What emotion is this face trying to convey?
What emotion is this face trying to convey?
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The fact this was supposed to convey sincere happiness is baffling to this day. Was this Jeph's secret cry for help? An insight into a hell he brought upon himself that he can never escape?
Bad art isn't exactly rocket science, dude.
He's so horrified he swallowed his own tongue
I remember dropping this with the reveal about the cute redhead. Not even the prospects of future Hanners would keep me following.
"You're beautiful.", said no actual man to a tranny monster.
The look of B^Uckley
It's not bad art it's adding lines under the eyes that is only used to convey sadness or exhaustion.
Male ally gaze.
>The fact this was supposed to convey sincere happiness
are you sure it is?
not necessarily
disilllusion after seeing your GF has a bigger dick than you.
>posting cp
enjoy your ban
We are literally in a thread where people are memeing about the face. It's been ridiculed for years and the question as to why he makes that face and what Jeph was thinking has been asked numerous times in threads since it was first posted.
Shut up faggot
Contextually? Weariness but also affection. No one ever said Jeph was a good artist.
I think part of the reason is the complete tonal offset between that page and the events leading up to it. Setting aside Claire's massive dong and the implications it has on Marten's anus, at what point does "found my friend unresponsive and covered in vomit and just spent the entire night in the ER as they treated her for severe alcohol poisoning" segue into having sex with your "girlfriend?" The living room was still covered in vomit, how could they not smell it?
without the lines under his eyes he actually looks happy
that's correct. how does my question contradict that?
He looks somewhat concerned but it's definitely more believable. The lines are just a weird choice.
>that's correct.
Glad you agree with me.
Resignation to rock bottom.
More excited than happy. Like he was expecting a Pringles can but instead got an exquisitely feminine penis.
Which cute redhead? Certainly not Claire, who looked like some kind of flaming donkey monster and only looked remotely cute when it was time to saddle Marten with her, which was then promptly ruined with Jeph's bodymod fixation.
>no comment
ok, pedo
A broken man at the crossroads of the long, difficult road towards rehabilitation and doubling down on his warped sense of sexuality.
He WAS exhausted. This is right after he took a drunk Faye to the hospital after he found her lying unconcious in a pool of her own puke. Then he needed a good pounding and called Claire over.
Big problem with the strip is he didn't draw the lines in the other panels when she came over. If he did that it would have been fine. If he did that would also have been fine.
The face of someone who has to let himself be raped and have sex he doesnt want to have or face that creature telling everyone he's transphobic and he'll get fired and a mob of lgbt peoplw will come to his house at night and burn it down while he's in deep rem sleep thus resulting in him being to sleepy to react in time and inevitably being burned alive. The thought of that happening is traveling through his mind at lighting speed and now he's trying to hold back tears and mentally prepare himself to except the rape he's about to endure.
Aw sick!
I hope you're trolling that pic is historically famous you unironic retard
It's the look of a man whose lack of ambition and listless meandering through life have led to him pursue the most readily available intimate contact he has. As Claire reveals her pasty ginger body, Marten is suddenly hit with the painful realization that this is, indeed, a boy. There is nothing here that would excite him under normal circumstances besides the prospect of busting a nut. His life is a travesty and his friends are toxic, and he's internally debating whether or not to add one more log to the shitfire that is his life. But it's convenient and they're both already here, so he gives in.
Awe at how stunning and brave his girlfriend is.
>someone end my suffering, pleeeeease
Imagine you are a webcomic character just living your strip to strip life. Then all of a sudden the comic artists start pushing you toward the tranny
That face is the realization "fuck that son of a bitch is actually going to do this to me" and there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is sit there and smile and those eyes bleeding into the image is the only thing you can do to express your existential horror.
right imagine you go to your aunts on christmas eve
and she gets you the wrong game but you have to feign happiness but deep inside youre abit pissed and upset
thats what hes conveying
Please tell me theres a Gendry/Arya GoT edit for this
It honestly looks like someone whose skull was caved in from some form of blunt trauma and now says "yes" to everything.
Apparently it's supposed to be a mix of wonder and happiness but it looks more like a face of immediate regret to me.
>"I've made a terrible mistake, but the sunken cost fallacy dictates I must press on."
There are a few that are passable. Up until maybe late 20s MAX. After that, it's downhill.
pondering if he's sincerely happy or just layered faking it
His mind:
>Ooh no, I'm about to take dick...and I made a bloody promise...help me!