TMNT thread. Discuss the cartoons, movies, and all that good stuff

TMNT thread. Discuss the cartoons, movies, and all that good stuff.

Fave turtle? Fave artists? Fave villain? Fave cartoon? Fave comic? Fave movie? Fave game? And so on. Do you like the RotTMNT cartoon?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fave turtle? Raphael.
Fave artists? Bates, Santolouco and Campbell. Also Eastman and Laird.
Fave villain? Shredder.
Fave cartoon? I like them all for various reasons but I think I have to go with the 2003 one.
Fave comic? I'm going with the IDW comic on this one.
Fave movie? The original 1990 will probably never be topped.
Fave game? Turtles in Time babyyyy.

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Ok, I was planning on doing some TMNT sketches. Which character do you want to see?

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Fave turtle? Donatelllo
Fave artists? Zulli
Fave villain? Fly Baxter stockman
Fave cartoon? 80’s cartoon
Fave comic? Leonardo one-shot from the mirage run
Fave movie? The Secret of the Ooze
Fave game? Into the Nexus for GameCube

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Casey Jones?

Campbell on art made me give up on IDW turtles but I see the appeal in that style. Are you a fan of alopex?

After I finish Eastman & Laird's original series what TMNT should I check out next?

There we go! Went with my own take since you didn't ask for a specific version.

Attached: casey_request1.png (783x695, 1.13M)

This was great

Sure I like Alopex. I mean I haven't kept up totally so I'm not sure if they've done some big changes to her. And I do prefer the fluffier Campbell version over the fierce Santolouco take.

Either the IDW one or the Archie comic I would say.

Attached: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Turtles in Time 003-009.jpg (3976x3056, 3.78M)

I started listening to it but I never finished it. Maybe I should.

Did you give up on the whole series? I mean it's not like Campbell is a main artists most of the time.

I'm going to try ranking the movies. Been a while since I saw them so things might change for me.

Secret of the Ooze
Turtles Forever
Batman vs TMNT
Out of the Shadows

That’s exactly what I had imagined good job and thanks

Yeah it just kind of ruined it for me so I’m weary to read things like the bebop and rocksteady minis even though they look exciting and the art is done by somebody else. Universe was fantastic

The last TMNT Archie Adventures volume 16 didn't include the Dan Slott 3 part story. Are we not getting that reprinted? That was the last and no volume 17?

Attached: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures v16-159.jpg (2107x3055, 1.78M)

Well the first mini did have a few pages with Campbell art but I'm not sure about the later one. The micro however is totally worth checking out if you haven't already.

Anyone know why Nickelodeon doesn't air the OG Turtles show on their retro block? Or do they only own the rights to the 00s version and the ones created explicitly for Nick after they bought the franchise?

Don't know. I stopped buying the IDW Archie Turtles books when they wholesale skipped the first Mighty Mutanimals mini.

I mean didn't Viacom/Nickelodeon buy the rights to basically all the turtles stuff? So they SHOULD be able to. They should also be able to release box sets for the 2003 series.

I only have like the first four ones. But I kinda want the Year of the Turtle mini since I remember liking the artwork in the issues I have from my childhood. I also think they removed some of the issues when they are in Israel or whatever instead of just editing out the Muhammed stuff or writing up a summary.

Attached: year2-4.jpg (573x365, 50K)

From a /tg/ perspective, I wish we got more Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles & Other Strangeness content

Wish I had some of those old roleplaying books. They seem neat.

Cool. I honestly didn't expect the original comic to be so good when I picked it up. But it is awesome and now I'm hooked.

Have you checked out the Mirage Tales of stuff as well?

The rules are awful Palladium stuff but the character creation minigame is fun.

Check ebay, they generally sell for $40-60 for core and $20-30 for the supplements.

Not yet.

It's worth checking out before you move on to other incarnations. You have the first Rat King story in there. Though it is pretty much just anthology stories so it has a lot of ups and downs.

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Since arcade 1up is doing a release of the arcade games in 3/4 scale think we will finally get a modern port of the games with online play

I'm guessing no.

I enjoyed the IDW version of the Turtles till Shredder was killed but they kept going. They didn't have a clear enough direction to go after that. Plus I just didn't wanna give IDW any more money.

>SOTO on top
It's crap

The Slott story was not on the ongoing. It was a mini.

I'm a sucker for Archie's TMNT Adventures and the Konami vidya,

Attached: cherubae_by_bestnameever.jpg (600x899, 82K)

I can give you links to cbr files.

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Go for it.

I thought it was still a part of TMNT Adventures though? And yeah SOTO might just be me being old and enjoying the costumes and silly stuff.

fuck yea

Hol' up RAPH is the leader? What is this RotTMNT?!?!?!

>Fave turtle?
Leo. He's got so little personality that I can project on him more than the others.

>Fave artists?
Michael Dooney for the Mirage series. Eastman/Laird is the standard but as for as the studio goes I liked Dooney's work the best. Michael Zuli's and Rick Vietch guest issues are also amazing works.

>Fave villain?
1984 Shredder

>Fave cartoon?

>Fave comic?
Soul's Winter Trillogy

>Fave movie?

>Fave game?
Turtles in Time

Attached: Michael+Dooney.jpg (988x1500, 451K)

Rifts - The Rifter 09.cbr

The Catalog of Palladium Books.cbr

The Magic of Palladium Books 04.cbz

TMNT Adventures.cbr

TMNT After The Bomb (2nd edition).cbr

TMNT After the Bomb.cbr

TMNT Corebook.cbr

TMNT Guide to the Universe.cbr

TMNT Mutants Down Under.cbr

TMNT Mutants in Avalon.cbr

TMNT Mutants in Orbit.cbr

TMNT Mutants of the Yucatan.cbr

TMNT Road Hogs.cbr

TMNT RPG Accessory Pack.cbr

TMNT Transdimensional Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.cbr

TMNT Truckin' Turtles.cbr

TMNT Turtles Go Hollywood.cbr

Nice work. Doing more?

There was a modern port on 360 but it was removed at some point

Santouloco and Chris Allan

Did they ever actually make a comic series where the Turtles looked like they did in that action figure line that crossed over with Savage Dragon for some reason?

A promotional mini comic only.

I dropped IDW for several reasons. I enjoyed the way the turtles were portrayed in the first year or so. It was different, but a good kind of different.
Raphael wasn't a perpetual asshole, he was really chill but had a quickfire temper. Kind of like a combination of Classic Raph and 80's toon Raph.
I adored that it was Leo and Donny constantly butting heads in a faith vs. knowledge battle. It was an interesting turn for the characters, it made sense, and it was neat seeing Donny being the confrontational turtle.
Then, out of nowhere they just reverted to their usual tropes. About the time of Secret of the Foot Clan, Raphael was a perpetual grump, with a permanent scowl like always.
Donny was now meek, and it seemed like he and Leo just had the same relationship every other version of the characters have ever had.

What happened to Alopex is inexcusable. She started out as a badass, manipulative ninja prodigy, reduced to a bubbly, idiotic bimbo and a sidekick to a street punk in a discount Iron Man suit.
After time, the book just slogged on. It's bad enough it doesn't seem to have a true direction anymore, but it became boring as all hell, and I couldn't find any reason to keep buying it.
What's been going on in it lately?

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Oh ok thanks

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The lack of true direction is probably because so many people worked on it the last years. A spin-off, a lot of minis...
It's like shooting on many directions. The last B&R mini was a shitfest of cringe humor. No way you can put it on the same level than the serious ongoing.

Yeah when i get home in a while.

Fave turtle?
Fave artists?
Jim Lawson (yeah, you heard me) and Santalucco
Fave villain?
Fave cartoon?
Fave comic?
IDW, easily. Although Archie has a special place in my heart.
Fave movie?
First live action one
Fave game?
Hyperstone Heist

Honestly things seem to finally be going somewhere with a shit ton of plots converging into their next big arc, i'm hopefull for the future, and the characters have gotten a bit better, with the new Macro series doing a good job with the turtle's personalities, i say there was definetly a period where things went downhill, but they seem to be getting better, even Alopex had a half decent arc with Raph

How about Muslim Eagle?

Attached: muslim eagle.png (980x684, 1.47M)

Cool, thanks.

A very charismatic mouser

I'm back, does anyone have a character they wanna see?

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Can do, just gotta get settled.

Here's your Al'Falqa

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How about the weird prototype versions of Bebop and Rocksteady?

Attached: bebop and rocksteady concept laird.jpg (736x978, 229K)

How toyetic.


I have no idea what I am doing.

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well done

Rise Splinter.

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Alternatively Lou Jitsu.

Attached: lou jitsu 1550334135924.jpg (993x560, 255K)

Here's prototype Bebop.

Attached: prototype_bebop_request4.png (882x882, 1.26M)

Cool, always wondered how things would have turned out if they went with those designs.

How about something with Azrael?

If you're feeling it, the middle stage of her transformation

Attached: Azrael.jpg (759x1407, 385K)

Oh you KNOW I have to go with my man Lou Jitsu on this one. My man even got some ink. I skipped his glasses though. Maybe I should add them?

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Yeah, the glasses would complete the look. It's still really nice though.

Yeah, that's more like it.

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Hmm I think I've done this before. Maybe I should find the old Azrael and scan it, or ink it and scan it. Or just try my hand at it again.

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Oh neat, I didn't know it was done.

I wouldn't say no if you wanted to redo the BIRB sketch.

Weird one, but what about Mitsu from TMNT3 as Aska from TMNT Tournament Fighters? Since Aska was originally going to BE Mitsu it'd be cool to see a slightly more Asian-looking Aska. Or something.

I mean, I tried, but I don't know.

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There we are!

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>Fave turtle?


> Fave artists?
Eastman, Lawson, and Campbell.

Fave villain?


Fave cartoon?


Fave comic?


Fave movie?


Fave game? SNES TMNT IV: Turtles in Time.

Attached: shredderliefeld2.jpg (2318x3587, 680K)

Maybe your interpretation of what an RotTMNT version of a character might look like? Null, Alopex, whoever, take your pick.

Failing that: One of Reporter April's alternate forms, like the cat/fishwoman?

Anybody enjoy the GameCube/ps2/Xbox turtles games based on the 2k3 series?

I enjoyed the sequel which had Karai, Casey, Splinter, and NOTSub Zero as unlockables.

Good stuff.

Fave turtle?
Fave artists?
Zulli, Santaluoco, Schoering (? The ghostbusters guy)
Fave villain?
Slash (preferred the villain version)
Fave cartoon?
Overall, the 03 series
Fave comic?
Archie and IDW
Fave movie?
Fave game?
Tmnt Arcade (soooo much money spent)
Do you like the RotTMNT cartoon?
I did. I just haven't gotten around to watching more than a few eps. Have they brought in Shredder yet?

I tried my hand at a character before and it turned out horrible but maybe I'll give it a go.

KINDA no Shredder yet But it's going on.

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I'm leaning towards fishwoman.

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That'd be cool!

I remembered there was one other form, a wasp, but at first glance at it I think fish'd work better anyway haha

Yeah I think I know the wasp thing you're talking about. But yeah, I just started the fishy one.

And she's done.

Attached: april_fishwoman_request8.png (667x679, 740K)

She's adorable, thanks!

She was probably the most fun I had doing these so far. Ok, maybe Lou Jitsu wins but she's a close second.

Overall, or just in this thread?

fa/tg/uy here. Developing a TMNT RPG setting based on the OG material. Were would you draw the line between the more mature and original cannon media and the more adolescent and not OG media?

Of course the first volume by Mirage. Anything else gritty tone worthy?

This thread but possibly overall when it comes to the TMNT requuests.

Cool! Glad you had fun with it, love the expression.

Thoughts on IDWs Bishop?

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Wasted potential. Just like IDW Shredder and Krang.

How so? he seems to be getting a lot of focus.

I feel like I want to watch rottmnt but I don't really feel like committing either

A lot of episodes are stand alone.

Working on an edited color version.

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Kinda reminds of Travis Touchdown.

Haha I did another request a few days ago that someone also likened to Travis. It's Jet Jaguar from Godzilla as a human.

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I actually think he kinda looks like Gene from God Hand

For grittiness check out the latter part of Archie’s turtle run. Also the image run which is off the wall crazy. What line are you referring to between original and cartoon?

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Nice work user.