Who thought hip hop variants were a good idea?

who thought hip hop variants were a good idea?

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old white guys trying to appeal to kids

>who thought hip hop was a good idea?
Nigger music sounds terrible

beastie boys is good

My black friend bought some with me

No they arent

they are

They arent

>hating on hip hop
Found the casual. That's like thinking pop music is rock.


this is what always happens when white old heads try to appropriate black culture

Obviously Alonso had a thing for hip hop and old school rap. The problem is that he assumed it would be popular with an audience that are predominantly white males.

isn't rap already bought mostly by white teens? The black population in america isn't all that large.

So you’re dumb and a racist cool cool


and to answer your question OP, Axel Rose Alonso. Fuck him

the problem is that hip hop sucks, and it's literally nigger-tier music. Blacks did great rock, rave, dance, jazz music, but equating them to the shit that is hh is really degrading


Why do they bother you and why are you bringing them up years after they've stopped doing them?

Imagine dismissing an entire genre because you don't like their skin color or the mass produced shit that gets played on the radio.

just bc you dont get it doesnt mean its bad. i can tell you've never heard anything good

no one who reads a-force will gaf about old school hip hop album variants. they overestimated their audience


stop talking like a nigger, nigger

>hip hop
>not poor ass monkey yelps for niggers

>anons start dropping n-bombs to get replies
>gets replies

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>Nigger music sounds terrible
Even R&B?

He's some /pol/fag who hates them because they're Jews, even though they're one of the better ones.

>The problem is that he assumed it would be popular with an audience that are predominantly white males
user, you are on Yea Forums where most of us are whites and hip hop has always been popular here.

I liked them.

>hip hop has always been popular here
I like hip hop and I know that's not true.

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They were fun if you got the references

This. I love 90% of them. With a passion

Curious, this is the first time I’ve seen someone dislike those. I personally love the idea and the execution of it

>You will never be pushed to the ground and have all those A-force women stand over you

I liked them, something new compared to their normal boring variants

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