manic character when he's usually more of a chilled out cool guy. i wasn't pissed about it or anything, but when i saw op pic in that first trailer, i was mortified. it just looked so bad and for disney who has more money than god that's just embarrassing.

Name one.

No. You wanna derive the spirit of Robin Williams in a new Genie? Hire an impressionist.

jim carrey

I agree that the movie was a dumb, blatant cashgrab that should never have been made. Will Smith doesn't seem terribly inappropriate in the role, in my opinion, but there are probably better actors for it.

Charlie Day

Jack Black.

It was ok at best but that doesn't excuse the fact that it's just a scummy cash grab.

It was more-so the uncanny cgi than anything else.

Will is not a high energy actor though. The genie has ten thousand years worth of bottled up energy. He's constantly on the verge of screaming. It's central to the character.

Yeah. He was best when he was more himself than trying to recreate Robin's charm. And that's the sad part about it. If Disney was confident enough they would've relied more on Will being Will.

What exactly is Will Smith's personality, besides leaning back and making smart-ass remarks?

Fun Fact: Howard Ashman originally conceived the Genie as being voiced by a black singer. This was changed because Disney thought having a black voiced character who's whole deal was being enslaved and subservient was kind of a bad PR move.

i think that's part of what made a lot of songs feel lackluster. friend like me is ok because will was doing his own kind of spin on it, but prince ali was more 1:1 and it suffers as a result. and this is more personal and less to do with will smith but more the writing, but arabian nights just didn't sound as good and i hate how it spoiled what they did with genie's character at the very beginning. you see will smith and you know he's the genie, but he's this regular dude with kids so oh, i guess he becomes human and has a wife at the end. cool, what's the point in even watching now?

Smart move.

As an actor or as genie? Cause there’s two different answers there, unless that was rhetorical altogether

>Will Smith's personality
Big Willy Style, an evolution of Fresh Prince.

Big Willy Energy

Will Smith was easily the best part of the film and worth the price of admission alone.

I heard they did the same thing with the Dumbo remake, where instead of leaving the twist that the elephant can fly until they end, they do it earlier on and really miss the basic story beats that made Dumbo.

James Monroe Iglehart begs to differ.

He'd just be yelling the whole time.

James Inglehart absolutely owned the role, easily made it his own, but he doesn't have the star power that Disney wanted.

Robin Williams was chosen because of his background doing improv and the character was specifically designed around his personality. It would be hard to find anyone with Robin Williams' level of spontaneity and energy.

Make something new instead of rehashing a story that has already been told?

How about not remaking the movies?

They replaced most of his animal companions with two boring human children who looked like they were reading most of their lines off of a cue card and they removed most of the iconic scenes from the movie (the pink elephants dream sequence, the crows teaching him how to fly, etc.).